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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 180181182 183184 ... 390
The Flood / Re: Music Lounge Thread
« on: July 03, 2015, 10:44:31 PM »
better link
I like to listen to music with other people, not by myself.
and you think splitting the potential plug population between two servers is a good way to remedy that situation?

Well considering that sep7's plug is an accurate representation of your career, there's nothing to split technically.

The Flood / Re: Music Lounge Thread
« on: July 03, 2015, 10:39:34 PM »
Mein speakers are deceased.

The Flood / Re: it's over guys, the terrorists have won
« on: July 03, 2015, 10:28:33 PM »
There's a big red thing in my night sky.

What does this mean for me? I'm canadian so I can only assume that it must be a blood moon, and therefore somebody has beset were-beavers upon my country.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: July 03, 2015, 10:13:14 PM »

And thus, Big Boss's career flourished.

The Flood / Re: helicopter crash in orange county kills 10
« on: July 03, 2015, 10:10:25 PM »

for fucks sake people

why is this thing dead 24/7

Because it's an accurate representation of your career.

Gotcha right in the pineapple!

The Flood / Re: I think what elliot rodger did was awesome.
« on: July 03, 2015, 10:00:40 PM »
The sound 'making out' makes is disgusting for some reason

The English language can be really damn strange sometimes, when you look at it.

Think about it.

Who the fuck looked at people kissing, and said,

"Yes. "Making out" describes this action perfectly."

The Flood / Re: I think what elliot rodger did was awesome.
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:57:13 PM »
So..... You're saying that the couple should have broken up and the guy should have gone on a shooting spree?

The Flood / Re: helicopter crash in orange county kills 10
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:53:23 PM »

for fucks sake people

why is this thing dead 24/7

Because it's an accurate representation of your career.

The Flood / Re: Got a badass lightning storm right now
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:51:50 PM »
This is the perfect weather for thunderstorms. We haven't had a good strong one in years. Apparantly the north is getting a lot though.

Love the sound when it's right on top of you.

The Flood / Re: What are your plans for the 4th?
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:46:37 PM »
I certainly don't hail from down south.

But, hey, why not? I know that Canadians close to the border celebrate the 4th. And fuck, what a better time to celeberate my own newfound independance than on a day marked out for it?

The Flood / Re: Why does everyone say I "used to be cool"
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:43:21 PM »
You used to be cool.

Now you're just fucking hot.

Gaming / Re: A cool idea for Halo 5
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:40:40 PM »
Or you know...add elites to multiplayer.

Needs more Moonbabies.

The Flood / Re: Seriously legitimate honest opinion of you thread.
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:39:14 PM »
It's a cheery day today! Why not?

The Flood / Re: I think I'm gonna go for it
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:37:14 PM »
Speaking of money, funny enough. The mechanic I hauled my dead truck off to called back just now

He replaced a burnt out and fused starter. Fixed and tightened the seals around my transmission and power steering. Greased some bearings down by the wheels, checked and replaced all my spark plugs with the highest quality ones, and replaced the air filter.

He's charging me 175$.

I'm going to give him 250$ cause he's ripping himself off so much on that. My truck's a right pain to get into as well.

Bit of a rush today I suppose.

All that money going out and then I'll be flat out broke. But! I'll have a lot in return.

The Flood / Re: I think I'm gonna go for it
« on: July 03, 2015, 01:05:07 PM »
Sounds like the least likely thing to give ya some Buyers Remorse. Just make sure it's stable enough to support Foundations for Housing, I guess.

My province is flat as a game board. So long as I don't park a house in a swamp or a slight depression where water pools, I'll be fine!

Plus, I'm doing the house a bit differently as well.

The Flood / Re: I think I'm gonna go for it
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:55:29 PM »
But it's rather exciting to think that in the span of two days I could completely own what many struggle to achieve over the course of a lifetime.
An empty patch of land?


It's not empty chally.

There's two water sources and a river/stream on it.

The stream area has a lot of willows on it and off to the side the rest is all forest. In the north, there's a big clear patch of open space that you could hide a structure in nice and cozy.

You talk to me like building a structure would be a challenge for me. And you talk to me like I'm some spineless person who's afraid of land that has otherwise never had any human presence on it whatsoever.

I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty.
I actually didn't say any of that. I'm saying nobody struggles a lifetime trying to buy a patch of land or even a house. I would've just said "good for you, good luck", but when you start bragging about something that really isn't all that special, I feel the need to call it out.

Ah. My bad.

You weren't considering that I live in a different world than yours.

Where land costs are astronomically high to achieve for a young person. Where cities or towns are your best, but poor bet to stand any chance of finding a home.

Not to mention that I've seen one too many people lose all that they've tried to own because of mortgages or rising costs. You forget that I live in a different environment from you.

Up here, Challenger, finding a home to call yours utterly and completely is difficult. Finding a home, and being the true owner of land, being able to decide what you do with it completely, is even more so.

So yes. I will brag, just this once. And I will be happy about it because I'm going to do something that takes people up here half a lifetime to achieve. I'm doing what most would call impossible.

Fuck, I'm doing what people have told me to my face, was impossible.

I've earned a bragging right this time.
theres only like a 60% property ownership rate right now

And getting 4 acres for 3 grand is pretty amazing. Unheard of where I live.

It's mostly unheard of up here too.

Because they passed a recent law in regards to sub-dividing land.

You're not allowed to sub-divide less than 10 acres. 10 acres in this day and age would cost a small fortune. And of course, since most land these days is owned by richer farmers by the hundreds if not thousands of acres, it's really damn hard to find a small acreage without essentially getting the ball and chain of having to purchase more than that.

The Flood / Re: I think I'm gonna go for it
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:52:04 PM »
But it's rather exciting to think that in the span of two days I could completely own what many struggle to achieve over the course of a lifetime.
An empty patch of land?


It's not empty chally.

There's two water sources and a river/stream on it.

The stream area has a lot of willows on it and off to the side the rest is all forest. In the north, there's a big clear patch of open space that you could hide a structure in nice and cozy.

You talk to me like building a structure would be a challenge for me. And you talk to me like I'm some spineless person who's afraid of land that has otherwise never had any human presence on it whatsoever.

I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty.
I actually didn't say any of that. I'm saying nobody struggles a lifetime trying to buy a patch of land or even a house. I would've just said "good for you, good luck", but when you start bragging about something that really isn't all that special, I feel the need to call it out.

Ah. My bad.

You weren't considering that I live in a different world than yours.

Where land costs are astronomically high to achieve for a young person. Where cities or towns are your best, but poor bet to stand any chance of finding a home.

Not to mention that I've seen one too many people lose all that they've tried to own because of mortgages or rising costs. You forget that I live in a different environment from you.

Up here, Challenger, finding a home to call yours utterly and completely is difficult. Finding a home, and being the true owner of land, being able to decide what you do with it completely, is even more so.

So yes. I will brag, just this once. And I will be happy about it because I'm going to do something that takes people up here half a lifetime to achieve. I'm doing what most would call impossible.

Fuck, I'm doing what people have told me to my face, was impossible.

I've earned a bragging right this time.
Alright then. Good luck.

Thank you. I'll make a promise here never to bitch and get all mopey about whatever trouble happens to bump into me regarding my property.

But I will show you folks the cool stuff when it happens. It'll be fun. I've got lots of fun ideas regarding the place. Imma make things peachy.

The Flood / Re: I think I'm gonna go for it
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:41:55 PM »
But it's rather exciting to think that in the span of two days I could completely own what many struggle to achieve over the course of a lifetime.
An empty patch of land?


It's not empty chally.

There's two water sources and a river/stream on it.

The stream area has a lot of willows on it and off to the side the rest is all forest. In the north, there's a big clear patch of open space that you could hide a structure in nice and cozy.

You talk to me like building a structure would be a challenge for me. And you talk to me like I'm some spineless person who's afraid of land that has otherwise never had any human presence on it whatsoever.

I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty.
I actually didn't say any of that. I'm saying nobody struggles a lifetime trying to buy a patch of land or even a house. I would've just said "good for you, good luck", but when you start bragging about something that really isn't all that special, I feel the need to call it out.

Ah. My bad.

You weren't considering that I live in a different world than yours.

Where land costs are astronomically high to achieve for a young person. Where cities or towns are your best, but poor bet to stand any chance of finding a home.

Not to mention that I've seen one too many people lose all that they've tried to own because of mortgages or rising costs. You forget that I live in a different environment from you.

Up here, Challenger, finding a home to call yours utterly and completely is difficult. Finding a home, and being the true owner of land, being able to decide what you do with it completely, is even more so.

So yes. I will brag, just this once. And I will be happy about it because I'm going to do something that takes people up here half a lifetime to achieve. I'm doing what most would call impossible.

Fuck, I'm doing what people have told me to my face, was impossible.

I've earned a bragging right this time.

The Flood / Re: I think I'm gonna go for it
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:34:20 PM »
What are you planning to do with it? If you're considering building a home, you should check out the associated costs and zoning regulations in that area. If you're just buying it to have 4 acres of dirt, you might as well just set your money on fire.

It'll be a homestead for sure.

And it's already done. The loopholes I discussed with the owner bypass all zoning regulations, and costs to worry about. All I have to do is say yes, write up a signed contract in the presence of a lawer and that would be it. No hassle, no extra costs, nothing.

The Flood / Re: I think I'm gonna go for it
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:31:53 PM »
But it's rather exciting to think that in the span of two days I could completely own what many struggle to achieve over the course of a lifetime.
An empty patch of land?


It's not empty chally.

There's two water sources and a river/stream on it.

The stream area has a lot of willows on it and off to the side the rest is all forest. In the north, there's a big clear patch of open space that you could hide a structure in nice and cozy.

You talk to me like building a structure would be a challenge for me. And you talk to me like I'm some spineless person who's afraid of land that has otherwise never had any human presence on it whatsoever.

I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty.

So what did the guy end up doing for the police to go in for him?
He stole a case of beer. Some employees called the cops, and the guy went hid in the restroom stall of the restaurant across the street.
So he got shot.. over beer..
He deserved it.

Well, not actually shot.

Judging by the video both cops sunk tasers into him.
But tazers don't go bang. Have you watched the video? The guy is dead.

I didn't have the sound on and I watched it when I was tired.

The Flood / I think I'm gonna go for it
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:22:33 PM »
Been keeping my eyes open for land, still. Started talking with somebody a few days ago. They'd section off a portion of their owned land that they don't use to me, roughly 3-4 acres.

I checked it out. It's quite nice.

And I worked some details out with the owners. Rather than dance around with the banks and ridiculous mortgages and that tripe, we're gonna work the loopholes. I've got an estimate on the price. 3-4 acres would be around 12,000 to 25,000 dollars.

Owner would sell it to me for 3000. Which I have sitting in my safe, right now. By the end of today or tomorrow I would be the complete owner of my own land.

Personally, I think this is a deal I shouldn't pass up. Blog post, I know.

But it's rather exciting to think that in the span of two days I could completely own what many struggle to achieve over the course of a lifetime. And I'm 22. It would give me all the time in the world to shape it and have fun with it.

The Flood / Re: We like to party.
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:41:00 AM »

Truly, the golden age of machinima.

Serious / Re: What this man says seems eerily true in America...
« on: July 03, 2015, 02:16:27 AM »
Hokay. So, obviously, some of the stuff this fellow said is off track with how things currently are. But, funny enough, he does have a point. There's a lot of parrallels that can be applied to what he's saying, and, what he's saying does make a degree of sense.

Logically speaking, if you wanted to create a paradigm shift in a country, that's basically how you'd do it. The particular direction the paradigm shift is going however, isn't quite as he described.

The Flood / Re: reddit is going completely bonkers right now
« on: July 03, 2015, 01:48:46 AM »
Don't bring them here pls.

1. Lebed-class LCAC
2. NATO reporting name
3. Code name
4. Military
5. Armed forces
6. Country
7. Political geography
8. Human geography
9. Social science
10. academic discipline
11. Knowledge
12. Awareness
13. Consciousness
14. Quality
15. Philosophy
16. Reality
17. Existence
18. Ontology
19. Being
20. Objectivity
21. Truth
22. Fact
23. Experience
24. Skill
25. Learning
26. Behavior
27. Organism
28. Biology
29. Natural science
30. Science
31. Explanation
32. Statement
33. False
34. Logic
35. Ancient Greek
36. Greek language
37. Indo-European languages
38. Language family
39. Language
40. Communication
41. Meaning (linguistics)
42. Communication source
43. Information processing
44. Observation
45. Sense
46. Physiology
47. Function (biology)
48. Evolution
49. Heredity
50. Phenotypic trait
51. Phenotype
52. Morphology (biology)
53. Taxon
54. Back-formation
55. Lexeme
56. Emic unit
57. Abstract and concrete
58. Referent
59. Reference
60. Hearing
61. Sound
62. Physics
63. Matter
64. Light
65. Electromagnetic radiation
66. Radiant energy
67. Radiometry
68. Optics
69. Optical instrument
70. Photon
71. Elementary particle
72. Substructure
73. Mathematical logic
74. Mathematics
75. Quantity
76. Property (philosophy)
77. Modern philosophy
78. Western Europe
79. West
80. Noun
81. Latin
82. Romance languages
83. Vulgar Latin
84. Latin profanity
85. Profanity
86. Webster's Dictionary
87. Dictionary
88. Alphabetical order
89. String (computer science)
90. Computer programming
91. Computing
92. Algorithm
93. Computer science
94. Subroutine
95. Library (computing)
96. Non-volatile memory
97. Computer memory
98. Random-access memory
99. Daft Punk
100. Electronic music
101. Electronic musical instrument
102. Musical instrument
103. Music
104. Art
105. Human behavior
106. Emotion
107. Person
108. Human
109. Hominini
110. Tribe (biology)
111. Taxonomic rank
112. Taxonomy (biology)
113. Linnaean taxonomy
114. Carl Linnaeus
115. Ennoblement
116. Nobility
117. Social class
118. Social stratification
119. Job
120. Job (biblical figure)
121. Book of Job
122. Ketuvim
123. Biblical Hebrew
124. Hebrew language
125. West Semitic languages
126. Semitic languages
127. Middle East
128. Region
129. Physical geography
130. Geography
131. Earth
132. Planet
133. Astronomical object
134. Satellite
135. Natural satellite
136. Orbit
137. Gravity
138. List of natural phenomena
139. Sunrise
140. Sun
141. Star
142. Plasma (physics)
143. State of matter
144. Solid
145. Liquid
146. Compressibility
147. Thermodynamics
148. Heat
149. Entropy
150. Entropy (order and disorder)
151. Chaos theory
152. Dynamical system
153. Manifold
154. Topological space
155. Neighbourhood (mathematics)
156. Set (mathematics)
157. Mathematical object
158. Number
159. Counting
160. Finite set
161. Natural number
162. Total order
163. Binary relation
164. Ordered pair
165. Unordered pair
166. Singleton (mathematics)
167. Uniqueness quantification
168. Quantifier (logic)
169. Domain of discourse
170. Formal science
171. Formal system
172. Abstraction
173. First principle
174. Proposition
175. Contemporary philosophy
176. Western philosophy
177. Western world
178. The Renaissance
179. Periodization
180. Virgil
181. Ancient Rome
182. Italic peoples
183. Proto-Indo-Europeans
184. Proto-Indo-European language
185. Linguistic reconstruction
186. Attested language
187. Language death
188. First language
189. Cultural identity
190. Identity (social science)
191. Self-concept
192. Gender role
193. Sex assignment
194. Sex

Alas, my journey is complete.

The Flood / Re: Things we love
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:02:52 AM »
Off the top of my head at the moment. Something I definitely know for sure.

Helping folks.

The Flood / Re: Women enjoy cat calling if you're attractive
« on: July 02, 2015, 11:53:31 PM »
Funny you should mention that.

That person who made the hot topic thread did answer my question via pm afterwards.

To which they strictly stated that the person who cat called them was good/decent looking. But, they weren't fans of cat calling. So they got the middle finger as a response.

So what did the guy end up doing for the police to go in for him?
He stole a case of beer. Some employees called the cops, and the guy went hid in the restroom stall of the restaurant across the street.
So he got shot.. over beer..
He deserved it.

Well, not actually shot.

Judging by the video both cops sunk tasers into him.

The Flood / Re: Is This Avatar Okay?
« on: July 02, 2015, 11:42:42 PM »
I'm a fan of the noir esque detective coat.

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