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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 31, 2015, 11:15:04 AM »
Your philosophy annoys me.
You think I should cease not giving a fuck and start getting mad more often?

Nigga you crazy.
Caring about things doesn't mean you have to be mad.

If you have to pretend to not care about anything because you're so afraid of being angry, that's a really shorty way to live. Anger is healthy.

Hold the fuckin' phone here. Breach in logic. I thought internet business was all "haha it's a joke guise." Coming directly from you, yourself. "Don't take shit so seriously."

And now, suddenly, there's this statement.

I pose a question to you. How do you know he doesn't get angry in person? Because can you say for 100% that you do? For all you know, he could dump all of his anger on other things, in private. Beyond internet business.

So. This is a right pickle. And this is why I can never actually tell if you're serious. Because that statement you just made is one fucking hell of a backtrack on the shit you told me previously, in our last little scuffle.
All I've ever said is you shouldn't get offended by anybody on the Internet. There's nothing wrong with actually caring about a subject or another person.

Not my fault you have no reading comprehension.

#1. Fuck off passive aggressive Buddhist faggot.

I must've hit a nerve. You never speak to me like this.

Nah I'm just sick of you and people like you who pretend to not care about anything.

"All I've ever said is you shouldn't get offended by anybody on the Internet"

Fuckin' lol are you shitting me?
You don't have to be offended to insult people and their bullshit philosophies.

FUCKING LOL If you think I get offended by anything on the Internet.

I will, in fact, LOL. That's not getting offended over something on the internet, true, but the fact that you've got a stick up your ass about some supposed bullshit philosophies cements that there's some irritation rattling around in your head.

Otherwise you wouldn't fucking say it now would you? You don't drop such an insulting tone and then pull your bullshit card up, "lol I ain't even mad. It's a joke guise. I don't care."

Jeses fuck you call Demonic out for supposedly not caring when all you do is shit like that?

Right, I forgot, because you're a fedora tipping internet warrior who doesn't care about anybody or anything, my bad. Yes, I will laugh, and I'll have a damn good one since you're about as comedic gold as fucking Dustbin.

Serious / Re: Women should be in infantry
« on: May 31, 2015, 11:04:49 AM »
Nope. I would not trust a woman on the front lines of any war. There's nothing sexist about it.
There is everything sexist about it without providing some logic behind it.

"I can't trust black people on the front lines of any war. There's nothing racist about it."
Nothing's wrong with black folks though. I'm not being racist.

Women don't have the killer instinct, stamina, physical and mental strength etc.
I'm well aware women aren't as physical strong as males. That's just common sense and biology.
And that's extremely important if you need to carry your buddy out of the shit so he doesn't get captured.

But killer instinct and mental strength? You're sounding little sexist. You say this like a woman can't fight or kill as like a man, but they easily can.

Sorry, but no. That's how this species is. The females would stay back and the males would go out and kill for food. Now that we're a little more civilized, a lot of males don't really have that killer instinct anymore and females sure as hell aren't tough enough to be on the frontline.

Lots of women could easily kick anyone's asses here. Stop being so ignorant, mang.
Because everybody here is a fucking dweeb excluding like 3 or 4 people.

Kicking someone's ass =/= Killing someone

Taking a life is not easy. It's even less easy for a female. I don't trust a female to not be tricked by a little kid crying then turning out to have a grenade because her motherly instincts kick in and she let her guard down.

"I don't trust a female to not be tricked by a little kid crying then turning out to have a grenade because her motherly instincts kick in and she let her guard down."

That's the shittiest example you could've given, conisering the fact that the military is male dominated already and people still fall for it all the time.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 31, 2015, 11:02:23 AM »
Your philosophy annoys me.
You think I should cease not giving a fuck and start getting mad more often?

Nigga you crazy.
Caring about things doesn't mean you have to be mad.

If you have to pretend to not care about anything because you're so afraid of being angry, that's a really shorty way to live. Anger is healthy.

Hold the fuckin' phone here. Breach in logic. I thought internet business was all "haha it's a joke guise." Coming directly from you, yourself. "Don't take shit so seriously."

And now, suddenly, there's this statement.

I pose a question to you. How do you know he doesn't get angry in person? Because can you say for 100% that you do? For all you know, he could dump all of his anger on other things, in private. Beyond internet business.

So. This is a right pickle. And this is why I can never actually tell if you're serious. Because that statement you just made is one fucking hell of a backtrack on the shit you told me previously, in our last little scuffle.
All I've ever said is you shouldn't get offended by anybody on the Internet. There's nothing wrong with actually caring about a subject or another person.

Not my fault you have no reading comprehension.

#1. Fuck off passive aggressive Buddhist faggot.

I must've hit a nerve. You never speak to me like this.

Nah I'm just sick of you and people like you who pretend to not care about anything.

"All I've ever said is you shouldn't get offended by anybody on the Internet"

Fuckin' lol are you shitting me?

This could be a commentary on the stupidity of students (or rather, ignorance), or how the media portays these people to them.

I mean, Hitler was bad, but I would argue others have been worse, both in killcount and method of death as well as other things.

Meanwhile, Einstein is apparently a hero though IIRC he was a part of the Manhattan Project which resulted in over 200,000 deaths?

You know, they weren't exactly sure what they were up to at the time. I know being ignorant doesn't neccessarily excuse it. But the team(s) were kept in the dark about things a fair bit. There was pressure to find a solution because of the war.

Hell, the pilots who dropped the first bomb weren't even told what the fuck exactly they were dropping.

And, you take a look at the recordings of one fellow after they dropped the first bomb? It's not a lie that sometimes there is no "good" way out of things. And I have no doubt that any of the people who worked on that project, walked away from it unchanged. A bet you they carried that guilt with them up until they died.

Which, again, may not excuse it. But there are some people on that list who probably didn't even possess the capaicty to feel guilt.

Serious / Re: Women should be in infantry
« on: May 31, 2015, 02:02:38 AM »
They should be Medics

The satire is noted. But holy shit being a medic in the military would blow. You want to talk about painting a target on somebody?

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 31, 2015, 01:58:39 AM »
So this is the first time I've opened this thread.

What caused this thing to live for 15 days?

50ccs of pure unrefined meme.

Lack of sleep.


Sad people.

Bored people.

And a fedora.

The Flood / Re: My favorite meme
« on: May 31, 2015, 12:57:14 AM »

The Flood / Re: if you had the chance to go back in time
« on: May 31, 2015, 12:50:59 AM »
You're going to be using a mask one day on a job you're going to be doing for a bank. When given the mask, ask for another one. Or, ask somebody on site to isnpect it. In case they find nothing, find a way to get another one.

Lungs will thank you for it.

The Flood / Re: Minimum wage raising is pretty bad
« on: May 31, 2015, 12:36:05 AM »
There's an old bell on the countertop at my restaurant. Old metal. Rings out fuckin' sharp. You can hear it just about anywhere downstairs.

The cafe, depending, is either a 1, or 2 person job. It's a town of 800. By now, you would think that the majority who come here, know this.

So, I am sitting there, preparing something for somebody behind the counter. And somebody comes up to the till. And they see me there, working.

And they ring the bell.

Gaming / Re: What have you been playing lately?
« on: May 31, 2015, 12:32:22 AM »
Sprinkles of Dark Souls II. Little bit of State of Decay.

I popped onto Gaylo 4 a few days ago. Jesus fuck it'd be nice to hang around in a party of friends again.

First off, you've confused the terms. Generally, one would likely firstly imagine that "hunt for food" implies that things are shitty enough that you have to go out there and get shit done for yourself out of neccessity.

Now even if we remove that from the equation, what are we left with?

Killing an animal for the purpose of hacking off a body part to use a trophy.

Or, killing an animal for the purpose of eating it.

What creates more waste? The first option. There's a very slight difference, in that at least one scenario, one death is less of a waste than the other. Personally, I would never hunt for any reason other than neccessity.

Which, to be fair, seems to be approaching. Food prices are skyrocketing up here and there's no slowing down. Second, there's less bullshit in natural meat over all the processed shit. And third, if I ever did kill anything, I'd do my damndest to use every part for something.

Is there a difference between trophy hunting, and hunting for food when there's iffy meat products on store shelves?

Very slight.

Serious / Re: Women should be in infantry
« on: May 30, 2015, 10:47:58 PM »
Nope. I would not trust a woman on the front lines of any war. There's nothing sexist about it.
There is everything sexist about it without providing some logic behind it.

"I can't trust black people on the front lines of any war. There's nothing racist about it."
Nothing's wrong with black folks though. I'm not being racist.

Women don't have the killer instinct, stamina, physical and mental strength etc.
I'm well aware women aren't as physical strong as males. That's just common sense and biology.

But killer instinct and mental strength? You're sounding little sexist. You say this like a woman can't fight or kill as like a man, but they easily can. Lots of women could easily kick anyone's asses here. Stop being so ignorant, mang.

This is actually a fair point. History even dictates it. Women serial killers. Or murderers. They do exist. In fair lower quantities than men. But it doesn't negate the presence. People are all wired differently and like it or no, there are exceptions to both cases.

So, the rule should stand. If any woman can meet the military standard, then they're in.
Yeah I'm not even talking about women on infantry at this point, so much as just blatant sexism.

Oh well sorry, my apologies. Let me just amputate a very small portion of my post that's really rather irrelevant to the main body to make it fit with your current line of thought.

The Flood / Re: bruh, you gotta hit this
« on: May 30, 2015, 10:42:23 PM »
it means to throw yourself out a window
it's a good word

What kind of vague shit is that verb?

That's a loophole. I could throw myself out a window on street level, which means I'd just land rather hard on the pavement outside.

I could throw myself out a window designed to fracture into wee little bits so as not to cause harm onto street level, on a nice comfy mattress.

You're losing your edge old timer. Going soft are you?

Serious / Re: Women should be in infantry
« on: May 30, 2015, 10:36:56 PM »
I just think men would end up treating women more like a sexual distraction than anything else. That's why I'm not terribly into the idea.

Well, to be fair, I don't find the idea of signing up to be a soldier a very good idea in the first place, no matter the sex. It's a rather poor idea in these times considering the current state of affairs.

Serious / Re: Women should be in infantry
« on: May 30, 2015, 10:34:12 PM »
Nope. I would not trust a woman on the front lines of any war. There's nothing sexist about it.
There is everything sexist about it without providing some logic behind it.

"I can't trust black people on the front lines of any war. There's nothing racist about it."
Nothing's wrong with black folks though. I'm not being racist.

Women don't have the killer instinct, stamina, physical and mental strength etc.
I'm well aware women aren't as physical strong as males. That's just common sense and biology.

But killer instinct and mental strength? You're sounding little sexist. You say this like a woman can't fight or kill as like a man, but they easily can. Lots of women could easily kick anyone's asses here. Stop being so ignorant, mang.

This is actually a fair point. History even dictates it. Women serial killers. Or murderers. They do exist. In fair lower quantities than men. But it doesn't negate the presence. People are all wired differently and like it or no, there are exceptions to both cases.

So, the rule should stand. If any woman can meet the military standard, then they're in.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 30, 2015, 10:04:03 PM »
Your philosophy annoys me.
You think I should cease not giving a fuck and start getting mad more often?

Nigga you crazy.
Caring about things doesn't mean you have to be mad.

If you have to pretend to not care about anything because you're so afraid of being angry, that's a really shorty way to live. Anger is healthy.

Hold the fuckin' phone here. Breach in logic. I thought internet business was all "haha it's a joke guise." Coming directly from you, yourself. "Don't take shit so seriously."

And now, suddenly, there's this statement.

I pose a question to you. How do you know he doesn't get angry in person? Because can you say for 100% that you do? For all you know, he could dump all of his anger on other things, in private. Beyond internet business.

So. This is a right pickle. And this is why I can never actually tell if you're serious. Because that statement you just made is one fucking hell of a backtrack on the shit you told me previously, in our last little scuffle.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 30, 2015, 09:35:40 PM »
women like a guy that's open and fluent
This is exactly what I mean. "Women like".

Where a man is just your friend. It don't matter what he "likes" or doesn't like.

Well, it does, technically. You tend to get along better with people who have similiar interests and similar intent. This applies to both sexes.
Yeah, no. That isn't what I was saying. I'm talking about how you're saying "women like" which only proves my point that you need to be what "women like" and impress them. Which makes them shitty friends. A man isn't like that. He's your friend because you get along and you've been through things.

You're taking my definition of "women like" as if it's some literal written in stone shit. Women are people, plain and simple. Slightly different chemical balances and some workings in natural biology apart, that's it.

If your "friend" no matter who they are, doesn't have some similar lines of thought or likes, then I'm sorry, you're doing what I like to call "coasting." People need a little bit of social interaction. And when they can't find a decent match, they latch on to the closest they can get.

A "coaster" is one who will see a lot of passerby people they may call "friends." But the reality is they've never actually had a true friend before.

You don't call somebody a friend if you've multiple conflicting interests. Or, at least, I don't. That's just setting yourself up for some grade A bullshit later on.
I wasn't talking about similar interests, I was talking about how you can't just be friends with women without there being some type of bullshit.

Women overly complicate things. They're not simple and honest like most men are.

Hokay. Back this fucking train up. We dun backed ourselves into a ditch here. Actually, no. I'm not going to bother. Personal experiences with people. Different worldviews. Asking for trouble.

I have to say it though.


"They're not simple and honest like most men are."

They're not. Women are extremely complicated and emotional.

They don't make for good friends.

Underlined section for the convienience of the things. I'm certainly not denying that women can be complicated nor emotional.

But the underlined section was this.

simple and honest like most men are.

I can't even say that without laughing. Mother fo fuck that's a good one. Simple and honest? Give me a break. In fact, let's skip the semantics and get down to business.

Fuck people. The vast majority of them?

Step on a rusty rake for all I care. Now, I'll step outta here because the message, or point, whatever it was that was being discussed, is straying heavily into personal world views and experineces.

And we certainly can't have that, now can we?
"Most people are shitty"

No shit Sherlock. But when it comes to friends, men are far more honest and simple.

I'd beg to differ. I'm going to put on my fedora and sunglasses now.

When it comes to friends?

Irrelevant. Pointless. Most likely, ending in dissappointment. Just because the title of "friend" exists, does not excuse  people from acting like most people do.

Well seeing how I've had real ass friends and experience with women, I know what the fuck I'm talking about.

I suppose you do. But, then again, everybody's different. We all don't conform into a nice uniform shape now do we? And we certainly all don't follow the same path of experience. Is mine any less genuine than yours?

No. The same could be said of yours.

Consider yourself lucky then challenger.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 30, 2015, 09:27:41 PM »
women like a guy that's open and fluent
This is exactly what I mean. "Women like".

Where a man is just your friend. It don't matter what he "likes" or doesn't like.

Well, it does, technically. You tend to get along better with people who have similiar interests and similar intent. This applies to both sexes.
Yeah, no. That isn't what I was saying. I'm talking about how you're saying "women like" which only proves my point that you need to be what "women like" and impress them. Which makes them shitty friends. A man isn't like that. He's your friend because you get along and you've been through things.

You're taking my definition of "women like" as if it's some literal written in stone shit. Women are people, plain and simple. Slightly different chemical balances and some workings in natural biology apart, that's it.

If your "friend" no matter who they are, doesn't have some similar lines of thought or likes, then I'm sorry, you're doing what I like to call "coasting." People need a little bit of social interaction. And when they can't find a decent match, they latch on to the closest they can get.

A "coaster" is one who will see a lot of passerby people they may call "friends." But the reality is they've never actually had a true friend before.

You don't call somebody a friend if you've multiple conflicting interests. Or, at least, I don't. That's just setting yourself up for some grade A bullshit later on.
I wasn't talking about similar interests, I was talking about how you can't just be friends with women without there being some type of bullshit.

Women overly complicate things. They're not simple and honest like most men are.

Hokay. Back this fucking train up. We dun backed ourselves into a ditch here. Actually, no. I'm not going to bother. Personal experiences with people. Different worldviews. Asking for trouble.

I have to say it though.


"They're not simple and honest like most men are."

They're not. Women are extremely complicated and emotional.

They don't make for good friends.

Underlined section for the convienience of the things. I'm certainly not denying that women can be complicated nor emotional.

But the underlined section was this.

simple and honest like most men are.

I can't even say that without laughing. Mother fo fuck that's a good one. Simple and honest? Give me a break. In fact, let's skip the semantics and get down to business.

Fuck people. The vast majority of them?

Step on a rusty rake for all I care. Now, I'll step outta here because the message, or point, whatever it was that was being discussed, is straying heavily into personal world views and experineces.

And we certainly can't have that, now can we?
"Most people are shitty"

No shit Sherlock. But when it comes to friends, men are far more honest and simple.

I'd beg to differ. I'm going to put on my fedora and sunglasses now.

When it comes to friends?

Irrelevant. Pointless. Most likely, ending in dissappointment. Just because the title of "friend" exists, does not excuse  people from acting like most people do.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 30, 2015, 09:20:33 PM »
women like a guy that's open and fluent
This is exactly what I mean. "Women like".

Where a man is just your friend. It don't matter what he "likes" or doesn't like.

Well, it does, technically. You tend to get along better with people who have similiar interests and similar intent. This applies to both sexes.
Yeah, no. That isn't what I was saying. I'm talking about how you're saying "women like" which only proves my point that you need to be what "women like" and impress them. Which makes them shitty friends. A man isn't like that. He's your friend because you get along and you've been through things.

You're taking my definition of "women like" as if it's some literal written in stone shit. Women are people, plain and simple. Slightly different chemical balances and some workings in natural biology apart, that's it.

If your "friend" no matter who they are, doesn't have some similar lines of thought or likes, then I'm sorry, you're doing what I like to call "coasting." People need a little bit of social interaction. And when they can't find a decent match, they latch on to the closest they can get.

A "coaster" is one who will see a lot of passerby people they may call "friends." But the reality is they've never actually had a true friend before.

You don't call somebody a friend if you've multiple conflicting interests. Or, at least, I don't. That's just setting yourself up for some grade A bullshit later on.
I wasn't talking about similar interests, I was talking about how you can't just be friends with women without there being some type of bullshit.

Women overly complicate things. They're not simple and honest like most men are.

Hokay. Back this fucking train up. We dun backed ourselves into a ditch here. Actually, no. I'm not going to bother. Personal experiences with people. Different worldviews. Asking for trouble.

I have to say it though.


"They're not simple and honest like most men are."

They're not. Women are extremely complicated and emotional.

They don't make for good friends.

Underlined section for the convienience of the things. I'm certainly not denying that women can be complicated nor emotional.

But the underlined section was this.

simple and honest like most men are.

I can't even say that without laughing. Mother fo fuck that's a good one. Simple and honest? Give me a break. In fact, let's skip the semantics and get down to business.

Fuck people. The vast majority of them?

Step on a rusty rake for all I care. Now, I'll step outta here because the message, or point, whatever it was that was being discussed, is straying heavily into personal world views and experineces.

And we certainly can't have that, now can we?

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 30, 2015, 09:03:19 PM »
Women don't make for very good friends.

You can't have the connection you have with another man that you'd have with a woman as a friend. A good friend can be like a brother. You guys are down for whatever. A woman just isn't the same.

Holy fuck and I'm supposedly salty about being on my own.
Who's salty?

I'm saying you can't have the same friendship with a woman you can have with a man. What does that have to do with being alone or not?

You want me to wave my sign around? Big flashy lights on? Right. I was being sarcastic is all. Your statement could easily be viewed as a rather dreary sentiment of one who's had one too many failures with the mystery that are women kind.
What on earth are you talking about? How are you being sarcastic of you're implying I have trouble with women because I don't consider them good friends?

What you're boring is passive aggressive. Women are highly emotional and the ones I've known didnt share similar interests or really brought anything to the table to consider them an actual friend.

Oh for fuck's sake.

I'll break it down.

That statement.

Made by you.

Could, easily, be viewed, as the statement of one who has had one too many troublesome encounters with women.

But the statement you made, wasn't that. Fuck. How to put it.

That statement could be said by another person. And it could easily sound like ^^^^^ what I said up above. I know you aren't. And I'm not encinuating it.

We clear now?
Not really, no. I don't get why you'd say something you don't mean.

God fucking dammit. I mean it. But I don't.

You made a statement. You, yes you, made a statement. I know where you're coming from. I understand the statement and I know what it means, and I know what you mean when you say it.

I'm just saying, from another angle, it could be viewed differently.

That to me is humorful. Entertaining. I'm not insulting you. I'm just laughing at how easily it could be misinterpreted.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 30, 2015, 09:00:29 PM »
women like a guy that's open and fluent
This is exactly what I mean. "Women like".

Where a man is just your friend. It don't matter what he "likes" or doesn't like.

Well, it does, technically. You tend to get along better with people who have similiar interests and similar intent. This applies to both sexes.
Yeah, no. That isn't what I was saying. I'm talking about how you're saying "women like" which only proves my point that you need to be what "women like" and impress them. Which makes them shitty friends. A man isn't like that. He's your friend because you get along and you've been through things.

You're taking my definition of "women like" as if it's some literal written in stone shit. Women are people, plain and simple. Slightly different chemical balances and some workings in natural biology apart, that's it.

If your "friend" no matter who they are, doesn't have some similar lines of thought or likes, then I'm sorry, you're doing what I like to call "coasting." People need a little bit of social interaction. And when they can't find a decent match, they latch on to the closest they can get.

A "coaster" is one who will see a lot of passerby people they may call "friends." But the reality is they've never actually had a true friend before.

You don't call somebody a friend if you've multiple conflicting interests. Or, at least, I don't. That's just setting yourself up for some grade A bullshit later on.
I wasn't talking about similar interests, I was talking about how you can't just be friends with women without there being some type of bullshit.

Women overly complicate things. They're not simple and honest like most men are.

Hokay. Back this fucking train up. We dun backed ourselves into a ditch here. Actually, no. I'm not going to bother. Personal experiences with people. Different worldviews. Asking for trouble.

I have to say it though.


"They're not simple and honest like most men are."

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:55:23 PM »
Women don't make for very good friends.

You can't have the connection you have with another man that you'd have with a woman as a friend. A good friend can be like a brother. You guys are down for whatever. A woman just isn't the same.

Holy fuck and I'm supposedly salty about being on my own.
Who's salty?

I'm saying you can't have the same friendship with a woman you can have with a man. What does that have to do with being alone or not?

You want me to wave my sign around? Big flashy lights on? Right. I was being sarcastic is all. Your statement could easily be viewed as a rather dreary sentiment of one who's had one too many failures with the mystery that are women kind.
What on earth are you talking about? How are you being sarcastic of you're implying I have trouble with women because I don't consider them good friends?

What you're boring is passive aggressive. Women are highly emotional and the ones I've known didnt share similar interests or really brought anything to the table to consider them an actual friend.

Oh for fuck's sake.

I'll break it down.

That statement.

Made by you.

Could, easily, be viewed, as the statement of one who has had one too many troublesome encounters with women.

But the statement you made, wasn't that. Fuck. How to put it.

That statement could be said by another person. And it could easily sound like ^^^^^ what I said up above. I know you aren't. And I'm not encinuating it.

We clear now?

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:42:15 PM »
Women don't make for very good friends.

You can't have the connection you have with another man that you'd have with a woman as a friend. A good friend can be like a brother. You guys are down for whatever. A woman just isn't the same.

Holy fuck and I'm supposedly salty about being on my own.
Who's salty?

I'm saying you can't have the same friendship with a woman you can have with a man. What does that have to do with being alone or not?

You want me to wave my sign around? Big flashy lights on? Right. I was being sarcastic is all. Your statement could easily be viewed as a rather dreary sentiment of one who's had one too many failures with the mystery that are women kind.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:40:24 PM »
women like a guy that's open and fluent
This is exactly what I mean. "Women like".

Where a man is just your friend. It don't matter what he "likes" or doesn't like.

Well, it does, technically. You tend to get along better with people who have similiar interests and similar intent. This applies to both sexes.

You're taking my definition of "women like" as if it's some literal written in stone shit. Women are people, plain and simple. Slightly different chemical balances and some workings in natural biology apart, that's it.

If your "friend" no matter who they are, doesn't have some similar lines of thought or likes, then I'm sorry, you're doing what I like to call "coasting." People need a little bit of social interaction. And when they can't find a decent match, they latch on to the closest they can get.

A "coaster" is one who will see a lot of passerby people they may call "friends." But the reality is they've never actually had a true friend before.

You don't call somebody a friend if you've multiple conflicting interests. Or, at least, I don't. That's just setting yourself up for some grade A bullshit later on.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:31:52 PM »
Women don't make for very good friends.

You can't have the connection you have with another man that you'd have with a woman as a friend. A good friend can be like a brother. You guys are down for whatever. A woman just isn't the same.

Holy fuck and I'm supposedly salty about being on my own.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:25:23 PM »
Is there anything wrong with it? No of course not.
Is it enjoyable? Not at all.

Seriously, what do you do with a friend thats a girl? Sit around and watch netflix?

Aha! PSU. You should hear all the stories I've been told by some of the old fucks I listen to. It depends on the personality, frankly. A lot of women like a guy that's open and fluent. Especially one who isn't afraid to venture into talking with them freely about whatever comes up.

But, of course, what the fuck am I saying here? These are old stories. People have changed. Times change and some trends have marked a worse turn for things.

Sluts are shamed for being sluts because generally, that's all they are. They just live off the dudes they fuck and rely on their looks to get them through completely sex oriented lifestyle. They contribute nothing to society and are really morally corrupt in my opinion.

You guys can say "I have no problem with it" all you want. But let me know how you'd feel about if your sister or mother was one. If you're still ok with it, then you're not a really honorable person.

I wouldn't stand for it or if at the least distance myself from a relative that was a slut.

And as for men that have sex a lot, they tend to be successful and/or good looking which is why they have a lot of sex. And the effect on the genitals is quite obviously very different. Nobody wants to put their snake in a tunnel as opposed to a crevice, so to speak.

Now, see, you're bringing family circles into this. That still doesn't answer my one question as to why I should give a flying fuck about what another person does, outside of my family and friends.

If it were my family and friends? I would talk to them. Show, them, say "Hey, don't you think this isn't the best way to go about things?" Give them a chance and do my best to help. But ultimately the decision is theirs. Show them, explain to them, give them every reason, and then let them decide.

I don't particularily care for people of that caliber. But all the same it's their choice. Not mine. And it's not yours either.

Remember this. If it makes somebody happy, and nobody else is hurt in the process, then can you give me one damn good fucking reason why you should go out and be a bitch to them over it?

It's not like you have to have sex with a slut, because it's your damn choice. They're not imposing their fucking "crevices" on you.

They're fucking the people who like exploring grand canyons.

Bad Verb. You've got me started on people's stupidity. Here's another.

There's slut shaming, right?

Are we forgeting virgin shaming? Because that's a thing. THAT'S A BIG FUCKING THING. Especially with guys.

So. Here's my point, again. Who in the flying fuck really cares? If I came up and told you a big long line about how you were pathetic for being a virgin, you yourself would defend against it. And I'm sure, others would too. You've got these fuckwits in society giving you shit about being a virgin, but then, suddenly, oops!

Spread your legs too far beyond the rest and you're a slut. So really, Verb, no.

Fuck society and their trends, fuck their collective morals and ethics, and fuck their feel good shams. Slut shaming, and likewise, virgin shaming, is just a thinly veiled garbage ploy on making the respective shamer feel a little better about themselves. Upholding themselves in a better, more "superior" light.

"Oh, she's a slut, what trash. I'm glad I can abstain."

No, fuck that bullshit. You let people do what they want, if it makes them happy. And if it doesn't hurt anybody else in the process, then more fucking power to them.

The Flood / Re: Single Action revolver recomendations?
« on: May 30, 2015, 01:16:25 PM »
Are you planning something, chalk?
Nah. I'm just interested in single-action revolvers. If I was planning something, I wouldn't tell you anyway.

I'm hurt chalk. You've crushed my dreams underfoot with the heel of your cowboy boot and the might of your single action cowboy shooter.

Because I actually, truthfully, really, don't have to time to give a fuck about what another person chooses to do with their body. And I'm not going to go out of my fucking way to cross the street and call somebody a slut just because they sleep around or wear "loose" clothing.

That's how fights start. That's how wars start. One asshole decides to call another out on how "Oh but this is just completely wrong." Fuck that shit. Fuck that tripe.

And, lastly. Who the fuck am I, or you, or anybody to judge, really?

Because let's think about this. To 90% of the human population, sex is good. It's number 2 or 1 on our list of the most enjoyable, pleasurable things in life.

If they feel good having lots of fucking sex? Go the fuck ahead. And I'll tell you why. Have you had sex before? I take it, most likely, no. Therefore, you don't really know what it feels like. I mean who is to say that you won't have sex and then essentially show up every night at clubs looking to pick up loose chicks, just like the ones that are supposedly okay to shame, because you really, really like having sex?

There's your reasons Verb. Slut shaming. What an absolutely pointless endevour and a pitiful way to make some people feel decent about themselves. Say hello to our old friend conformity for me, will you?

universally accepted moral standards tho

if no one judged anyone else to at least some small degree concerning unethical acts, where would we be as a collective society?

Oh don't give me that shit. We're comparing a girl on the streets who can't close her legs to those nazi scientists who did experiments on their prisoners.

Oh, wait, hang the fuck on, those nazi scientists still did those experiments anyway regardless of "morals."

Don't you try this fucking spin round bullshit on "but, muh what ifs."

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