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Messages - Sandtrap

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Gaming / Re: HALO WARS 2
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:49:58 PM »









Serious / Re: "Give me $15 an hour, please."
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:43:01 PM »
I'd love to live in a society where we just worked out of the sheer goodness of our hearts. But capitalism doesn't allow for that.

Actually it's not that capitalism doesn't allow it. It's the fact that 90% of the population just doesn't give a shit. It's still possible to do work simply because you can and you choose to. Meta said something a while back in regards to this.

Most people need bait to provide them the extra incentive to get up and go. That being money. Capitalism just plays into that bait and false sense of security.

I'm not saying that I wouldn't enjoy living in a society without having people do things merely because they want to out of sheer decency. But capitalism isn't the root cause of that. We are. And by extension, I'd say that capitalism only feeds that shitty trend.

Gaming / Re: God, Kameo was so awesome...
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:33:55 PM »
I played it when I bought my first 360. Fun times.

I can't really provide much that would apply to your lifestyle or hold any relevance to you. But I can say two things. The first being, Challenger raises a fair point.

I don't trust in the safety net of "the golden retirement years." Assuming that you're in your 20's, when you're 60-70 is a long time. Give or take 40 years. That's a long fucking time for change to occur. In 40 years, a lot can happen and you've no way to predict that. My personal believe on this, is fuck waiting. Do it now. The sooner I get a place up that I'm comfortable with, that is my space to both live in and enjoy, the stronger my future security will be no matter what happens to me.

I could travel anywhere after that. Pursue any goal. I could get sick and crippled and never reach retirement age. But I'd always have a place to come back to. That doesn't only apply to me but it applies to everybody, like you. Don't bet your stakes so far ahead. Don't bet and count that things are going to work out for you later on in life.

Second. I do what I like to call 50/50. And this is, any money I make, I split down the middle. Half of it goes into funds for everyday use. Gas, food, general expendiatures. The other half goes into an envelope that I do not touch. This envelope is a savings account for larger things like emergencies. 50/50 is a pretty big divide but you can change it up as you like. 25/75, whatever.

Now, the important thing here is, not to restrict yourself. Say you're doing 50/50 and it's not enough. You don't have enough for general expenses. Then take some out of that folder if you have to. Personally, what I do, is I put a limit on the folder. 1000 dollars. When the folder hits 1000 dollars, I take the money out of it, and put it into a safe. Anything that goes into that safe does not come out again unless it's for a true, large sum transaction or emergency.

But I don't put the full 1000 in. I split it in half. 500 goes into the safe. 500 goes back into circulation into my general pool and it can give me a boost when I need it. I have never, ever fallen into a true state of bankruptancy this way and I have never met a monetary problem that I couldn't handle this way.

That's all I can add really. But, one last thing. Should you ever acquire land, by any chance. Never sell it. You'll spend your life chasing after it to find it again.

The Flood / Re: Ouija Boards
« on: August 01, 2015, 11:34:04 PM »
>actually thinking you can talk to the dead

Actually technically you can.

All you have to do really is go to a cemetery. Or find a fresh corpse. Then talk to it.

Just don't expect anything to come back at you though.

The Flood / Re: So, I propose to you a question
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:56:33 PM »
I'd hope that by that time and that stage in life we'd have learned our fucking lesson from the earliest days on our homefront. If we become massively space faring and easily capable of traveling the distances despite the light-speed/time barriers, then we had better be some up and fucking standing evolved beings.

I'd like to think that at that period we'd be better as observers and caretakers over raw consumers.
where's the fun in that?

I dunno lemon, I don't know what a significantly and highly evolved lifeform finds fun and entertaining. Your question is valid as fuck.

The Flood / Re: Do you subvocalize when reading?
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:52:33 PM »
So you're telling me you can visualize a dry ass fuck textbook or long ass text document or report?

After reading the first few lines and zoning out, I tend to just see the words without really thinking about them. I can generally recall what I've seen later, though, so it's more visualizing the text than mentally 'listening' to it.

Bingo, memory based then. Speed reading requires decent memory. So, therefore it's most likely that active narration doesn't hinder it, but it's less apt memory then.

Mystery solved I guess.

The Flood / Re: Do you subvocalize when reading?
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:34:04 PM »
Here's an interesting question. How the fuck is it not possible to sub-vocalize?
After a certain period of time I tend to visualize what I'm reading rather than sub-vocalizing.

So you're telling me you can visualize a dry ass fuck textbook or long ass text document or report? Cause speed reading is probably used and appreciated for things with lots of text. Like being an office desk jockey or a government official.

Not that I'm saying you don't. I mean I do too. That seems to happen the more absorbed you get into a batch of writing. But it seems less likely in a thing like a dry, bland text document.

The Flood / Re: Do you subvocalize when reading?
« on: August 01, 2015, 09:22:18 PM »
Here's an interesting question. How the fuck is it not possible to sub-vocalize?

Take the word and break it down. sub vocalize. Vocalization is pronounciation and in order to pronounce anything a voice is required. Since we learned the alphabet as kids we learned to associate different sounds with letters. There's no magic silent void in your head when you read any human language because you're pronouncing the letters and the words mentally.

You have to, because they exist in the form of sound. Mentally, in your head, they exist in the form of sound and therefore any sound generated to create them is internal speech.

Personally, being abstained from sub-vocalization seems like a crock of shit, that, or some freaky people exist out there with a silent void in their heads when they read any text.

Which, again, doesn't seem possible because the brain needs feedback and stimulants along with some form of basic repetition to remember anything that it does.

The only way I can see non vocalization half ass existing is with photographic memory.

Focus on the words, scan the page, and then recite said page from memory, only after officially giving any words shape and form as your brain understands them. Other than that it seems like a pretty tricky deal otherwise.

Gaming / Re: Metrosexual 2033
« on: August 01, 2015, 08:28:25 PM »
Blew up a truck full of commies. :D

There'll be more of those later.

You're gonnna one man army that shit like a champ Chally.

The Flood / Re: So, I propose to you a question
« on: August 01, 2015, 08:23:26 PM »
I'd hope that by that time and that stage in life we'd have learned our fucking lesson from the earliest days on our homefront. If we become massively space faring and easily capable of traveling the distances despite the light-speed/time barriers, then we had better be some up and fucking standing evolved beings.

I'd like to think that at that period we'd be better as observers and caretakers over raw consumers.

Serious / Re: My sister finally told me she's gay
« on: August 01, 2015, 08:16:40 PM »
Hehy hey that's cool news man. Family shouldn't ever share much in the way of secrets anyway.

Gaming / Re: I like Halo
« on: August 01, 2015, 08:12:02 PM »
Wasn't directed at you.  Everyone says the BR is OP even though it isn't.

After you play a few matches, the automatic weapons get stale.  You're just bum-rushing to your death, hoping to catch the enemy choke up.  There's practically no aiming involved, and 2 autos fighting each other is essentially what you described with the shotgun: who shot who first.

Precision weapons have a lot more of a skill gap to them.  They're big for their risk vs reward ideology: there's a huge meta-game behind them, where you need to perfect both your ability to aim flawlessly for a 4 shot kill, and be able to move in a way that throws off other people.

TFW I never got killed in bum rush auto fights because I know how to pulse and aim.

Gaming / Re: Metrosexual 2033
« on: August 01, 2015, 08:09:58 PM »
Dude. Duuuuuuuude. You're gonna have sssssooooo much fun later on.

Gaming / Re: I like Halo
« on: August 01, 2015, 12:46:56 PM »
I would have figured you'd've been a fan of the needler though. Which was a godsend in CE and hilarious in 2 when dual wielded.
the needler was neat, i'll give you that
i like how it actually showed the needles getting smaller on the weapon itself as you fired it

i thought it sucked, though
or i just sucked with it

1 2 and 3

i found 2 to be the least painful
2 is the worst one out of the 3
Terrible balancing (like, seriously who balanced that shit?) and broken as fuck.

it introduced the sword and wasn't a bloomfest like shitlow 3

they all had terrible balancing

In CE's and 2's campaigns it's a monster so long as you keep the reticule on target. Even on the highest difficulty in CE the needler was a godsend for higher ranked Elites. One full clip into anything and generally it was dead when you reached supercombine status.

And, over time, I guess Bungie decided they wanted to try new stuff out weapon wise. Reach introduced some interesting stuff. 343 continued the trend with Halo 4.

Gaming / Re: I like Halo
« on: August 01, 2015, 12:30:21 PM »
At this point, you've got about half an opinion on things. Which doesn't make for the best of a consensus now does it?
if the game isn't fun to play, why should i honestly care about the game's story

unless campaign is so radically different to multiplayer

if it involves shooting aliens with guns, the same lameass guns, i have no interest

No denying that.
Which Halo games have you played?
1 2 and 3

i found 2 to be the least painful

Fair enough. Although I can say that campaign weapons are immune to multiplayer nerfs and adjustments. And, fighting AI's is different over players.

If I can say one thing for sure, you could pick up and go with every single weapon in CE's sandbox in the campaign and not have them suck.

How about the Halo 2 water pistols in MP? Those things dominate in the campaign when dual wielded. Although it's all rather pointless if you don't find them interesting I guess.

I would have figured you'd've been a fan of the needler though. Which was a godsend in CE and hilarious in 2 when dual wielded.

Gaming / Re: I like Halo
« on: August 01, 2015, 12:15:17 PM »
Hey Verb. I never specifically asked yet which has me curious. What speficially don't you like about Halo.
It's just not fun to play, at all. I've only ever played multiplayer, so I can't really say much about the campaign.

So, what's the main appeal of most multiplayer shooters? Well, for me, it's the weapons. If you have good weapons that are fun to use, you're probably gonna have yourself a fun game.

The weapons suck. Almost all of them. The weapon that's considered the best overall gun (the battle rifle) also happens to be the least fun to use. Why the fuck does it fire in short bursts like that? It's so awkward and unintuitive. I much prefer the SMG or the assault rifle, except they both suck--even if you hit them with every last round, if they're carrying a battle rifle, you're gonna die first.

The pistol is piss-useless, except in Halo 1, where it's supremely overpowered.

Shotguns are brainless. If someone has a shotgun, it's literally a matter of who pulls the trigger first. No skill whatsoever.

I can't think of any of the others because they're all so unmemorable. That's the other thing--memorability. Even if the game uses cliche weapon designs, like sniper rifles, they can at least make an effort to give it a cool or unique design. Which Halo completely fails to do.

The only weapon I like is the energy sword. Because it's a sword, and it kills you in one hit if you lock on with it. That's the only cool weapon in the game.

The maps are all boring and unmemorable as well. Most of them use a dark, murky color palette that looks like shit. The ones that are nice and bright are maps like Blood Gulch and Valhalla, where the maps are clearly designed for very large servers with 8+ people. Playing a game that has more than eight players at once is always a clusterfuckity nightmare.

Those are the two biggest things. Bad weapons, bad maps. Bad game. Awful game.

And it's just a matter that I really have to strain myself to think of things that I actually enjoy about it.

See, now you're just confusing terms now. You've only ever played Halo's multiplayer. And not liking what you played multiplayer wise is a fair point and your own call. But you can't shun the series as a whole just because you played only a fraction of it.

It's an incomplete opinion and therefore partially invalid. Although I for one couldn't put my finger on if you'd enjoy the campaigns or not, the series, from a story standpoint, has an ever expanding, decently deep lore that you typically wouldn't find as a backstory to most FPS's these days.

At this point, you've got about half an opinion on things. Which doesn't make for the best of a consensus now does it?

Gaming / Re: I like Halo
« on: August 01, 2015, 11:42:52 AM »
halo fucking sucks

Hey Verb. I never specifically asked yet which has me curious. What speficially don't you like about Halo.

Op was never loved by anyone which is therefore unusual.

« on: August 01, 2015, 11:37:13 AM »
does a plant suffer? not in a traditional sense
There you go.

First four words of the article itself nullify any notions of eating plants being unethical in any rational sense.

Something alive is now dead and being used for the purpose of your continued existence. There you have it. Maybe plants don't feel pain.

But that doesn't negate the simplicity of extinguishing something that was alive for the purpose of keeping you alive. It's still something lost, something taken, in order to retain something else.
That's of no moral importance, though.

Not at all you say? Something going from alive to not alive? We don't know to what extent plants really operate on yet, but they have networks of communication, proven simplistic memory capabilities, reaction to stimuli and other senses. Regardless of whether or not we know how much they can feel, it doesn't change that they're alive.

Anything alive has something to lose by default. Its own life. I'm not one to advocate for speeding up the process of that loss on anything if I can avoid it. But, question.

What's considered morally important here?

« on: August 01, 2015, 02:23:51 AM »
does a plant suffer? not in a traditional sense
There you go.

First four words of the article itself nullify any notions of eating plants being unethical in any rational sense.

Something alive is now dead and being used for the purpose of your continued existence. There you have it. Maybe plants don't feel pain.

But that doesn't negate the simplicity of extinguishing something that was alive for the purpose of keeping you alive. It's still something lost, something taken, in order to retain something else.

The Flood / Re: Leaving tomorrow for Louisiana
« on: July 31, 2015, 07:53:50 PM »
Visited some family and set up decorations for the birthday party tomorrow.

Also got elbowed by my brother on my temple during basketball so I've got a big knot lol

Spoiler alert. The party is just them getting ready to eat you.

Your brother was just helping to tenderize the meat before the cook-off.

Serious / Re: Moral philosophers don't behave more morally
« on: July 31, 2015, 07:51:29 PM »
That's why, when a doc says what they're sticking in you won't hurt so much, you physically have less of a painful reaction than if they tell you that it's going to be painful. Brain wiring.
no bro
that just means I'm now focused on it and it's gonna hurt more

Or, likewise, they don't say a thing before they stick a needle in. Ever notice how most docs strike up conversation before jamming something in? Distractions or shifts in attention work just as well. I messed up though.

They don't say it won't be painful. They just say that it won't hurt much. But you're american though.

For all I know your docs charge you extra for stuff like that.

"Okay do you want this to hurt or no?"


"Then for just 50 easy payments of only 10.99 you won't feel a thing!"

Serious / Re: Moral philosophers don't behave more morally
« on: July 31, 2015, 07:07:51 PM »
Or eating meat, even though you know it's wrong.

It's frustrating, but it's... well, frustrating. That's all it really is, is frustrating.
Giving up meat is fucking hard.

I'd argue that it's not. It's all just in your head. It's only ever hard when you fight with it. Which means that you're not ready. When you understand something completely clear cut, and you're ready for it, then you simply move on.

It's only ever really hard when you listen more to the reasons of why you shouldn't try over why you should. In which case, you can find practically infinite reasons and excuses not to try. It's only hard if you make it hard.

That's why, when a doc says what they're sticking in you won't hurt so much, you physically have less of a painful reaction than if they tell you that it's going to be painful. Brain wiring.

What shitty ass electrician gave us the ability to hurt ourselves more if we thought about it? Dicks.

Gaming / Re: Daily reminder that the Geth did nothing wrong
« on: July 31, 2015, 06:50:48 PM »
I don't think anyone argues that

I just find it funny Tali falls off a cliff and kills herself. What a decent character turned fuck awful through the course of the series.
that only happens if you make the wrong choices
No, I understand that. What I'm saying is that her character, regardless of death or not, used to be decent, and was turned fuck awful.

ME1: Cool techy gypsy

ME2: Shy girl for romance option

ME3: Highschool girl

Remember Tali singing in ME3? Yep. That was a thing.

She also suddenly developed a pension for alcohol.

And. Anybody remember when Liara was a quiet spoken scientist?

Growing older is a bitch, apparently.
Shadow Broker DLC for ME2 was brilliant though

Oh I never said it wasn't. Hands down probably one of the best DLC's in the entire series.

Dat team banter doe.

Gaming / Re: Daily reminder that the Geth did nothing wrong
« on: July 31, 2015, 06:43:10 PM »
I don't think anyone argues that

I just find it funny Tali falls off a cliff and kills herself. What a decent character turned fuck awful through the course of the series.
that only happens if you make the wrong choices
No, I understand that. What I'm saying is that her character, regardless of death or not, used to be decent, and was turned fuck awful.

ME1: Cool techy gypsy

ME2: Shy girl for romance option

ME3: Highschool girl

Remember Tali singing in ME3? Yep. That was a thing.

She also suddenly developed a pension for alcohol.

And. Anybody remember when Liara was a quiet spoken scientist?

Growing older is a bitch, apparently.

The Flood / Re: Is it rape if she cums?
« on: July 31, 2015, 02:00:21 PM »
Is it murder if you shoot a guy in the head as he jumps off a bridge to kill himself?

(Obviously the answer is 'yes' to both questions.)

Somebody turned on the godhacks for that scenario man. Fuck I wouldn't call that murder I'd call that being graced by jesus if he was a gunslinger.

Your death was made into an artform via trickshot.

The Flood / Re: Is cucking the worst fetish there is?
« on: July 31, 2015, 01:57:00 PM »

Bye everyone.
actually, maybe i shouldn't feed the vore fetishists to police dogs

i don't know what to do with them

maybe throw them in an incinerator?...
Eww, did you just call me a vore faggot?
speaking of vore, is it even possible to be into it without being a furry to some degree

i don't think ive ever seen vore art with humans

That's probably because generally a human being with a mouth capable of completely stuffing something like another person down it falls into uncanny valley.

It's creepy as shit.


The Flood / Re: Leaving tomorrow for Louisiana
« on: July 31, 2015, 01:49:59 PM »
Bring a banjo and anal condoms

No thanks

Watch out for the hillbilly mutants.

The changed things...........

Oh so they're aquatic now are they? Hillbilly mermen.

Yes sir, I'll get my scuba gear
I thank the universe everyday that I don't have a shitty sense of humor like you guys.

Well, humor is subjective after all. I wouldn't say it's shitty cause it helps improve my mood every now and then. If you wanna thank the universe that you're not me then by all means, you go right ahead.

Bonus points for not being rocket since he's christian and all that.

And he's probably being eaten by cannibals at this point.
I think the crappy roads are more dangerous than the cannibals actually. They need to smooth these things out

Dirt or pavement?

I'd quote that video Meta posted here a while back that took the opening talk from this but it was taken down.

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