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Messages - Sandtrap

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Serious / Re: Do you consider transgenderism a mental illness?
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:21:05 PM »
I can't wrap my head around why this forum is so obsessed with the topic.

Who knows. Intriguing subject because of circumstance(s).

Skirts on all sorts of questions and topics. Big blurred field to discuss.

The Flood / Re: What do You Think You're Known for on Sep7?
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:13:02 PM »
Remember you. Just remembered you. Took me a while. You're the fellow who was green. Had, I think, an avatar with the grim reaper. Asked questions in Serious. Interesting talks.

The Flood / Re: What do You Think You're Known for on Sep7?
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:11:42 PM »
Bein' stuhpid.
Try someone who cares about users enough to post walls of text as replies to the point where it's funny at some times.

Like I said. Bein' stuhpid.

The Flood / Re: What do You Think You're Known for on Sep7?
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:07:21 PM »
Bein' stuhpid.

No, but my parents do, they're stuck up on the whole, guys should have short hair, girls should have long hair and thats how it should be thing.
That is how it should be.

I lol.

Serious / Re: Reasons why you're against/for space travel?
« on: June 06, 2015, 01:06:35 PM »
Earth is fucked and isn't going to last forever, so yeah, I'm for it.

That's a pretty big damn waiting line until we reach the "fucked" point.

What was it? Billions of years? Supposedly our present type of human haven't even been around for what. 100,000 years yet? And it's only in the last couple centuries that we've especially kicked off from a sociatal standpoint and technological. Unless of course you're advocating for,

"Oh, our bad, we dun goofed up our planet, let's jump ship to another, rinse and repeat."

The Flood / Re: I was going to watch a nature documentary.
« on: June 06, 2015, 12:26:38 PM »
I'm going to put some dirty clothes on in a bit. Stuff myself underneath my truck. And make a list of all the shit that needs to be replaced. That, and replace miscellaneous oils.

The Flood / Re: Ways to keep from throwing up?
« on: June 06, 2015, 11:12:47 AM »
Put anything else in your coffee? Or do you just take it black?

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: June 06, 2015, 10:48:16 AM »

A before and after shot of a picture. Early work in progress, the scenebuild, and the end shot, with all the right lighting. Still can't get it right though. Something's always off. Irritates me.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:53:44 AM »
No. Too late to go for a walk now. Sunlight is showing up. Walks are best done at night for me. And, I'm not a dancer. Just listen to my music in peace and quiet.

The Flood / Re: Bang the user's avatar above you
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:29:55 AM »
Nice rack bubble gum.

Rotating pictures.

One of them with somebody with bubble gum. And a big rack.

"Nice rack bubble gum."
Ah.. Arcade Miss Fortune.

At least it wasn't Rek'Sai. She's...

A monster.

Don't care. Has boobs. Go for it.

Jokes actually on you. Metal grates like a bitch.

The Flood / Re: Bang the user's avatar above you
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:26:58 AM »
Nice rack bubble gum.

Rotating pictures.

One of them with somebody with bubble gum. And a big rack.

"Nice rack bubble gum."

The Flood / Re: If I killed myself, how would you feel?
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:21:18 AM »
You don't know that. I may.
it should be your goal though

and yeah, if you fail, then in my opinion, you should get banned for exorbitant amounts of time
because it means you haven't learned, and it'll give you the furthered incentive to commit to your words

I'll take my break but I'm not going to get banned for it.

See you whenever I come back.

Actually, how about this? I'll come back once my Xbox Live Gold Expires. July 1st.

I'm gonna try to do that. Yeah.

See ya later people. Deci out.

Summer time. Go outside and have some fun. Sunshine is always good. Vacation time.

The Flood / Re: Bang the user's avatar above you
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:02:20 AM »
Nice rack bubble gum.

The Flood / Re: If I killed myself, how would you feel?
« on: June 06, 2015, 03:43:14 AM »
Frankly I'd be pissed.

Cause I'd've wasted breath over you. All those particular talks we've shared over time. Would be an insult to them. And a disregard to the points I've tried to make and help. I don't talk to people, for the sake of talking.

Try to help, if I can. Listen, when I can. Would rightfully upset me if that did happen.

Any people here. Same deal.

I understand, but that doesn't mean it's that easy Sandtrap.

I'm 115% sure it hasn't been easy for you at all, and I thank you for your bravery.

Not supposed to be easy. Never is.

You say, "Hey, we'll put three walls up tomorrow now that we've got the base."

End of the day comes? Half a wall built on the structure. Never easy. Never goes without a hitch. And, never implied that it would. Just have to keep pushing forward regardless. Always. Never stop. Again. Just words of mine. Really not easy to get up some days and keep going.

But, there it is. Talked to you a lot. Told you what you should do, or try. All there for you to put together and go. You've got everything you can see and do, all right there. And all you have to do is chase after it and keep going no matter what's in the way.

I understand. Thanks for having my back man. Seriously. I appreciate it.

I don't remember much. Trying. But I know you've got some technical aptitude somewhere. More than me. Can do a lot with that. There's so much you can do with that.

A break isn't a bad thing. Sometimes some isolation is nice. Just time to yourself to do what you feel like.

I understand that some days it's no fun at all to stop what you're doing, and look and see that you've no friends. Nobody close to you.

So, you come here. This place, not the best. Too many crusty people. Even me, at this point. So, take a break. Focus on your work and pursuits. More fun that way.

Or, go out and find some people. Can always find people where you least expect them to show up. Make some friends beyond the computer screen. Much, much nicer that way.

Thing is when I was a teenager, I used to be much more social in life. That all ended when I signed up for Bungie when I was 16.

I just have to find a balance really.

And you're right. I do have a technical aptitude. I don't know about it being more than you do. I wouldn't say that.

Eh. Can't explain the effect. But, you should. Push away from internet related stuff regarding people. Push to get out there. Internet is like a big safety net. Can go and talk to anybody, any time, anywhere on the planet.

But it never fills the hole. Fake substitute for human interaction. Can never replace a person sitting next to you talking to you, or smiling, or laughing.

You get caught in a trap. Chasing after a constant source of people to talk to on the internet. Always chasing after that empty feeling you don't get, but lured by the conversation with people.

Like I said. Push to get out of that habit. Go back out there and find people. And don't believe that there's not other people out there you can't get along with either. Just have to pick who you call a friend, carefully.

The Flood / Re: If I killed myself, how would you feel?
« on: June 06, 2015, 03:37:06 AM »
In which case, your opinion here is almost worthless. Which is why I said. Go elsewhere. Waste of time for you, or any others here on this particular subject.

Not upset, no. But, tired old broken record. Irritating. "Oh look somebody feels down and is talking about it. Let's go say some stupid shit like we always do to make them feel even worse."

You must have skipped my comments in here if you think that's seriously my mindset. I support Deci, and while I obviously wouldn't want him or anyone to kill themselves, guilting them over your wasted time isn't the way to do it. I didn't say any stupid shit to him in this entire thread, just criticized you. And it isn't even about you.

Then drop the tripe. As I said. Not a guilt trip. Wake up call. It's how I slap common sense into myself. It's worked every time. Stop and realize how selfish it is to just throw away the effort and care people put into you.

I'll repeat it one last time. Drop the garbage. No, this isn't about me.

But back the fuck up. Because you made it about me. When I say, "Deci, think about all the stuff we talked about," I'm not saying, "Boo hoo me I wasted my time."

I'm fucking saying, to think about everything I've conversed with him about. Would hurt me, if I learned that he offed himself. Didn't listen to things I've talked to him about.

Trying to show, the harm that can be done. Loss of life is bad. But self inflicted loss of life?

Leaves marks on other people too. I'm playing to the fact that Deci doesn't want to inherently hurt others. Trying to show that it would hurt others.

Not a guilt trip. Statement. You off yourself, somebody is always left behind, hurting.

The Flood / Re: If I killed myself, how would you feel?
« on: June 06, 2015, 03:29:34 AM »
Frankly I'd be pissed.

Cause I'd've wasted breath over you. All those particular talks we've shared over time. Would be an insult to them. And a disregard to the points I've tried to make and help. I don't talk to people, for the sake of talking.

Try to help, if I can. Listen, when I can. Would rightfully upset me if that did happen.

Any people here. Same deal.

I understand, but that doesn't mean it's that easy Sandtrap.

I'm 115% sure it hasn't been easy for you at all, and I thank you for your bravery.

Not supposed to be easy. Never is.

You say, "Hey, we'll put three walls up tomorrow now that we've got the base."

End of the day comes? Half a wall built on the structure. Never easy. Never goes without a hitch. And, never implied that it would. Just have to keep pushing forward regardless. Always. Never stop. Again. Just words of mine. Really not easy to get up some days and keep going.

But, there it is. Talked to you a lot. Told you what you should do, or try. All there for you to put together and go. You've got everything you can see and do, all right there. And all you have to do is chase after it and keep going no matter what's in the way.

I understand. Thanks for having my back man. Seriously. I appreciate it.

I don't remember much. Trying. But I know you've got some technical apptitude somewhere. More than me. Can do a lot with that. There's so much you can do with that.

A break isn't a bad thing. Sometimes some isolation is nice. Just time to yourself to do what you feel like.

I understand that some days it's no fun at all to stop what you're doing, and look and see that you've no friends. Nobody close to you.

So, you come here. This place, not the best. Too many crusty people. Even me, at this point. So, take a break. Focus on your work and pursuits. More fun that way.

Or, go out and find some people. Can always find people where you least expect them to show up. Make some friends beyond the computer screen. Much, much nicer that way.

The Flood / Re: If I killed myself, how would you feel?
« on: June 06, 2015, 03:24:16 AM »
Frankly I'd be pissed.

Cause I'd've wasted breath over you. All those particular talks we've shared over time. Would be an insult to them. And a disregard to the points I've tried to make and help. I don't talk to people, for the sake of talking.

Try to help, if I can. Listen, when I can. Would rightfully upset me if that did happen.

Any people here. Same deal.
>guilting people into not killing themselves

That's literally the worst way to handle this kind of situation

Sit the fuck down and put your tripe away. Not a guilt trip. Just stating a fact. It would be a waste. It always is.

Nobody ever thinks about it, when they go to off themselves. About the things people do and continue to do for them. The support given, and waiting. Always.

It's a good wake up call. Stopping and thinking about that fact. So, go elsewhere. You supposedly don't care anyway. Shuffle off to whatever else you feel like doing and don't belittle with tripe and garbage. Waste of your time and anybody else here.

Go watch some chinese cartoons or some shit.
Oh, please. No one has an obligation to live if they don't want to. It seems you're getting a bit upset over this, too, which is baffling, since all I did was give my opinion.

In which case, your opinion here is almost worthless. Which is why I said. Go elsewhere. Waste of time for you, or any others here on this particular subject.

Not upset, no. But, tired old broken record. Irritating. "Oh look somebody feels down and is talking about it. Let's go say some stupid shit like we always do to make them feel even worse."


The Flood / Re: If I killed myself, how would you feel?
« on: June 06, 2015, 03:18:41 AM »
Frankly I'd be pissed.

Cause I'd've wasted breath over you. All those particular talks we've shared over time. Would be an insult to them. And a disregard to the points I've tried to make and help. I don't talk to people, for the sake of talking.

Try to help, if I can. Listen, when I can. Would rightfully upset me if that did happen.

Any people here. Same deal.

I understand, but that doesn't mean it's that easy Sandtrap.

I'm 115% sure it hasn't been easy for you at all, and I thank you for your bravery.

Not supposed to be easy. Never is.

You say, "Hey, we'll put three walls up tomorrow now that we've got the base."

End of the day comes? Half a wall built on the structure. Never easy. Never goes without a hitch. And, never implied that it would. Just have to keep pushing forward regardless. Always. Never stop. Again. Just words of mine. Really not easy to get up some days and keep going.

But, there it is. Talked to you a lot. Told you what you should do, or try. All there for you to put together and go. You've got everything you can see and do, all right there. And all you have to do is chase after it and keep going no matter what's in the way.

The Flood / Re: If I killed myself, how would you feel?
« on: June 06, 2015, 03:12:13 AM »
Frankly I'd be pissed.

Cause I'd've wasted breath over you. All those particular talks we've shared over time. Would be an insult to them. And a disregard to the points I've tried to make and help. I don't talk to people, for the sake of talking.

Try to help, if I can. Listen, when I can. Would rightfully upset me if that did happen.

Any people here. Same deal.
>guilting people into not killing themselves

That's literally the worst way to handle this kind of situation

Sit the fuck down and put your tripe away. Not a guilt trip. Just stating a fact. It would be a waste. It always is.

Nobody ever thinks about it, when they go to off themselves. About the things people do and continue to do for them. The support given, and waiting. Always.

It's a good wake up call. Stopping and thinking about that fact. So, go elsewhere. You supposedly don't care anyway. Shuffle off to whatever else you feel like doing and don't belittle with tripe and garbage. Waste of your time and anybody else here.

Go watch some chinese cartoons or some shit.

The Flood / Re: If I killed myself, how would you feel?
« on: June 06, 2015, 03:00:38 AM »
Frankly I'd be pissed.

Cause I'd've wasted breath over you. All those particular talks we've shared over time. Would be an insult to them. And a disregard to the points I've tried to make and help. I don't talk to people, for the sake of talking.

Try to help, if I can. Listen, when I can. Would rightfully upset me if that did happen.

Any people here. Same deal.

The Flood / Re: Why does this guy hate me? (srs) (pls read)
« on: June 06, 2015, 12:09:05 AM »
Eh. Just let him wander off. Best you can do at that point. Can't give you advice if there's only one side to the story. Ya need all the perspectives first.

So, at that point? Let him walk. People gonna people.

Gaming / Re: What games are we sitting around waiting for right now
« on: June 05, 2015, 11:56:24 PM »
Nothing. Don't remember the last time I took a ride on a hype train.

Don't remember the last time I even bought a game.

Hokay. Actually, makes me curious.

Take the biggest dinosaurs we know of. And take a building. Just a regular, one story tall building.

Wood? I can see one of them crashing through it no problem.

Concrete? What ya think?

How about metal?

I mean, these were some big fucking animals. And we're talking reptilians as well. Thick skinned. You think some of the largest dinosaurs had the mass to go through a tougher building like steel or concrete without injury?
Depends on the dino, though a T-Rex could probably get by with just some minor injuries, some large cuts here and there, not enough to stop it thats for sure.

Bigger critters than R-Rex. If we get into the Sauropod category I think just about any building we make could be smashed through.

Strange. Ever really stop and think about how big these things were? This is an animal that's taking the limits of what big is. Imagine the muscle required to keep them moving. Or the calories required.

Hell, their hearts or lungs.

Hokay. Actually, makes me curious.

Take the biggest dinosaurs we know of. And take a building. Just a regular, one story tall building.

Wood? I can see one of them crashing through it no problem.

Concrete? What ya think?

How about metal?

I mean, these were some big fucking animals. And we're talking reptilians as well. Thick skinned. You think some of the largest dinosaurs had the mass to go through a tougher building like steel or concrete without injury?

The Flood / Re: Fat people
« on: June 05, 2015, 06:31:46 PM »
Fat people should probably just kill themselves tbh

But they are! Too much weight is unhealthy!

They're just taking their time.

Gaming / Re: [Rumour] Leaked Dark Souls 3 info and pics
« on: June 05, 2015, 06:29:55 PM »

The Flood / Re: The City in the Forrest
« on: June 05, 2015, 12:35:41 PM »

Forgot some others. Really enjoyable. Come out of winter into spring. And then the plants start taking roids and everything goes green again.

Serious / Re: Does the concept of an afterlife de-value life?
« on: June 05, 2015, 12:32:39 PM »

Econ 101: scarcity = value.

So here's an interesting question. Why do religious people not pick up on that? They just pass it over. It's pretty easy to spot, I think.

Serious / Re: Does the concept of an afterlife de-value life?
« on: June 05, 2015, 12:30:30 PM »
If there was an afterlife, that would change everything.

How so? Or, I mean, from your point of view, what exactly would be so monumental about it?

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