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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 387388389 390
The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 30, 2014, 07:33:43 PM »

Is your account real, still?

It's as real as we make it.

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 30, 2014, 07:07:41 PM »
How did you even create that magical account that doesn't technically exist, but still does

It's a mystery I seriously won't ever know. Wanna know something spooky? My account is linked to to an xbox live profile. And it sure as hell isn't mine. I've only ever had one xbox live profile since day one.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 06:53:49 PM »
Because I can't. The internet service provider in my province has an iron grip over everything. For every computer, you are allowed one email account. This is tracked and traced through your IP addresses. So, if I wanted to make a new account and sign back up, I couldn't, because my email service registers that I already have an active account and automatically takes me back to it.

This is one of the most idiotic practices I've ever heard of in my entire life.

And it's all for some extra bucks. Every single company up here nickle and dimes people to their last cent.

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 30, 2014, 06:30:20 PM »

Couldn't you use Tor or some dark scary stuff-of-internet-legend shit?

Nope. Trust me on this. I've been working on this problem for a week. I called in some friends of mine who really know their shit on this stuff and everything we've tried failed.

Well crap, I guess your life could use Project Loon huh?

Here in the UK BT have a monopoly, they are the only ones allowed to lay the infrastructure, thank god the system we have allows Virgin, TalkTalk and Sky to put up a fight in terms of actually providing the service though. But I just don't understand the reason for having one email, what if someone needs a work and personal email?

Then I guess their rich ass better buy another one.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone here remember...
« on: July 30, 2014, 06:19:27 PM »
Callin' it.

It has ants in the equation somewhere.

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 30, 2014, 06:17:03 PM »
Dude, I got it!
If you have a friend that's willing, use their email address! You can still sign in at home, you just won't receive Bungie news in your email(which really doesn't matter anyway).

No sir. If I were to log in on my friend's email on my computer, I'd automatically be notified and ejected from it because of the email account present on my computer and IP address.

No no, you don't have to log onto your friend's email from your computer. Just use it in your account, and if you need to verify it, just have him/her do it or you can just go over to his/her house and do it yourself. Couldn't you at least use their email for your account?

Edit: didn't see the update. Sorry, man. :(

I appreciate the help for what it's worth. We deconstructed every last inch of the problem and there's no two ways about it. I'm fucked four ways from sunday.

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 30, 2014, 06:15:21 PM »
Couldn't you use Tor or some dark scary stuff-of-internet-legend shit?

Nope. Trust me on this. I've been working on this problem for a week. I called in some friends of mine who really know their shit on this stuff and everything we've tried failed.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 05:40:04 PM »
Dude, I got it!
If you have a friend that's willing, use their email address! You can still sign in at home, you just won't receive Bungie news in your email(which really doesn't matter anyway).

No sir. If I were to log in on my friend's email on my computer, I'd automatically be notified and ejected from it because of the email account present on my computer and IP address.

The Flood / Re: Mods.
« on: July 30, 2014, 05:35:17 PM »
More Mods for the Mod God!!!

The Flood / Re: Flood Age Census
« on: July 30, 2014, 05:29:52 PM »
So many Octobers...

We are the chosen ones

Mine's on the 6th, what about you guys?

October 30th reporting in.

Gotcha. Your complaint has been tossed into the complaint hat with all the rest. In the future, we'll hold a draw in which your complaint might be picked and you'll win a free "I give a shit!"

You have no power here peasant.

Gotcha. Your complaint has been tossed into the complaint hat with all the rest. In the future, we'll hold a draw in which your complaint might be picked and you'll win a free "I give a shit!"

The Flood / Re: where were u wen sep7agon went ded
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:56:07 PM »
I went off and starting doin' some writing. Then last night I realized that I only had a few hours left until my account was given das boot
Given the boat? ;)

Na. Not a fan of boats and oceans. Prefer solid earfffff. But, taking a look at the clock here, I've got two hours left before my account goes ded surprise big not.

The Flood / Re: where were u wen sep7agon went ded
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:51:55 PM »
I went off and starting doin' some writing. Then last night I realized that I only had a few hours left until my account was given das boot on So I informed some folks about it over PMs, then got on this morning, and decided to make an AMA thread. Making those last hours count as much as I can.

The Flood / Re: Flood Age Census
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:28:57 PM »
Christ on a bike. I'll be 22 in October. It goes fast sometimes, no?

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:26:00 PM »
You leaving for good eh?

No. This isn't by choice. This was something I knew would bite me in the ass a long time ago.
Do you want me to give you an account? I have a couple I don't use anymore.

That won't work compatriot. If I tried to sign in to them, I'd automatically be redirected to the native account bound to this computer alone. Unless you were willing to ship your computer over here, that won't happen.
Sounds like a shit ISP, why'd you sign up for it?

Because they're the only provider in the entire province. They got here first, set up shop, and grabbed everything by the balls. They own the province. Not only are they providers for the internet, but the're split into divisions as well. SaskPower, SaskEnergy, SaskTel, and so on.
ANd that kids, is why monopoly is illegal in some places.

The sneaky bastards have done it elsewhere as well. Our food stores, gas stations and hardware stores are all owned by Co-op. How about farming equipment? Northstar Fertilizer.

You folks in america think blame Obama is neccessary for everything. Blame Harper is what's up here.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:18:53 PM »
You leaving for good eh?

No. This isn't by choice. This was something I knew would bite me in the ass a long time ago.
Do you want me to give you an account? I have a couple I don't use anymore.

That won't work compatriot. If I tried to sign in to them, I'd automatically be redirected to the native account bound to this computer alone. Unless you were willing to ship your computer over here, that won't happen.
Sounds like a shit ISP, why'd you sign up for it?

Because they're the only provider in the entire province. They got here first, set up shop, and grabbed everything by the balls. They own the province. Not only are they providers for the internet, but the're split into divisions as well. SaskPower, SaskEnergy, SaskTel, and so on.
Wow, they are fags

You're fucking telling me dude. You don't even know.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:15:09 PM »
You leaving for good eh?

No. This isn't by choice. This was something I knew would bite me in the ass a long time ago.
Do you want me to give you an account? I have a couple I don't use anymore.

That won't work compatriot. If I tried to sign in to them, I'd automatically be redirected to the native account bound to this computer alone. Unless you were willing to ship your computer over here, that won't happen.
Sounds like a shit ISP, why'd you sign up for it?

Because they're the only provider in the entire province. They got here first, set up shop, and grabbed everything by the balls. They own the province. Not only are they providers for the internet, but the're split into divisions as well. SaskPower, SaskEnergy, SaskTel, and so on.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:08:27 PM »
Why don't you just make a new account? Seriously, this drama is pointless.

Because I can't. The internet service provider in my province has an iron grip over everything. For every computer, you are allowed one email account. This is tracked and traced through your IP addresses. So, if I wanted to make a new account and sign back up, I couldn't, because my email service registers that I already have an active account and automatically takes me back to it.

And, I can't sign in to the black magic account that belongs to my profile on because it exists in a limbo state. Officially, every source says it exists, and it's even linked to some random xbox live account that I never even owned, but when you try to sign in, the account is non existent.

And it's not drama. I'm just havin' a little fun. I'm sure as I've gone about my business over the years, folks have had questions about me. So, before I'm given das boot, it's a chance to cut loose.
Ah, so stalin is your provider?

Correct. The Soviets infiltrated the west long ago.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:07:45 PM »
Why don't you just make a new account? Seriously, this drama is pointless.

Because I can't. The internet service provider in my province has an iron grip over everything. For every computer, you are allowed one email account. This is tracked and traced through your IP addresses. So, if I wanted to make a new account and sign back up, I couldn't, because my email service registers that I already have an active account and automatically takes me back to it.

And, I can't sign in to the black magic account that belongs to my profile on because it exists in a limbo state. Officially, every source says it exists, and it's even linked to some random xbox live account that I never even owned, but when you try to sign in, the account is non existent.

And it's not drama. I'm just havin' a little fun. I'm sure as I've gone about my business over the years, folks have had questions about me. So, before I'm given das boot, it's a chance to cut loose.
Can't you just use a VPN or something?

I've looked at every possible angle, brainstormed with friends that know more than me, and looked at every outlet. There's no shaking this. My ISP has too much of a death grip on my provinces balls concerning internet usage for any of these to work. Believe me, if it was an option, I already tried it a week a ago.
You honestly sound like a citizen of Best Korea.

You wouldn't be far off. I'm a citizen of Best Saskatchewan.
See if you can rally for that community based internet

Saskatchewan rallying for anything but killing stuff that moves. M sides.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:06:43 PM »
You leaving for good eh?

No. This isn't by choice. This was something I knew would bite me in the ass a long time ago.
Do you want me to give you an account? I have a couple I don't use anymore.

That won't work compatriot. If I tried to sign in to them, I'd automatically be redirected to the native account bound to this computer alone. Unless you were willing to ship your computer over here, that won't happen.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:02:25 PM »
Why don't you just make a new account? Seriously, this drama is pointless.

Because I can't. The internet service provider in my province has an iron grip over everything. For every computer, you are allowed one email account. This is tracked and traced through your IP addresses. So, if I wanted to make a new account and sign back up, I couldn't, because my email service registers that I already have an active account and automatically takes me back to it.

And, I can't sign in to the black magic account that belongs to my profile on because it exists in a limbo state. Officially, every source says it exists, and it's even linked to some random xbox live account that I never even owned, but when you try to sign in, the account is non existent.

And it's not drama. I'm just havin' a little fun. I'm sure as I've gone about my business over the years, folks have had questions about me. So, before I'm given das boot, it's a chance to cut loose.
Where do you live? North Korea?

The next best place compatriot! Saskatchewan! I big ol' rectangle up north in Canada. Our internet service provider rules the province because they were the first to set up shop however many years ago. So they make the rules. And their rules are, very much akin to glorious NK.
I don't get it. What is their rationale for that?

Haha, rational thinking. That's a good one. You know what their rationale is? Because they can.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:00:44 PM »
Why don't you just make a new account? Seriously, this drama is pointless.

Because I can't. The internet service provider in my province has an iron grip over everything. For every computer, you are allowed one email account. This is tracked and traced through your IP addresses. So, if I wanted to make a new account and sign back up, I couldn't, because my email service registers that I already have an active account and automatically takes me back to it.

And, I can't sign in to the black magic account that belongs to my profile on because it exists in a limbo state. Officially, every source says it exists, and it's even linked to some random xbox live account that I never even owned, but when you try to sign in, the account is non existent.

And it's not drama. I'm just havin' a little fun. I'm sure as I've gone about my business over the years, folks have had questions about me. So, before I'm given das boot, it's a chance to cut loose.
Can't you just use a VPN or something?

I've looked at every possible angle, brainstormed with friends that know more than me, and looked at every outlet. There's no shaking this. My ISP has too much of a death grip on my provinces balls concerning internet usage for any of these to work. Believe me, if it was an option, I already tried it a week a ago.
You honestly sound like a citizen of Best Korea.

You wouldn't be far off. I'm a citizen of Best Saskatchewan.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 03:59:44 PM »
Why don't you just make a new account? Seriously, this drama is pointless.

Because I can't. The internet service provider in my province has an iron grip over everything. For every computer, you are allowed one email account. This is tracked and traced through your IP addresses. So, if I wanted to make a new account and sign back up, I couldn't, because my email service registers that I already have an active account and automatically takes me back to it.

And, I can't sign in to the black magic account that belongs to my profile on because it exists in a limbo state. Officially, every source says it exists, and it's even linked to some random xbox live account that I never even owned, but when you try to sign in, the account is non existent.

And it's not drama. I'm just havin' a little fun. I'm sure as I've gone about my business over the years, folks have had questions about me. So, before I'm given das boot, it's a chance to cut loose.
Where do you live? North Korea?

The next best place compatriot! Saskatchewan! I big ol' rectangle up north in Canada. Our internet service provider rules the province because they were the first to set up shop however many years ago. So they make the rules. And their rules are, very much akin to glorious NK.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 03:57:53 PM »
Why don't you just make a new account? Seriously, this drama is pointless.

Because I can't. The internet service provider in my province has an iron grip over everything. For every computer, you are allowed one email account. This is tracked and traced through your IP addresses. So, if I wanted to make a new account and sign back up, I couldn't, because my email service registers that I already have an active account and automatically takes me back to it.

And, I can't sign in to the black magic account that belongs to my profile on because it exists in a limbo state. Officially, every source says it exists, and it's even linked to some random xbox live account that I never even owned, but when you try to sign in, the account is non existent.

And it's not drama. I'm just havin' a little fun. I'm sure as I've gone about my business over the years, folks have had questions about me. So, before I'm given das boot, it's a chance to cut loose.
Can't you just use a VPN or something?

I've looked at every possible angle, brainstormed with friends that know more than me, and looked at every outlet. There's no shaking this. My ISP has too much of a death grip on my provinces balls concerning internet usage for any of these to work. Believe me, if it was an option, I already tried it a week a ago.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 03:49:31 PM »
So... we only have you for another 3 hours?

On Here, I'll be fine. Less inclined to post though. This place just ain't home.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 03:48:43 PM »
Why don't you just make a new account? Seriously, this drama is pointless.

Because I can't. The internet service provider in my province has an iron grip over everything. For every computer, you are allowed one email account. This is tracked and traced through your IP addresses. So, if I wanted to make a new account and sign back up, I couldn't, because my email service registers that I already have an active account and automatically takes me back to it.

And, I can't sign in to the black magic account that belongs to my profile on because it exists in a limbo state. Officially, every source says it exists, and it's even linked to some random xbox live account that I never even owned, but when you try to sign in, the account is non existent.

And it's not drama. I'm just havin' a little fun. I'm sure as I've gone about my business over the years, folks have had questions about me. So, before I'm given das boot, it's a chance to cut loose.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 03:39:21 PM »
Already posted, you won't even stay here?

I'll be here. But I likely won't post as much. This place doesn't carry the weight of what feels like home to me.

The Flood / Re: 3 Hours and Counting
« on: July 30, 2014, 03:38:31 PM »
You leaving for good eh?

No. This isn't by choice. This was something I knew would bite me in the ass a long time ago.

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