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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: When You've Been Working On A Project
« on: August 16, 2015, 11:27:07 PM »
You know what really blows ass?

Knowing how the fuck the movie is going to play out as you watch it even though you've never seen it before.

Gaming / Re: e.eod bot
« on: August 16, 2015, 10:55:19 PM »
I recently made a new build in Dark Souls, designed to destroy gank squads (People who summon you to fight but then double or triple team you) and to combat cheap cunts in the arena who try to make one-shot-you builds.

For those of you who are dark souls inclined, here's the build.

-Havel arms and legs, upgraded to max
-Turtle night armour so I become backstab proof
-Mask of Pharros cause Giant Dad makes platinum mad
-Rebel's Greatshield upgraded to max so I have 93% resistance to every form of damage in the game when blocking
-Lightning Greatsword
-Dragon Chime equipped with nothing but Resplendant life to heal me over time and wrath of the gods

What makes me so dangerous?

-99 str
-99 faith
-Both illusionary rings so that people can't see what I have in my hands
-The healing ring for an added bonus to health regen with my healing miracle

Basically, people try to oneshot hex me and I walk into it like nothing. They don't see my shield raised up and they get thrown off by an invisible greatsword.

And, lastly.

Fat rolling because for some reason getting killed by a guy who's fat rolling in a game that practically requires speed is insulting.

The gank squad tears are real.

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 1v1: Deci vs Chally (Theater Mode Versions out now)
« on: August 16, 2015, 10:41:05 PM »
Speaking of Galo I did a round of customs in LolReach for a summer event.

I McMurdered the enemy team as I played the part of token banshee whore. Reminded me of the time I plowed you guys on Standoff.
You somehow managed to get both the banshee and the host in a 8+ player game using your Canadian Internet. How could anyone ever forget what you did to us that night?

I know I sure didn't!

May as well just call myself the bad kid avenger at this point. If the teams are stacked as fuck you can bet I'll do my best to backpack everybody.

Gaming / Re: Halo 3 1v1: Deci vs Chally (Theater Mode Versions out now)
« on: August 16, 2015, 08:00:53 PM »
Speaking of Galo I did a round of customs in LolReach for a summer event.

I McMurdered the enemy team as I played the part of token banshee whore. Reminded me of the time I plowed you guys on Standoff.

The Flood / Re: What has been your view of your jobs?
« on: August 16, 2015, 06:54:58 PM »
Difficult in the physical department.

Interesting to learn new things.

Money was just an added bonus.

The Flood / Re: Finally quit my job today
« on: August 16, 2015, 01:51:59 PM »
fuck jobs in general

name one good job


YouTube blogging about the benefits of Anti-Natalism.

That's practically asking to wade through soul crushing comments of retards as you realize that the average population of people have the collective intelligence of a rock.

Before you know it Verb's channel would go from level headed talk to emmulating the character from Hatred as he was surrounded by increasing numbers of tools and tin-foil-hattists.

The Flood / Re: Finally quit my job today
« on: August 16, 2015, 01:48:30 PM »

Do construction work. Sign up as a laborer. Then we can call you Beefy Meta.

The Flood / Re: WOOF! WOOF! ZOOPALS!
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:49:41 AM »
someone needs to post bane and cia onto one of these plates

i see potential here
"BanePals makes eating all part of your plan!"

I'm crashing this dinner

without invitation

I was wondering what would be eaten first

The main course

Or desert!

Serious / Re: North Korea threatens to attack U.S. mainland
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:41:49 AM »
This isn't news
My bad. Can you define news for me for future reference?

Important stuff obviously.

Like North Korea landing on the sun at night time.

The Flood / Re: What's your go to cologne
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:38:51 AM »
Outdoor woods and sweat apparently.

The Flood / Re: drunk ama so ama
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:31:01 AM »
why  do people get drunk and post on a internet forum instead of getting drunk with friends

They're gettin' drunk because they have no friends.

I'd wager.

Gaming / Re: So what are the benifits of owning an Xbox One?
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:27:53 AM »

Honestly I'd be inclined to agree. Give or take 10% off. 90% agree.

The Flood / Re: drunk ama so ama
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:26:25 AM »
I've always wondered.

How can you stand alcohol? Any particular reason you can think of?

The Flood / Re: show me your best saber
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:22:50 AM »

The Flood / Re: I have a confession
« on: August 16, 2015, 12:09:55 AM »
Do you need an extreme situation to justify beta testing death? What are you trying to prove to whom by doing so in a situation like this?

How does "guilt-ridden" strike you?

1. If I were going to off myself, I wouldn't do it in the "traditional" sense. I'd try to make sure that while something was lost in the process, (my life) something was gained, (somebody's life saved)

But I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm just curious. It's an allure that I couldn't ever explain, and it's one that I still can't explain. I just simply want to see. And if I can't see, assuming there's nothing, then that won't be a bother to me will it? I just think, doing something decent for somebody before I kicked the bucket would make up for my seemingly dangerous and selfish fascination and want.

But I wouldn't pursue it to the point of selfishness. Let's say somebody was drowning in some water. I'd jump in and save them. And then I'd get out of the water. I wouldn't just toss them onto shore and then drown myself. I figure, I'll just go along until the moment comes. It's going to come one day anyway.

2. "Lost" would be a better term.

I don't know who the fuck I am, or why I am. I've never met a person like myself. I've never read of anything like some of the stuff I keep cooped up in my head. I ask myself if I'm just deranged in some fashion but then question on whether it would be deranged or insane if I was actively aware of it.

My doc bestowed me the title of chronically depressed, and yet, I'm always actively aware of how down I can be. And I never see myself slipping into it. None of it makes any sense to me.

It's illogical. And I'm trying to find the reasons why and I just don't know. I really don't have a clue as to why I am the way I am. And it makes me feel fucking alone as shit.

The Flood / Re: Well boys and girls, I'm single
« on: August 15, 2015, 11:30:14 PM »
Enjoy bachelor food, never making your bed, and walking around your home as naked as you please.

The Flood / Re: I have a confession
« on: August 15, 2015, 11:05:23 PM »
I think over time here or there, I've mentioned all there is to say. I suppose, if I looked hard enough I could bring up some old shit I haven't talked about yet. Like this one.

Ever since my whole rodeo with the first batch of depression I had years ago, I've always had a fascination with death. Even today, I'm still intrigued by it. Not in the way of corpses or any of that shit. Or for other people. But for me. I think, of all the things in the world that I'm curious about, it's death.

I've a hunch that I can't explain about it. And I'm curious to see, what, if anything, is at the end of the road.

As such, I've always had this little inkling since then. I'd still like to die. Some little part of me, wants to give it up. It's always sort of there. And, I know I have to be really, really careful about that.

Because I have a rather poor sense of self preservation. If I ever come across somebody in a shitty situation that was going to likely kill them, but I had a chance to help them, even if it meant I'd likely die, I know that I'd take it. Almost without hesitation.

Which is why I question on whether or not I'm just a selfish asshole who is controlled and held in check by his sense of self hate, or whether I'm a decent person.

Do I do the stuff that I do because I hate myself so much, or do I do them just because I am able to, and want to? I can't rightfully tell. Which also makes me wonder what kind of fucked up person I am. Would I be considered psychopathic in some sense? Mentally insane? Deranged? Unstable?

Who the fuck can say. I certainly can't.

Serious / Re: North Korea threatens to attack U.S. mainland
« on: August 15, 2015, 10:42:37 PM »
I really want to see a shit fling contest between north korea and isis.

Cage match of the year.

The Flood / Re: how would you feel
« on: August 15, 2015, 10:04:32 PM »
I too enjoy lawyering my way into victory sometimes.

Ya'll gotta step it up though Verb. Practice it for the stuff that matters. I for one am most pleased that I lawered my way to owning three acres of land without having to hire inspectors, talking to the bank, or any of that stupid shit.

Jewing those fucks has never felt so good.

Gaming / Re: Someone Recomend me a good first/third person shooter
« on: August 15, 2015, 07:55:48 PM »
Lost Planet.

The Flood / Re: how would you feel
« on: August 15, 2015, 07:45:30 PM »
Defending my position is nowhere close to complaining that people disagree, or claiming that they're not allowed to express their beliefs... I mean, that's a bizarre way of putting it.

As I said. "Technicality."

I've been reading a bit through books of law and business management lately. Best way to combat a lawer and various legal things is to think like one.

It's a bizzare way of puting it, yee. But, mental gymnastics like that can fuck you over big time in certain things.

The Flood / Re: how would you feel
« on: August 15, 2015, 07:39:29 PM »
Don't complain if everybody calls anti-natalism stupid then.
Do I ever?

I dunno. But you put up a defense/retaliation front usually, if memory serves well enough. That's not really complaining though. Close I guess.

Then again if we get technical, complaining is technically a retaliation, albiet non specifically directed at said offender in person.

So I suppose, yeah.

Ya'll technically complain all the time whenever you get into a discussion with somebody over it.

You just got fucked by technicality loopholes Verb.

The Flood / Re: how would you feel
« on: August 15, 2015, 07:31:45 PM »
it's nice that people are generally accepting of veganism

but this "vegans are not allowed to express their beliefs or make me feel bad about myself and my diet" meme needs to die

first amendment, beeyotch

Don't complain if everybody calls anti-natalism stupid then.

Well, technically that's protected under the first amendment as well I guess.

See? Democracy makes a bunch of whiners.

Under glorious communism whiners get shot.

You stay quiet, you're a weirdo asshole.

Talk and you're an offensive asshole.
Even by staying quiet you can be regarded as an offensive asshole. Some may assume you're [insert colorful adjective here] because your opinion is "too good" for them when really you don't see the point in bringing up pointless controversy that will only serve to make more discord if anything. 

This is part of the reason I don't see a point in interacting with other people outside of utility to myself.

I missed that point as well. Third point, too.

God forbid that you don't have much to say on a subject because you don't know much about it or because it just doesn't interest you.

Gaming / Re: What would your reaction be....
« on: August 15, 2015, 07:09:38 PM »
I'd rejoice because the SFM/Gmod model community could rip the entirety of the games and all their content and make it accessible.

You stay quiet, you're a weirdo asshole.

Talk and you're an offensive asshole.
I've written a short story that's loosely based on a similar phenomenon that I've been meaning to share. Thing it's, it's deeply personal (and dark), and I've only shared it with one other person here.

Knowing that someone else can relate with that feeling, however, makes it easier for me. Maybe some day I'll make a thread and pack it in with a bunch of other shit I've written. Because I'm getting sick of being like, "I wrote about this once, and I'd share it, but x."

I've learned something in regards to that. Don't share en-masse. Especially really close personal stuff that has meaning to you. It's a real easy way to have things backfire on you. Share selectively. But, I understand the feeling.

You may write for yourself and for your own enjoyment, but when it comes down to it, writing is a form of expression. You sure as fuck can't fully express yourself if you keep your work all to yourself. There's a need to share. And at the same time, a reluctance because it's so personal.

Talk about a tricky field to navigate. Anywho. If you feel like sharing, I'd be game.

Like seriously, do people outside of the area I live in, like not have legs or any non-vital body parts they can be shot in? The fuck is with Americans and their obsession with shooting to kill?
You have to aim for center mass.

I mean for fuck's sake how many times does this need to be said. Imagine having all that adrenaline pumping through you, a man running at you, and trying to concentrate on shooting his arm or leg.

Life isn't a video game.

Yeah. A real man would 360 no scope that bitch out from a block away before that man even started his commando lunge.

Heyo. You want to talk about really fucking annoying social habits people have? Talking.

In a small community or group of people, if you're around them, and you don't say much, and you stick to yourself, you know what happens? Rumors. People start talking about you because they know nothing about you. And, god forbid, their insecurities kick in.

They get it into their heads that you don't say much because you think you're better than them. So you quickly become the talk of the town surrounded in false rumors and accusations.

And then, let's just say that you were to join into the conversation. And you said what you really thought on a subject.

People would become offended. If you actually spoke, and you spoke about your thoughts on the matter, no fucking shit, they'd get offended.

The very thought of it makes me want to strangle somebody. You can't win.

You stay quiet, you're a weirdo asshole.

Talk and you're an offensive asshole.

Fuck people and their social insecurities.

The Flood / Re: I'm bored, AMA
« on: August 15, 2015, 05:09:32 PM »
You should take the second "s" out of your name to #trigger feminazis and sjw's.

Not a question, I know.

But would you ever consider doing that?

The Flood / Re: how would you feel
« on: August 15, 2015, 05:04:31 PM »
Ah, figured it out. If you ever officially stated something like that I'd get the null reaction cause you'd be dead to me.

Anybody who's a sham or a joker in that kind of regard warrants no emotional or particular mental investment whatsoever in any shape or form since you could never again tell whether what they say is true or not.

Basically, what I'm trying to say here is.


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