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Messages - Sandtrap

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If you're taking a permanent vacation Chalk, I honestly can't say. I keep my eyes out for places as I go along, but I can honestly say that there's no other place I've ever stumbled on that have ever had as much as a homey feeling as this place or Bungle.

You could, maybe try going back to Bungle and seeing what you can fish out of the garbage pile for quality. But, knowing your type, I think you might be here to stay Chalk. You're an outsider just like the rest of the bunch here.

The Flood / Re: Post what you think are your best threads.
« on: July 29, 2015, 02:49:53 AM »
Jesus christ I conked out. I thought the title was best friends.

You confused the shit out of me when you linked me to a bunch of threads. On topic Chalk, I can't say. I've no memory of anything special that particularily stands out.

Gaming / Re: You all suck ass at Halo
« on: July 29, 2015, 02:42:32 AM »
OP was a Staff Captain.
And OP was never host in SWAT

OP also liked 258 shotting with the AR.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:48:25 AM »
A friend of mine has chronic depression, tried to kill herself a few days ago.
It's really rough, and I wish I could just make it known how much these people who suffer matter.

But this isn't about how you think. It's how you feel, and that feeling of worthlessness just shows up. There is no rationality to it, you can even know 100% that it is not true, yet, it still does its damage.

All I can say is, never forget that there are people who value you Sandtrap.

I certainly don't. I never have. When I get down, I don't lose any sense of self worth. I just...get down. Everything just loses its strength to me. I don't lose any sense of self worth because I don't have any. I never have. In fact I think it's the only thing that's kept me going over time.

I've looked at it, and I've studied it. But I'm reluctant to tell any docs about it, or close people in person. Mainly because both would try to change it. And personal people in my life. Well, I couldn't do that to them. Wouldn't want to see the reaction on their faces and I wouldn't want to make them feel so astronomically shitty.

And see, that's my point.

I have no self worth of myself. But I put worth in people and what I can do for them. I can't say that I hate myself because I don't think I have the stomach to hate anything. But, I don't like myself very much.

And that's what's always given me the extra boot in the ass to keep going. I have never, ever, in my life met any pain or obstacle in my way that I didn't go through, because of how much I care for others around me. It's what keeps me on my feet.

Because if I keel over or just sit down and give up, nobody is going to do the job that I do. Nobody's going to step in place and fill my shoes, and do what I can do, to the extent that I do it, or for the reasons that I do it.

Personally, I don't think I ever will quit. Not as long as I have somebody in my sights that I can take care of or help. But, what bugs me now, is that I will never be rid of this. It'll be here with me, every single day, every single night. I'll have to fight to keep it in check, and hidden from friends so I don't pull them down with me.

I'll have to put up with this feeling, until I die. Depending on how much time I'm granted by whatever other cancers choose to persist with me as I get older, that could be a long time.

Personally, it doesn't add to my list of cheerful things to wake up to in the morning. And some days, I honestly wish I was as stupid as people have called me, because then I'd be happily content and unaware of the ugly, but finer details in things.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:12:57 AM »
I know from experience that the need to vent during times of depression will often push people away. But fuck it, man. If you need to vent, both Mr P and I--what with our experience of depression--will understand and will read what you write. I'm sure a lot of others will too, at least on the Serious board. It's like a hunger that won't give in until you satiate it. Well, I guess that's depression in a nutshell: something that'll try and fucking eat away at you.

Although it's kind of funny how you venting has resulted in a shorter post than usual.

I'm trying to keep my head on straight. I made a heavy effort to get my point across here without losing my marbles. I appreciate the offer though. But, like I said. I refuse to dump it on anybody. I've lost people over this.

Figured I could trust them, of course, I could. They listened. But you open up a floodgate. Everybody has their limits right? I mean fuck. If I'm the one venting because I can't handle it, then how are they supposed to handle it? But, I pushed everybody away now anyway. If there's anything I always try to stand buy, it's not dumping my garbage on other people, even friends.

But again. Thanks.

Serious / Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:48:48 PM »
I've been running around all over lately. I'm on my week off here and I still can't seem to catch a break. Running around and I'm working in a million little pieces all at once. Anyway. I've had docs checking in on me and all that stuff and a while back I got in touch with a psychologist. Anyway.

No surprise there after all this time, doc says I've got chronic depression after our talks. I can't say that I'm surprised. But it's strange to hear it out loud. To sort of officially christen it with a title and make it known. I've been fighting it on my own for years. And of course, since me and the doc discovered it we've been working out stuff to try and curb it, at least.

But, at the same time, here I am. I don't want to fight with it anymore. I've given it everything I have. And it's just not a simple on off switch. When it comes, it comes, and nothing stops it. And now that it's got this official sort of title to it. I'm fucking tired of it. And, naturally, with my tendency to adamantly stay away from people, with my ability to write.

I just bleed. It bleeds into my writing, it bleeds into my head and just takes a wrench and destroys everything. And the only people I can talk to, really, are acquaintances on the internet. Guess what happens there? I just bleed out over and over and over again with no god damn end in sight and the people I call friends call it quits because they can't take it, and try as hard as I can, I can't put a stop to it.

It's just, always there. I give myself every fucking reason not to give in and this still pushes me over without effort. I'm tired of it. It sucks all my willpower away and it just feeds itself. I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore. I don't know how I can fight it. I'd say that it's pissing me off but all it really does is just make me sad. God dammit.

I'm aware of it. I've been fighting it off for years. And....I don't even know what to say. It's not a victim complex. It's like.....nothing. I just go straight down. And everything feeds it. This isn't a whiny-pity type deal kind of talk. I don't want pity and I'm not searching for it.

But....this is crushing to me. I'm lost on ideas and willpower here no matter where I turn. This shit just shows up and makes a mess of me as it pleases. And the only reason I'm saying this right now is because of my tendency to write freely, which is both a blessing and a curse because I just bleed all over the place in my writing, basically.

Do whatever you want with this thread. Tell your own stories of depression. Say stupid shit or insults or whatever. I just needed to put this out there because I refuse to shoulder it on anybody else directly but I can't keep it locked up either. Move it, lock it, do as you please, whatever.

Gaming / Re: Playing Half-Life 2 (Progress: "Follow Freeman!")
« on: July 28, 2015, 09:33:59 PM »
The next bit is hell. I recommend quicksaving every time you live past a skirmish.

HL2 Spoiler, Ignore this verby if you're into that sorta thing
The next bit is the Striders everywhere, right?


Yes indeed.

The Flood / Re: Good morning Flood!
« on: July 28, 2015, 06:40:32 PM »
Lol I tried to take a nap. 20 minutes later I get called up.

Mein brother in law's water trailer broke apart on the way home. Gonna drive out there and help him stuff the fucking tank into his truck or buy some towstraps to keep everything in place.

Perfect weather for it too. Rain and mud. Love the timing. Anyway. Bon voyage and good afternoon.

The Flood / Re: What the hell is wrong with teenage girls?
« on: July 28, 2015, 06:29:13 PM »
Public toilets Chalk. Somehow people manage to figure out a way to smear shit just about everywhere they can. It's like an artform to them or something. They merely sit down and poof, the toilet is decorated in 50 shades of brown from all angles and edges, to all seals and and undersides.

But, you should know this one chalk. Younger folks these days tend to be rather careless about things.

Gaming / Re: Playing Half-Life 2 (Progress: "Follow Freeman!")
« on: July 28, 2015, 04:27:33 PM »

My zigzagging skills are on point.
too bad my squad isn't -_-

Hmm, you're getting to some fun bits I think, soon.

By the way, you'd better play episode one and two as well. Good shit those episodes were. But 10 bucks says you won't like the ending of the main game very much.

The Flood / Re: Talk to me, Flood.
« on: July 28, 2015, 02:34:43 PM »
Watcha feel like talking about?
Anything really. I'm already feeling better, this thread made me snap out of the downwards spiral I was in.

I'm bad on starting off conversations. Usually better if somebody gets the ball rolling on a subject. But, anyway, was recently reading a book about the history of my province.

Fuck the Hudson's Bay company, man.

Oh come on guys, missed oppurtunity here. Get two female celebrities, doesn't matter who, just so long as they're really opposed on opposite sides of a subject.

Preferably they have to look good.

Grab popcorn, sit back, and watch the catfight. Sell the tapes of torn dresses, hair pulling, and nipple slips for millions.

The Flood / Re: Talk to me, Flood.
« on: July 28, 2015, 02:23:30 PM »
Watcha feel like talking about?

I counted down the seconds until Mercury got hit as my hype aescended critical levels.

Go nigga go!

The Flood / Re: Let's have a round of applause for RC
« on: July 28, 2015, 12:37:28 PM »
RC car is the one with the chicken right? I haven't seen him in a while.

Cheers to RC car for not being a flamingingly flamboyant homosexual!


The Flood / Re: Good morning Flood!
« on: July 28, 2015, 12:32:32 PM »
Also, good morning. Afternoon technically.

The Flood / Re: Good morning Flood!
« on: July 28, 2015, 12:30:33 PM »
Declining in cognitive ability and fucntion by the hour as I enjoy some warm coffee. I thought today I was supposed to work for somebody but that's on Thursday. I woke up extra early today and drove out there only to find that I was mistaken.

There's about three inches of rain outside now so I'm contemplating just shutting out the world and sleeping for the entire day. Could use the rest I guess. But, then again if I busied myself with something I wouldn't notice how tired I am.

Basically, it's goin' so so.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone have any tattoos?
« on: July 28, 2015, 11:02:47 AM »
i really despise our culture's infatuation with tattoos

i would never get one
i mean, it's to the point where people have been asking me, "when are you gonna get a tattoo?"

no, not "ARE you gonna get a tattoo"

"WHEN are you gonna get a tattoo"

it's like... fuck you, never
why would i want to have an ugly-ass picture on my skin that i can't rub off, and hurts when i get it?...

That usually shuts them up.

You sound like you're surrounded by friends who aren't actually your friends. And if it's fucking random ass people, what the fuck?

Gaming / Re: Crackdown 3 gameplay next week at Gamescom
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:52:19 AM »
I had a lot of fun with the first Crackdown. The second one was neat, if a little bit....wobbly.

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:39:00 AM »
Nobody's getting hurt
Nobody is getting hurt.

If you commit suicide over it, that's your fault. Not the disorder's.

Oh, and the people who hurt/abuse them. But what kind of idiotic load of cuntshit is that?
"Transgenderism hurts people! I should know, because I just beat my son to death for being transgendered!"

Verb, don't fuck this dead corpse of a thread any more than it already has been. By the way you forgot something.

Challenger or Beeny will most likely respond with something along the lines of mental agitation of the parents for fostering a kid with a disorder or, of course, "body mutilation" as operations take place, counting them as things that hurt others.

There's a dead end to this thread. It's going nowhere. Leave it to its grave man.

The Flood / Re: which one of you weirdos
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:34:50 AM »
Well, that's certainly not suspect to anything strange at all. Your account is merely hours old and said imposter is merely a day old. Either you've been creeping around here in the background for a while and you have a really, really damn uncanny sense for timing, or this is all a load of bolony.

Personally, I call bolony. Alt's gonna alt, drama wagon gonna drama wagon.

Choo choo, all aboard.

The Flood / Re: thinking about donating to a sperm bank
« on: July 28, 2015, 09:27:23 AM »

Go and claim that your name is Dee Z. Nuuuts.

The Flood / Re: I've discovered a terrible secret regarding Cheat...
« on: July 28, 2015, 12:38:33 AM »
No joke though.

You're androgynous as shit Cheat.

The Flood / Re: Watch Buzz Aldrin punch a faggot in the face
« on: July 28, 2015, 12:35:11 AM »
Two roads to pick on that one. Irritating people, of course, I can understand wanting to punch somebody like that. But then again, Buzz could have played his game and caught him speechless.

He could've easily, in just a few seconds, put his hand on the bible and sworn by it. I betcha, it would have caught the guy completely off guard because he went in there beforehand, most likely knowing that Buzz likely wouldn't have done it.

You play their game and catch them right off guard right there. And if all else fails, then you punch them out.

At that point, you can't say that you didn't try.

The Flood / Re: Sup
« on: July 27, 2015, 11:30:00 PM »
I am 69

This only adds to my theory that potato exists in a transhuman state of near perfect timing at all times, even despite his hindering australian internet connection.

The Flood / Re: I don't forgive you, Sep7agon.
« on: July 27, 2015, 11:18:17 PM »
Ya know, holding any sort of grudge of any kind to any degree on somebody or something is, well, pointless. And it's self harming because all you're doing is getting your undies in a twist while said reciever of a grudge never even recieves anything you put out.

Yes and no. I get along fine with most people, but when a clash of ideology comes up, usually, I keep quiet. A lot of folks up here, well, you tell them something even with facts and it won't register with them even if they're smarter than the average level of people in some areas.

So, generally, because we're not really friends, more like decent accquaintances it's far easier to toss one of those out the door than a friendship via debate or argument. So, in a manner of speaking, yeah, I do, funny enough.

You could say that my own ideology of not wanting to cause trouble keeps me distant from most people, especially when talking about subjects of polarized sides. But at the same time, I've no beef with anybody and they've no beef with me.

The Flood / Re: Most tragic death of cinema this century
« on: July 27, 2015, 01:14:27 AM »
Honey I Shrunk the Kids did the ant death better.

Serious / Re: Satanists unveil sculpture in Detroit
« on: July 27, 2015, 12:22:27 AM »
Can't they put something less goaty? Like a well-dressed Lucifer or something? The goat thing just got old.

Personally I think some tits would do well.

Mix things up a little bit. Confuse people.
So Hilary Clinton?

Sure why not.

Serious / Re: Satanists unveil sculpture in Detroit
« on: July 27, 2015, 12:14:51 AM »
Can't they put something less goaty? Like a well-dressed Lucifer or something? The goat thing just got old.

Personally I think some tits would do well.

Mix things up a little bit. Confuse people.

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