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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 210211212 213214 ... 390
Serious / Re: Do you think WWIII will be fought over water?
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:36:29 PM »
There won't ever be a third world war. Too many interconnected supply lines and ties. Consider the predominant powers currently.

The US and by extension because of partnership, Canada.
The UK.

All three of them are buddy buddy, and trade amongst each other. No other country has the means to even make a dent in things. And if any of the countries on that list up above I mentioned decided to attack one another, they'd be frightfully stupid.

The US and Canada are heavily dependant on all of China's outsourced labor. And likewise, China is dependant on the money flow coming in from said countries. I can't speak for the UK, but I imagine similiar circumstances.

And, water, of course. You know we already deal in high toxcicity levels of pollution right? Just because your water is polluted doesn't mean you can't drink it.

Fuck, so long as it rains you have a source of water so long as you filter it.

The better question here is this.

Here we are, sitting on a little planet, our little boat. We had clean air, clean water, and everything we needed, provided. And all we had to do, was take care.

And we fucked it up.

How much fucking more retarded could we get? Nevermind, actually. I'd rather not find out.

The Flood / Re: Remember to carry balloons on you at all times.
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:18:54 PM »
I believe this was already debunked as fake.

The Flood / Re: Posts from yesterday on the front page.
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:09:10 PM »
I'd say row row row yer boat gently down the stream. But it's so slow that it ain't even a stream.

Stream's dry, man. Dry as a bone.

The Flood / Re: god I can't wait for Superman Vs Batman
« on: May 23, 2015, 02:41:29 AM »
Oh my God, what the fuck is wrong with WW's chest?
Did you see the XXX part of the title?
did not.

still awful

flat chested porn stars > silicone titty monsters
I can definitely agree with this. Huge tits just take away from everything else.

The Flood / Re: Who will win this final duel?
« on: May 23, 2015, 02:24:50 AM »
Ya'll bored again comms?

The Flood / Re: god I can't wait for Superman Vs Batman
« on: May 23, 2015, 01:54:01 AM »
I swear.

"Do you bleed?"

The Flood / Re: Well, look at this!
« on: May 23, 2015, 01:37:09 AM »

The Flood / Re: Rocket just got called out on
« on: May 23, 2015, 01:26:53 AM »
Who the fuck is Rocket

Our token friendly neighborhood christian. He's like the Ned Flanders of sep7agon.

Early Simpsons Flanders, yes. Before he became a one dimensional "hurrdurr fundamentalists" character.

Joke's on you, I called it quits before the show went downhill. Unspoiled in its pristine memory.

Gaming / Re: Banned on Showdown
« on: May 22, 2015, 11:03:50 PM »
TF2. Spychecking. I was spychecking as a heavy. Since, naturally, not only pyro can spycheck. Anybody can. I'm accute with the vast majority of player patterns for spy. So I was doing a damn good job of spychecking as heavy because since I'm a slow fat fuck, I need to watch my ass.

And then I got ding dong bannu'd because apparently I was le hacking.

No. It couldn't be. A player other than pyro, spychecking? Madness.

The Flood / Re: Well, you guys were right about one thing.
« on: May 22, 2015, 10:56:03 PM »
All you did was talk to yourself there anyway. No one cares.

At least he didn't have to go to a different country to fuck a filthy feminist. Pussy.



The Flood / Re: Well, you guys were right about one thing.
« on: May 22, 2015, 10:51:31 PM »
Christ, I don't even make threads very often because I've nothing of any real value to say.

And you're asking me what the hell I'd make a private group for?

The Flood / Re: Thar be Beavers
« on: May 22, 2015, 10:20:24 PM »
Ur life sounds like a skyrim quest line

I practically live in Skyrim. Minus the mountains.

I can say proudly that the skyboxes in my province are on par with Skyrims.

The Flood / Re: Thar be Beavers: Update 1
« on: May 22, 2015, 09:53:32 PM »
Will take pictures of shit on Monday.

The Flood / Re: Rocket just got called out on
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:27:33 PM »
Who the fuck is Rocket

Our token friendly neighborhood christian. He's like the Ned Flanders of sep7agon.

The Flood / Re: Why are you still awake?
« on: May 22, 2015, 02:44:46 AM »
Lost. Drifting again apparently. Thank you for reminding me that I've things to do in the morning. Feel iffy too.

I was awake. Off to sleep now. Bon voyage.

-Middle of nowhere
-Two bullets only

-Gun at the back of the head where the neck meets the skulls. (The sensitive stuff is in the back.. You never want to shoot yourself on the side of the head as it can result in failure and mutilation)

-Quickly double tap

you must be a real dumbass to have a thick enough skull to stop a point-blank shot to the head.

All the important parts of the human brain are more towards the back than the front. That's also why our spinal cord is in the back.

Skulls protect the brain.. yes, bullets can go through the skull, but if you hit the wrong spot.. you are going to probably live in a horrible state for the rest of your life.

Many people who attempt or do it are doing it wrong and the ones that die, just got lucky.

If you are going to shoot yourself from the front.. you'll want to go through the eye socket or an upward angle through the mouth. The less bone you have to go through, the more maximized result.

Apparently, shooting right behind the lower ear is the way to do it.

Live suicide tapes of a reporter that killed herself on live television, sources said she learned that from a police officer during her time as a journalist.

The Flood / Re: new avatar
« on: May 22, 2015, 01:16:36 AM »
Text is written for ants

I fixed it!

The Flood / Re: some cashier at a 7/11 cracked me up today
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:38:33 AM »
Work work work. More progress on the heavy lifting. Getting ready to set beaver a beaver trap tomorrow. Supposedly, potentially, maybe, might be saying bon voyage to a friend.

Nice day. Lots of things done. Less than appealing evening.

The Flood / Re: I'm $1700 richer and just quit my job AMA
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:31:39 AM »

Serious / Re: What do you think of these "rights"?
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:28:05 AM »
1. Death penalty
2. Death penalty
3. Death penalty
4. Death penalty

I take it you're opting for the illuminati and their population control schemes then?

There's no beating the Illuminati, so it's best to join 'em and work your way up the ranks

Good idea. Now.

Where can I buy one of their token tinfoil hats? Are they standard issue for new recruits?

Serious / Re: What do you think of these "rights"?
« on: May 22, 2015, 12:12:55 AM »
1. Death penalty
2. Death penalty
3. Death penalty
4. Death penalty

I take it you're opting for the illuminati and their population control schemes then?


That's basically it, really. I personally enjoyed the Kilo-5 trilogy, but that's literally just me. They're fairly skippable.
What is the Kilo-5 trilogy?

It's a post-Halo 3 setup focusing on ONI doing dirty shit to destabilize primarily the Elites after the war. Focuses on several points of view on both sides, and gives some backsides to the fellow we know as Jul in spartan ops.

And, also, Traviss used it as an oppurtunity to shit on Halsey's character.

And a few others.
Is it a book or comic?

What are the books called?

Glasslands, The Thursday War, and Mortal Dictata.

theyre ok for the most part. Kinda boring and traviss isnt that great of a writer (apparently she never read any other halo book) she also takes the opportunity to look at the ethics of what halsey did
Alright. Is there anything else that came out before Halo4 that is directly relevant to the story line?

the forerunner saga and some comics that i didn't read

The forerunner saga is: Cryptum , Primidorium, and Silentium

But if you aren't into heavy reading or real heavy sci-fi then they won't be for you. Primordium contains a lot of walking.


That's basically it, really. I personally enjoyed the Kilo-5 trilogy, but that's literally just me. They're fairly skippable.
What is the Kilo-5 trilogy?

It's a post-Halo 3 setup focusing on ONI doing dirty shit to destabilize primarily the Elites after the war. Focuses on several points of view on both sides, and gives some backsides to the fellow we know as Jul in spartan ops.

And, also, Traviss used it as an oppurtunity to shit on Halsey's character.

And a few others.
Is it a book or comic?

What are the books called?

Glasslands is the first.

Holy shit I actually forgot the second one.

Third is Mortal Dictata, I THINK.


That's basically it, really. I personally enjoyed the Kilo-5 trilogy, but that's literally just me. They're fairly skippable.
What is the Kilo-5 trilogy?

It's a post-Halo 3 setup focusing on ONI doing dirty shit to destabilize primarily the Elites after the war. Focuses on several points of view on both sides, and gives some backsides to the fellow we know as Jul in spartan ops.

And, also, Traviss used it as an oppurtunity to shit on Halsey's character.

And a few others.

The Flood / Re: Can someone do me a favor?
« on: May 21, 2015, 09:03:30 PM »
Here you go OP :)


I've a question.

id jump out of a plane naked eating a cheeseburger and shooting a gun

like a true american

You forgot the scooter.

You have to do it on a scooter. Fat people. They need scooters to move.

I'd go on a crime spree until someone kills me probably. It'd probably be the most fun way to end things.
That's an immoral way to go too
I'm gonna have what fun I can and try to feel alive again one last time before death takes me away.
There are other ways of doing that without taking the lives of those who might be enjoying themselves.

Correct! Like grabbing a plane ticket, grabbing a gun, and flying off to some war torn country to fight against all the shitty people you hear about on the news until you are killed.

Rather than fly planes into mountains, why not do everybody a favor on your way out instead?

Serious / Re: What do you think of these "rights"?
« on: May 21, 2015, 08:35:56 PM »
Actually, I'd like an example of this.
Can't think of any specific examples and be confident in my analysis of them, but there was a big hullabaloo in the British media about not being able to deport certain hate preachers because they could be tortured in the country they were sent back to.

Right. So lets set this down in laymans terms. Their home country hates them so much that they'd get tortured on return. So basically it's a reverse of this image.


Countries are dumping their garbage on the ones that take in immigrants. Hoo boy.
Out of interest--because I really want to know--if I put a gun to your head and forced you to vote in the Canadian federal elections, who would you vote for and why? I really can't put my finger on where you lie politically.

And I know you normally reject the establishment wholesale as self-interested and incompetent, which is fair enough, but I want to know which party you think represents you the most. Even if only minimally.

Well, since I don't vote, I don't keep up with much information in regards to political parties. At all, in fact. I don't even remember all of their names. And, their are different kinds of votes. There's provincial elections, and then prime minister elections.

Provincials determine the person who governs you province, or sector of the province. And the PMs, obviously, are for the Prime minister. Frankly, the provincials don't mean shit when you're a guy in a field. They ain't gonna turn everything hunky dory. Nor the PM.

But, I am, recently, keeping track of people. I know that Steven Harper needs to get right the fuck out of office. Personally, I'm thinking of Trudeau's son.

He's young, although that can lead to mistakes. But at the same time, since he's young, he might have an ear for the younger crowds of people in the country, and therefore, we just might stand a chance of turning things around with him.

But I'd have to look into it more. Personally, Meta, I don't give a shit about the parties. I care about the head honcho and his supposed values because he calls the shots.

There's a radio tower in my town with a rather frightful lack of barriers round it that I've visited on shittier days. Most likely, jump from that. Although, I could still hit somebody if I did. Or land on somebody's house.

Best way to do it, personally I think, would be in the winter. On a cold night, -20, -30. Walk out into a field somewhere.

I hear that death by cold is rather relaxing. You feel warm, you get drowsy, and then you go to sleep.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap I'm sorry.
« on: May 21, 2015, 08:08:04 PM »
Whaaaaaaaat in the flying fuck did I miss. I missed something here.

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