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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:58:44 PM »
And nobody was going to miss him
Why does this even matter? Is the value of your life determined by how many people will miss you when you're dead? That's retarded.
The dead are not alive to feel remorse for their death, meaning your action doesn't cause much suffering. If there are mourners, your action caused a great amount of suffering.

You're retarded.
Who cares? Your life is yours, and nonexistence is worse than anyone feeling bad for you. The idea that we have to depend on others for meaning is so annoying.
the lack of a family to mourn the victims death frees the killer from thoughts of guilt
i have no idea what you're going on about

Honestly if I was dropped into a situation where I was told to kill somebody with no family, no friends, nobody, I sure as fuck wouldn't be abstained from guilt.

Imagine it. Going up to someone, who went through what you could say was arguably a pretty shitty life because they never had anybody, and then you kill them.

They went through all of that through their life, to just to be put down?

That's not guilt free at all. That's fucking depressing.

Have you ever met people with no friends to speak of or any family? Anybody that likes them? Those sort of people bring out so much pity.
I suppose that's a matter of perspective.
Hopefully I could kill the person inexplicably and without them even noticing before they're already gone, I'd rather not think about their last thoughts.

I don't think too much about what their potential is or what their goals were, those were truly only relevant to themselves and now that they're gone there is no one to be sad over them not being fulfilled. If anything though, the person would likely go on to continue living a mediocre life. But that's just my two cents.

Not if you helped them. Not if you made the effort to give them a hand when nobody else would. And, define "medicore."

By all means, please create a general label that sums up the entirety of what a medicore life is. But, before you do, what if the person in question, who supposedly has a mediocre life, is happy?

Then you can't call it mediocre.

I don't know about you, but if I was ever dropped into the circumstance in OP, I wouldn't take that chance. Not a damn way in hell. And I sure as fuck wouldn't let that person keep living a shitty life either. I'd feel obliged to help in any and every way that I could.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:51:42 PM »
And nobody was going to miss him
Why does this even matter? Is the value of your life determined by how many people will miss you when you're dead? That's retarded.
The dead are not alive to feel remorse for their death, meaning your action doesn't cause much suffering. If there are mourners, your action caused a great amount of suffering.

You're retarded.
Who cares? Your life is yours, and nonexistence is worse than anyone feeling bad for you. The idea that we have to depend on others for meaning is so annoying.
the lack of a family to mourn the victims death frees the killer from thoughts of guilt
i have no idea what you're going on about

Honestly if I was dropped into a situation where I was told to kill somebody with no family, no friends, nobody, I sure as fuck wouldn't be abstained from guilt.

Imagine it. Going up to someone, who went through what you could say was arguably a pretty shitty life because they never had anybody, and then you kill them.

They went through all of that through their life, to just to be put down?

That's not guilt free at all. That's fucking depressing.

Have you ever met people with no friends to speak of or any family? Anybody that likes them? Those sort of people bring out so much pity.

The Flood / Re: If there were no repercussions...
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:36:41 PM »
I'd probably be more curious as to why it was me who ended up in a scenario like that and I'd do some talking with the fellow to see why he ended up in a scenario like that.

So, with some possibility, I might kill him by talking him to death.


Gaming / Re: Telltale Games' Minecraft: Story Mode
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:31:29 AM »
People blaming Telltale when it's Microsoft and Mojang that commissioned them to do it

You know, when you're the one who gets to pick what commissions you take.

You can choose not to address the tidal wave of money being fired at you from a M$ artillery cannon.

But, I don't actually see why anybody is complaining. Telltale was talking about this shit a while back. A good few months, maybe even a year ago.

Gaming / Re: What is the manliest game you ever played?
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:27:22 AM »

The Flood / Re: Dating a girl taller then you?
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:22:27 AM »
as long as she wears a burka i don't care

I take it you like hiding under it right?

The Flood / Re: Just slept 24 hours
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:19:42 AM »
How do you feel?

10 bucks says he'll feel tired, or, he'll have some form of mildly annoying headache.

Sleeping too long when you're not exhausted or tired can be fun. It's like a mini-hangover.

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 05, 2015, 03:10:25 AM »
I think we are the endpoint, to be honest.

What a shitty place to put an endpoint. We're still just rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh! Fumbling in ignorance, we are.

But, seriously. Hell no. We've still got redundant organs and bits that are phasing out and we've still got some seriously fucked up issues that like to impede progress.

Which, begs the question.

Let's just assume that we do something constructive with our collective asses and reach the end all be all for sentient life.

Could you even call that being human anymore?

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:39:17 AM »
Gentlemen, another talk on Verb's and Grandfather Clock's particular set of beliefs is fine and all, but I feel like there's an interesting statement to be made here.

Evolution is an active constant. So long as something is alive, and exposed to just existing, over time it will change. The various lifeforms we see that existed billions of years ago sported all sorts of funky shit compared to today.

Who is to say, that if given enough time, through evolution, that some sort of lifeform would not develop that essentially, breaks all the rules? A supreme endpoint if you will.

Who's to say that a species that gains the ability to produce technology cannot speed up the process of evolution through augmentation and reaching a level of understanding that therefore allows them to manipulate all the rules?

I'd wager that at some point in time, there's an end game to reach concerning evolution.

The Flood / Re: send me on an SOS
« on: July 05, 2015, 02:09:33 AM »
It's whatever you want it to be. Like Verb said. People naturally go towards what makes them happy. Your one goal, and true belief that you should always stick to, with no if's, or but's, is what makes you happy.

If you do what makes you happy, so long as you don't fuck anybody else over in the process, then you can't go wrong. Never let anybody tell you otherwise and never let anything or anybody stand in the way of doing what makes you happy.

Of course, it's easy to say, do what makes you happy.

But you have to find out what makes you truly happy as well. You say you're a self centered person class. A, narcissist I believe. Fuck, what more could you want?

In order to really do what makes you happy, you have to be just a little bit selfish and a little bit self centered.

I don't know anything about your life or what you really like, but it's up to you to do a little research on that. Go out there and explore shit. See if anything stands out to you. If it's something that you could see yourself doing.

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 04, 2015, 10:34:35 PM »
If we were purely carnivorous, we would never have progressed as a species the way we have, settling down to farm.

There's absolutely no way of knowing for sure if we would even have cultures or a concept of morality.

Cow farms.

Fish farms.

All sorts of farms revolve around meat. I think, however, an interesting question would be cannibalism. Would we have a different stance on that?

The Flood / Re: I am pretty smashed AMA
« on: July 04, 2015, 10:32:58 PM »
On a scale of Hulk to Nigel how smashed are you?

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 04, 2015, 10:22:45 PM »

You know, I remember reading an article a little while back, either on here or Bungle. Some scientists found a way to turn human shit into meat.

So, assuming that one day when shit patty steaks go on the market, if we were carnivores then we'd have a moral choice about things.

Serious / Re: Why are you proud to be an American?
« on: July 04, 2015, 10:17:23 PM »
You're being civil by saying I'm full of shit and a hypocritical liar? Get the fuck outta here.

If you can find anything in my walls of text from our exchange of dialogue, where I directly say that you're full of shit or a liar, then I'll eat my fucking hat because even I know my memory isn't that fucking poor.

Oh wait, you're just projecting that I'm somehow trying to attack you by expressing a particular point of view which happens not to align with yours and that I'm somehow insulting you by merely holding such a view and am expressing my disbelief on the statement that you can really care about the sum total of our species and what happens to them.

I apologize if I offended you, I take a neutral stance on most subjects when I speak on the internet and I never have any intention of insulting people. I present my point of view with the intent to see the response and take a look at the opposing viewpoint, and apparently, I guess the manner in which it's spoken can be antagonizing to others.

If I did offend you on those aspects, then I'm sorry.

I'm not sold on the points discussed here, but that's why I keep an open book policy on things. Things change over time. Something I'm not sorry for, however, is your apparent need to project that people are somehow threatening you or attacking you, and responding with meaningless tripe and bullshit and a need to insult.

I'll tell you honestly, up front, that you can fuck right off with that childish crap. Grow the fuck up. It's a conversation, not a fucking arena, and even if somebody does insult you, there's no need to turn it into a shit fling over such trivial, petty things.

It's fucking embarrassing frankly.

Let's get one thing straight, right here and now. I'm not here to insult anybody. I'm not here to get into shit flings and I'm not here to get into drama, and I'm not here to force, or impose anything, on anybody, under any fucking circumstances. Maybe I don't have any fucking tact or delicacy when presenting my views.

But then again, we're all adults here so instead of turning a discussion into a fucking grade school classroom shit fling why don't you show a little fucking restraint and judgement before you whip out your dueling pistol and challenge people to a shootout?

For fuck's sake Challenger, give me a fucking break here. You should know by now that I'm not here to cause shit and even when I'm at my worst I try my best not to. I'm not perfect by any means but then again nobody fucking is.

Do what you want. But don't you fucking point your fucking fingers at me and say that I'm trying to project anything at you and use it as an excuse to start smearing shit all over the walls.

I don't apologize for that. Do whatever the fuck you feel like. Just don't drag me into stupid shit like this.

And don't you fucking dare think that I ever come on here with the intent to insult or start shit.

I'm done here.

The Flood / Re: I'm sick af, so this is how I celebrate July 4th
« on: July 04, 2015, 08:48:17 PM »
I'm doin' fine. Got loads of plans in my head for stuff. It's exciting to think about.

Serious / Re: Why are you proud to be an American?
« on: July 04, 2015, 08:44:58 PM »
I never said that people didn't care.
You did. Several times.

I just stated, that it can't really be called true care. You want the collective sum to be well off but you don't even know what the true collective sum of humanity is. Nobody does. Nobody can even comprehend that amount of people.
It's not about each and every person. It's about the species. I'm not sure what's so difficult for you to understand.

And, by the way, the collective sum is composed of individuals. The two go hand in hand synonamously. The collective sum, of my town, is 800 hundred people. The collective sum of people in my province, is 1 million. The entire collective sum of people on our planet is roughly 7 billion individuals. Which leads me to my point here.
And the species itself is more important than each individual. A million people could die, humanity would be fine.

It's self interest that drives anybody, and everybody. It's things inside of our sphere of perceptiona and influence, that we truly care about.
What exactly is wrong with self interest either way?

Self interest drives people. So do our survival instincts. And so does wanting humanity, as a whole, to make it.

The person who invents something new? They wanted to. They wanted to satisfy their curiousity. How about somebody doing something because they cared about someone? Like a doctor who invents a new procedure or medicine?

They likely did it because they cared about somebody they knew. An experience inside their personal sphere.
Right. Nobody ever invented or did anything because they cared about anybody else.

This just even something that can be debated. You're wrong end of discussion. People that invent cures for disease don't all do it because they have a relative with the disease. Not even close. And that's one example out of many selfless things people do.

That's my point. You can say that you care all you want, but you don't. Not to what could truly be defined as true care.  You said it yourself.
No. I didn't. You did.

Let's say a big chunk of the human population gets wiped off the map. You'd consider it a loss to humanity.

But, really, that's all. You wouldn't cry. You wouldn't weep. You wouldn't really do anything about. You might think about it for a while, but, at the end of the day, nothing will come of it.

For example. Take the recent quakes in nepal. You're looking at a death toll of over 10,000 people minimum. The entire place is flattened over like a pile of matchsticks.

You see the pictures and the devestation, and of course, you say that it's horrible. But that's it. It's caring, obviously. Because you say wow that's horrible.
Uh, no. I quite clearly just told you it legitimately wouldn't affect me. I saw that on the news and was like "Ok. That sucks. Whatever. Life goes on."

But I'm not really sure you can call that real care. It's just like a little ping on the radar and then it dissappears. Real, true care has emotional investment. And, emotional investment drives people into action to do what they do.
Well like I said. I don't personal care. It isn't even a real loss to humanity, because Nepal is pretty fucking useless. Couldn't care less if it fell of the face of the Earth.

Anyway. This conversation is more about two points of view on personal things instead of a particular statment being made.
It's more about asserting your bullshit on people.

When Europe showed up on North America and shit hit the fan with the natives, Europeans weren't thinking of "the progressment of humanity." That's a load of horseshit. They were colonizing more territory and when the natives didn't get along with them they dropped the hammer on them big time.
When did I ever say this? LOL

"Progressment" isn't a word you dip. It's "progression".

There was no general consensus
among everybody that this was some illuminating path to the future and that the entire human population of the planet would benefit from it. It was a land grab that played to the self interest of the people who wanted that land as theirs and obviously, had a pretty fucking low opinion of the natives.
Again, when did I ever say they colonized it because they thought it was "an illuminating path to the future"?

I said as it stands, it benefited humanity as a whole far more than if the natives had kept the land.

If you had actually read and understood my post, you would've known from the beginning I DON'T care about every individual. I couldn't give less of s shot about the natives. They weren't doing shit with the land and were holding us back as a species. Did they deserve to be slaughtered? No. Is it a terrible thing that they were slaughtered? Yeah, morally. But when it comes to human progression? Not really.

Anywho. I ain't gonna press things here. It's not like I'm cheering for some asshat to press the button on the nukes or anything. I want to see new fantastic helpful stuff in the future too. I'd like to see beneficial things made and progress. But, personally, to myself, saying that I really well and truly do care about the entire sum population just seems like a false statement.
Well if you knew how to read you'd know I don't care about every human. I care about or species as a whole.

A false statement to be made by anybody. I certainly care about the people I know in my personal circle of things. Outside of that, everything else just seems, well, a little shaky. Too much of a big grey area.
Yeah just shut the fuck up dude. You have no reading comprehension and you think "progressment" is a word.

Sorry if I'm not spot on 100% on my grammer and punctuation, along with my spelling all the time. I'll just go kill myself then.

But, now that you've talked here, that's my point. If you don't care about the individual then you can't really properly say that you care about collective sum of the species because the collective sum of the species is comprised of individuals.

It's the individuals who have always driven where we're going, it's been their personal and self centered motivations that's driven us all along step by step. I never said, or implied that the self interest was bad. I even stated that it wasn't a bad thing. It's just how we operate. There are only so many people that we can know in our lives before we just don't care after that point.

And, it's people with thinking like that who've done some pretty terrible things before in history. When you just lump everybody together in a big sum, that big sum treats the individual with less value. Like the military. As a general or a commander of any kind, you're not sending men, people, into a place that will kill them.

You're sending soldiers. A specific number of them against another specific number of the enemy.

That's what lumping people into a sum total does. It removes all connection to them. Which has proven before that it can lead to really, really shitty things. Fuck, it's even a war tactic.

Us and Them.

We're the Good Guys, and they're the Bad Guys.

It's that sort of thinking that is warped. It's that sort of thinking that puts things into the shitter.

"I care for the aboslute progression of the species but the individual in the machine doesn't matter, so fuck him, he's just a number to be used. So long as we get to a point where things are all peachy, then that makes up for the massive pile of dead bodies behind us we used to climb up to where we're at."

And yes, by all means, please insult me more when I've kept things civil here. Maybe you don't realize but when I have a conversation, I'm thinking. I'm considering things. And, I do certainly learn from them because it's the reason why I talk in the first place. Everybody has something of worth to say from their perspective on things.

Oh but by all means, I'm the stupid one here.

Anyway. It's the 4th of July. Don't spend your night or day here pissing on things. Go celebrate, fuck, man.

This is a conversation not a contest.

Serious / Re: Bernie Sanders fucking SUCKS MEATY BALLS
« on: July 04, 2015, 08:09:32 PM »
mother of god meta just ended Max's career
what does that even mean?

It means forceful sexual acts were undertaken involving a pineapple.

Serious / Re: Huh, Obama's doing something good
« on: July 04, 2015, 08:07:47 PM »
That's genuinely a good thing.

I know a few years back the PM over here passed some new laws in regards to drug users. In general, actually. They cut elildgability for parole.

So now our prisons are overcorwded with stoners and teens cuaght with a gram of something for 5-10 years.

Serious / Re: Why are you proud to be an American?
« on: July 04, 2015, 07:51:15 PM »
And this doesn't even make any sense. It's contradictory, completely.
Except it isn't. I don't care so much about the individual as the collective, the species.

If you don't don't know everybody personally, then how the fuck can you say that you want to see the collective advance?
Because they're two different things.

Or, for example, look at people you dislike. Or hate. You disliking or hating people is counter productive to to that sum goal of the collective.
Well that would matter if I cared about every individual. I don't. I could hear about a million people dying on the news, it wouldn't emotionally affect me. I don't know these people.

I'd consider it a huge loss to humanity though.

A man could come up to me and tell me he's going to die from cancer in a week. That would affect me more, because if actually see the person up close and feel his pain.

And, if you aren't even aware of everybody, then you have no idea what the collective sum of humanity is.
This is where your stupidity comes in.

The individual isn't the collective.

So no. You're absolutely wrong. You don't actually, truly care with a burning desire, about the sum of what happens to us as a species because you're only truly capable of seeing people and things in your personal sphere of perception and interest.
Not really.

I want to see because I'd like to see it. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't want humanity to progress after my death.

So no. You're wrong. You don't care.

You're just interested.
Uh no,  I care.

With your own eyes, in your own lifetime, you want to see things happen that were never thought possible. But that is only your self interest.
No, I really want humanity to make it. Me experiencing it is a bonus.

Some country could get wiped off the map before that point. A genocide could occur that wipes out an entire group of people. And it wouldn't really matter to you.
I'd consider it a huge loss to humanity. Depending on which country, I may or may not be emotionally affected.

So, as such. Humanity getting any good benifits and improvement is just a side effect of your own self interest.

No, it isn't. Because I care. So do a lot of other people.

You don't really care about the sum, whole total, Challenger. You're just interested in what you'd like to see is all.
Like I said, I'd like to see it.

But at the end of the day the important thing is that we progress. It doesn't really matter if I see it. I'm an individual. The collective is infinitely more important.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing either. But the whole "I care about humanity" card really is a load of total bullshit. You don't even have the capacity for it and as such calling a simple fondness or quaint daydream that you want to see with your own eyes a form of true caring for everybody else is, frankly,

absolute bullshit.
Except I and many others actually care.

Maybe you you should keep your negativity to yourself instead of projecting it onto everybody else.

I never said that people didn't care. I just stated, that it can't really be called true care. You want the collective sum to be well off but you don't even know what the true collective sum of humanity is. Nobody does. Nobody can even comprehend that amount of people.

And, by the way, the collective sum is composed of individuals. The two go hand in hand synonamously. The collective sum, of my town, is 800 hundred people. The collective sum of people in my province, is 1 million. The entire collective sum of people on our planet is roughly 7 billion individuals. Which leads me to my point here.

It's self interest that drives anybody, and everybody. It's things inside of our sphere of perceptiona and influence, that we truly care about. The person who invents something new? They wanted to. They wanted to satisfy their curiousity. How about somebody doing something because they cared about someone? Like a doctor who invents a new procedure or medicine?

They likely did it because they cared about somebody they knew. An experience inside their personal sphere.

That's my point. You can say that you care all you want, but you don't. Not to what could truly be defined as true care.  You said it yourself.

Let's say a big chunk of the human population gets wiped off the map. You'd consider it a loss to humanity.

But, really, that's all. You wouldn't cry. You wouldn't weep. You wouldn't really do anything about. You might think about it for a while, but, at the end of the day, nothing will come of it.

For example. Take the recent quakes in nepal. You're looking at a death toll of over 10,000 people minimum. The entire place is flattened over like a pile of matchsticks.

You see the pictures and the devestation, and of course, you say that it's horrible. But that's it. It's caring, obviously. Because you say wow that's horrible.

But I'm not really sure you can call that real care. It's just like a little ping on the radar and then it dissappears. Real, true care has emotional investment. And, emotional investment drives people into action to do what they do.

Anyway. This conversation is more about two points of view on personal things instead of a particular statment being made.

When Europe showed up on North America and shit hit the fan with the natives, Europeans weren't thinking of "the progressment of humanity." That's a load of horseshit. They were colonizing more territory and when the natives didn't get along with them they dropped the hammer on them big time.

There was no general consensus among everybody that this was some illuminating path to the future and that the entire human population of the planet would benefit from it. It was a land grab that played to the self interest of the people who wanted that land as theirs and obviously, had a pretty fucking low opinion of the natives.

Anywho. I ain't gonna press things here. It's not like I'm cheering for some asshat to press the button on the nukes or anything. I want to see new fantastic helpful stuff in the future too. I'd like to see beneficial things made and progress. But, personally, to myself, saying that I really well and truly do care about the entire sum population just seems like a false statement. A false statement to be made by anybody. I certainly care about the people I know in my personal circle of things. Outside of that, everything else just seems, well, a little shaky. Too much of a big grey area.

Serious / Re: Why are you proud to be an American?
« on: July 04, 2015, 02:24:49 PM »

I don't need to personally know every human being out there to care about our species as a collective.

I'm not saying I cry myself to sleep every night if I see that 50 people died in a fire on the news. It means I want to see us advance as a species and accomplish things we can't even imagine.

And this doesn't even make any sense. It's contradictory, completely.

If you don't don't know everybody personally, then how the fuck can you say that you want to see the collective advance? Or, for example, look at people you dislike. Or hate. You disliking or hating people is counter productive to to that sum goal of the collective.

And, if you aren't even aware of everybody, then you have no idea what the collective sum of humanity is.

So no. You're absolutely wrong. You don't actually, truly care with a burning desire, about the sum of what happens to us as a species because you're only truly capable of seeing people and things in your personal sphere of perception and interest.

So no. You're wrong. You don't care.

You're just interested.

With your own eyes, in your own lifetime, you want to see things happen that were never thought possible. But that is only your self interest.

Some country could get wiped off the map before that point. A genocide could occur that wipes out an entire group of people. And it wouldn't really matter to you. So, as such. Humanity getting any good benifits and improvement is just a side effect of your own self interest.

You don't really care about the sum, whole total, Challenger. You're just interested in what you'd like to see is all.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing either. But the whole "I care about humanity" card really is a load of total bullshit. You don't even have the capacity for it and as such calling a simple fondness or quaint daydream that you want to see with your own eyes a form of true caring for everybody else is, frankly,

absolute bullshit.

Serious / Re: Why are you proud to be an American?
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:47:29 PM »
Well, there's something else to consider here. Call it a hypothetical.

What if you gave the natives actual time? Progress doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, based on the culture, the environmental factors, and of course, key individuals.
Well seeing how fucking primitive and stupid they were compared to the colonists, I really don't see them accomplishing what modern Americans have.


Please don't play the "caring about the advancement of the species" card because it's redundant and a total load of tripe. Nobody at their core gives a shit about the species as a whole. Nobody even cares about the "survival" of the species on a consciously driving level.

Please don't act like you know me or anybody else, because you don't. I want to see humanity leave this planet in my lifetime. I want to see cures for terrible diseases. I want to see war and poverty and hunger end. I care about our species.

If you don't, that's fine. Just don't project your feeling onto me or everybody else and act like its something universal because YOU feel that way.

Mainly because it's not possible to keep track of, or even care about 7 billion people.
I don't need to personally know every human being out there to care about our species as a collective.

I'm not saying I cry myself to sleep every night if I see that 50 people died in a fire on the news. It means I want to see us advance as a species and accomplish things we can't even imagine.

See, there's a bit of a hitch on that.

No, you actually don't care. You really don't. I don't mean it in a bad manner. You can say that you have an interest in it. You can say that the idea, the concept, is intriguing. To me, the idea is intriguing. I would like to see things get better for everbody as well. I'd like to see technology grow and help us overcome our flaws.

But that's the point. I'd like to. Just you'd like to.

But, are you or I doing anything at all whatsoever to further that goal?

Most likely, no. And. Think about this. Take your pick of any famous inventor in our history. When they made whatever it was that made them famous today, did they have humanity as a whole in their mind?

Hell no. An invention was made to fix something. Or improve on something. Or, make something easier. But it was all localised. When I say localised, I mean it was kept exclusively, and it was only later that it gained widespread use. Like the internet. Or, hell, the automobile.

Nobody ever has humanity as a whole in their best interests. They only have their own drive, and their curiosity. Humanity being improved in any way just sort of happens to be a side effect of select progress.

So, yes, I agree with you. You can care about it. But you don't really care. I'm not saying that the interest isn't there. But I'd be saying that the care itself, isn't actually fully fledged, full blown care.

Nobody has that capacity in them. You can't even really grasp the size and scope of just what "humanity" means as a whole.

And if you want any sort of proof of that, look at how counter productive we are. Look at how self contradictory people are.

To sum up my point nice and short for you.

Improving humanity as a whole never has and never will be on anybody's mind. The advancement of our species has come solely based off of key people, and their own drive and self interest. It's a side effect.

As such, you can never really say that you truly do care. You're just interested. But you're not invested.

Serious / Re: Why are you proud to be an American?
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:30:48 PM »
What if you gave the natives actual time?
The Industrial Revolution is barely understood in economics as it is. We pretty much have no idea why it happened in Britain, or why it happened in 1800 as opposed to some other time like the great information explosion of the 1500s.

Essentially: time is no guarantee of progress, not at all. It's just an enabler.

A lot of people think resources and environment plays into it. It also plays on connections. The more connections you have, obviously, the more resources you have access to.

Europe had a good and heavy lead on everybody because of the ease of access and abundance to raw materials, and the fact that they were good at taking other forms of technology and intergrating it with theirs or improving on it.

By the time the party started on north america there was already a base foundation overseas to work off of. The technology existed to make useage of things in north america that otherwise, wouldn't have been possible to anybody else yet.

Serious / Re: Why are you proud to be an American?
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:25:36 PM »
3. Do you need a concept of private property? No. And, most importantly, true private property does not exist and it never will. However, what does exist, is the lengths you'll go to, to defend your little imaginary line in the sand.
The point was supposed to highlight that it's not clear to what extent America was actually the "property" of the natives.

Well, if we're going to be talking legal terms here, property and all that, I suppose that's true. But, then again, anywhere somebody calls home, would technically be considered property.

Even if you don't have a concept of property, the concept of home exists.

I wouldn't say that the natives didn't have a concept of property. They didn't have a word for it. They had their own meaning and concept which was founded on their belief systems.

Which, could be considered parrallel to the meaning of property.

Serious / Re: Why are you proud to be an American?
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:19:41 PM »
God bless our soldiers for murdering all those Indians and kicking them off their land..
Let's just be brutally honest here.

Modern Americans did more with this country than a bunch of long haired lazy hippies that were living in tents with no capacity or desire to progress the human race forward.

Might makes right, I'm afraid. And while America has a very evil history in some aspects, so does everywhere else.

Well, there's something else to consider here. Call it a hypothetical.

What if you gave the natives actual time? Progress doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, based on the culture, the environmental factors, and of course, key individuals.


Please don't play the "caring about the advancement of the species" card because it's redundant and a total load of tripe. Nobody at their core gives a shit about the species as a whole. Nobody even cares about the "survival" of the species on a consciously driving level.

Mainly because it's not possible to keep track of, or even care about 7 billion people.

Serious / Re: Why are you proud to be an American?
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:15:03 PM »
God bless our soldiers for murdering all those Indians and kicking them off their land..
A couple of issues:

I) Disease was the primary killer.
II) Natives were murdering each other long before the Europeans got there.
III) The Natives had no concept of private property.

If you want to paint the American military as a bunch of murderers, at least put some fucking effort in.

On points two and three.

2. Every corner of the planet has had people murdering each other. Even arguably more peaceful cultures have had their own little bloodbaths. Nobody ever was perfect, and, we're a long shot from it, still.

3. Do you need a concept of private property? No. And, most importantly, true private property does not exist and it never will. However, what does exist, is the lengths you'll go to, to defend your little imaginary line in the sand.

Serious / Re: Why are you proud to be an American?
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:06:58 PM »
I'm proud that my country is the top hat of your country.

So many vocabulary fuck arounds. An "infinite amount of nothing" is particularily entertaining.

If we're to take a physical example of this though, technically you can turn 2d stuff into 3d stuff. Let's say you make a 3d object layer by layer. Of course, true 2d doesn't exist for us since everything we see is 3b based.

But I get your point.

Personally, if we're to take that particular scenario and apply it to universe creation, then it gets a little interesting. Of course the unfortunate thing here is, you've created a topic has so much discussion worth to it that it has none.

Asking any of us why, or how stacking infinite 2d layers of nothing creates 3d, you'll never get any answers because there are none to be found, especially not from this lot. And not much in the way to actually discuss.

It's a question without an answer and, a point, without a point.

How poetic.

The Flood / Re: My laptop keyboard isn't very sensitive.
« on: July 04, 2015, 12:45:51 PM »
You can fix that by going into your Control Panel and typing "mouse" into the search. And then go to "Change the Mouse Pointer Display or Speed".  You can adjust the sensitivity in there.  Took me a while to figure out after I got my laptop back.
Thank you. It's a problem with the keyboard I use to type though. It's just not sensitive enough to even register the keys, sometimes it won't even know I hit a key.
Keyboards are like women. Hit them harder and they'll work.

But hit the wrong buttons and you'll destroy everything.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: July 04, 2015, 11:06:36 AM »

I drew this aaagggeeesss ago and it's the only picture I'm happy enough with to show >.>

With all the free time I have maybe I should get back into drawing

Wow, shit, Fruit. That's damn well spot on.

The Flood / Re: Music Lounge Thread
« on: July 03, 2015, 10:55:42 PM »
Hmm. May as well say it, at least. I couldn't really guess why you'd show up here again Noelle. Like hell if I remember whatever happened last time that had you go and take a hiautus from here. Not that I'm saying it's not nice to see a familiar face again.

But your reception here from most others obviously won't be very warm and welcoming. In essence, you've nothing worth coming here for. And, if you were hoping to talk to other folks around here that don't mind you that you chat with on plug, which I think there are, you coulda just pm'd them.

Anyway. Back to things.

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