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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 203204205 206207 ... 390
The Flood / Re: i'm 100% sure nothing smells worse than canned tuna
« on: May 30, 2015, 01:09:55 PM »
It's delicious, though. Especially with some mayo and malt vinegar on rye.

Little bit of mayo and a little bit of lemon makes for a killer sandvich.

The Flood / Re: Single Action revolver recomendations?
« on: May 30, 2015, 01:07:06 PM »
Are you planning something, chalk?

Because I actually, truthfully, really, don't have to time to give a fuck about what another person chooses to do with their body. And I'm not going to go out of my fucking way to cross the street and call somebody a slut just because they sleep around or wear "loose" clothing.

That's how fights start. That's how wars start. One asshole decides to call another out on how "Oh but this is just completely wrong." Fuck that shit. Fuck that tripe.

And, lastly. Who the fuck am I, or you, or anybody to judge, really?

Because let's think about this. To 90% of the human population, sex is good. It's number 2 or 1 on our list of the most enjoyable, pleasurable things in life.

If they feel good having lots of fucking sex? Go the fuck ahead. And I'll tell you why. Have you had sex before? I take it, most likely, no. Therefore, you don't really know what it feels like. I mean who is to say that you won't have sex and then essentially show up every night at clubs looking to pick up loose chicks, just like the ones that are supposedly okay to shame, because you really, really like having sex?

There's your reasons Verb. Slut shaming. What an absolutely pointless endevour and a pitiful way to make some people feel decent about themselves. Say hello to our old friend conformity for me, will you?

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne co-op: help me kill Ebriatas
« on: May 30, 2015, 11:16:02 AM »
Glorious peasant sunbro stuck to aging console.

I'm at the point where I can comfortable buy a new console if I wanted, but if you're at all on the fence about a PS4, I can assure you that Bloodborne is worth the investment.

I don't want to even consider the expenses required to upgrade.

Just, sit down a second, and consider this.

My TV is so old, that it isn't compatibale with the "next gen" consoles because it doesn't have the right cable and input supports. Just. Sit back and let that sink in.

Plus. I'm canadian. All that bullshit about lowered prices for consoles? Nope. Not here.

The Flood / Re: What are your fears when driving?
« on: May 30, 2015, 11:14:01 AM »
Now, see, that's a load of bullshit. If you're a bad driver then the one who taught you did a piss poor job of doing as such. That's a lot of the issue, really. The drivers ed teachers out there are.....garbage. No other word for it.
Good thing I learned how to drive from playing video games.

Gaming / Re: 343 says fuck you Destiny
« on: May 30, 2015, 11:09:23 AM »
Well, you do know they likely changed it due to copyright claims or issues? I wouldn't be surprised.

I don't think so, what about the other references to Bungies older games in Halo?

Those older games where made by Bungie.

This game, ODST with a coat of paint, is now partially liscensed under 343 because they own the franchise. See, legal loopholes are cunts. If you don't watch your step, you could get sued easy.

And, I would bet money that's why 343 changed it. To avoid liscensing issues.

Ah ok, that makes sense, yeah I can see why now. Thanks for explaining that.

I know game devs sometimes have throwbacks to each other. Like Hayabusa armour in Halo 3. It was a throwback to the devs of that one series. Holy fuck memory. The ninja gaiden series.

But usually, there's a lot of legalities to cross first. So, since 343 owns Halo now, and this is objectively a remake of ODST, which validates the game as theirs, that old poster could technically be considered advertising for another game, and therefore, potentially, stolen ad revinue.

So, we could actually say that 343 said "Hey fuck destiny."

Becuase the Bungie and Craptivision are so shitty, I seriously wouldn't put it past them to sue over something like that.

The Flood / Re: What are your fears when driving?
« on: May 30, 2015, 11:03:55 AM »
Your chances aren't as high as you think, unless you're just a shitty driver.
There's no guarantee that I'm going to be a good driver. And there's no guarantee that everyone else is gonna be a good driver.

Whenever I ride with someone, all I ever hear them talk about is how shitty other drivers are.
So... You're bullshit. Everything you're saying? Complete bullshit. Fuck off.

I know there's loads of shitty drivers out there.

"There's no guarantee that I'm going to be a good driver."

Now, see, that's a load of bullshit. If you're a bad driver then the one who taught you did a piss poor job of doing as such. That's a lot of the issue, really. The drivers ed teachers out there are.....garbage. No other word for it.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne co-op: help me kill Ebriatas
« on: May 30, 2015, 11:00:52 AM »
Glorious peasant sunbro stuck to aging console. Would help if could. At best, I can only offer my condolences.


Gaming / Re: 343 says fuck you Destiny
« on: May 30, 2015, 10:55:37 AM »
Well, you do know they likely changed it due to copyright claims or issues? I wouldn't be surprised.

I don't think so, what about the other references to Bungies older games in Halo?

Those older games where made by Bungie.

This game, ODST with a coat of paint, is now partially liscensed under 343 because they own the franchise. See, legal loopholes are cunts. If you don't watch your step, you could get sued easy.

And, I would bet money that's why 343 changed it. To avoid liscensing issues.

The Flood / Re: I did it!
« on: May 30, 2015, 10:52:46 AM »
rofl mcdofl

I know it'd be gay as fuck. But we need a small group of people to take up positions as ronald mc donald and his gang of various things. Like this thing.

Go into threads and shit them up by talking to each other. It'd be taking roleplaying to the next level. Organized roleplayers.

Gaming / Re: 343 says fuck you Destiny
« on: May 30, 2015, 10:47:57 AM »
Well, you do know they likely changed it due to copyright claims or issues? I wouldn't be surprised.

The Flood / Re: I did it!
« on: May 30, 2015, 10:44:39 AM »

my mother has up on the fridge this picture of me making the peace sign with my hands when i was four or five

and whenever i have guests over, i always instinctively stand in front of it so no one can see

Early morning ish. Little bit tired. Just realized you're this site's little bundle of angsty joy. The thought of you, considering your history with others here and elsewhere, standing in front of an embarrassing picture discreetly is hilarious.

I don't remember. Plus. I don't think I have any, if at all, to start with.

The Flood / Re: What are your fears when driving?
« on: May 30, 2015, 12:45:41 AM »
I bike mostly around busy roads and the downtown city area.

I'm constantly worried that some idiot that isn't paying attention will hit me. I bought lights for my bike, but literally 2 days after getting them a hobo stole them off my bike and ran away when I noticed the motherfucker.

Solution acquired.

The Flood / Re: What are your fears when driving?
« on: May 30, 2015, 12:36:56 AM »
i mean, i'm not employed, so maybe there was a miscommunication there

i'm saying my fear for driving is SO intense, that i'd wake up at 5:00 AM and walk ten miles to my job
i really would

but since i'd probably kill myself doing that, i have to learn how to drive
and it's gonna suck

at least if i fucking die, i won't have to worry about it anymore, huh

You know what's nice Verb? Country driving. It's a damn relaxing and easy way of getting familiar with a vehicle without being morbidly afraid of driving.

Driving in itself isn't so bad, once you learn to be comfortable with it. Of course, you also can't be too comfortable. You are, after all, driving a decently sized metal box capable of causing severe damage. It's just like any tool, really. Learning how to properly use it but maintaining your head about it.

Don't worry about it. It won't suck. You just need to use your head about it.

The Flood / Re: I hate watermelons.
« on: May 30, 2015, 12:22:32 AM »
Watermelon is C tier fruit

A tier:

B tier

C tier:

Everything else is bad

Where the fuck are Kiwis on that list.

The Flood / Re: So I did get a ticket, sorta..
« on: May 30, 2015, 12:17:03 AM »
If you don't log in for a week, is that confirmation that you're prison meat?

I call dibs on your stuff.

The Flood / Re: What are your fears when driving?
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:55:25 PM »
But Verb. If you have the technical knowhow you can make a steam powered vehicle. Wood powered. Bio fuel. Electric. Mechanics. Such an intriguing field.

So many alternatives to just gasoline.
electric cars ain't cheap

i'd love to get one, but

Oho but I'm not talking about buying a whole one. Besides. Current gen electrics are ripoffs, frankly. They still use gasoline. In fact, the electrical systems only kick in when you're sitting in rush hour traffic line ups for the most part.

No, no no. Never buy in one piece. Talking about construct it yourself. Scrap yards are your friend.

The Flood / Re: What are your fears when driving?
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:46:43 PM »
oh, also, paying for gas

like, nothing about driving is good, okay

i'll ride a fucking bike
hell, i'll fucking walk
i don't give a fuck

But Verb. If you have the technical knowhow you can make a steam powered vehicle. Wood powered. Bio fuel. Electric. Mechanics. Such an intriguing field.

So many alternatives to just gasoline.

The Flood / Re: What are your fears when driving?
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:43:51 PM »
Really just driving at night since I have light-sensitivity. It really sucks when I'm blinded very often and I'm struggling to see the lane divider and the side of the road.

Those mother fuckers with white halogen lights that can blind your eyes from like 10 clicks away. Jesus fuck it feels like approaching a military roadblock.

The Flood / Re: yo so i think i'm single now bro
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:35:56 PM »
Mob Barley.

The Flood / Re: Internet Relationships
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:34:10 PM »
Online relationships are the results of infatuation

If you start an online relationship, you already went too fast
And real life relationships where people fuck the first date/week isn't?

People could know each other online for a long while before admitting feelings. It's not just some instant "lets date" unless you go to dating sites I would think.

Well yes I never said there weren't downsides to dating in real life but still

Online ones are far worse because you will never express everything in text

Implying that I'm not able to express every inch of my bleeding, decayingly warped mind via enormous walls of text.

Implying you'll do that

You're absolutely right! I cannot organize myslef correctly tonight.

The Flood / Re: What are your fears when driving?
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:29:48 PM »
I'm used to country driving. Really, really don't like driving in crowded city areas. My absolute worst?

Losing complete control on ice. When you slip on ice, you always have some degree of control. But in some instances, you just don't have the time. There are multiple things that have almost killed me in the winter while slippling on ice.

Going to cross a busy highway, and finding all four of my tires spinning, moving me nowhere.

Slipping on ice towards oncoming semi drivers.

Trying to stop quickly for animals that could kill me on impact (Moose)

Slipping on ice, off the road, towards the nearest deep body of water in the field.

I know how to control things. But seriously, fuck that feeling of driving on a curb hidden by trees, and feeling your vehicle slip towards the semi rounding the curb. FUCK IT.

The Flood / Re: Internet Relationships
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:11:02 PM »
Online relationships are the results of infatuation

If you start an online relationship, you already went too fast
And real life relationships where people fuck the first date/week isn't?

People could know each other online for a long while before admitting feelings. It's not just some instant "lets date" unless you go to dating sites I would think.

Well yes I never said there weren't downsides to dating in real life but still

Online ones are far worse because you will never express everything in text

Implying that I'm not able to express every inch of my bleeding, decayingly warped mind via enormous walls of text.

The Flood / Re: 2 cm away from crashing
« on: May 29, 2015, 11:08:39 PM »
You and cars don't seem to mix very well.

Of course they don't. One's metal and the other's squishy meat product.
Don't be so literal-minded.

Don't be so presumptuous.
By that logic we should abolish all metaphors.

What do you mean "we?"

Fuck that shit. If you want to remove all metaphors you'll have to do it yourself.

The Flood / Re: Honest biggest fear thread
« on: May 29, 2015, 10:55:54 PM »
Having everything yanked out from under me. I'm getting closer and closer to getting to where I'm aiming. But it's a tightrope. I make one wrong step, and I could fuck all of it up. One stroke of bad luck, and all of it would be trashed. That, and being unable to move/work.

Being debilitated to the point where I'd be ineffective. Work stabilizes me. Keeps my thoughts occupied on the task at hand. As hard as it is, standing up and about every morning, is, ironically, what keeps me going. If I sit down and stop, then things get sketchy.

And, of course, at one point, looking back to find that I've done everything on my own. Things would be so much cheerier if I didn't always have to give myself a boot in the ass to push through all the time.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne Expansion confirmed
« on: May 29, 2015, 01:40:16 PM »
I await the inevitable awesome soundtrack additions.

The Flood / Re: What do you think of DIO's new look
« on: May 29, 2015, 01:21:55 PM »
Why does he have two number 7's on his cheeks?
It's how many times cooler than you he is

Why is he wearing sunscreen on the edges of his nose and cheeks?
Cause he's a vampire duh

Why is he wearing a green thing on his head?
It's the 80s

Why does he have atrociously long fingernails?
Cause he's a vampire duh

I've reached my consenus then.

He needs more glitter and sparkles.

The Flood / Re: What do you think of DIO's new look
« on: May 29, 2015, 01:14:48 PM »
Why does he have two number 7's on his cheeks?
It's how many times cooler than you he is

Why is he wearing sunscreen on the edges of his nose and cheeks?
Cause he's a vampire duh

Why is he wearing a green thing on his head?
It's the 80s

Why does he have atrociously long fingernails?

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