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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 211212213 214215 ... 390
Serious / Re: What do you think of these "rights"?
« on: May 21, 2015, 01:57:41 PM »
Actually, I'd like an example of this.
Can't think of any specific examples and be confident in my analysis of them, but there was a big hullabaloo in the British media about not being able to deport certain hate preachers because they could be tortured in the country they were sent back to.

Right. So lets set this down in laymans terms. Their home country hates them so much that they'd get tortured on return. So basically it's a reverse of this image.


Countries are dumping their garbage on the ones that take in immigrants. Hoo boy.

Serious / Re: What do you think of these "rights"?
« on: May 21, 2015, 01:50:17 PM »
I'm not understanding the wording on the third one.
Should we deport assholes if their home country is constituted by even bigger assholes?

The Flood / Re: oh my god
« on: May 21, 2015, 01:42:51 PM »
Did you try turning it on and off again?

Serious / Re: What do you think of these "rights"?
« on: May 21, 2015, 01:30:47 PM »
Sketchy on the first one. But, to be fair, there's worse people who already vote anyway.

Sketchy on the second.

Fuck that shit on the third. If you go and move to a country you play by their rules and their culture and make a willing effort to intergarate. Protests are fine, rallies are fine, but promoting a general shitty act and openly, potentially recruiting more followers to the cause is bullshit. Freedom of speech is fine. Protest all you want back in your home country of origin.

Life in prison, for the most part, is reserved for really shitty acts. Here comes the controversy train, choo choo.

Generally I believe if you're that far gone, and you get a sentance like that, then you should honestly just be taken out back and shot. Life in prison is a drain on resources. And it's pampering. While said prisoner, is stuck in prison, and not free, at the same time, they're given commodoties. They're given shit to keep them happy while they spend life in prison, while there are other people out there who struggle to have as much as that when they've done no wrong. That to me, isn't fair.

It's a real shame really. I never bought the full games. I just played the ever living shit out of the demos/betas when they went up. Loved them to bits.

And the WaW beta. That was the only CoD game I ever played and it was fun as shit. I remember all the glitches.

How many did you eat?
10& a half, the water I drank right now is what really pushed my stomach/made me queasy

What kind of donuts to be precise?

Serious / Re: Journalism is dying a fucking slow death
« on: May 21, 2015, 01:03:14 PM »
Why has it take you this long to realise this?

Realising and speaking up about it are two different things!

Are you cosplaying as a police officer?
what is your favorite song?

You had to pick the hard one to answer. Never really have an all time favorite. Just passerby hits basically.

Are you cosplaying as a police officer?

The Flood / Re: Gimme shit to draw
« on: May 21, 2015, 12:19:51 PM »
britishlemon tongue-kissing challengerX

and holding hands
wtf do they look like

make sure challengerX is black, but have him wearing a t-shirt that says "i'm not black"

No no no. You've gotta put it in caps.


It has to be a proud proclamation. And loud.

And it needs more


The Flood / Re: Thar be Beavers
« on: May 21, 2015, 12:15:53 PM »
Are they angry beavers?

Depending on how you handle them, yes. Most certainly.

And they're canadian too. There might even be two of them!

The Flood / Re: Thar be Beavers
« on: May 21, 2015, 10:52:50 AM »
Theres a bear that keeps going in front of my apartment. I REALLY wish the DNR would do something, because Bears are fuckin scary

You know what you need? Something loud. Bears aren't fond of loud things. The dump, a few miles off from town here, gets lots of visits from bears. The fellow who works there keeps a fog horn around and wards them off that way.

The Flood / Thar be Beavers: Update 2
« on: May 21, 2015, 10:46:51 AM »
Yesterday, I learned something interesting. There's a beaver over at my sister's farm. It built a dam to block two drainage  culverts in the ditch and has made a home by a roadside dugout. I went walking out back and found the story. Cut down trees all over the place.

Now, the culvert is the town's problem. They're going to come over with some industrial stuff and clear the dam. What I'm trying to do now is give a hand in catching the beaver before the town shows up and shoots it. We're going to trap it and relocate it to some wild area.

Talking to conservation officers in the area and I think we're shit out of luck for live traps which means we'll have to have some fun and construct our own.

Beavers, classified as Canada's largest rodent, can weigh up to 50 pounds. Will take pictures if we can figure out how to trap the bugger.

Update 1:

Got a hold of a trap from some really damn far off conservation officers. Taught me how to use it. Drove around the area all day today and found a suitable release spot.

The problem with my area, is that if I let the beaver loose in any old puddle of water, farmers would shoot it right away. Too obvious of an area, and trappers would get him. An area with other beavers, and he'd be run off. Spent all day searching the northern forested areas up north away from my town, and found a good location.

The trap is nifty as well. Essentially, it functions exactly like a bear trap, except there's mesh in the gaps. When closed, the trap is essentially a giant suitcase. On Monday evening I'm going to set the trap, and check it on early tuesday morning, and head out.

It's a damn shame I didn't bring my camera today either because I passed through some damn incredibly nice forest. Rare for my province. Risky as well. Saw evidence of bear activity, recent. Now's a bd time to be out in the wilderness because there's no berries yet and the bears are hungry as shit.


Took some pictures of things and finally got around to setting the trap up today. Baited with an apple and potatoe.

The trap, like I said, essentially a big closing suitcase modified from the concept of a bear trap or such.

One of the drainage culverts the little bugger blocked off.


Things the little bugger enjoys eating.


And the rather poor area he's located himself into, which is why he needs to be moved.

The Flood / Re: I'm heroic now
« on: May 21, 2015, 01:39:52 AM »
I blame that stupid cunt Nuka fuck you Nuka
Fuck you Batch


Your self dialogue. Reminds me of this.

The Flood / Re: >3DPD
« on: May 21, 2015, 12:14:03 AM »
Name. Names names names. I remember yours. Nothing else except glasses.

Your name, and glasses. The wearable kind. I take it you've been here before then? Just haven't posted in a while?

The Flood / Re: Wonderful moments
« on: May 21, 2015, 12:09:38 AM »
You asking for them or just stating one? I'll shoot anyway. Today was different. Something good.

Working out and about on various farms, a big percentage of it to help my sister and her husband. May as well call me a farmhand at this point. A good sense of satisfaction, today.

My sister uses old tractor rims as plant pots. I'm talking of the really old tractor rims, or tires. The kind that are steel or iron.

Decided we wanted to put them in a row, out by one of their fields. And I had a good idea, for the whole affair. To make them line up and even, I suggested, taking a string, lining it up in the middle of one from one end to the other. So, when all was said and done, I looked over at a perfectly straight row, of 44 iron tractor wheels.

No fuss, no fidgeting. Just a perfectly straight row.

Something enjoyable about it.

The Flood / Re: Why Did You Leave
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:59:32 PM »
Not sure on things. But I remember there being attempted offsites before this one. Got nuked I think. Heard about this place. Stalled for a while, after the other sites.

Eventually drifted over, stayed here.

Gaming / Re: Is jeremy wade a real life witcher?
« on: May 20, 2015, 10:46:09 PM »
Where, in the flaming fuck, have I seen this before.

I've seen this before. I know I've seen a thread just like this.

on sep7agon?

I can't place it. I remember the title. I remember the picture. I've seen this shit before, and I'm pretty sure that it was here.

Gaming / Re: Is jeremy wade a real life witcher?
« on: May 20, 2015, 10:42:29 PM »
Where, in the flaming fuck, have I seen this before.

I've seen this before. I know I've seen a thread just like this.

I know what you're saying OP
I would pick Jupiter, the ring that surrounds it is way too cool
Generally Saturn is the one people picture having rings, but I'm sure Jupiter has some as well.

Jupiter, indeed has rings. Very small and faint compared to Saturn's.

The Flood / Re: jesus christ the mods on bnet are faggots
« on: May 20, 2015, 10:38:58 PM »
Ya but the mods don't perma ban anymore. Bans mean fuck all, as far as I know. Just a waiting line of sorts.

Gaming / Re: Properly working games on day 1 when?
« on: May 20, 2015, 10:34:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: So ded
« on: May 20, 2015, 10:18:05 PM »
But jesty, we couldn't post if we were all dead.

The Flood / Re: What is this?
« on: May 20, 2015, 10:16:45 PM »
this place is basically a refugee camp

Seems so, but is it a better refugee camp?


Appearance wise, this refugee camp could emmulate a 5 star hotel while the old site is some cardboard box with a moldy blanket.

People wise, this is the refugee camp that will rip itself apart before the zombies do in an apocalypse.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 02:45:51 PM »
Why is this thread still going?

If I were challenger, I believe I'd post something like this.


Something along those lines.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 02:44:17 PM »
If you were trying to help you'd stick to your guns.
"I need constant sympathy and pity"

Get a grip. Pretty much everybody on this forum is depressed and/or has been suicidal. Meta almost killed himself a few years ago. He didn't whine and cry even half as much you did, if at all.

All you do is just post these gigantic walls of text whining about your life as if you've suffered way more than every depressed person on earth put together. Fucking deal with it bro. It's not easy but it sure as he'll isn't as hard as you're making it out to be.

Sticking more words and insinuations in my mouth again are you? How quaint. If midget was actually intending to help, don't you think it'd make a little more sense do do it over a PM? In which case I'm not asking for help anyway.

And when, was the last time I made a big mopey depressive thread? I can't even remember. Only little walls, here and there.

And you know why? People asked. I'm not going to lie and say that it's fucking peachy.

And when saying buck up, I'm going to present things on my part to show that it's not fucking peachy. Believe me I understand what you're saying completely. Lot of sad folks around here.

And you remember Meta, right? I do too.

I remember approaching him through a pm, and giving him my personal phone number to call me, in case he had nobody else to talk to.

So why don't you stop making wild guesses out of the blue here and assume that I am not aware of things. Why don't you stop jumping the gun on things, maybe?

I'll assume that you're not going to respond because these little batches of text are too much for you.

I'll assume that I'm not going to get a solid answer from you as to why you jumped my ass for no good reason.

Which therefore, I'll assume that you're just like the majority of people out there. An asshole.

So go ahead, please.

Prove me right.

The Flood / Re: Felicia and Cam Cam Nudes here
« on: May 20, 2015, 02:21:53 PM »
Oh shit, anyone got a 48hour sep7 trial code? I NEED to see this shit.

I'll pm you one.

The Flood / Re: Felicia and Cam Cam Nudes here
« on: May 20, 2015, 02:20:43 PM »
Now, I don't normally pay attention to people.

But damn. They've got my attention now.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 02:02:52 PM »
Yes, because this all started, when I came in, and made the remark, "Cheery bunch aren't you?"

I didn't even have any intent behind it. Those words, were about as hollow as they come. No meaning behind them. No intention. And the first thing you did, was jump the gun and say all that wonderful shit. I didn't come in talking shit.

You exploded on me for whatever apparent reason, and then I responded in kind.
It was a passive aggressive post, the meaning was "you guys sure are depressing and antagonistic people" when all I did was make a joke thread.

If you're going to day something like that when all I'm doing is joking, of course I'm gonna talk shit to you. You're asking for it by being an asshole.

So yes, I don't fucking understand. I don't understand you, or how and why you choose to act in the manner that you do. I don't understand why you apparently "don't care" when your first god damn response to me is a straight up insult.

If I'm ever going to be insulting, I will straight up say it. The rest of whatever I say, is just my strange sense of humor.

So, took you fucking long enough to realize that I don't understand why all of this came out of such a small comment now didn't you?

Now we can fucking get somewhere.
Cool beans.

Talk shit and I'll talk shit back. Now stop spamming me with essays.

Mighty fine insinuations coming from you. You know I use all manner of words and some of them have different meanings to me. Me making a statement to you in that manner wasn't me saying, "Gee you guys sure are depressing and antagonistic."

That was me, simply talking. That was it. And naturally, I'd bet you a couple bucks out of my pocket, that you'd wager I'm just trying to cover my own ass.

Because you think I'd be lying. Of course you can't trust anybody on the internet. Why would there be an honest person out there in the world?

I meant, no harm. I was talking no shit. Unless of course you want me to fucking broadcast everything and explain it down to the last detail.

So, stop spamming you with essays? No. Because you jumped my ass first. You've my attention now and I'm legitimately curious. You'll have to mute me if you want me to shut my trap.

Because this little place is like a small town. You bump into familiar faces every day.

So come on then, pull up a chair. Let's talk. We've got time. It's the internet right? You can leave and come back and pick up a conversation anytime you want.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 01:41:48 PM »

Big long walls, irrelevant.

I've a question for you. Because I'm curious.

Do you ever stop and think, that maybe it's a little fucked that you've got to wear the jaded internet warrior mask all the time? All because some silly little asshat who doesn't know any sense of self control on the internet decides to "troll?"

Because that's what it is. You've got two types of people on the internet. Those who don't take it seriously, and those who do. Originally, when the internet first started, generally, everybody took it seriously. And then, as always, some asshat went up and decided, "hey, let's go yank people's chains around!"

And it just spread, after that. So, the internet is now full of so much bullshit that you have to put on a front of not caring and taking every single thing with a grain of salt because you can't trust what people say anymore.

Please, answer me that.

Doesn't that seem, just a bit fucked to you?
The point is to not take hostility seriously because people talking shit anonymously are totally irrelevant to your life.

You spazzing out from my post shows you take the Internet too seriously. And it's not just the Internet, you can't be that thin skinned face to face either. It gets you nowhere.

Actually, I'm to the point, face to face. If I have an issue with somebody, as in, they're pissing around in concerns to me, then I will tell them and I will make my point known. Taking people seriously, because the majority of them are assholes, is the only way to go. Otherwise, they'll just keep on playing their bullshit cards until you get fed up with it enough to do something about it.
That's nice.

"totally irrelevant to your life."

And that's rich. That's real rich. Considering you brought up several points that obviously aren't cheery with me. Maybe you weren't thinking, but the large, past chunk of months, haven't been cheery for me. And looking back on them, I feel even worse, thinking about it. So, having to show up, and look at that, and be reminded of that entire mess, doesn't amuse me.
What part of "I wasn't joking when I said that" didn't you understand? I was talking shit to you because you came in talking shit to me. If you can't handle it, don't start anything.

So I ask, why not take things just a bit more seriously? Because you can step on people. There's a person behind the screen.
Because my life is serious enough. I don't see what's wrong with making a joke thread or jokingly telling people to kill themselves or whatever the fuck.

I shouldn't have to come on here and take guessing games about which asshat is being serious or no. I shouldn't have to walk along and play skip rope around and take shots in the dark about whose being a comedian 24/7.
I make it pretty clear when I'm joking and when I'm serious.

It'd be nice if people were a little more straight up, if you catch my drift. Maybe, nice if people were slightly more considerate before they posted. I guess that's asking too much.
I'm being straight up with you.

You just can't seem to understand what's going on here.

Yes, because this all started, when I came in, and made the remark, "Cheery bunch aren't you?"

I didn't even have any intent behind it. Those words, were about as hollow as they come. No meaning behind them. No intention. And the first thing you did, was jump the gun and say all that wonderful shit. I didn't come in talking shit.

You exploded on me for whatever apparent reason, and then I responded in kind.

So yes, I don't fucking understand. I don't understand you, or how and why you choose to act in the manner that you do. I don't understand why you apparently "don't care" when your first god damn response to me is a straight up insult.

If I'm ever going to be insulting, I will straight up say it. The rest of whatever I say, is just my strange sense of humor.

So, took you fucking long enough to realize that I don't understand why all of this came out of such a small comment now didn't you?

Now we can fucking get somewhere.

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