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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 205206207 208209 ... 390
Gaming / Re: GwG June Lineup
« on: May 28, 2015, 06:25:16 PM »
Pool Nation was entertaining for a few hours.

I might actually play JC2.

Are you gonna try it out?

Just cause?

The Flood / Re: 2 cm away from crashing
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:14:56 PM »
You and cars don't seem to mix very well.

Of course they don't. One's metal and the other's squishy meat product.
Don't be so literal-minded.

Don't be so presumptuous.

The Flood / Re: How seriously do you take your manliness?
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:08:32 PM »
Lemme see here. Everybody's got different things to do. I consider "manly" things to be the transition from kid to adult.

As a full grown man, there's responsibilites that you should uphold. You do your job and what is required, and you do your best, no bitching, no complaining, no stalling, no excuses.

As a man, you do your job and you do it well. You do not gloat. You do not brag. You do not impose yourself over other people. You don't act like a child with the "macho" routine that so many seem fond of.

You help when, and where you can.

You do your best not to fight others. You use your head as much as possible to avoid those situations.

That, to me, is the step from being a kid, to an adult.

The Flood / Re: 2 cm away from crashing
« on: May 28, 2015, 03:56:13 PM »
You and cars don't seem to mix very well.

Of course they don't. One's metal and the other's squishy meat product.

The Flood / Re: What's the worst way you've ever hurt yourself
« on: May 28, 2015, 02:53:36 PM »
Broke some ribs wrestling a friend

Other than that nothing. I'm agile as fuck and can't get hurt. You'll never catch me tripping or slipping

That's because you live in a dry as fuck location. Add a couple of weeks worth of rainfall and mud to shit and things will get sketchy.

Or, everybody's all time favorite.

Snow and ice.

Now, Challenger can say that it's going offtopic for sure. I question, who says it's right?
This is a great way of nullifying every advance we've ever made in any empirical field whatsoever, but the fundamental assumption behind it isn't true. I'm not claiming the break-down of the family is the be all and end all of the lack of social mobility, I'm saying "Look at this paper, and the work by Putnam and research done by the Federal Reserve" and then consider the empirical evidence in favour of this hypothesis over the other.

Of course information can be bent and warped to fit a certain view, but when you have numerous corroborating sources it becomes progressively more difficult to simply reject the information in front of you. Just look at Thomas Piketty's work, it's internally solid, but we know it's flawed because other people have tried and failed to replicate his findings. Saying "Just because an economist says its true doesn't make it true" is not only facile, but it completely denigrates the empirical method in the face of all the evidence in favour of it and whatever hypothesis is on the table.

If you honestly believe 100%
I don't, I could name you a number of things on which I disagree with when it comes to anybody, be they economist, philosopher or whatever.

Which is primarily why I said, "I guess we'll just have to take their word on it."


Because we're such a hugely networked society, taking a piece out and putting it back in again won't fix things properly. As a whole, what all of these researchers are missing, is collaboration.

The economists are focused on the economy. Those who study social aspects and crime rates and such, are focused on that.

Remember, logical order. Your presented ideas would stand a chance of working, IF, other criteria were filled first. But alone, attempting to modify anything results in an even worse fuck up than before. So, while the study may not be wrong, there is no real source to this problem. What all the people looking into this have to figure out and do, is backtrack.

Collaborate together on their problems, and make a web. Because our society now functions like a web. Backtrack, link problems together, and find the truest, base foundation and source, and start from there to cause a chain reaction.

The Flood / Re: 2 cm away from crashing
« on: May 28, 2015, 02:37:13 PM »
>almost rear-ends someone

maybe you shouldn't have been following so closely. retard.

Damn, Maxy - your comments have been harsh lately.
It's recently come to my attention that giving a fuck about whatever community doesn't get you anywhere.

How'd that come to pass?

Unfortunately Meta buys into pretty much everything some economists say, even if they're totally wrong.
You're at a bit of a loss to explain to me why I explicitly reject the work of a lot of economists, or on what grounds the information I've presented is wrong. Who says it's wrong? You?

Now, Challenger can say that it's going offtopic for sure. I question, who says it's right? The people who wrote the paper? People fabricate and bend things all the time. Even you made a thread about it. Climate change results supposedly being skewed to make a different picture and model of how we view it. Even me. I dance round on words and have a tendency to add too much drama to them.

If you honestly believe 100% that just because somebody with a title wrote a paper and are well known in their respective field of work, that there isn't the chance that results are being skewed in favor of something, well, then you're setting yourself up a bit.

Of course, the truest way to verify anything would be to do it yourself. Unfortunately we don't all have access to interesting pieces of data now do we?

I guess we'll just have to take their word on things.

The Flood / Re: Give an opinion of a user, but don't say who it is
« on: May 28, 2015, 02:16:00 PM »
Okay. So, obviously a little bit weighty. Tendency for buldging eyes.

Is it Kinder Surprise?
not bulging, really

i would describe them as cunt-shaped

Oh well fuck me ya lost me. Everybody has cunt shaped eyes to a degree. They're ovals.

Didn't cross fat off the list though.

Nope. Lost me.

The Flood / Re: Give an opinion of a user, but don't say who it is
« on: May 28, 2015, 02:10:20 PM »
Is it the dude with the Halo CE Tshirt?
you're getting warmer

Okay. So, obviously a little bit weighty. Tendency for buldging eyes.

Is it Kinder Surprise?

The Flood / Re: Give an opinion of a user, but don't say who it is
« on: May 28, 2015, 02:09:29 PM »
casper because of that picture?
no, i'd rather just punch him

he's not here anymore
there's another hint

I don't remember if he posted anything here or not. I know he posted a fuck ton on But certainly not on here.

The Flood / Re: Give an opinion of a user, but don't say who it is
« on: May 28, 2015, 02:05:30 PM »
casper because of that picture?
no, i'd rather just punch him

he's not here anymore
there's another hint

Is it the dude with the Halo CE Tshirt?

The Flood / Re: What criterias must you fulfill to be religious?
« on: May 28, 2015, 01:46:03 PM »
-Passed on instilled family values
-Give or take a few degrees of indoctrination

"Nobody's supposed to be competing with each other in government."

You can say that all you like. Doesn't negate the facts. The two party system in the states hardly even operates on their values anymore. They operate on opposition alone. If one party makes a move, the other cockblocks it, completely. And if you want some proof of that,
It's always been like that. Everywhere. There was never a golden age for politics where the parties worked together and got shit done.

"The government shut down because the Republicans refused to come to an agreement on spending because they wanted to get rid of Obamacare."

I agree. The government shouldn't operate on competition. But that's not the reality of things as they are today.

Last note, I wasn't neccessarily talking about the conomy here. I was focused primarily on the family and social aspect of things. In which case my point still stands. You can't fix it without bumping into more, and more roadblocks at every corner.
Well you're going kind of off topic and always have this defeatist point of view so, I'll leave it here.

I know that for sure. Which is why maybe it'd be nice if things could be refined a little bit. And as for defeatist, I'm not being defeatist.

Take a look at the reality of it. You want to fix the economy? You have to fix everything else first. You want to fix family values? You have to fix everything else first.

It would be a defeatist attitude, if I said there was no point in trying. I have never said that, have I? In fact, a couple replies up above, I stated that when you're faced with multiple problems, all tied together and linked, you have to find the correct sequence to go about solving things in order for fixing anything to work.

I'm not a fucking expert here and I'm in no position to change anything. But I understand that if anybody wants to get shit done, they have to look at a logical order on how to fix things in sequence. And, this is on topic, because Meta is both talking about the economy, and family values.

It's a dual topic of discussion here.

Fuck, even the president, ideally, the head honcho who calls the shots,
That's not how things work. 

can't compete with congress.
Nobody's supposed to be competing with each other in government.

Remember when the government shut down for a bit in the states because both parties in congress threw a hissy fit over some business with the president?
The government shut down because the Republicans refused to come to an agreement on spending because they wanted to get rid of Obamacare.

But, now you see what I'm saying right? You try to fix family values, a very, very simple concept, and suddenly, boom. You run face to face with another problem.

Shitty government. Try to fix that?

Boom. You'll bump into another problem.
Family isn't the only or even biggest factor when it come to the economy.

Unfortunately Meta buys into pretty much everything some economists say, even if they're totally wrong.

"Nobody's supposed to be competing with each other in government."

You can say that all you like. Doesn't negate the facts. The two party system in the states hardly even operates on their values anymore. They operate on opposition alone. If one party makes a move, the other cockblocks it, completely. And if you want some proof of that,

"The government shut down because the Republicans refused to come to an agreement on spending because they wanted to get rid of Obamacare."

I agree. The government shouldn't operate on competition. But that's not the reality of things as they are today.

Last note, I wasn't neccessarily talking about the conomy here. I was focused primarily on the family and social aspect of things. In which case my point still stands. You can't fix it without bumping into more, and more roadblocks at every corner.

Can't happen. Expansion of any benefits is seen as socialism and enabling the welfare abusers, whether it's actually the case or not.
Is that why Republicans are usually the ones calling for EITC to be expanded?

It doesn't particularily matter if one party calls it or not. Because the other party will cock block it to hell, simply because they're the opposing party.

Fuck, even the president, ideally, the head honcho who calls the shots, can't compete with congress. Remember when the government shut down for a bit in the states because both parties in congress threw a hissy fit over some business with the president?

But, now you see what I'm saying right? You try to fix family values, a very, very simple concept, and suddenly, boom. You run face to face with another problem.

Shitty government. Try to fix that?

Boom. You'll bump into another problem.

How would you wager to fix a problem like that?
For the US, an expansion of the EITC, perhaps an expansion of childcare benefits, an emphasis on planned parenthood and not sending people to prison for non-violent crimes.
Can't happen. Expansion of any benefits is seen as socialism and enabling the welfare abusers, whether it's actually the case or not.

Oh yes, that too. American government would sink that fucker in red tape and screaming politicians faster than a person in the streets saying "allah."

How would you wager to fix a problem like that?
For the US, an expansion of the EITC, perhaps an expansion of childcare benefits, an emphasis on planned parenthood and not sending people to prison for non-violent crimes.

See, here's the interesting thing. For starters I don't know what the EITC is. Not relevant at the moment for now though.

Expansion of childcare. Oh shit, that's asking to be abused.

Emphasis on planned parenthood, decent start.

Not sending people to prison for violent crimes. Oho shit, that's even asking for more abuse.

The problem, in fixing anything society related, is that you can't just cut out a section, reform it, and stuff it back in and hope that it works. Because right now, part of the reason things are so sketchy, so....shitty, I guess, is that everything, is shitty. Everything needs a reform and adjustment.

There's a logical order that you have to take when solving multiple problems, and a path to follow in order for improvement and shit to get done.

If you want to fix shitty family's, you practically have to tear down everything. I could get into this in length, but I'd butcher it with roundabout statements.

My province is interesting, because it's in the middle of a paradigm shift. One foot in the past, one foot in the present.

You can still see, argueably better functioning remnants of people and families out out here, communities, living in older standards and values, vs new age stuff.

All very interesting. Of course, america is a different case. Different culture, different society.

Isn't this a little embarrassing Meta? The folks in charge of things, working on all the high grade work and graphs, all the social studies, all the funded projects and this and that.

And it takes them this long, to realize that, hey, everybody is partially having a shit time because in modern times, today, the "family" unit doesn't really exist. It just sort of coasts along instead. Anyway. Here's the interesting question.

How would you wager to fix a problem like that?

So, essentially here, what you're saying is.

Stop instilling newer generations with shit family values?

The Flood / Re: 2 cm away from crashing
« on: May 28, 2015, 11:32:02 AM »
I've never been in a collision while driving. On both accounts. Never had someone hit me, and never hit anybody. Although last year at some point a vehicle crashed into me while I was on foot.

Thinking about it though, I've had some close ones with semis and farm trucks rounding curbs.

The Flood / Re: Give me your honest opinion of me
« on: May 28, 2015, 11:07:56 AM »
I register your name as Orbital Desticle.

Serious / Re: Tension in the South China Sea
« on: May 28, 2015, 11:05:43 AM »
Suppossedly, if the US cut even roughly 70% of their military budget they'd still have the largest military budget and arsenal in the world. That and the fact, like we talked about. The US and China are dependant on one another, one for growth, and one for continued commodities.

This doesn't come as a surprise, frankly. If you look at Chinese culture, and history, you'll see that they're different people. Very proud, very serious. They don't fuck around.

I think a full blown war won't come out of this. If anything, I'd put some money on tense standoffs. Maybe even skirmishes.

But if either country went at each other they'd be stupid. They'd essentially pull each other down.

Nothing will come of this.

The Flood / Re: What's the worst way you've ever hurt yourself
« on: May 28, 2015, 10:37:12 AM »
Me, personally? Not getting into an accident involving other people?

Working on a job once, I set up a ladder rather poorly. It was up to a one story building. I was at the top of it when the ladder came out from under me and I fell off the edge of the roof.

I didn't break anything, but I skinned my hands and arms on the way down along the concrete. The shock knocked the wind out of me and the reverberating shock traveling up my legs through the rest of my bones rattled them big time.

The Flood / Re: Who is/was the worst user here?
« on: May 27, 2015, 10:20:28 PM »
I suppose if we really wanted to find out who was the worst we'd have to go with people who aren't here anymore. Those that were banned or those that decided to leave. There's a fair few.

The Flood / Re: give me an interesting movie i can watch
« on: May 27, 2015, 10:07:50 PM »
Blazing Saddles.

Gaming / Re: witcher 3 quotes
« on: May 27, 2015, 09:53:32 PM »

Is it just me or is Geralt Master Chief's 13th century fantasy ancestor or something?

I mean, c'mon. He's one line away from saying that he'll finish the fight or mix things up a little.

Considering how many pairs of tits there are in the Witcher series, I'd say he's closer to a medieval version of Commander Shepard.

He's there to fuck bitches, and, as a side quest, save everybody.
If the Master Chief wasn't stuck in that suit, you really think he'd not be banging Cortana (a la EDI) or half of blue team?

Chief would probably give Linda a reason to flinch from her sniper scope.

The Flood / Re: The REAL IDEAL perfect female body
« on: May 27, 2015, 09:47:11 PM »
Hnnng I'd bury my dick so far in her ass whoever could pull it out would be crowned king Arthur

Last time I checked King Arthur wielded a sword, not a pocket knife.

We're going to have to call the fire department for that one.

The Flood / Re: Dunkin Donuts is fucking everywhere...
« on: May 27, 2015, 09:36:31 PM »
Haha, in a larger town away from mine the Dunkin Donuts is competing with Tim Horton's over who owns the town with their donut and donut accessories.

Dunkin Donuts is getting rekt. I've never seen any cars parked out by that parking lot.

The Flood / Re: do you hate my avatar?
« on: May 27, 2015, 09:27:20 PM »
It's a fucking rainbow bob marely.

And he's fucking smiling. I can't hate that.

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