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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: it was just 4:20
« on: June 16, 2015, 03:22:01 AM »
2 Hours ahead of me.

Haven't seen you in a while RC car.


The Flood / Re: How aware are you of your body?
« on: June 16, 2015, 03:17:59 AM »
I notice my breathing. I feel a sort of grating feeling in my lungs. They inflate, and hit a point, where everything after that is blocked, but still trying to take in air. It's a struggle.

If I put my hand on my chest I can feel the slightly irregular heartbeat. Every now and then, it "stumbles." It's normal. And then, oops. It trips up just a bit.

I can feel the grating in my joints. My knees, my fingers and knuckles, they all crack when I wind them too tightly.

And I can feel the pain tingle down my neck from my head, run through my spine, before my hands tremble and shake.

You could say I acknowledge it.

The Flood / Re: Change one event in your life
« on: June 16, 2015, 03:01:24 AM »
Chemo. No. Proper way of saying it. I'd remove the tumor out of my head. Make it so it never happened.

I try to find an upside to things normally.

There isn't a single fucking thing to be found that's good in a lump of toxic bullshit jammed into my fucking skull.

The Flood / Re: Six Years with this community
« on: June 16, 2015, 02:57:45 AM »
Happy Anniversary?

The Flood / Re: heyy
« on: June 16, 2015, 02:55:05 AM »

The Flood / Re: heyy
« on: June 16, 2015, 02:27:35 AM »
I found a box of frozen chicken nuggets at the bottom of my freezer.

The Flood / Re: I have discovered a relic in my freezer
« on: June 16, 2015, 02:25:32 AM »
We have a bottle of maple syrup that has a best-before date that ended in 2011. It still tastes okay though.

Generally, best before labels are mostly bunk.

If you keep your food in well kept conditions, either sealed or refridgerated, bacterias and shit aren't suddenly going to materialize through the cold or the seal just cause the date's out.

It only really counts for unsealed, exposed food.

The Flood / Re: I have discovered a relic in my freezer
« on: June 16, 2015, 02:22:55 AM »
I wouldn't eat something that old.

Talking to a gentlemen who takes his drinking water unfiltered from a spring, Ele. A fully sealed package of frozen food that needs to be cooked and is a few years old isn't going to kill me.

The Flood / Re: I have discovered a relic in my freezer
« on: June 16, 2015, 01:38:25 AM »


The Flood / Re: I have discovered a relic in my freezer
« on: June 16, 2015, 01:33:23 AM »
I have some couple year old stuff in my pantry. Pancake mixes and other stuff I forgot. I think I have 1 year old cream cheese in my fridge.

No shit dude. You know that shitty plastic cheese they sell in little plastic packages wrapped in more plastic?

Kraft or something.


I left one of those things in my fridge for..... give or take a good 3-5 years.

And I found it. The cheeze was unscathed save for black liquid developing in the plastic wrap it sat in.
Processed cheese is nasty, so you deserve it for buying it.

I don't even think I bought it. Somebody must have given it to me or I might have raided a friend's fridge for the purpose of pooling food for a party.

Either way I disposed of that slow growing abomination appropriatly when I rediscovered it.

The Flood / Re: I have discovered a relic in my freezer
« on: June 16, 2015, 01:29:59 AM »
I have some couple year old stuff in my pantry. Pancake mixes and other stuff I forgot. I think I have 1 year old cream cheese in my fridge.

No shit dude. You know that shitty plastic cheese they sell in little plastic packages wrapped in more plastic?

Kraft or something.


I left one of those things in my fridge for..... give or take a good 3-5 years.

And I found it. The cheeze was unscathed save for black liquid developing in the plastic wrap it sat in.

The Flood / I have discovered a relic in my freezer
« on: June 16, 2015, 01:25:58 AM »
Fucking dated at 2009.

Hashbrown Casserole. I thought I didn't have any of that shit left. The most disgusting sounding god teir food I've ever had the pleasure of learning how to make.

It's like wine too. It ages sooooo good.

I'm curious. You folks have any relics or hidden treasures in your freezers? Or are they just boring?

The Flood / Re: As I sit in my room playing Xbox
« on: June 16, 2015, 01:10:59 AM »

Eh. I contributed.

The Flood / Re: As I sit in my room playing Xbox
« on: June 16, 2015, 01:03:07 AM »
Give me themes.

I have a folder containing thousands of backgrounds at your disposal.

Gaming / Re: 343 have actually broken canon
« on: June 15, 2015, 10:30:19 PM »
Muh canoes!

Buck and Arby in the same picture together doe.

Always curious what the hell any human soldier would think of Arby. He's the walking alien equivilent to Chief basically.

The Flood / Re: Post 5/5 Cosplays.
« on: June 15, 2015, 10:26:49 PM »

The Flood / Re: Post 5/5 Cosplays.
« on: June 15, 2015, 10:24:49 PM »

The Flood / Re: Christopher Walkin
« on: June 15, 2015, 01:45:12 PM »

The Flood / Re: When I Say Rufi
« on: June 15, 2015, 01:11:25 PM »

Gaming / Re: Skills will not be in Fallout 4.
« on: June 15, 2015, 12:54:15 PM »
Oh noes.

Muh skills! The hell is the perk chart for then? I've got it.

10 bucks says your gameplay style is essentially your skills.

Use energy weapons a lot? Get you some perks nigga.
skyrim is a shitty RPG

Oh I never implied as such now did I?

Gaming / Re: Skills will not be in Fallout 4.
« on: June 15, 2015, 12:38:00 PM »
Oh noes.

Muh skills! The hell is the perk chart for then? I've got it.

10 bucks says your gameplay style is essentially your skills.

Use energy weapons a lot? Get you some perks nigga.

The Flood / Re: I am not gay
« on: June 15, 2015, 10:51:49 AM »
But of course!

You're just attracted to big carrots.

The Flood / Re: Let's all watch a gay movie tonight flood
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:38:28 AM »
This doesn't look like a happy movie..

Clowns are always happy.

The Flood / Re: Let's all watch a gay movie tonight flood
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:35:00 AM »
I cant take this seriously at all

Key words.

"Gay movie" and "popcorn."

The Flood / Let's all watch a gay movie tonight flood
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:24:25 AM »

Grab your popcorn folks.

The Flood / Re: The Clown Trailer UK 2015 (nsfw)
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:17:51 AM »

Hey. Fox person.

I found the whole movie. Enjoy.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: June 15, 2015, 02:48:10 AM »

You need to put on a certain accent and ask them out on a first date.

To go bowling.

And then when you get them into bed.

Ask them if you can call them Niko.

It'll work.

The Flood / Re: Come in here so I can ask you questions about stuff
« on: June 15, 2015, 02:35:49 AM »
I actually prefer female bosses/supervisors.

Fucking just shoot me. In my experience? A woman in a position of power? Bitch mode activated.
....I kinda like that

Right! I forgot who I was talking to there for a sec.

You're the one with a foot fetish I think. That goes hand in hand with a bitchy bossy type of lady.

The Flood / Re: Fight fire with fire?
« on: June 15, 2015, 02:30:39 AM »
70% water you say?

Hallelujah it's rainin' men!

The Flood / Re: Interesting history facts
« on: June 15, 2015, 02:03:55 AM »

This man here, is Léo Major.

He was a French-Canadian soldier during WWII. He's one of five Canadians to be awarded Distinguished Conduct Medal during WWII. He was the only Canadian and one of only three other soldiers in the British Commonwealth to ever win the Distinguished Conduct Medal twice in separate wars.

Leo Major is famous for several reasons.

D-Day Landing, first day on the job

During a reconnaissance mission on D-Day, Major captured a German armoured vehicle (a Hanomag) by himself. The vehicle contained German communication equipment and secret German Army codes.

Days later, during his first encounter with an SS patrol, he killed four soldiers; however, one of them managed to ignite a phosphorus grenade. After the resulting explosion, Major lost one eye but he continued to fight.

He continued his service as a scout and a sniper by insisting that he needed only one eye to sight his weapon. According to him, he "looked like a pirate".

Battle of the Scheldt

Major single-handedly captured 93 German soldiers during The Battle of the Scheldt in Zeeland in the southern Netherlands. During a reconnaissance, whilst alone, he spotted two German soldiers walking along a dike. He captured the first German and attempted to use him as bait so he could capture the other. The second attempted to use his gun, but Major quickly killed him. He went on to capture their commanding officer and forced him to surrender.

The German garrison surrendered themselves after three more were shot dead by Major. In a nearby village, SS troops who witnessed German soldiers being escorted by a Canadian soldier shot at their own soldiers, injuring a few and killing seven. Major disregarded the enemy fire and kept escorting his prisoners to the Canadian front line. Major then ordered a passing Canadian tank to fire on the SS troops.

He marched back to camp with nearly a hundred prisoners. Thus, he was chosen to receive a DCM. He declined the invitation to be decorated, however, because according to him General Montgomery (who was giving the award) was "incompetent" and in no position to be giving out medals.


In February 1945, Major was helping a padre load corpses from a destroyed Tiger tank into a Bren Carrier. After they finished loading the bodies, the padre and the driver seated themselves in the front whilst Major jumped on the back of the vehicle. The carrier soon struck a land mine.

Major claims to have remembered a loud blast followed by his body being thrown into the air and smashing down hard as he landed on his back. He lost consciousness and awoke to two concerned medical officers trying to assess his condition. He simply asked if the padre was okay. They did not answer, but loaded him onto a truck so he could be transported to a field hospital 30 miles (48 km) away, stopping every 15 minutes to inject morphine to relieve the pain in his back.

A doctor at the field hospital informed him that he had broken his back in three places, four ribs, and both ankles. Again they told Major that the war was over for him. A week went by and Major had the opportunity to flee. He managed to get a ride from a passing jeep that drove him to Nijmegen, a town where he had previously met a family. He stayed with that family for close to a month. He went back to his unit in March 1945.

Battle of Zwolle

In the beginning of April, the Régiment de la Chaudière were approaching the city of Zwolle, which presented strong German resistance. The Commanding Officer asked for two volunteers to reconnoitre the German force before the artillery began firing at the city. Private Major and his friend Corporal Willie Arseneault stepped forward to accept the task. In order to keep the city intact, the pair decided to try to capture Zwolle alone, though they were only supposed to reconnoitre the German numbers and attempt contact with the Dutch Resistance.

Around midnight Arseneault was killed by German fire after accidentally giving away the team's position. Enraged, Major killed two of the Germans, but the rest of the group fled in a vehicle. He decided to continue his mission alone. He entered Zwolle near Sassenport and came upon a staff car. He ambushed and captured the German driver, and then led him to a bar where an officer was taking a drink. Inside he found that they could both speak French (the officer was from Alsace), and Major told him that at 6:00 am Canadian artillery would begin firing at the city, causing numerous casualties among both the German troops and the civilians. As a sign of good faith, he gave the German his gun back.

Major then proceeded to run throughout the city firing his machine gun, throwing grenades and making so much noise that he fooled the Germans into thinking that the Canadian Army was storming the city in earnest. As he was doing this, he would attack and capture German troops. About 10 times during the night he captured groups of 8 to 10 German soldiers, escorted them out of the city and gave them to the French-Canadian troops that were waiting in the vicinity.

After transferring his prisoners to the troops, he would return to Zwolle to continue his assault. He eventually located the Gestapo HQ and set the building on fire. Later stumbling upon the SS HQ, he got into a quick but deadly fight with eight ranking Nazi officers: four were killed, and the other half fled. He noticed that two of the SS he just killed were disguised as resistance members. The Zwolle resistance had been (or were going to be) infiltrated by the Nazis.

By 4:30 am, the exhausted Major found out that the Germans had retreated. Zwolle had been liberated, and the Resistance contacted. Walking in the street he met four members of the Dutch Resistance. He informed them that the city was now free of Germans.

Korean War

Léo Major fought in the Korean War, where he was awarded a bar to his Distinguished Conduct Medal for capturing and holding a key hill.

This position was being controlled by the Third US Infantry Division (around 10,000 men) when the 64th Chinese Army (around 40,000 men) lowered a decisive artillery barrage. Over the course of two days, the Americans were pushed back by elements of the Chinese 190th and 191st Divisions.

They tried to recapture the hill, but without any success, and the Chinese had moved to the nearby hill, practically surrounding the US forces. In order to relieve pressure, LCol J.A. Dextraze, Commanding Officer of the 2nd Battalion Royal 22nd Regiment, brought up an elite scout and sniper team led by Léo Major. Wielding Stenguns, Major and his 18 men silently crept up the hill. At a signal, Major's men opened fire, panicking the Chinese who were trying to understand why the firing was coming from the center of their troops instead of from the outside. By 12:45 am they had retaken the hill.

However, an hour later two Chinese divisions (the 190th and the 191st, totaling around 14,000 men) counter-attacked. Major was ordered to retreat, but refused and found scant cover for his men. There he held the enemy off throughout the night, though they were so close to him that Major's own mortar shells were practically raining down on him.

For three days his men held off multiple Chinese counter-assaults until reinforcements arrived. For his actions, Major was awarded the bar to the Distinguished Conduct Medal.

Thus concludes this interesting history fact.

Don't fuck with canucks.
Yes yes and he was blind in one eye we all know who he is.


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