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Messages - Sandtrap

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Serious / Re: "We can't have wind farms because they spoil my view"
« on: August 14, 2015, 12:50:53 PM »
One argument against the implementation of wind farms is that they can disrupt the migratory patterns of birds. There have been cases of flocks being taken out by windmills (as funny as that is to imagine, it is a problem).

Otherwise I'm all for wind farms and personally I find them really cool. I've seen a handful of mills generate enough power for an entire city in southern Italy.

That's one legitimate reason for sure. Forgot to mention that one.

The Flood / Re: is George Bush a meme
« on: August 14, 2015, 12:46:26 PM »

Does this verify your question?
watching memes mate is like watching flies mate

it's disgusting and awkward, but i can't stop watching

I take it you excitedly await the day when the meme singularity occurs and all memes become one?

The Flood / Re: is George Bush a meme
« on: August 14, 2015, 12:37:08 PM »

Does this verify your question?

The Flood / Re: The Destiny Forums
« on: August 14, 2015, 12:36:13 PM »
No it's because Xür is selling the Gjallarhorn.
No, really? Lol gonna go check XD
Dead serious. A Mentor (Charlemagne) had to make a topic in #Destiny saying that there's nothing wrong with anyone who bought it because there were a lot of topics along the lines of "you didn't earn it if you bought it."
Well they're not wrong

Well, technically if you bought it you earned it right?

You acquired the resources neccessary to purchase it.

Gaming / Re: Underrated game features.
« on: August 14, 2015, 10:56:51 AM »
Visible damage systems.

As in the player themselves and their gear. The more wear your gear goes through the more patched up it looks. And likewise, your character, the more damage and wear there is, the crappier you look.

It adds a bit of a nice sense of "Holy shit I've gone on a lord of the rings journey."

On the subject, you know what would be ineteresting?

A game that focused on the small features. A kind of game where there weren't any tutorials or really obvious notifications. Ex, No health bar, but the players health being visually shown buy having them look more and more damaged, with a higher heart rate in the background as ambience.

No automatically loading a weapon when you're empty, but manually reloading it like gears of war style. If you fuck up you can misload it.

Fuck, make it a survival/horror/exploration game.

Call it Ambience.

Serious / Re: "We can't have wind farms because they spoil my view"
« on: August 14, 2015, 10:37:48 AM »
I had a little idea a while back. See, I'm trying to build my house off the grid completely. It'll have no connection to it whatsoever. I know where I'll put solar panels up, but I also know that I can't rely on solar alone. So I'm going to put a wind vane with an alternator on it up.

So, if I have a shit cloudy day, I can make the best of a windy day.

For people who complain about wind power and those giant ass windmills, I don't really even see why people don't take a smaller, individual approach to this. House by house kind of deal. I know that Ontario actually encourages people to use solar power and wind power, and if you contact authorities you can connect yourself into the grid and direct your excess power into it. Of which they'll pay you for it.

I just don't quite understand why people seem so afraid of an individual approach. Rather then relying on big stuff, why the fuck can't they do it for themselves?

Gaming / Re: Twitch plays Dark Souls
« on: August 14, 2015, 10:26:27 AM »
this is painful; to watch
i like that use of semicolon

I can't read it in anything but this voice style.


The Flood / Re: What's the most benevolent thing you could possibly do?
« on: August 14, 2015, 03:23:32 AM »
Most likely die for somebody.

The Flood / Re: Today was a lovely lazy day
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:56:58 AM »
I woke up in the strangest god damn state. Everything was calm as shit. It was almost like I was free, I guess. Last night's events didn't worry me, my state didn't worry me.

I mean, I felt like a pile of shit all day. Going through the phases of repeated sun stroke right now.

I got in my truck, and I sat there, and said, "I'm going to load up two full truck loads of firewood today. I feel like shit, and it's still 90 degrees out with 100% humidity. This is probably going to make me feel like more shit. But I can do it. Let's roll."

And I did. I was really calm. Really relaxed. And now I'm tired.

I would have never guessed that it gets that hot up there.

That's how it is in Miami

My province has been in a drought all summer. Hello climate change. That's also why I took a shift as a volunteer fire aid for a little while back there. The top northern half of my province was having an environmental fire crisis because of how dry it was.

Serious / Re: So... why don't we ban outsourcing?
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:53:50 AM »
But, if we banned outsourcing your mother wouldn't have a job.

I kid. Outsourcing hasn't been banned because most people these days are too fucking lazy to work difficult or menial jobs.

I kid again. Really, it's because companies love money. If they can find a way to make anything cheaper to produce, while maximizing their profit, they'll take it.

But, the real plain and simple answer is this.

Because money. The retards are hooked on it.

The Flood / Re: Today was a lovely lazy day
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:43:17 AM »
I woke up in the strangest god damn state. Everything was calm as shit. It was almost like I was free, I guess. Last night's events didn't worry me, my state didn't worry me.

I mean, I felt like a pile of shit all day. Going through the phases of repeated sun stroke right now.

I got in my truck, and I sat there, and said, "I'm going to load up two full truck loads of firewood today. I feel like shit, and it's still 90 degrees out with 100% humidity. This is probably going to make me feel like more shit. But I can do it. Let's roll."

And I did. I was really calm. Really relaxed. And now I'm tired.

The Flood / Re: Forgiveness
« on: August 14, 2015, 12:35:24 AM »
I'm not particular about holding a grudge. But I have a simple, black and white law, and it works well.

I'm always easy going with people. But if somebody intentionally steps on me, or hurts me, in full well knowing what they're doing, then I will never trust them again.

I won't attack them. I won't cross the street to avoid them. I won't do anything to hurt them or upset them. But they will always be an acquaintence to me at that point.

This law works because of one simple rule that holds true.

If it can happen once, it can and will happen again. I'm always open, always try to be friendly, and if somebody ever abuses that, then that's it. They mean nothing to me. I'd be out of my fucking mind to ever trust them in full capacity again.

And the more I watch people, the more my little rule of thumb holds true.

The Flood / Re: PSA: To all drivers
« on: August 14, 2015, 12:27:24 AM »
Ever tried passing someone and they speed up right as you pull next to them?

Fuck those guys.

You know what's fun to do with them?

Fake them out. Works every time. You slow down and lag behind them, and when they let their guard slip you step on it.

Bonus points if you've got your middle finger out the window as you pass them.

The Flood / Re: PSA: To all drivers
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:26:07 PM »
Driving is so fucked up.

I love systems where no one can even fucking agree what the rules are. That makes me like people so much.

There's defensive and offensive driving. With category three being stupid driving.

Offensive drivers are the folks who travel fast, usually pass others, and are outwardly confident about their driving ability.

Defensive drivers are folks who travel slow, pull to the side to let others pass, and are more reserved when it comes to manuevers.

And stupid drivers can travel at any speed, don't pull to the side of the road, don't slow down, don't speed up, and are generally oblivious to the road rage and misery they cause other drivers.

You're not obligated to go any speed, and no speed, fast or slow, is the better one. However, most people fall into the category of stupid driver because as you and I know, most people are fucking stupid.

I will never understand why the fuck they build vehicles that can go 300 miles an hour when most laws in every single urban area put you at a max of 60-70 miles an hour.

I get the "just because we can" kind of deal, but jesus christ.
Going fast is fun.

Oh but of course. But when, or where the fuck are you going to have the oppurtunity to go 300 miles an hour without killing yourself or every other person around you?

I mean for fuck's sake, most people are bad enough drivers already. Giving them the ability to travel 300 miles an hour when they're drunk or just shit drivers is stupid.
Nobody cares about maxing out their car's speed. Top speed is just a flashy selling point.
What people really want is acceleration, which comes from the gearing mostly, but also lots of torque. That's what's really fun. And with lots of torque comes high horsepower ratings, and with high powers come high possible speeds.

Good to know.

Your car can go from being a car to spaghetti in 0.6 seconds when you crash into the back of another vehicle.

I will never understand why the fuck they build vehicles that can go 300 miles an hour when most laws in every single urban area put you at a max of 60-70 miles an hour.

I get the "just because we can" kind of deal, but jesus christ.
Going fast is fun.

Oh but of course. But when, or where the fuck are you going to have the oppurtunity to go 300 miles an hour without killing yourself or every other person around you?

I mean for fuck's sake, most people are bad enough drivers already. Giving them the ability to travel 300 miles an hour when they're drunk or just shit drivers is stupid.

I will never understand why the fuck they build vehicles that can go 300 miles an hour when most laws in every single urban area put you at a max of 60-70 miles an hour.

I get the "just because we can" kind of deal, but jesus christ.
how else can people compensate for their small penis?

By driving a diesel truck that's boosted about 8 feet off the fucking ground, that gets about a mile to a quarter gallon, and revving their engine as loud as they can while they go down main street.

At least, that's what all the rich farmers up here do.

That, or they buy the latest, biggest, and best looking combine tractor on the market.

The Flood / Re: PSA: To all drivers
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:05:23 PM »
Put another one on that list for me.

Strap down your fucking garbage in your truck tightly.

I will never understand why the fuck they build vehicles that can go 300 miles an hour when most laws in every single urban area put you at a max of 60-70 miles an hour.

I get the "just because we can" kind of deal, but jesus christ.

The Flood / Re: How often do you masturbate?
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:57:33 PM »
Fuck if I know. Don't remember the last time I got round to that sort of business.

The Flood / Re: Mythic Users Hangout
« on: August 13, 2015, 02:19:14 PM »

I can join the big kids club too.
Your profile


I like being Mr. contrary.

If it's a working system, I like breaking it.
That's dumb.

Yes because figuring out how a functioning system breaks or can be fucked around with is dumb.

I'll just go and build my house and not take into account the weight factors on the roof and have the roof collapse on me because I'm dumb.

I'll just find loopholes in legal systems and abuse them to my advantage because I'm dumb.

I'll just find technicalities in legal documents and agreements because I'm a stupid.

Yes, by all means, breaking a working system is dumb.

Like driving a big fucking wooden horse through the enemy's otherwise inpenetrable gates.

I mean, really?

A big fucking wooden horse? That's dumb.

Those people were dumb.

I'm being half assed sarcastic here, in case I offend you.
To be honest, I expected this.

I just don't see the point in stuff like this unless it harms me physically or economically. Like if you have a good running country with a good government running it would you just start a revolution just to "test" it?

Or a forum like this one that already has a team monitoring it. I just don't see the point.

Cause that's how you learn about weaknesses, for things that are important. You also learn how to stop them before they happen as well.

And for things like this where it's passive? It all depends on how your brain works. Me? I love dismantling shit and figuring out how it works, and figuring out what I can do differently.

That's just the way I tick.

You remember Halo 3 custom games?

I was a mother fucker of a map breaker. In yee old hayday I was the cause of many tears and rage bootings.

The Flood / Re: Mythic Users Hangout
« on: August 13, 2015, 01:56:50 PM »

I can join the big kids club too.
Your profile


I like being Mr. contrary.

If it's a working system, I like breaking it.
That's dumb.

Yes because figuring out how a functioning system breaks or can be fucked around with is dumb.

I'll just go and build my house and not take into account the weight factors on the roof and have the roof collapse on me because I'm dumb.

I'll just find loopholes in legal systems and abuse them to my advantage because I'm dumb.

I'll just find technicalities in legal documents and agreements because I'm a stupid.

Yes, by all means, breaking a working system is dumb.

Like driving a big fucking wooden horse through the enemy's otherwise inpenetrable gates.

I mean, really?

A big fucking wooden horse? That's dumb.

Those people were dumb.

I'm being half assed sarcastic here, in case I offend you.

The Flood / Re: I think life is trying to tell me something guys
« on: August 13, 2015, 01:19:23 PM »
Nobody got hurt? That's fucking boring

Beeny. You hurt me. The big bad truck driver hurt my baby. I loves my truck. And now it's essentially taken a gunshot to its cranium.

The Flood / Re: I think life is trying to tell me something guys
« on: August 13, 2015, 01:07:36 PM »
Damn son, your insurance cover that?


I'm driving an old vehicle. They wrote it off. Not only that, but like I said. I didn't get the plates on the guy so he's certainly not paying anything either.

I'm going to fix all that stuff up by myself.
Good luck, bro.
I fucking hate wiring.

I love wiring. It's so simplistic but at the same time, so much like a maze. That dashboard is going to be a little bitch though. The whole thing is one piece. So the entire thing needs to be taken out.

Parts for my truck are rare. So, I might have to imrovise. I could make myself a wooden dashboard!

That being said, I just remembered that my truck is the same age as me. And this thing has taken some hits too. I've fixed up so many bits and pieces and stuffed more back in to make it work again.

Truly, this vehicle emmulates me perfectly.

Found On Road Dead

Fix Or Repair Daily

The Flood / Re: I think life is trying to tell me something guys
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:51:55 PM »
Damn son, your insurance cover that?


I'm driving an old vehicle. They wrote it off. Not only that, but like I said. I didn't get the plates on the guy so he's certainly not paying anything either.

I'm going to fix all that stuff up by myself.

The Flood / Re: I think life is trying to tell me something guys
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:38:39 PM »
dude you need to stop getting into these near-death experiences

Allow me to just flick the switch to turn it off. I must have left it on with the toaster. Forgetful old me.

The Flood / Re: I think life is trying to tell me something guys
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:37:38 PM »
Didn't you literally die at some point?

I feel like your playing some sort of horrendous game of bingo.

Not die, no. But was about as close as I could get. The way I understand it, I was losing blood pressure and my ticker didn't like that so it decided to start fucking off on me. It kept going lower without stopping and the docs stuck some defibrillators on me and that jumpstarted stuff back to normal well enough.

That being said though.

I must be fucked, at this point. This is the cheeriest, best mood I've been in for quite a while. I keep thinking about how close that fucking was. Guess I've always been like that. I'm cheery when expressly close calls happen. I can even joke about it and laugh my ass off.

Guess it takes a reminder every now and then for me to remember that I'm still here, and that I have a lot to enjoy and be thankful for.


Maybe it's not a hitman that's after me. Just some friendly nudges to remind me of things.

The Flood / Re: My friend had sugery; 1st world problems
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:30:54 PM »
I work a graveyard shift all through the night on Friday to Saturday morning

See any good corpses recently?

Not corpses, but I did have a patient that was jaundiced from head to toe yesterday. Eyes, skin, all jaundice. His belly was distended like crazy, too, like pregnant lady kinda lookin' distended.

You should smash that corpse midget.

But he's not my type

Ooh, not very nice man, giving him the cold shoulder like that.

Well he's gonna be dead within a week or two most likely, so yeah

Ah, I see. You're waiting to smash him when he's really a corpse.

I'd wager it would be cybernetics. And I'm not talking just prosthetics. I mean the whole full blown deal. Every part in your body being substituted with something mechanical.
that sounds like hell to me

i mean, being a sack of meat is no picnic, but i'll never understand this forum's fascination with transhumanistic endeavors

you'd have to make the perfect machine

That's also why I tossed in organic modification too, like genes and such. We could still be sacks of meat.

But genetically enchanced sacks of meat. Honestly, to me, I think the organic route comes first. If you can understand the base first, then you can do the heavy modifications.

Think about it Verb. Say you genetically modify somebody up a bit. Turn off their pain receptors. Fiddle around with stuff that makes people feel like shit. Rewire all the stuff that can make a person feel like shit, make a person act like shit, and reverse it.

I don't see why there isn't any feasible reason because there's critters and lifeforms out there that don't feel pain. I figure, the more we understand about ourselves, and other biology, the more chance we have of making ourselves better than we are now.

Pain is kind of important, though, it is a warning from our body that something is banjaxed.

Not if you rewired your biology in another manner. Plants, at the moment, don't feel pain as far as we know, and yet they actively know and act when something is wrong with them.

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