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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Bæ Made A Forum
« on: June 25, 2015, 11:12:38 AM »

This will go well. 10 bucks says Cam posts some mature shit on there and then reports it to the proboards authorities who then nuke the bitch.

So have you gone to my forum any time recently...?

No. I'm rather absent from stuff like that. Or forgetful. Pick whichever one you feel like.

Apologies though.

Gaming / Re: Greetings, fellow guardian.
« on: June 24, 2015, 09:31:09 PM »
The one that fists things.

The Flood / Re: Bæ Made A Forum
« on: June 24, 2015, 09:29:04 PM »
This will go well. 10 bucks says Cam posts some mature shit on there and then reports it to the proboards authorities who then nuke the bitch.

Gaming / Re: Favourite fantasy game?
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:30:40 PM »
The earlier games in the Fable Series will always hold a place in my heart. The series's lore was always really interesting to me.

Now I assume we're all loosely versed with the theory of evolution. At which point I'm not discrediting it because it's the most sound theory we have evidence of. So, a couple questions then, for the sake of discussion.

1. Since evolution is a continuous process, with life forms evolving and adapting, with the most versatile surviving and eventually coming out on top, then what evolutionary purpose does a virus serve?

A virus's sole purpose of existence is the survival of itself. Which is why it spreads and infects. But, this is a bit contradictory because viruses damage their hosts. And, the stronger, arguably "better" viruses kill their hosts.

Which is a rather big contradiction to surviving.

2. Survival instinct.

Can anybody here, give any sort of guess as to where it came from? Again, if we're going with the rule set of evolution, it's a trial and error process over a very long stretch of time. It's theorized that we have such a fear of things like spiders because it was an evolutionary development because traditionally, a fair number of spiders can be deadly.

But, from day one, if there was no survival instinct, there wouldn't be much in the way of complex celluar life on the planet at all. But, logically speaking anyway, from day one, how could you possibly have any sort of life form with a pre-established need to survive?

Whether it be eating, duplicating, or anything else?

For a second there I thought you were talking about that british kid who liked 14 year olds.

Gaming / Re: Exclusive Destiny Red Bull quest
« on: June 24, 2015, 10:53:29 AM »
Lately every bit of destiny news disgusts me. It could have been the game of the decade.

I would'nt say game of the decade. But it looked, at the very least, promising and fun in it's early stages.

Serious / Re: I have no idea why I visit this forum
« on: June 24, 2015, 10:48:26 AM »
And I have no particular idea why the hell you've adopted brolaire as an avatar.

Such mysteries in life may never go answered.

The Flood / Re: Human beings are such wastes of garbage.
« on: June 24, 2015, 02:08:11 AM »
Na. You don't hate people. Because if you did, you'd be shooting up a church or something. Strong dislike is a much better glove to fit that hand.

Now, I'm no fan of people either. I'm no fan of our flaws. I'm no fan of how no matter what you do, you can't really win, with people. I'm no fan of our poorly constructed system and ways of doing things.

But, it's a guilty pleasure. Because not everybody's shitty. People surprise you. And that's nice. It's nice to find aspects and things about people that you can enjoy.

And most of all, hell, I would seriously like to see any other sapient species do better than us right now. Because, we're just taking our first steps. There are still, a hell of a lot of rough edges to smooth out with us as a species. Is it neccessarily nice to look at? Certainly not. It's rather depressing.

But those little rare finds among people are nice. Which is, primarily, why I'm here, right now.

As sick as I am of talking, in all forms, people here still surprise me. I still learn from them.

So while there's lots of ugly stuff about people, there's good things too. And for me at least, seeing those, finding those, and experiencing that, makes people worth it. Nobody's perfect Deci.

I'm sorry, but I can't see the better side of most people on this earth. I just can't. I feel like at least 75% of the population is infected with douchebaggyness and outright stupidity. This species is a joke.

Well, that's the rule of majority. Always been that way. But like I said. I would seriously like to see anybody or anything else do better.

I'm certainly not saying that everybody has a peachy side to them. But I am saying that the rare people you find that do make up for it.

And maybe that's a problem with today. With everything being so interconnected, all those channels open. You're going to hear about a hell of a lot of garbage. Which, comes down to an old point of mine.

As a species, we're designed to look at the bad things. Because in the past, focus directed at bad things, aka threats, helped save our asses. Focus, and thinking, and planning, being aware of the threat, saved and helped us.

Biologically, we are actually not designed to function with settling down. We don't look at good things so much. We don't focus on them for long because a good thing, is a good thing.

It's not a threat. So it's okay if it slips under the radar.

Which creates a very, very convincing illusion that we're all in fact surrounded by bullshit. When we're not. It's just that all the decent things go unheard of. Decent people, don't have spotlights of attention over them.

And that's why it seems like there's so much trash in the world.

Because nobody is built to give a shit about good things. It's not really our fault. It's just an old adaptation mechanism from older times.

I see. :/

So. What do you do with that knowledge?

Be aware. Be aware that it's never totally as bad as it seems.

I don't know Sandtrap. Do you think there is still enough good out there to combat the bad and the shit?

It doesn't have to neccessarily combat it. It's not a war. And it's not a scale you can really alter by choice. You can certainly try. But it's impossible to smile every day. And impossible to keep it up at all times.

No matter what you do, you will be visited by bad shit. And good shit. But, what it is, is an experience. And it's yours alone.

The simplest thing you can do with that, is knowing how to let go. Like greiving for somebody you've lost. Eventually, you'll be okay with it. You'll recover. Essentially. Take the good when it comes.

Or do your best to generate it.

And take the bad when it comes. Let it feel shitty because denying it is impossible.

But don't get hung up on it. Or it'll drag you down.

I'll try not to. Thank you man.

The point I missed. People gravitate towards what makes them feel good. And that should be the focus. Finding and doing what makes you feel good, so long as it does not infringe on another's well being or happiness.

No doubt I'd bet even the happiest person in the world has shitty days too. But if you can try and focus your attention onto things that make you happy, and divert your attention from staying focused on negative things for too long, then that's the best anybody can ask and strive for.

I can agree with you on that actually. It's just.... life is really fucking hard and irritating. :/

Wanna hear a rundown of my day?

It's not a guilt trip deal either. It's a perspective.

I woke up at six o' clock sharp. Did my restaurant business. But I was exhausted for some reason. Come later on in the day, I went back to sleep. Just an extra hour. I woke up, still exhausted.

The time of day showed up where it was time to head out. Do my usual farmhand work.

And I called in, and said that I just wasn't up for it. I felt like absolute shit. All I wanted to do was go the fuck to sleep today.

So, I was sitting there, and I said fuck it. I went out there. Late as fuck. Didn't get much done. But I tried anyway. And, after that, I went and visited my little niece. Promised her yesterday that I'd play some cards with her yesterday. And I knew she was feeling shitty last night and today.

So, I made her happy. Cheered her up because I've a sense of humor with kids. And, in the evening, I went to a little town library with her.

I dislike crowds. I dislike socializing. But I went anyway. And the people there were friendly. And, I did all of it on top of feeling like awalking pile of shit. Halfway through the day the sunlight on my eyes gave me a ripping fucking headache.

I still have it right now in fact. And tomorrow, I'm going to wake up tired because it was a long day. And, I'm choosing to stay up late, and talk to you, when by all rights, I should just go the fuck to sleep.

But. Look at it this way. My day wasn't cheery. My brother in law. He's stressed out of his tree with shit to do and shit that keeps breakind down. Tight time limits. He had a shit day.

My little niece? She had a shitty day, partially as well. Until I chose to go out there and turn it around.

You, most likely had a shit day.

Hell, most likely, 90% of the people here on this forum, had a less than agreeable day.

Life is hard. And it is irritating. You know how god damn difficult it was for me to even get up and do what I did today?  Or, anybody that I mentioned, for that matter?

But what am i going to do?

I'm not going to let it stick. And I haven't. I still feel ike shit now. This fucking headache is killing me. Various parts of me feel like they could use a damn fine tune up or replacement.

And yet here I am talking to you. About troubles on your end I don't know about. To a person I will never likely see in the flesh.


Because I can. Because all the shitty stuff previously in y day today?

It's nothing. And I won't let it stand in my way. Neither should you. Or anybody.

You're a stronger person than I will ever be dude. You have much more wisdom than anyone else here man.

Strength doesn't even have anything to do with it. Even me. I break down. There's days when it's too much and I can't handle it.

I look at it all and I just can't. Even these words that I'm telling you. I don't remember them all the time. Because I get wrapped up in things. Shitty days, shitty experiences, and shit in general.

It's not easy to shrug off. Was I happy for the majority of the day while I stuck it out?

No. But, looking back on it. I'd still say it was worth it. At least, I made somebody else's day worth it beause of what I did.

It's all just one big experience. And we live in the present, always. Caught up in the moment. The important thing is not to let those moments catch you after they're gone. Not to let your feet drag. That's all.

It's always easy to say. But not easy to live it.

But. A lot of the best things you can get in life come from persistance and the will to change. It wouldn't be well earned, or enjoyed, if it was easy to obtain now would it?

The Flood / Re: Human beings are such wastes of garbage.
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:57:01 AM »
Na. You don't hate people. Because if you did, you'd be shooting up a church or something. Strong dislike is a much better glove to fit that hand.

Now, I'm no fan of people either. I'm no fan of our flaws. I'm no fan of how no matter what you do, you can't really win, with people. I'm no fan of our poorly constructed system and ways of doing things.

But, it's a guilty pleasure. Because not everybody's shitty. People surprise you. And that's nice. It's nice to find aspects and things about people that you can enjoy.

And most of all, hell, I would seriously like to see any other sapient species do better than us right now. Because, we're just taking our first steps. There are still, a hell of a lot of rough edges to smooth out with us as a species. Is it neccessarily nice to look at? Certainly not. It's rather depressing.

But those little rare finds among people are nice. Which is, primarily, why I'm here, right now.

As sick as I am of talking, in all forms, people here still surprise me. I still learn from them.

So while there's lots of ugly stuff about people, there's good things too. And for me at least, seeing those, finding those, and experiencing that, makes people worth it. Nobody's perfect Deci.

I'm sorry, but I can't see the better side of most people on this earth. I just can't. I feel like at least 75% of the population is infected with douchebaggyness and outright stupidity. This species is a joke.

Well, that's the rule of majority. Always been that way. But like I said. I would seriously like to see anybody or anything else do better.

I'm certainly not saying that everybody has a peachy side to them. But I am saying that the rare people you find that do make up for it.

And maybe that's a problem with today. With everything being so interconnected, all those channels open. You're going to hear about a hell of a lot of garbage. Which, comes down to an old point of mine.

As a species, we're designed to look at the bad things. Because in the past, focus directed at bad things, aka threats, helped save our asses. Focus, and thinking, and planning, being aware of the threat, saved and helped us.

Biologically, we are actually not designed to function with settling down. We don't look at good things so much. We don't focus on them for long because a good thing, is a good thing.

It's not a threat. So it's okay if it slips under the radar.

Which creates a very, very convincing illusion that we're all in fact surrounded by bullshit. When we're not. It's just that all the decent things go unheard of. Decent people, don't have spotlights of attention over them.

And that's why it seems like there's so much trash in the world.

Because nobody is built to give a shit about good things. It's not really our fault. It's just an old adaptation mechanism from older times.

I see. :/

So. What do you do with that knowledge?

Be aware. Be aware that it's never totally as bad as it seems.

I don't know Sandtrap. Do you think there is still enough good out there to combat the bad and the shit?

It doesn't have to neccessarily combat it. It's not a war. And it's not a scale you can really alter by choice. You can certainly try. But it's impossible to smile every day. And impossible to keep it up at all times.

No matter what you do, you will be visited by bad shit. And good shit. But, what it is, is an experience. And it's yours alone.

The simplest thing you can do with that, is knowing how to let go. Like greiving for somebody you've lost. Eventually, you'll be okay with it. You'll recover. Essentially. Take the good when it comes.

Or do your best to generate it.

And take the bad when it comes. Let it feel shitty because denying it is impossible.

But don't get hung up on it. Or it'll drag you down.

I'll try not to. Thank you man.

The point I missed. People gravitate towards what makes them feel good. And that should be the focus. Finding and doing what makes you feel good, so long as it does not infringe on another's well being or happiness.

No doubt I'd bet even the happiest person in the world has shitty days too. But if you can try and focus your attention onto things that make you happy, and divert your attention from staying focused on negative things for too long, then that's the best anybody can ask and strive for.

I can agree with you on that actually. It's just.... life is really fucking hard and irritating. :/

Wanna hear a rundown of my day?

It's not a guilt trip deal either. It's a perspective.

I woke up at six o' clock sharp. Did my restaurant business. But I was exhausted for some reason. Come later on in the day, I went back to sleep. Just an extra hour. I woke up, still exhausted.

The time of day showed up where it was time to head out. Do my usual farmhand work.

And I called in, and said that I just wasn't up for it. I felt like absolute shit. All I wanted to do was go the fuck to sleep today.

So, I was sitting there, and I said fuck it. I went out there. Late as fuck. Didn't get much done. But I tried anyway. And, after that, I went and visited my little niece. Promised her yesterday that I'd play some cards with her yesterday. And I knew she was feeling shitty last night and today.

So, I made her happy. Cheered her up because I've a sense of humor with kids. And, in the evening, I went to a little town library with her.

I dislike crowds. I dislike socializing. But I went anyway. And the people there were friendly. And, I did all of it on top of feeling like awalking pile of shit. Halfway through the day the sunlight on my eyes gave me a ripping fucking headache.

I still have it right now in fact. And tomorrow, I'm going to wake up tired because it was a long day. And, I'm choosing to stay up late, and talk to you, when by all rights, I should just go the fuck to sleep.

But. Look at it this way. My day wasn't cheery. My brother in law. He's stressed out of his tree with shit to do and shit that keeps breakind down. Tight time limits. He had a shit day.

My little niece? She had a shitty day, partially as well. Until I chose to go out there and turn it around.

You, most likely had a shit day.

Hell, most likely, 90% of the people here on this forum, had a less than agreeable day.

Life is hard. And it is irritating. You know how god damn difficult it was for me to even get up and do what I did today?  Or, anybody that I mentioned, for that matter?

But what am i going to do?

I'm not going to let it stick. And I haven't. I still feel ike shit now. This fucking headache is killing me. Various parts of me feel like they could use a damn fine tune up or replacement.

And yet here I am talking to you. About troubles on your end I don't know about. To a person I will never likely see in the flesh.


Because I can. Because all the shitty stuff previously in y day today?

It's nothing. And I won't let it stand in my way. Neither should you. Or anybody.

You're not alone in your sentiments or how you feel. But don't let it drag you around.

The Flood / Re: Human beings are such wastes of garbage.
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:40:04 AM »
Na. You don't hate people. Because if you did, you'd be shooting up a church or something. Strong dislike is a much better glove to fit that hand.

Now, I'm no fan of people either. I'm no fan of our flaws. I'm no fan of how no matter what you do, you can't really win, with people. I'm no fan of our poorly constructed system and ways of doing things.

But, it's a guilty pleasure. Because not everybody's shitty. People surprise you. And that's nice. It's nice to find aspects and things about people that you can enjoy.

And most of all, hell, I would seriously like to see any other sapient species do better than us right now. Because, we're just taking our first steps. There are still, a hell of a lot of rough edges to smooth out with us as a species. Is it neccessarily nice to look at? Certainly not. It's rather depressing.

But those little rare finds among people are nice. Which is, primarily, why I'm here, right now.

As sick as I am of talking, in all forms, people here still surprise me. I still learn from them.

So while there's lots of ugly stuff about people, there's good things too. And for me at least, seeing those, finding those, and experiencing that, makes people worth it. Nobody's perfect Deci.

I'm sorry, but I can't see the better side of most people on this earth. I just can't. I feel like at least 75% of the population is infected with douchebaggyness and outright stupidity. This species is a joke.

Well, that's the rule of majority. Always been that way. But like I said. I would seriously like to see anybody or anything else do better.

I'm certainly not saying that everybody has a peachy side to them. But I am saying that the rare people you find that do make up for it.

And maybe that's a problem with today. With everything being so interconnected, all those channels open. You're going to hear about a hell of a lot of garbage. Which, comes down to an old point of mine.

As a species, we're designed to look at the bad things. Because in the past, focus directed at bad things, aka threats, helped save our asses. Focus, and thinking, and planning, being aware of the threat, saved and helped us.

Biologically, we are actually not designed to function with settling down. We don't look at good things so much. We don't focus on them for long because a good thing, is a good thing.

It's not a threat. So it's okay if it slips under the radar.

Which creates a very, very convincing illusion that we're all in fact surrounded by bullshit. When we're not. It's just that all the decent things go unheard of. Decent people, don't have spotlights of attention over them.

And that's why it seems like there's so much trash in the world.

Because nobody is built to give a shit about good things. It's not really our fault. It's just an old adaptation mechanism from older times.

I see. :/

So. What do you do with that knowledge?

Be aware. Be aware that it's never totally as bad as it seems.

I don't know Sandtrap. Do you think there is still enough good out there to combat the bad and the shit?

It doesn't have to neccessarily combat it. It's not a war. And it's not a scale you can really alter by choice. You can certainly try. But it's impossible to smile every day. And impossible to keep it up at all times.

No matter what you do, you will be visited by bad shit. And good shit. But, what it is, is an experience. And it's yours alone.

The simplest thing you can do with that, is knowing how to let go. Like greiving for somebody you've lost. Eventually, you'll be okay with it. You'll recover. Essentially. Take the good when it comes.

Or do your best to generate it.

And take the bad when it comes. Let it feel shitty because denying it is impossible.

But don't get hung up on it. Or it'll drag you down.

I'll try not to. Thank you man.

The point I missed. People gravitate towards what makes them feel good. And that should be the focus. Finding and doing what makes you feel good, so long as it does not infringe on another's well being or happiness.

No doubt I'd bet even the happiest person in the world has shitty days too. But if you can try and focus your attention onto things that make you happy, and divert your attention from staying focused on negative things for too long, then that's the best anybody can ask and strive for.

The Flood / Re: Human beings are such wastes of garbage.
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:29:45 AM »
Na. You don't hate people. Because if you did, you'd be shooting up a church or something. Strong dislike is a much better glove to fit that hand.

Now, I'm no fan of people either. I'm no fan of our flaws. I'm no fan of how no matter what you do, you can't really win, with people. I'm no fan of our poorly constructed system and ways of doing things.

But, it's a guilty pleasure. Because not everybody's shitty. People surprise you. And that's nice. It's nice to find aspects and things about people that you can enjoy.

And most of all, hell, I would seriously like to see any other sapient species do better than us right now. Because, we're just taking our first steps. There are still, a hell of a lot of rough edges to smooth out with us as a species. Is it neccessarily nice to look at? Certainly not. It's rather depressing.

But those little rare finds among people are nice. Which is, primarily, why I'm here, right now.

As sick as I am of talking, in all forms, people here still surprise me. I still learn from them.

So while there's lots of ugly stuff about people, there's good things too. And for me at least, seeing those, finding those, and experiencing that, makes people worth it. Nobody's perfect Deci.

I'm sorry, but I can't see the better side of most people on this earth. I just can't. I feel like at least 75% of the population is infected with douchebaggyness and outright stupidity. This species is a joke.

Well, that's the rule of majority. Always been that way. But like I said. I would seriously like to see anybody or anything else do better.

I'm certainly not saying that everybody has a peachy side to them. But I am saying that the rare people you find that do make up for it.

And maybe that's a problem with today. With everything being so interconnected, all those channels open. You're going to hear about a hell of a lot of garbage. Which, comes down to an old point of mine.

As a species, we're designed to look at the bad things. Because in the past, focus directed at bad things, aka threats, helped save our asses. Focus, and thinking, and planning, being aware of the threat, saved and helped us.

Biologically, we are actually not designed to function with settling down. We don't look at good things so much. We don't focus on them for long because a good thing, is a good thing.

It's not a threat. So it's okay if it slips under the radar.

Which creates a very, very convincing illusion that we're all in fact surrounded by bullshit. When we're not. It's just that all the decent things go unheard of. Decent people, don't have spotlights of attention over them.

And that's why it seems like there's so much trash in the world.

Because nobody is built to give a shit about good things. It's not really our fault. It's just an old adaptation mechanism from older times.

I see. :/

So. What do you do with that knowledge?

Be aware. Be aware that it's never totally as bad as it seems.

I don't know Sandtrap. Do you think there is still enough good out there to combat the bad and the shit?

It doesn't have to neccessarily combat it. It's not a war. And it's not a scale you can really alter by choice. You can certainly try. But it's impossible to smile every day. And impossible to keep it up at all times.

No matter what you do, you will be visited by bad shit. And good shit. But, what it is, is an experience. And it's yours alone.

The simplest thing you can do with that, is knowing how to let go. Like greiving for somebody you've lost. Eventually, you'll be okay with it. You'll recover. Essentially. Take the good when it comes.

Or do your best to generate it.

And take the bad when it comes. Let it feel shitty because denying it is impossible.

But don't get hung up on it. Or it'll drag you down.

The Flood / Re: Greetings sep7agon from
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:15:05 AM »
The community is essentially a close knit one.

You're going to be an outsider for a while until you become a regular here. No time estimate on how long it will take for everybody to get used to your presence.

And, because it's a close knit community, there's going to be a lot of inside jokes, trends, and references that you may not see or understand at first.

And lastly, even if people may seem hostile. The vast majority aren't. It's all inside community banter essentially. Not saying that there aren't hostiles.

But well over 90% of it isn't intentionally malicious.

The Flood / Re: Human beings are such wastes of garbage.
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:11:06 AM »
Na. You don't hate people. Because if you did, you'd be shooting up a church or something. Strong dislike is a much better glove to fit that hand.

Now, I'm no fan of people either. I'm no fan of our flaws. I'm no fan of how no matter what you do, you can't really win, with people. I'm no fan of our poorly constructed system and ways of doing things.

But, it's a guilty pleasure. Because not everybody's shitty. People surprise you. And that's nice. It's nice to find aspects and things about people that you can enjoy.

And most of all, hell, I would seriously like to see any other sapient species do better than us right now. Because, we're just taking our first steps. There are still, a hell of a lot of rough edges to smooth out with us as a species. Is it neccessarily nice to look at? Certainly not. It's rather depressing.

But those little rare finds among people are nice. Which is, primarily, why I'm here, right now.

As sick as I am of talking, in all forms, people here still surprise me. I still learn from them.

So while there's lots of ugly stuff about people, there's good things too. And for me at least, seeing those, finding those, and experiencing that, makes people worth it. Nobody's perfect Deci.

I'm sorry, but I can't see the better side of most people on this earth. I just can't. I feel like at least 75% of the population is infected with douchebaggyness and outright stupidity. This species is a joke.

Well, that's the rule of majority. Always been that way. But like I said. I would seriously like to see anybody or anything else do better.

I'm certainly not saying that everybody has a peachy side to them. But I am saying that the rare people you find that do make up for it.

And maybe that's a problem with today. With everything being so interconnected, all those channels open. You're going to hear about a hell of a lot of garbage. Which, comes down to an old point of mine.

As a species, we're designed to look at the bad things. Because in the past, focus directed at bad things, aka threats, helped save our asses. Focus, and thinking, and planning, being aware of the threat, saved and helped us.

Biologically, we are actually not designed to function with settling down. We don't look at good things so much. We don't focus on them for long because a good thing, is a good thing.

It's not a threat. So it's okay if it slips under the radar.

Which creates a very, very convincing illusion that we're all in fact surrounded by bullshit. When we're not. It's just that all the decent things go unheard of. Decent people, don't have spotlights of attention over them.

And that's why it seems like there's so much trash in the world.

Because nobody is built to give a shit about good things. It's not really our fault. It's just an old adaptation mechanism from older times.

I see. :/

So. What do you do with that knowledge?

Be aware. Be aware that it's never totally as bad as it seems.

The Flood / Re: Human beings are such wastes of garbage.
« on: June 24, 2015, 01:01:11 AM »
As a species, we're designed to look at the bad things. Because in the past, focus directed at bad things, aka threats, helped save our asses. Focus, and thinking, and planning, being aware of the threat, saved and helped us.
This is true actually, since things that suck always seem to drag on forever and things that are great tend to be gone in an instant. For whatever reason, the way we perceive things makes the bad last much longer than the good.

It's all survival instinct. That nagging, shitty, depressing feeling that drags on and on. It gets under your skin. And, usually, forces you to do something. Forces you to act.

If we didn't have such a heavy focus on negative things, we wouldn't exist as we are today.

If some ancient Human wasn't focused on rival tribes coming to do bad shit, or a predator nearby that would kill him, then he'd be dead.

If we didn't look at anything we've built, and see inperfection and feel unsatisfied, then technology would not exist.

So, a rather shit side effect of being globally interconnected? Tidal waves of garbage. Or technology has evolved but we haven't.

Again, not neccessarily our fault. Evolution is rather slow. Which is why through technology, maybe one day this can be changed.
And what about when that all turns into depression? That does the opposite of motivate someone to keep moving for survival.

It turns into depression because we're not indestructible. We're not infallible. Every single person has a limit to how much they can take. Which relates to my point.

It's just a hunch. Or a theory. But I believe being so globally interconnected comes at a cost. As I said. Tidal waves of bullshit. Now, instead of hearing about bad things in your local area?

You're aware of it on a planetary level. You're barraged by it everywhere you go, because the media is everywhere.

So, dealing with your own problems, while having this additional semi-awareness on your shoulders adding onto things? And, it's so bad, in fact, that you partially tune it out. What happens when you tune out caring about things?

You don't care. About you. Or other people. And that causes a ripple effect.

Doesn't help.

Where anything in our bodies can go one way, it can go the other. Too much strain, mental, or physical, causes damage.

The Flood / Re: Human beings are such wastes of garbage.
« on: June 24, 2015, 12:51:53 AM »
As a species, we're designed to look at the bad things. Because in the past, focus directed at bad things, aka threats, helped save our asses. Focus, and thinking, and planning, being aware of the threat, saved and helped us.
This is true actually, since things that suck always seem to drag on forever and things that are great tend to be gone in an instant. For whatever reason, the way we perceive things makes the bad last much longer than the good.

It's all survival instinct. That nagging, shitty, depressing feeling that drags on and on. It gets under your skin. And, usually, forces you to do something. Forces you to act.

If we didn't have such a heavy focus on negative things, we wouldn't exist as we are today.

If some ancient Human wasn't focused on rival tribes coming to do bad shit, or a predator nearby that would kill him, then he'd be dead.

If we didn't look at anything we've built, and see inperfection and feel unsatisfied, then technology would not exist.

So, a rather shit side effect of being globally interconnected? Tidal waves of garbage. Our technology has evolved but we haven't.

Again, not neccessarily our fault. Evolution is rather slow. Which is why through technology, maybe one day this can be changed.

The Flood / Re: Human beings are such wastes of garbage.
« on: June 24, 2015, 12:31:39 AM »
Na. You don't hate people. Because if you did, you'd be shooting up a church or something. Strong dislike is a much better glove to fit that hand.

Now, I'm no fan of people either. I'm no fan of our flaws. I'm no fan of how no matter what you do, you can't really win, with people. I'm no fan of our poorly constructed system and ways of doing things.

But, it's a guilty pleasure. Because not everybody's shitty. People surprise you. And that's nice. It's nice to find aspects and things about people that you can enjoy.

And most of all, hell, I would seriously like to see any other sapient species do better than us right now. Because, we're just taking our first steps. There are still, a hell of a lot of rough edges to smooth out with us as a species. Is it neccessarily nice to look at? Certainly not. It's rather depressing.

But those little rare finds among people are nice. Which is, primarily, why I'm here, right now.

As sick as I am of talking, in all forms, people here still surprise me. I still learn from them.

So while there's lots of ugly stuff about people, there's good things too. And for me at least, seeing those, finding those, and experiencing that, makes people worth it. Nobody's perfect Deci.

I'm sorry, but I can't see the better side of most people on this earth. I just can't. I feel like at least 75% of the population is infected with douchebaggyness and outright stupidity. This species is a joke.

Well, that's the rule of majority. Always been that way. But like I said. I would seriously like to see anybody or anything else do better.

I'm certainly not saying that everybody has a peachy side to them. But I am saying that the rare people you find that do make up for it.

And maybe that's a problem with today. With everything being so interconnected, all those channels open. You're going to hear about a hell of a lot of garbage. Which, comes down to an old point of mine.

As a species, we're designed to look at the bad things. Because in the past, focus directed at bad things, aka threats, helped save our asses. Focus, and thinking, and planning, being aware of the threat, saved and helped us.

Biologically, we are actually not designed to function with settling down. We don't look at good things so much. We don't focus on them for long because a good thing, is a good thing.

It's not a threat. So it's okay if it slips under the radar.

Which creates a very, very convincing illusion that we're all in fact surrounded by bullshit. When we're not. It's just that all the decent things go unheard of. Decent people, don't have spotlights of attention over them.

And that's why it seems like there's so much trash in the world.

Because nobody is built to give a shit about good things. It's not really our fault. It's just an old adaptation mechanism from older times.

The Flood / Re: Warning: This is a brag post
« on: June 24, 2015, 12:20:39 AM »

The Flood / Re: Human beings are such wastes of garbage.
« on: June 24, 2015, 12:14:39 AM »
Na. You don't hate people. Because if you did, you'd be shooting up a church or something. Strong dislike is a much better glove to fit that hand.

Now, I'm no fan of people either. I'm no fan of our flaws. I'm no fan of how no matter what you do, you can't really win, with people. I'm no fan of our poorly constructed system and ways of doing things.

But, it's a guilty pleasure. Because not everybody's shitty. People surprise you. And that's nice. It's nice to find aspects and things about people that you can enjoy.

And most of all, hell, I would seriously like to see any other sapient species do better than us right now. Because, we're just taking our first steps. There are still, a hell of a lot of rough edges to smooth out with us as a species. Is it neccessarily nice to look at? Certainly not. It's rather depressing.

But those little rare finds among people are nice. Which is, primarily, why I'm here, right now.

As sick as I am of talking, in all forms, people here still surprise me. I still learn from them.

So while there's lots of ugly stuff about people, there's good things too. And for me at least, seeing those, finding those, and experiencing that, makes people worth it. Nobody's perfect Deci.

The Flood / Re: Love Letter to Verb
« on: June 23, 2015, 02:44:59 AM »

The Flood / Re: Love Letter to Verb
« on: June 23, 2015, 02:31:13 AM »

The Flood / Re: Post Erotic Safe For Work Furry Pics
« on: June 23, 2015, 02:08:45 AM »
Technicaly anything that falls under the category of "erotic" isn't safe for work.

Even if there's no nudity. It's a sure way to get all the strange looks.

The Flood / Re: Post a feel here.
« on: June 23, 2015, 02:02:39 AM »
Current Mood:


The Flood / Re: I have had a fantastic day
« on: June 23, 2015, 01:57:42 AM »
I smoked cigarettes and ate hamburgers, as any quality American would proudly do.

Where's your mobility scooter? What did you do with your mobility scooter?

The Flood / Re: I have had a fantastic day
« on: June 23, 2015, 01:53:13 AM »
I hauled more stuff. I've only got half of the last quarter section of the monumental pile of shit I'm moving.

And I did some work on a commission for somebody in my spare time.

How's the house coming?

No house. Haven't even started. Don't have the time. I might not even get it started this year.

Yesterday. Summer equinox. Our daylight hours are only going to grow shorter from here on out and the cold's going to creep up again very soon. With all the stuff I have to do right now I don't see it happening before the snow arrives again.

Sorry mate :/

Sorry not sorry.

Not a fucking chance in hell am I going to let my motorhome's roof take another fucking beating from sun and 7 months worth of snow. I may not have a fully operational house.

But the roof will go up this year.

The Flood / Re: I have had a fantastic day
« on: June 23, 2015, 01:32:23 AM »
I hauled more stuff. I've only got half of the last quarter section of the monumental pile of shit I'm moving.

And I did some work on a commission for somebody in my spare time.

How's the house coming?

No house. Haven't even started. Don't have the time. I might not even get it started this year.

Yesterday. Summer equinox. Our daylight hours are only going to grow shorter from here on out and the cold's going to creep up again very soon. With all the stuff I have to do right now I don't see it happening before the snow arrives again.

The Flood / Re: I have had a fantastic day
« on: June 23, 2015, 01:28:39 AM »
I hauled more stuff. I've only got half of the last quarter section of the monumental pile of shit I'm moving.

And I did some work on a commission for somebody in my spare time.

The Flood / Re: Look at this motherfucking rare event (space related)
« on: June 23, 2015, 12:22:02 AM »

Since you were too lazy to skip the semantics here's the brass tacks.

Gaming / Re: A couple new details on No Man's Sky
« on: June 22, 2015, 11:23:13 PM »
Like folks are saying. The people riding the hype train, of course, will be dissappointed.

That being said. This seems like a really solid time killer. Just a pick up and go on your couch sort of game.

It's not the second coming of jesus. But it is unique. It looks intriguing. And it looks like just a fun bordom killer.

The Flood / Re: I made anime Verb
« on: June 22, 2015, 11:09:56 PM »
Hey. Hey.

Sombody do a piccaso version of Verb.

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