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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: My town's local newspaper wants to interview me
« on: June 04, 2015, 12:31:24 PM »
You know what's even better?

You know we'll all be watching you if you do it.

pls no ;_;

pls yes. Do it. Will be fun.

The Flood / Re: My town's local newspaper wants to interview me
« on: June 04, 2015, 12:24:35 PM »
You know what's even better?

You know we'll all be watching you if you do it.

The Flood / Re: Describe other users as bugs
« on: June 04, 2015, 12:19:58 PM »
That's some shitty evolution

bees are actually pretty badass machines, otherwise

did you know they aim for your face specifically, because they have the ability to sense which parts of your body are the most sting-able

That's fucking crazy.. I've never been stung by a bee, even though I've been around them most of my life

I heard somewhere that pheremones are released along with the toxin that basically tell other bees to attack you.

Also! Up here, beehives are stored in boxes. Or shacks. They're like lean-toos. Now, all of these boxes have painted marks on them. Numbers on one side, patterns on the other.

Because there's so many identical box hives around, people mark the boxes up with various colours of paints.

And the bees recognize them, therefore not getting lost among all the other hives.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne: wrong ending
« on: June 04, 2015, 11:04:36 AM »
Since I'm never going to play it, can someone give me the jist of the story?

Right. I never looked it up. But will take a guess.

Victorian city. All cool and shit.

Oh shit nigga there's a plague.

People and shit start turning into shit.

All bound by blood cause incest or something.


People in the city get their pitchforks out and go hunting mad incest spawn creatures.

More shit and blood.

You show up.

More shit and blood.

Find out mad incest spawn creatures and shit coming from some asshole bosses.

Murder their shit.

Make yourself king shit.

Praise the Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.
This is surprisingly accurate.

The Flood / Re: Describe other users as bugs
« on: June 04, 2015, 10:59:20 AM »
Don't know if anybody said what Verb was yet.

Can't think of shit. So, Horseshoe Crab.

Technically a spider. Old relic from ancient times. Doesn't fit in anywhere. Makes babies and then dies.

Seems close enough.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne: wrong ending
« on: June 04, 2015, 10:53:33 AM »
Since I'm never going to play it, can someone give me the jist of the story?

Right. I never looked it up. But will take a guess.

Victorian city. All cool and shit.

Oh shit nigga there's a plague.

People and shit start turning into shit.

All bound by blood cause incest or something.


People in the city get their pitchforks out and go hunting mad incest spawn creatures.

More shit and blood.

You show up.

More shit and blood.

Find out mad incest spawn creatures and shit coming from some asshole bosses.

Murder their shit.

Make yourself king shit.

Praise the Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.

The Flood / Re: Today Is Going To Be A Shitty Day
« on: June 04, 2015, 10:38:58 AM »
Personally. Can't fucking believe it's only Thursday. I have the entire rest of the week to get through. Started Monday off on shit foot. Downhill slope ever since. Getting to happy fun time levels of exhaustion.

Have to build three walls today. 8 foot high, 7 feet wide. The foundation is crooked. Have to seriously adjust and measure the walls to compensate so I can make them straight.

Fuck that.
what do you mean "only thursday"?

Only day off I ever get is on Sunday. And that's half a day. I work half the day on Sunday. Take the rest off.

On Monday? Start it all over again. This week is a long haul this time. Normally I can keep up 7 days a week. Guess, not this time. Sunday seems, really, really far away.

The Flood / Re: Today Is Going To Be A Shitty Day
« on: June 04, 2015, 10:34:10 AM »
Personally. Can't fucking believe it's only Thursday. I have the entire rest of the week to get through. Started Monday off on shit foot. Downhill slope ever since. Getting to happy fun time levels of exhaustion.

Have to build three walls today. 8 foot high, 7 feet wide. The foundation is crooked. Have to seriously adjust and measure the walls to compensate so I can make them straight.

Fuck that.

The Flood / Re: UN Game X
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:41:24 PM »

Gaming / Re: Jesus Christ, why is the Witcher's autosave so fucked?
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:34:00 PM »
no, it's perfect

all video games are perfect, and if you don't like it, that just means you suck, and need to get better

at least, that's what dark souls fans have taught me

No no no.

Verb. You haven't been taught correctly yet.

You have to shove it down their throats. You have to be pushy about it.

The Flood / Re: Remember when DeeJ banned me from bnet for two years
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:29:53 PM »
There's a MLP thread that Deej put up still getting necro fucked back to life over there. SHows up at least once every week.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:25:41 PM »
Are we gonna let this thread die or

No. Necophilia is the popular trend right now.

We're gonna fuckin' beat that dead horse.

The Flood / Re: what type of robot
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:16:22 PM »
I was about to say "So no one has said 'sex bot' yet, huh?".
Thanks for living up to expectations Sandy.

Oho shit I woulda posted too.

But. You know those rules.

The Flood / Re: what type of robot
« on: June 03, 2015, 01:53:09 PM »
Also. Objectively. The best robot is the robot you can fuck.

All of you know this is true.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: June 03, 2015, 01:12:09 PM »
Dunno if you could call it art. Maybe, skirting on blog-ish. But wanted to write about an experience. While it's still in my memory. Unique one at that. Here we go.

Through insistance of a friend of mine, my sister's husband, I was dragged along out for the evening with them. A small family weekly event for them. Heading out onto the grid roads, a short trip in a vehicle, to a very small town, and, I say town loosely, actually, a hamlet. If you were to look at the small collection of old houses, you could say no more than 20 people lived here.

I already know of this town. I've already been to it. And I know some people there. But, I had never been to this "town's" library. Because the town is so small, the library is running on empty fumes. But the entire town is supportive. They want to keep the library open. So every Thursday, there's a big get together.

Cakes. Coffee. Tea. Everybody sits down. Everybody takes a book back with them, to create the need of supply and demand. The library stays alive this way.

My province, is strange. It is known for housing friendly people. Simple, some of them may be. But it isn't a lie, when I say, that most people in my province, random strangers and passerby, will often treat you better than even your friends. They will do more for you than you'd expect a stranger. My country, Canada, is even surprised by it. Elsewhere, in other provinces, people are not as open and friendly.

So, with this small hamlet? Something unique. Every town out here has an atmosphere. Its people, all carrying a different attitude. One town is starkly different in tone and atmosphere than the next. And this small hamlet is no exception.

I know one man already. Who, does his part every Thursday. The town mechanic. Withering. Old. In his 70's. A man that holds a wiry strength and an unbending will to never give in, or up. He works daily, in an old school, which he purchased, and retrofitted into a garage. Fixes machines in the town. And the area. And he works all day, every day, even when sick.

He does so because I've heard the words from him. He likes his job. It's not work to him. He is fascinated by taking apart machines and seeing what makes them tick. And then, reassembling them.

The man is a quiet mechanical genius. Chalkboards, in his garage, with mathematical calulations. His idea of making his own home built hovercraft.

So, I sit down in this small library. An old building. Small, and homey. Yet, well kept. Three computers. Even a TV of better quality than the one in my own home. I sit and I watch. I listen.

One man enters the library for the evening. A rather large man. Slightly pudgy. Aging. Shaved short beard. An old crumpled hat on his head, like you would see on old fisherman. And the first thing he says, upon seeing a new stack of books?

"Oh, fourth Harry Potter. Haven't read that one yet."

Instantly. You know the man is solid of head. He keeps up with the times. He knows what Harry Potter is. And implies that he's already touched into it. For such a beat up, old and weathered farmer? It was surprising to me.

He sits down with another man. Who, at first, looks mean. He looks hard. Like he doesn't want anybody to look at him, all in his corner by himself. And then, he converses with the other man and newcomer. Asks if his tomatoes survived the recent frost. Recieves a depressing "No."

Turns his attention to my sister and her husband. Asks the same. To a resounding "No." Instantly. Talk shifts with everybody in the library. "The weather's abnormal this year."

"I hear the gulf jet stream split."

"Maybe. I hear parts of Texas are getting our rain. We got some heat last week. Now it's cold again."

"Frost warnings for tonight and tomorrow too."

"You gonna have to buy more tomatoes?"

"No. I didn't plant them all. Held some back."

The man knows his plants. Knows that the weather is changing up here. Environmental damage and shifts are occuring.

I turn my attention to the new librarian. First day on the job. Replacing the previous librarian who has gotten on a plane to go out to the Ukraine to visit family for some time. She's being helped by the town's head honcho and head council. A woman who is short on humor and down to business. And, uptight. Everything she says has to outshine what you say. But she is still, supportive.

The topic shifts to the Ukraine and Russia, now occupying it. Asking on whether or not their librarian was taking a plane overhead, because it was risky airspace. Missle attacks and planes being shot down. Thankfully, no. Travelling by road once they land on the outskirts. Discussion shifts. Talk of how the Ukranians organize their towns differently than ours.

So, there I sat. Watching, and listening. Playing my part on stage when it was required. Conversing with the new librarian, who is hard on english because she too, is Ukranian. Having only been in my country for one year now. I get a library card, on being urged by my sister's husband. To help the town keep their library supported.

Looking at these strange people, people of the fields. Of dirt and grime. Messy, withered. But all starkly sharper than you would expect. And all, pitching in to help.

I say, why not?

Perhaps I will visit there more often. On Thursdays. I see the computers and how they're wired. I see how technologically rusty they are. They could use a hand. I could help them, in bits and pieces. And, maybe I want to. The small community holds much charm.

Now, I too, play, and do my part.

The Flood / Re: what type of robot
« on: June 03, 2015, 01:10:44 PM »

"Eat my lazer. EAT IT."

The Flood / Re: Which pocket do you carry your wallet in?
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:37:13 PM »

The Flood / Re: Why are women's breasts considered NSFW?
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:31:55 PM »
Tits are sexual.

Men like tits.

Get over it.
Wrong. Men don't like tits

EVERYONE, even gay people love tits

That also means that technically every woman is slightly lesbian. To a shade.
Not really. Humans just love them because it's hotwired in our brains for many reasons, men and women.

Going in circles. Already said that. Raised with boobs as kids. Breastfeeding. Inherent psychological imprints.

The Flood / Re: Why are women's breasts considered NSFW?
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:26:14 PM »
Tits are sexual.

Men like tits.

Get over it.
Wrong. Men don't like tits

EVERYONE, even gay people love tits

That also means that technically every woman is slightly lesbian. To a shade.

The Flood / Re: Why are women's breasts considered NSFW?
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:15:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: Why are women's breasts considered NSFW?
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:14:07 PM »
Boobs are sexual. Old instinctual things. It resounds a little bit in both sexes. After all, breast feeding. There's an underlying attraction to them.

Guys like boobs.

And some girls like having their boobs played with.

Sexual stuff, that's a no no.

Unless it's on TV.
Yeah I get that their sexual.

Six packs are sexual too but we don't censor them.

Really, none of you have provided a sound argument as to why we should censor female breasts.



The Flood / Re: Why are women's breasts considered NSFW?
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:05:32 PM »
Boobs are sexual. Old instinctual things. It resounds a little bit in both sexes. After all, breast feeding. There's an underlying attraction to them.

Guys like boobs.

And some girls like having their boobs played with.

Sexual stuff, that's a no no.

Unless it's on TV.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 apparently to be revealed at E3 2015
« on: June 02, 2015, 10:14:42 PM »
Am I the only one who actually really enjoyed DS2 without comparing it to the first one

I enjoyed it. Had it's strong points too. Actually, I like to consider Demon's/Dark Souls/Bloodborne whatever else souls made by From under a big sort of multiverse banner. Since we're talking spiritual successors and all. I lump them all together into a big hugbox.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 3 apparently to be revealed at E3 2015
« on: June 02, 2015, 01:31:51 PM »
Miyazaki will be directing again, as he did with Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne


Dark Souls 3 confirmed, should have been the dark souls game called "Dark Souls II."

The Flood / Re: Fuck this thread
« on: June 02, 2015, 01:14:53 PM »
I'd find you a gif of somebody fucking a ball of yarn and post it, but that'd be against the rules.

Sorry Desticle. Can't fuck your threads.

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel
« on: June 02, 2015, 12:53:06 PM »
This is how I feel:

I feel like I have so much potential in every aspect of my life that I'm almost overwhelmed by everything I can/want to do. I feel like there are not enough hours in a day for me to do everything and that I will run out of time. Lately I've also been feeling overwhelmed with the idea of money. I have so much motivation to make huge amounts of money but I just have no idea how, like there's a huge blank blot of white-out covering the part of my mind where the money making ideas are. This is gonna sound weird but I have this gut feeling, an absolute certainty, that I WILL do something amazing. I have so much anticipation for my success that I literally get rollercoaster butterflies when I think of what I'm going to accomplish(even though I have no fucking clue what it is yet).

Any advice?

Need a center and anchor point. Shift your focus, and narrow it down to a smaller field. Need to pick the things that mean the most to you and decide what you're going to do with them.

For example. I'm a quick learner with mechanics. Intutive mind and good at solving problems. Somebody building a house or structure? Could come in and point out solutions to problem rather quickly.

So, that means, no doubt, if I wanted, I could pursue a career in mechanics. Perhaps contract work. House building. But, I have to ask myself. What means the most to me? Family. They need help. More than money could ever help.

So, if I pursued those interests, I would be cut off from them. Taken far, far away from all of them. That is not the path I want to pursue.

Same with you.

You need to find your core values. What's the most valuable to you. And then, focus your path on that. Focus on where you want to go and how you want to get there.

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel
« on: June 02, 2015, 12:43:59 PM »
Too many things to fight against?

Always! Laundry list of things to do. Things that need to be done. And extra. And only four months to do it all? Crazy. Even with multiple people working on it, not enough time. More hitches and snags.

Serious / Re: Obama rallies the troops against. . . climate change?
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:01:58 AM »
Speaking of! Climate change!

How about dat jet stream split this year!

Parts of Texas drowning in my country's spring rainfall, my province being ass nuked with sun and heat from Texas and then switching over to frosts and sub zero temps, and fucking manitoba next door getting the shit beat out of them by old man winter who is right happy to take a frozen snowstorm shit all over them.

Meta! How about the UK?

You ready for colder temperatures? See, your fiery apocalypse pictures are wrong.

You're going to need a parka.

No problem. Just saying. 6 minutes of your time was focused on something else. 7-8 now that you and me have added another section to the conversation.
Oh...okay? Haha, this isn't really a serious problem, where I can't bear to look at Jenner articles. It's more just an annoyance.

Serious enough to talk about. Irritating enough to mention. Bored enough to focus on. Good luck avoiding supposed tripe.  Bon voyage.

Dunno class.

Maybe you should slap a "I don't give a shit" sticker over it. It's a real easy way to make it disappear, apparently. Just go and do something else for a few days.

Internet trends and all. Short life spans. Give it a week and it'll be as ancient as a dinosaur.
Me not giving a shit doesn't make it disappear from my news feed. But it's not important enough for me to not get on the Internet or anything. Just a tad pathetic and annoying.

Well then fuck your news feed. Adblock it or something.

Either that, or take a seat, sit down, and play the best fucking game known to man. The waiting game. Like I said. Give it a week. Two, tops.

Or, fuck. Just show up in one of the articles and break open a can of douchebagery and troll people in the comment sections. See if you can beat your highscore or some shit.
It's not even worth my time.

And yet it was worth the no doubt roughly 60-120 seconds it took you to make this thread.

You're stuck in a jam here. You either wait it out. Or, sit round and complain about it. I guess we both know what ya picked right?
Complaining is more fun.

Well, there you have it. I gave you maybe 6 minutes of dialogue of which you actively bitched and shifted attention to something. That's 6 whole minutes out of whatever many minutes there are in a week's worth of time.

I did my part. Have fun.
Lol, what's your problem?

No problem. Just saying. 6 minutes of your time was focused on something else. 7-8 now that you and me have added another section to the conversation.

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