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Messages - Sandtrap

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Gaming / Re: H2A
« on: July 02, 2015, 08:43:15 PM »
I'm a peasant.

So I haven't played it. I heard it was rushed. There were bugs.

If you're against hunting you have a vagina.
I'm against hunting for pleasure.
Why does fun have to be mutually exclusive from conservation efforts and alternative food sources?
Taking pleasure from killing something means you're a sociopath.
does killing things in video games make you a sociopath
Video games aren't real numbnuts


But the tears and rage can be real.

All those crying little children.

And the screamers. The game's not real but the stimulous certainly is!
yeah but fuk little kids

Metaphorically or literally?

You must choose, Jim.

Well, for starters, police officers aren't trained to do "trick shots."

They've always been trained to shoot for the center of mass because it's the tried and true, best and easiest target to hit. It's the same for the military as well.

You don't go for the mlg quickscope shit. Anybody who says shoot the kneecaps is stupid. Unless you have, say a shotgun, then you can go for the legs if you want.

Of course that's counter productive because a shotgun would probably blow their legs off anyway. Long story short.

Nothing fancy. Just what's tried and true.

If you're against hunting you have a vagina.
I'm against hunting for pleasure.
Why does fun have to be mutually exclusive from conservation efforts and alternative food sources?
Taking pleasure from killing something means you're a sociopath.
does killing things in video games make you a sociopath
Video games aren't real numbnuts


But the tears and rage can be real.

All those crying little children.

And the screamers. The game's not real but the stimulous certainly is!
yeah but fuk little kids

Metaphorically or literally?

If you're against hunting you have a vagina.
I'm against hunting for pleasure.
Why does fun have to be mutually exclusive from conservation efforts and alternative food sources?
Taking pleasure from killing something means you're a sociopath.
does killing things in video games make you a sociopath
Video games aren't real numbnuts


But the tears and rage can be real.

All those crying little children.

And the screamers. The game's not real but the stimulous certainly is!

The Flood / Re: Mental diseases are fake
« on: July 02, 2015, 08:26:19 PM »
Obesity is a disease.

But of course!

Why else would there be so many fat people around?

Clearly being fat is something you're capable of transmitting to others.

The Flood / Re: Mental diseases are fake
« on: July 02, 2015, 08:21:36 PM »
Lonely people just need to buy hookers.

Fat people just need to eat less.

PTSD victims just need to stop being stressed.

I contribooted.

The Flood / Re: Why Do Scrubs Cat Call?
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:16:54 PM »
And, before I go for the afternoon.

Boy oh boy can I ever smell that lightning and rolling thunder on the way.

I'm calling it. When I show up here in the evening this thread will have a bare minimum of 7 pages.

It's gonna be a scorcher.

Back to you Chally with today's forcast on pepes and memes.

The Flood / Re: Why Do Scrubs Cat Call?
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:11:02 PM »
People are people.
Your walls of texts in a nutshell.

Apologies to you then, that I have a different standard of speaking. Please, allow me to just not speak in the manner my brain functions. For me, typing, or writing, is a thought train. I type along with my thoughts, as they progress on the subject.

Of course, you could be right. I'd probably say that you are, in fact. Most of what I speak could be summarized into shorter bits.

But to me, that's essentially bastardizing things.

And to you? Maybe a bit of an eyesore.

To that I say?

Keep your pineapples friend.

The Flood / Re: Why Do Scrubs Cat Call?
« on: July 02, 2015, 01:57:43 PM »
And, now I'm intrigued. I answered your question to be sure.

People are people. If you want, you could say, people gonna people.

So, now I have a question for you. Assuming of course that you made this thread based off of an experience today, my question is this.

What did you do when you were cat called?

The Flood / Re: Why Do Scrubs Cat Call?
« on: July 02, 2015, 01:26:03 PM »
Here's a better question.

Why do you put up with it. Not that I'm pulling up the "blame the victim card" here. But let's take a nice introspective look at this.

I'm assuming of course, that the entire reason you made this thread, was because you were either cat called recently, or saw it happen to somebody else. With a low end chance that you just happened to be thinking about the particular subject off hand.

So, you get cat called. What do you do? Well, most likely, being polite and well mannered and all, you waved it off and continued on with business. And then you came here. I'm not necessarily putting you on the spotlight here.

I just find it rather funny, that some people out there, when cat called, will stay quiet about it, pass it off, and then the first chance they get, jump on the internet and offload a big long rant about "Guys are all pigs.avi"

When they themselves essentially let their harrasser walk away unscathed. It seems a little bit counter productive, frankly.

To answer your question.

People are people.

Gaming / Re: Most memorable speeches in games?
« on: July 02, 2015, 12:14:55 PM »
I've recently been getting into Fable again and I have to say, I actually quite enjoyed Lucien as a "villain." Not so much a boss fight, but his speeches were so well delivered. Charismatic.

"The world outside these marvelous walls is a corrupt, rotting husk. Reason is absolute. Instead of order there is only chaos. Chaos doesn't punish evil nor reward righteousness, chaos cuts innocent lives short and we would accept that as fate.

I beg to differ. You stand in the center of a great instrument of change, and with it I shall remake the world. And my creation, shall be unrecognizable in its perfection.

But my will alone is not sufficient, for such a monumental task. It is only through your toil, through your labors, through your conviction, that Albion will be transformed. Do not fear the sound you hear throbbing beneath your feet.

These sensations will be familiar as your own heartbeat. And as long your heart continues to beat, all I require from you is obedience. Now sleep..."

"Do you consider that a victory? You are merely delaying the inevitable. All that you've struggled for will be crushed under the majesty of the Spire. Why? Why must you interfere? What are you fighting to protect? The world that robs us of the things we love the most?

Is that what you think is worth preserving? You small minded fool! Do you think you're the only one to ever suffer loss? I asked the world for nothing but a family, and even that trivial request was too excessive. Such a cold world does not deserve it's own existence."

On a side note damn, I think I discovered Verb as a video game character.

The Flood / Re: What are you doing tonight?
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:33:02 AM »
Anywho. I get down at night. Dunno why. I just seem to sink the lowest during night. I get in some pretty somber moods sometimes. It's complicated I suppose. I don't want to sleep so I just sort of hang around in my somber mood. It's the time that I feel like I could use a friend or somebody to talk to the most.

So, thanks for the conversation, even if it was simple or short, Class.

I go to sleep now, most willingly.

The Flood / Re: What are you doing tonight?
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:18:09 AM »
Jesus christ man that's depressing as hell

are there even any 24 hour stores?

Aye, man. My restaurant is on main street. Main street is the main attraction. A bank is to the right of me. Another restaurant is to the left. Down the street there's the chinese place. Behind me is the grocery store. To the right of that is the gas station. And to the right of the bank, there's a small general store.

There used to be a lot more in this town but it's all keeled over and died or been bought out by the company that owns the grocery store and gas station.

I forgot. Down by the chinese place there's the bar.

That would be the only place open so late at night. But I'm not one for drunks or social crap. Especially with drunken farmers.

The Flood / Re: Dammit, my dad had to go the hospital
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:14:21 AM »
Casp has a semblance of a point. Know what you should do? Talk to your dad. Ask him what happened or if he spotted the dog doing something before he attacked.

If you get any semblance of a decent answer, would you mind relaying it back here?

It is your dog and therefore you hold the cards, and the decision, by default, will and should fall on you. As I said. Most dogs often have points where they don't put up with shit and they have cues and tells that show you this.

The Flood / Re: What are you doing tonight?
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:10:39 AM »
Not sure. By all rights, I should get some sleep. I'm pushing myself a little much these days.

But. I get strange at night. Silence does me no good on my own. I guess you could say that I'm staying up in some hopefull fashion that perhaps, something will happen.
What do you think is going to happen...?

Does your town have a downtown? You could go hang out there

Oh. No. I don't think anything will happen, frankly. I can hope though. Just, something, anything really. Keep in mind. When I say town, it's actually a hamlet.

800 people. If I went for a walk round town I'd probably be the only soul awake in town. I can't though. There's too much smoke outside. I have to be careful of my lungs.

The Flood / Re: What are you doing tonight?
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:04:13 AM »
Not sure. By all rights, I should get some sleep. I'm pushing myself a little much these days.

But. I get strange at night. Silence does me no good on my own. I guess you could say that I'm staying up in some hopefull fashion that perhaps, something will happen.

The Flood / Re: Dammit, my dad had to go the hospital
« on: July 02, 2015, 01:53:47 AM »
Heh. I've got the scars on my arm from trying to break up a catfight.

No need to put the critter down or haul em away. The thing with dogs is, they're smarter than people give them credit for. If you push on them too much, they will attack. Exactly like people. And, usually they show signs before they do.

The Flood / Re: For all the shit stirring and drama we produce
« on: July 02, 2015, 12:31:29 AM »

More like amirite

If the propaganda stating that we're losing activity would have you believe.

More like

Sep7agone amirite

The Flood / Re: For all the shit stirring and drama we produce
« on: July 02, 2015, 12:10:25 AM »
What the hell did I miss here?
It might be best for you to sit this one out bud. >.>

Too late. I do fast research. Don't worry. I won't cause no trouble.
oh you.

Cross my heart and hope to live. No trouble. Just a chat with a particular person.

The Flood / Re: For all the shit stirring and drama we produce
« on: July 02, 2015, 12:00:39 AM »
What the hell did I miss here?
It might be best for you to sit this one out bud. >.>

Too late. I do fast research. Don't worry. I won't cause no trouble.

The Flood / Re: For all the shit stirring and drama we produce
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:39:28 PM »
What the hell did I miss here?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5's not having split screen
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:45:24 AM »
ITT Verb is a poor Speghobo
because i think it's stupid to lug televisions around to people's houses

Rule of thumb Verb.

The weight of objects are never equal to or greater than friendship.

If your pal wants to spend a night of fun with you but can't do it without another TV.

Then he's gonna get his damn second TV.

The Flood / Re: Dating a girl taller then you?
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:39:24 AM »
Look on the bright side. If she's taller than you, while you're doing the whole "tractor plowing the field" deal, you can simultaneously play a round of motorboat the mountains depending on the size of her profile.
Is this canadian slang?

Are you trying to say you can get dem titties while you fuck her right in the pussy?

It's me desperately trying to insert words that make some semblance of sense to sleep deprivation and inability to find the correct words I want to say.

But, yes.

The Flood / Re: tfw you try to pee with a boner
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:37:13 AM »
Hold it with your whole hand.

Oh wait he can't cause it's too small.

The Flood / Re: Dating a girl taller then you?
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:36:28 AM »
Look on the bright side. If she's taller than you, while you're doing the whole "tractor plowing the field" deal, you can simultaneously play a round of motorboat the mountains depending on the size of her profile.

The Flood / Re: tfw you try to pee with a boner
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:32:59 AM »
Na. It's as easy as one two oh shit I got some on the floor.

The Flood / Re: cat popped my air mattress
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:31:34 AM »
You asked for a fml moment. It's simplicity itself. But it always gets me.

That feel when you step down, and you feel the pressure point on your shoe. The pressure breaks, you feel your foot continue going down. You feel that intrusion through the sole of your shoe. It's cold. This all happens in a very, very long second of realization.

Your foot hits the ground.

Oh hey, the pain arrived.

What's that. I stepped on some nails. I can feel them poking out the top of my foot. I close my eyes, and I sigh, silently asking, why god, why.

You know what. I think I may have actually discovered my first, very real legitimate fear.

Long grass. I wear steel toed boots at all times and even when I put my foot down into long grass I hesitate.

The Flood / Re: cat popped my air mattress
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:29:23 AM »
But, speaking of cats Verb.

You know how the 360 has touch activated buttons? Not actual buttons?

Well, I have a fat cat who knows this.

So every time fat cat walks by, fat cat's fat rolls either hit the eject button. Or the off button. Sometimes, fat cat likes to lay down, and will occassionally stretch, reaching out casually to one of the buttons and pressing it. It is now a reflex of mine to secure fat cat to my lap as soon as I see her near the xbox.

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