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Messages - Sandtrap

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Serious / Re: Canadian PM calls for abolition of the Canadian Senate
« on: July 25, 2015, 05:33:52 PM »
My god Stephen... Thank you!

Tblocks no.

Don't you fuckin' dare tell me you're in the Harper party boat.
lolno I dislike politics in general but this is definitely a good idea in my opinion.

You could've told me you were in the Bloc Quebecois party and I wouldn't have gotten ready to head out and assassinate you. You had me worried there for a sec.

Serious / Re: Canadian PM calls for abolition of the Canadian Senate
« on: July 25, 2015, 05:29:13 PM »
My god Stephen... Thank you!

Tblocks no.

Don't you fuckin' dare tell me you're in the Harper party boat.

The Flood / Re: I've become discouraged from posting on this site
« on: July 25, 2015, 05:28:06 PM »
Something kind of funny when you think about it.

People love to complain. Having a little bitch out about what ails you feels good for most people. Little bit of stress release.

But suddenly, complain to somebody else about your woes and you're satan. Or, even better, it becomes a sort of passive aggressive dick waving contest. Ever notice how most people have a one up card to say when you complain about something?

"My legs hurt today.avi"

"You should try having a metal plate and bolts put into one.avi"

People are funny.
I think it's self service. You don't actually care about how the words will affect the other person as much as you want to make a retort, or a remark so that you'll reach some sort of mental closure.

Self centered creatures, we are.

But I suppose merely shrugging or saying nothing in return is worse. Reacting to somebody in pain or discomfort, depending, can be difficult. So we pull out a one up card as close as we can relate to them.

Makes sense to me.

Serious / Re: Canadian PM calls for abolition of the Canadian Senate
« on: July 25, 2015, 05:23:29 PM »
Canada is a US proxy and her politics are pretty much irrelevant to the world at large debate me

There's actually nothing to debate about that dude. I wouldn't say proxy but US economics and trade are so closely intertwined between the two countries that whatever happens down south of us has big ripples in our politics.

As it stands, yeah, we're irrelevant at large politically speaking. And that's because our politics our kept rather quiet for a reason.

The Flood / Re: I've become discouraged from posting on this site
« on: July 25, 2015, 05:12:52 PM »
Something kind of funny when you think about it.

People love to complain. Having a little bitch out about what ails you feels good for most people. Little bit of stress release.

But suddenly, complain to somebody else about your woes and you're satan. Or, even better, it becomes a sort of passive aggressive dick waving contest. Ever notice how most people have a one up card to say when you complain about something?

"My legs hurt today.avi"

"You should try having a metal plate and bolts put into one.avi"

People are funny.

Gaming / Re: Playing Half-Life 2 (Progress: Sandtraps)
« on: July 25, 2015, 05:06:47 PM »
Not going to lie here.

Seeing the name I adopted being used or said by anybody for any other purpose is fucking weird.

Also. Have fun in the old Combine facility. The place is a riot.

The Flood / Re: Dyslexia sucks
« on: July 25, 2015, 05:01:46 PM »
I honestly thought this was going to end with somebody doing writing on the wall with blood backwards.

The Flood / Re: Just my luck.
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:58:40 PM »
You can if you sneak around the other side of the house and dirty your windows.

Then go outside and tell her she missed a spot.

And then do the whole whip your dick out thing and cue the porno music.

Gaming / Re: i dislike Black Flag
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:53:24 PM »
Yaaaarh yee scurvy sea dog!

More like Blag Fag ammirite

Yeah. I just take the liberty and kill myself now.

Serious / Re: Canadian PM calls for abolition of the Canadian Senate
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:47:25 PM »
Where the fuck have you been?

Province on fire up north. I've been on volunteer firefighter aid for a three week shift. I'm on break for a week before I go back.

Made a thread about it in the flood to say my bon voyages. But you wouldn't have seen it.

You're not supposed to leave containment after all.

Serious / Re: Canadian PM calls for abolition of the Canadian Senate
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:46:18 PM »
Less government is best government.

Eh. I'm not so sure on that. It depends on whose hand's the government falls into. The canadian senate has, in the past, opposed Harper on certain things to our benefit.

As the bongers would say. Our PM is a corporate shill.

No backbone and an ass that can fit an oil rig down it. I don't neccessarily like the idea of our current PM having more control over governmental matters.

Serious / Canadian PM calls for abolition of the Canadian Senate
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:37:17 PM »

Oh hey look there's stuff happening in Canadian politics. In short the big boss is calling for shutting out our rather useless old senate of screaming old guys.

Coincidentally, not long after increased child wellfare cheques hit ciculation not a month ago.

I know our senate never really has been too up front about their affairs. Or useful. But I'm curious about what outright abolishment might bring. For starters I think it's safe to say this is a pretty transparent move to shift some election votes Harper's way before election time, just three months away.

It sure has the boat rocking though.

Quick read over this whole thing.

I'd like to point something out. You'll notice, if you watch old timey movies from black and white days, back then, sex was never really shown. Just implied. Of course since then everybody's loosened up a bit when it comes to stuff like that.

But Verb's point stands. It's not some alien concept with no founding to it.

The Flood / Re: Guess what came in the mail today
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:46:03 AM »
You'd better find your key quick then OP.

That mail order friend might suffocate if you leave them in there for too long.

The Flood / Re: Can the Hulk bang a chick without killing her?
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:42:11 AM »
Maybe She-Hulk could handle it?

Comic book series.

Old Man Logan. Hulk put the beat down on his cousin and made an army of inbreds.

So technically. Yeah.

The Flood / Re: $6.9 Million is financially difficult for your family
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:35:28 AM »
Well, you know, when you've got lots of money to swing around, you become used to it. Rule of thumb with money. If you have it, you'll spend it.

Knock a few million dollers off a paycheck and you're going to notice that there's a gap. Little less to spend than you normally used to be able to.

But, the thing is, to rich people, average class or poor class, they practically don't exist. To a rich person, it's almost as if it's unheard of to live under or slightly above the poverty line. It wouldn't even cross their minds as an option or a way of living.

But, look on the bright side. Being a regular old joe you understand the value of what you earn.

Rich people like the fellow above?


The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 01:25:04 AM »
Holy crap. It sounds like the fire's got a damned mindset. Of which is to burn anything and everything.

That's pretty damn scary. You're a brave guy fighting pissed off fire.

Just the clean up behind the fire fighters. Spotting small brush fires and such. Digging trenches to cut off other fires before they approached.

There's two reasons why the fires are so out of control. Three actually.

And intentionally started.

The government is pissed. They're launching investigations. Something like 15% of the 121 active fires were started intentionally.
That's insane. But still, the afterburn is still pretty dangerous. Can't imagine what the front lines see. Fire tornadoes I would bet.

And lord, so there's arsonists/pyromaniacs running amuck possibly? Sounds like complete chaos and strife.

Not arsonists, no. This has happened before. Firefighting outfits get paid big money to put out fires. There've been cases in Quebec's and Toronto's history of firefighters starting fires for, well, you guessed it, big bucks.

I can tell you waht the front lines see though since I could see them from the back.

Imagine a forest as far as your eyes can see. Trees 50-70 feet tall. And they're all on fire. And up above that the sky is just fucking black.

Essentially it's fucking hell on Earth. With the heat and everything.

And yeaah, I get the Firefighters starting fires for extra pay. It's morally wrong, and places people in danger. Selfish greedy defenders.

No joke, you could actually call it a warzone. The canadian military sent 1000 troopers in to help a while back. There's choppers up in the air at all hours and even water bombers.

Good news is, it's being pushed back now.

On the plus side. I got to ride in a helicopter! That was fun. Anyway. Calling it in for the night. See you guys in the mornin.

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 01:20:13 AM »
Greetings friend!

Hey! You're canadian! Why aren't you fighting fires right now man? Not just my province. Manitoba. Alberta. British columbia. Nunavut and North West Territories.

Hello again though, friend.
I'm in one of the only provinces not being hit by the fire bug it seems.

You get any of the smoke?
I don't think so.
Toronto dude >.>

Makes sense. Southern winds wouldn't blow it sideways.

My entire province was covered in it for weeks. Seems to have finally cleared up now. Lol.

Hope the states enjoys all the second hand smoke.
That's good though.
I'm really happy to hear it's getting better out there.

City up north. La Ronge. They got the all clear to go back. Apparently the news is calling it the biggest "natural" disaster in my province's history. 50 communities wiped out or evacuated and 13,000 people displaced.

I was at one of the shelters in Saskatoon for a bit before I shipped out. The place is fucking packed. Like, there was no room in there for anybody. Just bunks and bunks of people. Dude, the fucking street outside, the back alleys around the place had tents for people to stay in.

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 01:18:07 AM »
Holy crap. It sounds like the fire's got a damned mindset. Of which is to burn anything and everything.

That's pretty damn scary. You're a brave guy fighting pissed off fire.

Just the clean up behind the fire fighters. Spotting small brush fires and such. Digging trenches to cut off other fires before they approached.

There's two reasons why the fires are so out of control. Three actually.

And intentionally started.

The government is pissed. They're launching investigations. Something like 15% of the 121 active fires were started intentionally.
That's insane. But still, the afterburn is still pretty dangerous. Can't imagine what the front lines see. Fire tornadoes I would bet.

And lord, so there's arsonists/pyromaniacs running amuck possibly? Sounds like complete chaos and strife.

Not arsonists, no. This has happened before. Firefighting outfits get paid big money to put out fires. There've been cases in Quebec's and Toronto's history of firefighters starting fires for, well, you guessed it, big bucks.

I can tell you waht the front lines see though since I could see them from the back.

Imagine a forest as far as your eyes can see. Trees 50-70 feet tall. And they're all on fire. And up above that the sky is just fucking black.

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 01:11:13 AM »
Holy crap. It sounds like the fire's got a damned mindset. Of which is to burn anything and everything.

That's pretty damn scary. You're a brave guy fighting pissed off fire.

Just the clean up behind the fire fighters. Spotting small brush fires and such. Digging trenches to cut off other fires before they approached.

There's two reasons why the fires are so out of control. Three actually.

And intentionally started.

The government is pissed. They're launching investigations. Something like 15% of the 121 active fires were started intentionally.

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 01:08:54 AM »
Greetings friend!

Hey! You're canadian! Why aren't you fighting fires right now man? Not just my province. Manitoba. Alberta. British columbia. Nunavut and North West Territories.

Hello again though, friend.
I'm in one of the only provinces not being hit by the fire bug it seems.

You get any of the smoke?
I don't think so.
Toronto dude >.>

Makes sense. Southern winds wouldn't blow it sideways.

My entire province was covered in it for weeks. Seems to have finally cleared up now. Lol.

Hope the states enjoys all the second hand smoke.
That's good though.
I'm really happy to hear it's getting better out there.

City up north. La Ronge. They got the all clear to go back. Apparently the news is calling it the biggest "natural" disaster in my province's history. 50 communities wiped out or evacuated and 13,000 people displaced.

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 01:05:57 AM »
Greetings friend!

Hey! You're canadian! Why aren't you fighting fires right now man? Not just my province. Manitoba. Alberta. British columbia. Nunavut and North West Territories.

Hello again though, friend.
I'm in one of the only provinces not being hit by the fire bug it seems.

You get any of the smoke?
I don't think so.
Toronto dude >.>

Makes sense. Southern winds wouldn't blow it sideways.

My entire province was covered in it for weeks. Seems to have finally cleared up now. Lol.

Hope the states enjoys all the second hand smoke.

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 01:01:34 AM »
Greetings friend!

Hey! You're canadian! Why aren't you fighting fires right now man? Not just my province. Manitoba. Alberta. British columbia. Nunavut and North West Territories.

Hello again though, friend.
I'm in one of the only provinces not being hit by the fire bug it seems.

You get any of the smoke?

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:59:00 AM »
Greetings friend!

Hey! You're canadian! Why aren't you fighting fires right now man? Not just my province. Manitoba. Alberta. British columbia. Nunavut and North West Territories.

Hello again though, friend.

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:57:24 AM »
Jesus, sounds like you joined the clean up crew to take care of a fucked up war zone.

Actually, yeah. You're absolutely right. I passed through one of the towns that got steam rolled up north by the fires. Total ghost town. Honestly, with all the military guys around and the aircraft non stop?

Yeah. I did.

War on fire. I've been keeping track. 475 000 hectares have burned. There's a fire up north that's 100 000 hectares in size.

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:55:02 AM »
Verbatim is still an obnoxious ass.

Loaf takes loafs in the ass. He also hates religion apparently.

Elegiac is on vacation I guess. So no foxes. Praise peace!

Comms Occifer is alright I guess.

SecondClass is still beta.

And more but I don't feel like posting the status of active members.

Oh, and we have a few more I guess new active members.

Business as usual then.

I can dig it. Jesus fuck I missed home. Good to be back for a bit.

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:53:23 AM »
Ah, Old Man Sandy!

How you doing?

I'm taking a week off. And doing fucking nothing. And I'm going to enjoy seven days of fucking nothing. Like sleeping. And eating not shit food. And an air conditioner.

I'm okay.
Take it easy, you deserve a breather.

It's funny because I learned how to use an oxygen tank. Aha!

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:52:22 AM »
You missed me on a deep, self actualizing, unconscious level.

Well, your name changed. Don't know who you are. But yeah.

I missed the company of my fellow internet outcasts. Here's to you guy with dancing women. Cheers.

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:51:01 AM »
Ah, Old Man Sandy!

How you doing?

I'm taking a week off. And doing fucking nothing. And I'm going to enjoy seven days of fucking nothing. Like sleeping. And eating not shit food. And an air conditioner.

I'm okay.

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:49:38 AM »
Welcome back.

How was it? Be honest.

Hardest fucking thing I've ever done in my life. On the first day I asked myself what the fuck kind of stupid was I on when I signed up.

They put me on dirt lines and cleanup teams behind advancing firefighters. Stuffed into a fire retardent suit at 90-100 degrees from early dawn to sunset.

Bugs. Heat. Smoke. I can't even describe what it's like up there. There is so much shit burning up there right now.

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