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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: um.... holy shit?
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:18:36 PM »

a bit more than neat lol...... am I the only one excited??

For one thing, this tech is probably quite some time away from making a debut in any usage. Scientists will rip it apart and attempt to understand it. This alone could take years. Then, once they feel that they have a better understanding of it, they'll attempt to replicate it, and control it, see how much of an output they can generate and so on. Again, years of work.

Second, this source of movement is a potential game changer, both for space faring craft and aircraft propulsion systems. Our current system doesn't like game changers, especially ones that are cheap, and can potentially provide the world with a relatively easy to manufacture propulsion system that could be implemented in any manner of craft.

So, assuming it gets past the scientists, it's going to get run into the ground by corporations and governments and buried, OR, kept exclusively to one specific branch while everybody else doesn't get access.

I say neat because while it's an interesting device, it'll likely be one that we won't be seeing for quite some time.

The Flood / Re: um.... holy shit?
« on: August 01, 2014, 12:23:09 PM »

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: 80's Highschool Edition
« on: August 01, 2014, 11:48:51 AM »
I still think Christopher Walken should have been Han Solo. Image that douchey character with his voice, along with the younger age.

"Your face,  it's rather familiar. Usually the most familiar faces are the ones I've sat on."

"I thought jaws could only move that fast underwater."

Can you hear it?

The Flood / Star Wars: 80's Highschool Edition
« on: August 01, 2014, 10:26:49 AM »
Some stuff I found.

Make something out of this Disney.

Serious / Re: Why do you believe in your religion?
« on: August 01, 2014, 09:20:41 AM »
Officially, I have no religion. But it doesn't mean I'm without a belief. When I look at the universe around me, and the way it functions, what occurs to me only seems natural. There's bits and pieces of Buddhism and Hinduism strewn about in what I believe, but overall my simple and core belief is that the universe, on some form, is a consciousness. It is the closest thing we could ever know to being and fitting the label of "God." And we are simply a part of it, bound to our own relative perspective. Time and again, the universe likes to show that it's a mirrored system, a cycle with an end, and then a beginning once more. Renewal and dispersal.

Consciousness is something that exists in many forms, and I think, it's something that will always hold an element of mystery to us. We can figure out the physical aspects of it, the what and the how, but there's a barrier, always in the way. As I'm thinking right now, I know my thoughts are based off of chemical reactions, and the sparks of neurons sending signals to my brain. And yet, in the background, sealed off, is an inkling of something else. A presence, as if what I am is very much here, but in some sense, seperate.

The product of consciousness, comes though the interactions of many things on smaller levels. Our bodies are made up of atoms, which in turn make up every single cell in our body, which give shape form and function to everything. With this knowledge in hand, I believe the larger systems of the universe do exactly the same thing, many smaller systems working in tandem to create one as a whole.

But the universe isn't an angry god, or a selfish god. It simply is. It picks no favorites, and asks of nothing, just like we do to cells in our body. We know they're there, but due to our level of perspective, we can't singularily focus on one alone. So in that regard, that's how the universe operates as well.

The Flood / Re: I require good drawing skills
« on: August 01, 2014, 12:10:07 AM »

This may help you in your quest.

The Flood / Re: Help me, Sep7agon, you're my only hope.
« on: July 31, 2014, 10:37:49 PM »
What's he doing?
Same old shit.
Threatening you and stuff?
He never threatens me, he just likes to remind me that I'm a fat 30-year-old loser who got a degree in the most useless subject.

You should send him my way. I'm a stocky highschool dropout at grade 10 who's in his early 20's, has no official job, and from a loose technical standpoint I live with my mother.

All things considered I'm a step lower so it's logical to assume he'd go after me right?

The Flood / Re: What should I cosplay for comic con?
« on: July 31, 2014, 07:26:38 PM »
If you don't make a scale 12 foot tall Hunter costume that you have to wear stilt boots for, well.........

Imma be sad.


One of these days I aim to do such a thing. Just once in my lifetime I'd like to go to one of those events. Roll on over in my snail all the way from canada.

But I wouldn't go without being damn fashionable. And over the years I've been tinkering with a design in my head. And, as I go along, I'm learning a lot about wood working. I am to make a suit with what I've got available, and there's plenty of wood. And I know how to make thin, non heavy wood works too.

One day.... one day.

You could have a guy stand on your shoulders for a hunter costume and walk round like that.

Na. Gotta make it cool inside and out. Cool on the outside, mechanical marvel on the inside.

The Flood / Re: What should I cosplay for comic con?
« on: July 31, 2014, 06:38:49 PM »
If you don't make a scale 12 foot tall Hunter costume that you have to wear stilt boots for, well.........

Imma be sad.


One of these days I aim to do such a thing. Just once in my lifetime I'd like to go to one of those events. Roll on over in my snail all the way from canada.

But I wouldn't go without being damn fashionable. And over the years I've been tinkering with a design in my head. And, as I go along, I'm learning a lot about wood working. I am to make a suit with what I've got available, and there's plenty of wood. And I know how to make thin, non heavy wood works too.

One day.... one day.

The Flood / Re: What should I cosplay for comic con?
« on: July 31, 2014, 06:01:39 PM »
If you don't make a scale 12 foot tall Hunter costume that you have to wear stilt boots for, well.........

Imma be sad.

The Flood / Re: Interesting Stories
« on: July 31, 2014, 03:15:49 PM »
I got stabbed in the leg for breaking up a scuffle when I was visiting my home province a few years ago.
Let's not forget how you got ran over by that truck.

Yeah. But the guy with the knife could've been a lot more serious. I was in the wrong end of town for that one.

The Flood / Re: GIF thread? Yeah GIF thread.
« on: July 31, 2014, 02:04:51 PM »

The Flood / Re: GIF thread? Yeah GIF thread.
« on: July 31, 2014, 02:03:01 PM »

The Flood / Re: Hey guys
« on: July 31, 2014, 01:58:53 PM »

If I had any power here, I'd take you, and the other asshats who brought the ship down, take you out back, and old yeller all of you.

So in that regard, enjoy your stay.

Well shit, glad to see you changed your mind Sandtrap

Friend of mine did some talking. Although I'm not posting anymore on Bungie.tet, this place isn't I never did give things a second chance, so I'll try, one last round with this place.

Aah right, you spoke to Relatively Quiet?

Yeppers. They where on here for a little while as well watching the progress of things. Said it'd be nice if I showed back up in some regard, since apparently my adios amigos thread got more attention than anything I've ever posted in the history of me being there. Guess somebody was actually going to miss me.

And, I'm an advocate for second chances in most regards. I didn't give the second site a second chance and then it got shot down anyway. But this one seems like it might fare something better. So I'll show my silly carcass once more.

I spoke to RE, he doesn't seem to approve and is convinced that it all our fault you left

I wasn't none too happy with the bullshit of the first offsite. If there's anything that gets under my skin, it's stupidity. And that entire event was stupid, down to all people on all sides. I was already declining in my posting for Bunige.Net since the place is tumbleweeds and I knew my account was going to reach it's definitive end. And you people proved it. Nobody could get their shit together when it counted, and then somebody came knocking on my door mentioning the second site.

And I said no. Because I knew what would happen. And it did.

Quiet and I share a lot of the same sentiments about people, except they're more vocal about things than I am. But they got talking to me and mentioned that I was running out of time for my account on And it made sense. While I was unhappy about all the useless tripe going on both with the offsites and on Bungie, I wasn't going to just leave entirely.

So I came here. But whatever you talked about with them was by all means most likely true.

The Flood / Re: GIF thread? Yeah GIF thread.
« on: July 31, 2014, 01:37:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: What's your fetish?
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:38:54 PM »
Depends on what particular card you're asking. Normally, concerning people, I'm an average guy, nothing more.

The Flood / Re: I test my blood sugar and it's...
« on: July 31, 2014, 08:29:08 AM »
I don't know about you guys, but last night when I was playing a game of civie with a friend, Warharbinger Ghandi, in the year of our lord, Snoop Lion, 1420AD, plowed into Chairman Meow's capital city, Beijing, and washed over it like a tide of dank kush.

I weep for Beijing.

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 31, 2014, 01:01:11 AM »

What's the name of your ISP? I don't doubt what you are telling us, but I gotta see these rules with my own eyes.  I've never heard of an ISP restricting hotmail, or google like that. I gotta see this happy horse shit

I believe the division is Sasktel. They don't neccessarily restrict you having one email, but they make it quite a damn hassle to get multiple accounts. If I were to try and sign in and make a new account, they'd notify me that I already have an existing account, and boot me out of the creation process.

And because Sasktel completely owns every last part of my province's internet, they own, and see everything. You go to google and so on, and sasktel with be there, sponsoring them, if you use a computer in my province. They're interconnected to every outlet.

Now, you can call them up, and discuss with them about making another account. But here's why you don't do that.

You know how every game has that one level? You know, the "we don't go to ravenholm" level? This is sakstel's tech support. Think of microsoft and some other shit tier support, and you're just barely edging into sasktel's territory.

Ok, so I went to their site and forums, just to see if anyone else is having this issue. I have to be honest, no one else has a complaint quite like yours. At least, none in the small sampling I did. Is there anything you are leaving out? I want to help, and need all the details.

Not that I know of. But you don't need to trouble yourself anyway. This was coming from day one when my black magic account was created. I knew that at some point, I'd have to face up to things biting me in the ass. Besides, I wasn't going to maintain much of a presence on anyway. My posting's been declining, and I've had less and less reason to hang round there.

I'll lurk, as I used to do way back when, but for the time being, I'll let things as they are. One day I might take a look at things, and find the angle I missed. But not tonight, and certainly not anytime soon.

I appreciate the offer, but to be honest, I'm okay with things as they are now. A little peace and quiet never hurt no one.

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:56:24 AM »
Have you considered proxy by VPN

I've been rippen' shit apart for a week over this. I've tried everything I could. I've tried everything my friends have suggested. And trust me, these guys know their shit. I've hit nothing but dead ends.

What's done is done, and I can't change that. The circumstances around my account are too fucked to sort out logically, and the issue of my service provider stands int he way every single time.

I'm just letting things be as they are now. I knew a long time ago that when that black magic account reared it's head, it would bite me in the ass one day.

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:45:22 AM »
do you want some one to make an alt for you?

That's not possible compatriot. Long story short, I've tried everything for a week or so since I knew I was out of time. Due to my internet service provider, I have restrictions on how many email accounts I can own per computer, and attempting to access and use another account is rejected and locked out instantly because "I already own an email account."
Are you allowed Facebook?

Yes sir. Although I don't use it. Don't have the friends for it, don't need it, and I don't need all the random crap that comes with it.
Doesn't Bungie allow signups with Facebook?

Yes sir. But if I were to sign up for facebook, my ISP would but in and link it up with my email account, leading to another dead end. In my province, sasktel is everywhere. They're backing and sponsoring these sites, and are interconnected with them in my province. You don't do anywhere on the internet here without them being there.

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:42:53 AM »
What's the name of your ISP? I don't doubt what you are telling us, but I gotta see these rules with my own eyes.  I've never heard of an ISP restricting hotmail, or google like that. I gotta see this happy horse shit

I believe the division is Sasktel. They don't neccessarily restrict you having one email, but they make it quite a damn hassle to get multiple accounts. If I were to try and sign in and make a new account, they'd notify me that I already have an existing account, and boot me out of the creation process.

And because Sasktel completely owns every last part of my province's internet, they own, and see everything. You go to google and so on, and sasktel with be there, sponsoring them, if you use a computer in my province. They're interconnected to every outlet.

Now, you can call them up, and discuss with them about making another account. But here's why you don't do that.

You know how every game has that one level? You know, the "we don't go to ravenholm" level? This is sakstel's tech support. Think of microsoft and some other shit tier support, and you're just barely edging into sasktel's territory.

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:34:28 AM »
do you want some one to make an alt for you?

That's not possible compatriot. Long story short, I've tried everything for a week or so since I knew I was out of time. Due to my internet service provider, I have restrictions on how many email accounts I can own per computer, and attempting to access and use another account is rejected and locked out instantly because "I already own an email account."
Are you allowed Facebook?

Yes sir. Although I don't use it. Don't have the friends for it, don't need it, and I don't need all the random crap that comes with it.

The Flood / Re: post edgey break up songs
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:32:27 AM »

great song, but how is that an edgy break up song?

It's not. I'm just posting it because the last thing ya need is sad stuff. This is  a song about goin' down the avenue and gettin' up from your losses! Get out there and keep an eye out once more!

The Flood / Re: Do you have sympathy for fat people?
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:30:17 AM »
Well, you know, technically, people don't show sympathy for jack shit nowadays anyway. Some folks have legitimate genetic issues. And some ended up that way because of other reasons. Personally, I don't point fingers at anybody. We've all got our problems, and no doubt, when others look at us, they always see something they don't like.

But, I can sympathize with them. When people get too big, it becomes extremely hard to get out of their state. It's like a black hole. They are primarily in that state because of their emotions being out of balance. In order to fight their weight gain, they have to fight on two fronts. Mental and physical. That's no easy task to do either when you're in a depression. They need two things to happen. First, they need to reach a logical conclusion in their head about their own state. When they themselves know this, then they can start fighting to change. That first step in itself is hard to reach, and it's something they have to do alone. The second is, they need people that will support them. A lot of people don't climb out of depression alone. Very few manage it.

So, it's 50/50 for me. I don't say anything behind their back or call them out on it, unless they're being directly obnoxious about it and being silly about things. You can't help them by being negative, and you can't even make a dent in things if they haven't come to a conclusion by themselves first.

But, I'll tell you what I do feel when I see them. It makes me appreciate how durable our bodies are, and what they put up with. We can be quite fragile at times, but in others, immensely strong. The amount of weight on their bones is tremendous, and load on their respitory system is as well. And yet through it all, their systems persist in spite of things. It makes me value what I have, and keep things in check so that I don't lose what I have.

The Flood / Re: post edgey break up songs
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:15:34 AM »

The Flood / Re: post the ban that pissed u off the most on
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:13:31 AM »
Every ban I ever ended up with was fair, looking back at it. Well, except that one that I have no idea what it was for.

First few weeks of being on the site I cut loose into a rant about some silly thing on the Halo 3 forums. Got me a two week ban. Ironically, this is what sparked the creation of a second account through black magic because when I returned after the ban my original account was non accessible.

Second ban was for tiptoing just a bit over the line.

Third was for my sense of humor going just a bit too far.

And the fourth was something to this day I have no idea what it was. During the early days of the big site update when you don't know which mod banned you or what for.

The Flood / Re: Someone Made Me Into a Sim.
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:06:20 AM »
It's the gentlemen with the sword on his shirt.

Has to be.

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:05:00 AM »
do you want some one to make an alt for you?

That's not possible compatriot. Long story short, I've tried everything for a week or so since I knew I was out of time. Due to my internet service provider, I have restrictions on how many email accounts I can own per computer, and attempting to access and use another account is rejected and locked out instantly because "I already own an email account."

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 30, 2014, 11:52:02 PM »
I want you to know I'm only here because of you sir.

Well that's unexpected. I guess folks can't say I didn't do anything for this site now.

The Flood / Re: And my Bungie.Net account is dead.
« on: July 30, 2014, 07:34:19 PM »
That sucks man, I hope I see you post on here form time to time.

I'll be around. Only got one home now.

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