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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Smh brahs
« on: August 18, 2015, 01:24:23 PM »
You can tell a lot of people here don't get out much.

Now here's the interesting part.

Are you implying that "getting out" much is important so that we can educate ourselves on the current degradation of language that the younger generations seem so fond of?

Or are we merely discussing the black and white simplicity of "basement dwellers?"
Just because not everyone types in text walls like you do doesn't mean that using abbreviations is a degradation of language.

If you watch things like I do then you'd notice that the older generations don't use shortenings and abbreviations so much. They're still used, obviously. But not to the extent that it practically becomes cancer.

I overhear younger kids talking a fair bit. That shit is leeching into younger generations and their actual physical speech. No shit, I did a double take when one of them started using "lol" and "omg." And these aren't isolated incidents either.

So as a matter of fact, yes, it does. Because the older generation knows where to draw the line. Kids don't. And if you're watching the younger generations you'll notice that they're all sorts of fucked up.

To which I'd say, "degraded."
I have literally never met a kid who uses text abbreviations in their speech. Ever. Any kids I've HEARD about doing that get ridiculed for it because it's retarded. They are in the minority and will grow out of it.

I remember 10 years ago when a kid with a cell phone was a minority and that they'd "grow out of it."

Yeah, that prediction just turned out swimmingly. Rule of thumb with society. If it's stupid, and a shitty trend, it's not going to improve. It's going to catch on. Those kids didn't just pick that habit up out of thin air. I seriously wouldn't put it past things.

If "le ebin memes" can catch on all the way up here in a small farming community then I shudder to think what it's like in the populated zones. It's only gonna go downhill from here. Watch. I'm telling ya.
You sound like a grumpy old fart; probably because you are.

What exactly is wrong with kids having cell phones? Don't be a dumb fuck unless you can provide a good reason you feel the way you do.

Cell phones have proven to be distracting influences. And that's for adults. I know people who've been fired from their jobs because instead of paying attention they were texting. The laws of not texting while driving where made for a reason. For fuck's sake, last year I got hit by a truck by being driven by a grown adult who was texting as he rounded a corner.

 How do you think that's going to effect a child's development process?

When they have such a distracting influence on their attention? When from day one, not, say, year 15 when they're older, they have internet slang and all that other stuff being shown to them as common place?

How about incredibly easy access to internet? Access to answers, learning instead, to be a better searcher, than a thinker?

My reasons aren't founded on baseless old fart excuses. They're founded on reality. You'd have to be seriously retarded not to even remotely think that those machines aren't having an impact on younger kids as they use them.

And don't even get me started on the sketchy stuff. Like the fact that we now have a disease in our hands from too much texting.

Like how the fact that any electronic equipment emits radiation, and that cell phones are not only electronic, but they also send and recieve signals, again, another form of radiation. They're pushing the limits of safe on cell phone radiation emissions and cases of ear and brain cancer are on the rise.

They find lumps of cancer in the shape of the phones where people keep their phones against bare skin too much.

And you're seriously, seriously trying to tell me, that none of this is going to an effect on kids?

The Flood / Re: i personally commend vegans and vegetarians
« on: August 18, 2015, 01:11:49 PM »
To make my point, to drive it home a little bit, Verb. Earlier this season, when we started getting warmer weather, my sister planted her year's worth of tomatos in her garden.

And then we got a huge fuck you from the climate(Lol climate change ain't real) when in mid june we had frosts. All of her tomatoes were wiped out. They ain't gonna get a proper yield of tomatoes this year. They'll either have to try and find somebody with excess who wants to share, or, god forbid, go to the store.

Nothing up here is cheap anymore.

The Flood / Re: Smh brahs
« on: August 18, 2015, 01:07:32 PM »
You can tell a lot of people here don't get out much.

Now here's the interesting part.

Are you implying that "getting out" much is important so that we can educate ourselves on the current degradation of language that the younger generations seem so fond of?

Or are we merely discussing the black and white simplicity of "basement dwellers?"
Just because not everyone types in text walls like you do doesn't mean that using abbreviations is a degradation of language.

If you watch things like I do then you'd notice that the older generations don't use shortenings and abbreviations so much. They're still used, obviously. But not to the extent that it practically becomes cancer.

I overhear younger kids talking a fair bit. That shit is leeching into younger generations and their actual physical speech. No shit, I did a double take when one of them started using "lol" and "omg." And these aren't isolated incidents either.

So as a matter of fact, yes, it does. Because the older generation knows where to draw the line. Kids don't. And if you're watching the younger generations you'll notice that they're all sorts of fucked up.

To which I'd say, "degraded."
I have literally never met a kid who uses text abbreviations in their speech. Ever. Any kids I've HEARD about doing that get ridiculed for it because it's retarded. They are in the minority and will grow out of it.

I remember 10 years ago when a kid with a cell phone was a minority and that they'd "grow out of it."

Yeah, that prediction just turned out swimmingly. Rule of thumb with society. If it's stupid, and a shitty trend, it's not going to improve. It's going to catch on. Those kids didn't just pick that habit up out of thin air. I seriously wouldn't put it past things.

If "le ebin memes" can catch on all the way up here in a small farming community then I shudder to think what it's like in the populated zones. It's only gonna go downhill from here. Watch. I'm telling ya.

The Flood / Re: i personally commend vegans and vegetarians
« on: August 18, 2015, 01:01:24 PM »
I'm doing a really piss poor job of being sorted out today. Apologies. My question in regards to what my family does.

Not in the sense of "does that make the killing right" kind of way. But, I'm curious as to what your view on us would be in terms of morals. We don't actively hunt or kill, and like I said, an inch or more over the line and we'd probably be vegans. But it's difficult up here because plants, eatable ones are a bitch to find and grow over the course of about 4 months.

And to us, hunting something, and not using what you've gained to your fullest extent possible, is incredibly disrespectful to the loss of life that something underwent. Which is why we scavenge from hunters who don't give a shit.

And the markets? They're completely unreliable, both in what they sell, how they sell it, and the fact that survival needs to be taken into account up here in any decision you make.
I guess there's nothing I see that I'd consider reprehensible on any moral level. I dunno, it's a funny circumstance--not one I can really relate to, either. You do what you can, and if there's anything you do that could be considered unethical, you do your best to make the most of it. I don't see a problem, really, but Pendulate might be able to find something wrong, because nothing is right with him.

Maybe I painted a shit picture. Of course, we have the money to buy food from the markets. But, as I said. Up here, they sell garbage.

Half the vegetables you buy are shit quality. You go through bins of them to find something that's half decent. And meat from the store. Like I said. I know how the animals are treated and where they come from. I know how the meat is treated. I can't stomach it. We don't eat turkey on thanksgiving because I've personally seen where the fuck the turkeys come from and the condition they're kept in.

The markets are shit and they only feed the bullshit system we live in. And I know you can probably relate to that.

But all the same, we still like meat to a degree. But, we're not killers, at all. I think if we were able to, we'd be vegans. But 4 months of a growing season isn't much to provide yourself with just greens to last over two months of rain and 6 months of snow.

There's a reason why the original native population here was migratory.

The Flood / Re: Smh brahs
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:52:47 PM »
You can tell a lot of people here don't get out much.

Now here's the interesting part.

Are you implying that "getting out" much is important so that we can educate ourselves on the current degradation of language that the younger generations seem so fond of?

Or are we merely discussing the black and white simplicity of "basement dwellers?"
Just because not everyone types in text walls like you do doesn't mean that using abbreviations is a degradation of language.

If you watch things like I do then you'd notice that the older generations don't use shortenings and abbreviations so much. They're still used, obviously. But not to the extent that it practically becomes cancer.

I overhear younger kids talking a fair bit. That shit is leeching into younger generations and their actual physical speech. No shit, I did a double take when one of them started using "lol" and "omg." And these aren't isolated incidents either.

So as a matter of fact, yes, it does. Because the older generation knows where to draw the line. Kids don't. And if you're watching the younger generations you'll notice that they're all sorts of fucked up.

To which I'd say, "degraded."

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a raper
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:33:29 PM »

The Flood / Re: i personally commend vegans and vegetarians
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:29:38 PM »
I dun goofed again/ignore
Oh. Umm. Should I discard my response, then?...

My sister and her husband, who is more meat inclined, does something different however. We're scavengers. There are hunters up here, who only hunt for trophies. They will literally kill an elk, or a moose, saw its head off, and leave the rest there.

It's an absolute waste. And that's where they get 90% of their meat from. The same can be said of somebody else I know. He's even worse, if you want to say. He scavenges roadkill. I'm not trying to justify anything here.

But I'm curious. What's your stance on something like that?
Trophy hunting?

Yeah, it's absolutely unconscionable. I've no respect for it whatsoever. Hunting for food is really no better, because we have the market for that. If you don't have an income, get one. If you can't get one, well shucks, that's really shitty. I don't know too many people who have no access to any sort of job. But anyway...

This is another discussion I've had with Pendulate here. As you can see, we have different approaches when it comes to veganism. Before, I was okay with hunting for as long as you used the animal for food--but not for trophies. Pendulate was making the argument that hunting for food is really no better than trophy hunting. Because at the end of the day, an animal that didn't need to be killed was killed, and there's no way to justify that. I'm inclined to agree with him.

People will always make the argument that hunting is necessary to sort out population issues. I don't buy that, but all I can do is hypothesize. I lack the sources/numbers to really prove anything--I'm not terribly well-learned on the subject of hunting.

I'm doing a really piss poor job of being sorted out today. Apologies. My question in regards to what my family does.

Not in the sense of "does that make the killing right" kind of way. But, I'm curious as to what your view on us would be in terms of morals. We don't actively hunt or kill, and like I said, an inch or more over the line and we'd probably be vegans. But it's difficult up here because plants, eatable ones are a bitch to find and grow over the course of about 4 months.

And to us, hunting something, and not using what you've gained to your fullest extent possible, is incredibly disrespectful to the loss of life that something underwent. Which is why we scavenge from hunters who don't give a shit.

And the markets? They're completely unreliable, both in what they sell, how they sell it, and the fact that survival needs to be taken into account up here in any decision you make.

The Flood / Re: Smh brahs
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:13:44 PM »
If you use "text speak" abbreviations "IRL" then you should do the world a favour and jump onto the nearest busy road.

I prefer a more elegant term.

McMurder yourself has a nice ring to it.

The Flood / Re: Do it yourself
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:03:04 PM »
I'm not a lazy sack of potatoes and people you hire are about as trustworthy as sacks of potatoes.

Everything is do it myself if I'm able to.

What's your stance on something like that?
Eating something you've killed for a trophy would be more moral than not eating it.

Not killing it in the first place, obviously, would be the best option though.

Of course. Not killing is the best option. But hunters up here don't know that. And they never will. As I said. We don't hunt.

We're scavengers.

Oh, you were trying to make a thread.

I think my initial response in your oops-post answers this adequately.

In short, it's a waste of life no matter what you do with it.
You can try to argue that using it for food is a "better" use of it, but is it really? We have the marketplace.

As I said. Not trying to justify it. And like I said. It's a total waste either way. And the marketplace?

Verb if you know me in any sense I'm about as opposed to the marketplace as you can get. And you of all people should know why, and understand that. The marketplace is not something you can rely on. At all. Not up here. Nor anywhere, frankly.

However. God dammnit. All over the place this morning. It is a waste of life, yes. But we've always held the belief that it's less of a waste if you do something with it. You don't just cut off the head and leave a corpse. You take everything. Use the meat for food. Use the fur for material. Use the bones for material.

It doesn't equate to the loss of life or bring it back.

But it's not being disrespectful to the loss, by selectively only choosing one singular thing. You took a life. Or in our case, somebody else did. We, are trying our best not to squander that loss by letting everything else go to waste so carelessly.

Thoughts on that?

All the recent vegan talks gets me thinking a little bit. I've always favored constructing myself a greenhouse so I can grow proper food up here. I wouldn't say I'm exactly the biggest "fan" of meat. I mean I enjoy well cooked stuff, seasonings and all that. But that's a rarity for me.

Most of the food I eat is a mix of everything. Mostly greens and that, and usually bits of meat on the side. I do figure, as I go along, I'd like to try and minimize that. More than I already do. But that's extremely difficult up here. Especially if you're relying on the stores to sell you greens.

Because they sell you bullshit. Which is why I come back to my greenhouse point.

Anyway Verb, I have a question for you. Most of my family has the same stance on things. We enjoy meat, but it's a shame that some critter has to be offed in the process. And we hate buying from the stores because we know how store meat, previously belonging to animals, is treated.

Both the meat itself and the animals.

My sister and her husband, who is more meat inclined, does something different however. We're scavengers. There are hunters up here, who only hunt for trophies. They will literally kill an elk, or a moose, saw its head off, and leave the rest there.

It's an absolute waste. And that's where they get 90% of their meat from. The same can be said of somebody else I know. He's even worse, if you want to say. He scavenges roadkill. I'm not trying to justify anything here.

But I'm curious. What's your stance on something like that? The animal is already dead, and otherwise, left to waste. If not, just left as a trap for more animals to show up and get shot or ran over.

How would you categorize that in terms of morality, since we're bringing up the point of being immoral?

The Flood / Re: i personally commend vegans and vegetarians
« on: August 18, 2015, 11:26:52 AM »
I dun goofed again/ignore

The Flood / Re: i personally commend vegans and vegetarians
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:51:06 AM »
I dun goofed/ignore

The Flood / Re: in 6 hours the vault opens
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:45:48 AM »

What waiting for this shit in a nutshell was like.

The Flood / Re: I have discovered some incredible things.......NSFW
« on: August 18, 2015, 01:04:18 AM »
This is a gay thread

I imagine it made old Chalk rather happy as well.

The Flood / Re: why do they call it a minigun
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:59:13 AM »
This is the best scene in any movie ever that involves the minigun


i just saw that again with a couple of friends who had never seen it before

one of my friends said he enjoyed it, but thought some of sarah connor's dialogue was really cringeworthy
like, every single time she tried to make a philosophical point, or whatever

oh, and he didn't like how the terminator came back to life

he's silly--he doesn't understand how '90s movies work

Haha! No joke I was trying to think of a movie you'd watch that had a mini-gun in it and all I could think of was T2.

Serious / Re: Godhood
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:49:22 AM »
What a rather interesting coincidence.

Mr. Clean looks vaugly remiscent of depections of a godlike being.

Serious / Re: Godhood
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:41:51 AM »
And on that note, I'm being boring, I know. I apologize.
it's 'cause you don't have an avatar, bro

you've stared into the abyss--now it stares into you

or some shit

Actually it's because Bungie.shit's semen coloured flashbang grenade webpages burnt my eyes out. to only one shade of viewable colour.

I now desire semen coloured cleanliness.


Like this white ass cracker.

Serious / Re: Godhood
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:35:16 AM »
And on that note, I'm being boring, I know. I apologize.

Serious / Re: Godhood
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:32:53 AM »
Okay, I mean I just wanted to know if people's moralities and ideals would conflict when given absolute power and stuff.

If given absolute power?

Morals wouldn't mean shit. Allow me to explain. People, when exposed to information, adapt and change. This is why you're different from now, to when you were a child. Since then you've collected more information, which, in turn, has shaped your views on things.

As a god, what do you think that would do?

You would be god. You'd be the end all, be all. Because you wouldn't be exposed to just one side of the coin. You would, be...everything. You would see, and know, everything. Every outcome, every event, every single possibility, good, or bad. And therefore, being exposed to such information, to such knowledge, your humanity would erase itself, instantly.

You morality would dissappear because the universe, is everything. But also, a blank slate. It doesn't pick good or evil. It doesn't choose who to kill and who to spare, and for what reasons. It just simply, is. At that level of existence, morality and ideals would mean nothing.
What if you were a god with a human mind still?

Then you wouldn't be a god. The problem with that little fallacy, is that human brains have limits. Physical limits to reaction speeds, processing speed, and information sorting and retainment.

You can't be a god with limits. Even if you set them for yourself. The closest you could probably get, would be separating yourself. A very small fraction of your intelligence from the whole, stuffed, and disconnected from the rest, into a human framework.
Would nigh-omnipotence fit better?

You'd still have a loss of humanity and disconnect to some degree.

 Aka Dr. Manhatten.

Serious / Re: Godhood
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:26:36 AM »
Okay, I mean I just wanted to know if people's moralities and ideals would conflict when given absolute power and stuff.

If given absolute power?

Morals wouldn't mean shit. Allow me to explain. People, when exposed to information, adapt and change. This is why you're different from now, to when you were a child. Since then you've collected more information, which, in turn, has shaped your views on things.

As a god, what do you think that would do?

You would be god. You'd be the end all, be all. Because you wouldn't be exposed to just one side of the coin. You would, be...everything. You would see, and know, everything. Every outcome, every event, every single possibility, good, or bad. And therefore, being exposed to such information, to such knowledge, your humanity would erase itself, instantly.

You morality would dissappear because the universe, is everything. But also, a blank slate. It doesn't pick good or evil. It doesn't choose who to kill and who to spare, and for what reasons. It just simply, is. At that level of existence, morality and ideals would mean nothing.
What if you were a god with a human mind still?

Then you wouldn't be a god. The problem with that little fallacy, is that human brains have limits. Physical limits to reaction speeds, processing speed, and information sorting and retainment.

You can't be a god with limits. Even if you set them for yourself. The closest you could probably get, would be separating yourself. A very small fraction of your intelligence from the whole, stuffed, and disconnected from the rest, into a human framework.

Serious / Re: Godhood
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:17:57 AM »
Okay, I mean I just wanted to know if people's moralities and ideals would conflict when given absolute power and stuff.

If given absolute power?

Morals wouldn't mean shit. Allow me to explain. People, when exposed to information, adapt and change. This is why you're different from now, to when you were a child. Since then you've collected more information, which, in turn, has shaped your views on things.

As a god, what do you think that would do?

You would be god. You'd be the end all, be all. Because you wouldn't be exposed to just one side of the coin. You would, be...everything. You would see, and know, everything. Every outcome, every event, every single possibility, good, or bad. And therefore, being exposed to such information, to such knowledge, your humanity would erase itself, instantly.

You morality would dissappear because the universe, is everything. But also, a blank slate. It doesn't pick good or evil. It doesn't choose who to kill and who to spare, and for what reasons. It just simply, is. At that level of existence, morality and ideals would mean nothing.

Serious / Re: Godhood
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:00:43 AM »
Being honest here though Korra, ya kinda dug this thread's grave on conception since the question of "what would you do if you were god" is about as intellectually stimulating as a pineapple.

The simplest answer everybody will end up saying is "everything." Because they can. Not that I'm discrediting you or anything.

But a topic like this doesn't have much for "flavor" to it, if you will.

Serious / Re: Godhood
« on: August 17, 2015, 11:35:23 PM »
"Let there be nothing."

Assuming I'm not that powerful... I dunno, I would probably just... put everyone in their own personal virtual reality. They can be gods of their own virtual world, and fulfill their every desire there.

Speaking on the concept of "nothing" Verb, this one's been tailing my thoughts for a little while now. I suppose this relates to beardy-weirdy-in-the-skyhood a little bit. It is, by most definitions, safe to assume that the term nothing applies to, just that.

Fuck all.

But I question, how can nothing really exist if something does exist? When you consider it like a bubble, or a sphere, that little blip of existence fills a space in the otherwise blank void. In order to get to said blank void, one has to transition between a barrier. From something, to "nothing." Otherwise it wouldn't make any sense really. But even with that, you can't actually really call nothing as being absolutely nothing.

Ramblings of mine. If I vaugely remember, in some fashion you consider nothing to be "perfection." And when I thought about it, I figured that nothing can't technically exist.

No pun intended. Thoughts?

Serious / Re: Godhood
« on: August 17, 2015, 11:25:34 PM »
Blast semen all over your mountain ranges and piss on you when the clouds obscure your view of me up in the sky.

The Flood / Re: Smh brahs
« on: August 17, 2015, 10:50:56 PM »
You can tell a lot of people here don't get out much.

Now here's the interesting part.

Are you implying that "getting out" much is important so that we can educate ourselves on the current degradation of language that the younger generations seem so fond of?

Or are we merely discussing the black and white simplicity of "basement dwellers?"

Gaming / Re: Madame Sasha - Gwent
« on: August 17, 2015, 10:13:20 PM »
Who and what?
just kidding i have no idea what you're playing
Card game in Witcher 3

And here's the part where Verb reiterates his statement.

The Flood / Re: Smh brahs
« on: August 17, 2015, 10:00:03 PM »
Hamburgle harder faggot.
It means "shake my head".

Eh. That seems...more sane. But still out of place.

"Shake my head brahs" for a thread title?

Fuck you modern day linguistics and trends.
It can change depending on the sentence.  This instance it'd be "shaking my head brahs".

suck many hamburgers

So much haram

so much ham

Gaming / Re: >2281 the year of our lord and savior Jason Bright
« on: August 17, 2015, 09:57:12 PM »
House just wants the monorail to run on time you fucks
A noble goal, indeed.

All the tech in the world and he still can't manage it. Not yet, at least. The day will come when man is the master of a tracked vehicle that can only go in one direction, and it no longer defies time by arriving late.

When that day comes, he who controls the on time monorail controls the world.

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