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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Official >MFW thread (Might be NSFW)
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:31:38 AM »
Ah, it's our good friend creepy woody.


The Flood / Re: Official Australia Thread.
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:27:17 AM »
My little monitor is Australian

It kills you with it's apparent harmlessness right?

Gaming / Re: For like the two people that play Dark Souls
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:25:53 AM »
There's this piece of the Lordvessel in the basement of the manor at Majula too.

That in itself is another mystery entirely.

Gaming / For like the two people that play Dark Souls
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:12:06 AM »
I'd like to talk to you folks about something I've noticed in Dark Souls as of late, concerning where or what Drangliec is.


Now, the most common, and easiest to piece together theory about Drangliec is that it's simply a new kingdom sitting overtop of the bones of Lordran. And with so many things pointing to cyclical events, why wouldn't it make sense? But as I've looked around, I'm starting to think that Lordran and Drangliec are completely separate landmasses. And here's why.

For starters, let's talk about one of the earliest places you travel to in the game. Heide's Tower of Flame. The architecture is extremely reminiscent of Anor Londo, and Oreinstien, Gywnevere's sworn guard can be found there, even further pushing along the roots that the ruins of Hiede's kingdom had roots in Lordran. Names change over time and are forgotten, so in all likelyhood, Heide was actually Flaan, the God of Flame. But here's the catch. Back in Lordran, when everything began to crumble, a lot of the gods fled, including Flaan and Gwynevere. This is the first key thing to note. THEY FLED. They didn't just pack their bags and set up shop somewhere in Lordran or the area nearby. They flat out fled.

The second important thing to note now comes from the first Dark Souls. In the first Dark Souls, there was always a separation between Men, and Giants, or in some cases, the Lords as they were known. The Lords, as we know now, bear many similarities to Humankind, save for the extent of their power, size, and abilities. But the Giants, we know little about. And in the first Dark Souls, we only ever truly met a stark handful. Hawkeye Gough and the blacksmith in Anor Londo, and the Giants working the contraptions of Sen's Fortress. All are massive in size, sport dark, greyish skin, and have their heads completely covered, obscuring their faces. So what does this mean for Dark Souls II? Frankly, I believe the Giants we encounter are from Lordran descent, albiet somewhat changed over the great millenia. And now I will explain why.

The Vangarians were once known for being terrors of the Sea, until Vendrick put them down a notch and set them to work for him. Most of all, they were noted for traveling far beyond the reaches of Drangliec and bringing "strange, inhuman" creatures back with them from a strange land across the sea. Most notably, the twisted Sentinel that guards the boat in no Man's Wharf, and the strange, black twisted creatures that hide in the shadows. Most noticably, these inhumanly long armed creatures bear a strong resemblance to Humans whose Humanity went wild in Oolacile, and even drop human clothing on rare occasions. Again, these creatures could be the remnents of the Abyss taking it's toll on Lordran. And, clearly, it's been noted that the Abyss is fractured now, and not as powerful as it once was, existing on broken fragments across the globe. Perhaps, after the thousand year stretch of the rekindling of the first flame, the darkness receded in Lordran, and the remaining Giants reclaimed their homeland, albeit, not unscarred and changed by the Abyss, while the reincarnations of the Lords found purchase on a new home, very much like their long dead predaccesors at Heide's ruins.

And, scattered throughout the game are many various items that hint at this, such as the lingering dragon crest ring. It's original owner was Griggs of Vinhiem, coming from the kingdom of Vinhiem. But the ring found a new home in Lordran as Griggs traveled. But regardless the description remains vague. There is one last thing to point out however. Brightstone cove houses a peculiar blacksmith by the name of Ornifex, and she often states that her people were taught long ago by a great pale beast. Many believe that this is Seathe, but as far as things are concerned, Seathe never had dealings with Ornifex's people. But another pale beast, regarded as an abomination, did. And that was Priscilla. Even more so, her exact whereabouts are never truly known. She may have been trapped in a painting, but what if the great Ariamus didn't trap her in a painting, but instead sent her through a portal to a land, far, far away from Lordran, enough that the isolation itself would act as a prison?

So on a final note, all things considered, we know that when Vendrick crossed the sea at the behest of a stranger, a woman from across the sea herself, warning him about the coming giants, now clearly known as a ploy by Nashandra, Vendrick came back with the ability to create golems. And, most noticeably in the past, the Lords were capable of building such constructs, such as the Iron Golem. I propose that when Vendrick crossed the sea, he stole this ability from where it natively came from, Lordran. And the Giants, having resurfaced since the Abyss had faltered and weakened, with wills of steel that they have always had in ages past, to face down the eternal dragons alongside the lords, came across the sea to reclaim what was theirs, and perhaps, face old beings they had once called allies so long ago.

The Flood / Re: It's only 12:30! Get in here!
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:42:49 AM »
The fuck you talkin' about fool? It's 1:42 up here.

The Flood / Re: Scariest form of warfare...
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:31:05 AM »
That doesn't mean what you think it means.

But it does count for something. If anything, should have called it mob mentality.

The Flood / Re: I'm the admin; ask me anything.
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:29:44 AM »
Time to pound the shit outta those ads.

You and me both brother. Let's double team this bitch.

The Flood / Re: Scariest form of warfare...
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:27:22 AM »
I don't understand because that isn't really a weapon like Nuclear, Biological or chemical weapons.

Oho but mob mentality is a weapon. In fact I'd go so far as to say it's the best. One person with a voice can sway many. One idea can spread like fire through a population without them even realizing it. It's subtle indoctrination.

For a few examples, let's take the riots in the Ukraine earlier this year. The rioters were and are in a lose lose situation. Even if they elected a new head honcho, no doubt, eventually, they would be bought out. But they were sparked into fighting, because that's what the higher ups wanted. It's been known for years now, that cops go undercover in big crowds like this, and they start something. They break shit, work people up, and when things reach a critical level, BOOM. All the rioters turn violent to some degree, and they're completely played on.

Take our society. It's heavy into consumption, but not on renewal. People throw away everything, even if it can be used. No matter how small the problem, people as a whole in the modern capitalist society throw away things with abandon. And our garbage sites prove this. You wouldn't believe the amount of working shit I've pulled out of garbage sites.

With memetic ideas, you can do literally anything. Condition people to be docile to certain things, make them into consumers, condition them for war, trick them into fighting over nothing and so on. It's the easiest weapon to gain access to, as all you need is people in large numbers, and once the idea gets started, it never stops.

The Flood / Re: Scariest form of warfare...
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:07:09 AM »
also, what the fuck is memetical? Did you just make that up?

Memetical is mental. Like an idea that spreads from one person to another. So, basically, it's the culmination of numbers. Like rioters, religous folks, and a strictly consumer based society. It's basically mob mentality, like the genocide in Rwanda.

The Flood / Re: Scariest form of warfare...
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:03:43 AM »
good point

man flu

I got hit with some shitty bug for a good solid month and a half a few years back. Worst month and a half of my life. And the god damn recovery time afterwards was the worst. You spend a month in that state and your body is going to go down the tubes big time, and getting back up afterwards is no picnic. Not to mention, you're immune system is taxed from something that nasty, so you're extra vulnerable to other viruses for a while.

Last winter, our province had an epidemic of a bug that infected you, and mutated within the span of less than a week. By the time most people fought it off, they got sick again because of the new strain. The cold had people sick for months. I'm happy I avoided that one.

The Flood / Re: I'm the admin; ask me anything.
« on: August 05, 2014, 11:57:57 PM »
Once before noon.Err... Yes. I'm a web designer, so I already had a host to begin with, but this forum moved to a new one after the DDoS.

The advertisement is helping tremendously, however.

Then I thank you greatly in that regard. I'm dun diddly fucked over on, and as a result, this place is the only place I can call home. If it ever gets taken down, I go with it into the void completely.

The Flood / Re: Scariest form of warfare...
« on: August 05, 2014, 11:49:59 PM »
Biological is self created strains weaponized to kill, or destabilize human populations. The effects are terrible, and the potential for a strain to be unchained and uncontrollable, spreading far past it's intended target is always an issue.

Cyber warfare is strictly damaging for an individual. It's not widespread, and it can't knock down countries or devastate a population. But for the one person who becomes a target for it, all their dark little secrets suddenly become exposed. A nightmare in it's own right.

Nuclear, is by far the strongest and most potent form of warfare. It has the potential to devastate not just one country, but the world. If one person fires the nuke, the other country on the receiving end will fire theirs. While it's a gridlock, I wonder how long till our aging nukes accidentally go off on their own and spark something unwanted?

Chemical warefare, throughout history, has had the longest lasting, deepest scars. While it is indescrimnatory just the same as many others, it's something awful to see kids and people caught up in it. And worse yet, the effects of the chemicals last for generations, like Agent Orange.

Memetical warfare, or memetical tactics, are, frankly, of all the ones on the list here, the most underhanded, but utterly effective tactics out there. In fact, a lot of today's world is caught up in memetic indoctrination of sorts, and it is so effective that it isn't even warfare, it's just subtle, and complete manipulation, and when you step back and take a look sometimes, you can see everything as it's laid out, and it is a frightening thing.

Personally, for me, it would probably be viral warfare. At least if I get hit by a nuke, I'm gone in nano seconds. Depending on the chemical, I'm dead in seconds. For cyber, I have nothing to hide and I'm poor as fuck. And for memetic, I'm already a part of it to some degree.

But a virus, is the worst thing you can have to infect your body. Most don't kill extremely quickly, and the physical state of torment you exist in with a heavy hitting one is intolerable.

The Flood / Re: I'm the admin; ask me anything.
« on: August 05, 2014, 11:23:11 PM »
Are you paying for this forum out of your own pocket?

The Flood / Re: what's the worst you ever memed someone?
« on: August 05, 2014, 11:22:07 PM »

From time to time if I'm arsed enough to do it I make GIFs. Recon + Praise the Sun + Sunglasses to protect against Bunige.Blind = whatever this is

The Flood / Re: I'm a benevolent goddess. AMA
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:52:40 PM »
On a scale from Nicola Tesla to Commander Shepard, how active is your love life?

The Flood / Re: I will also answer any question with TOTAL honesty
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:47:12 PM »
All the time.

It's been very close a few time.

What were the instances that sparked the idea? Just random passerby or people you knew?

The Flood / Re: I will also answer any question with TOTAL honesty
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:35:08 PM »
Have you ever just looked at someone, could be anybody, and thought to yourself, "I could kill them right now?" You've got a friend or a person standing over an edge to a big drop, or somebody's using a power tool like a saw, and you know, that said person would be so surprised by your actions, that if you wanted to, you could just give them a little push, or take the power tool and angle it just a bit farther?

How close was that impulse to becoming a reality, if you ever had it?

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything, and I HAVE to answer truthfully
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:28:17 PM »
It has nothing to do with being sensitive. That was a word used to degrade black folks for hundreds of years.

The fact that black teens are reappropiating it to mean "brother" does not mean some white 14 year old should use it.

Nobody should use it.

Wishing I didn't drag myself into this one, but here we go anyway.

To sum it up in short, words themselves are not inherently bad. There are no bad words. However, what makes a word bad, is the intent behind them, and the manner in which they are used. You can make someone feel just as downright worthless and self loathing by using standard words the same way you can with "swears" and "slurs." The intent, and the emotion that's given off by the pitch of the voice and what goes into it, and the way that the word is said determines what it does.

Making words taboo, in fact, gives them more power, when in reality, EVERY SINGLE word can be used in a different context. It all depends on how it's used, and the emphasis that goes into it.

The Flood / Re: Heyyyy!!!!!! Guess who's here?
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:21:25 PM »
Would you be down for a furry romp? I'll pay for the room.

My stance still remains the same. I will fill in for 80-90% of the Deviantart community.

The Flood / Re: Xbox just got thrown out of a window. AMA.
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:19:26 PM »
It won't let me quote anyone. But I would rage pretty damn hard, all of my fallout 3/oblivion/skyrim Saves and DLC are on there. As wells as all of my games downloaded to my system. And halo 3 and reach. So yeah, I would be pretty damn pissed.

I had the same problem once in a blue moon ago. I was able to transfer my profile to the new xbox, but none of the had data and saves came along with it. So, out of stubborness, I made damn sure to get everything back by throwing money at the problem and doing some tinkering. I couldn't bear to lose everything on that hard drive.

The Flood / Re: Xbox just got thrown out of a window. AMA.
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:16:41 PM »
What did you say to your mom to make her do that?

10 bucks says that he came out of the closet and said he wanted to make sweet incestual love to her.

The Flood / Re: Xbox just got thrown out of a window. AMA.
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:14:43 PM »
How badly would you rage if that hard drive was destroyed?

The Flood / Re: What would you do?
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:12:13 PM »
Wouldn't let her in. Ask if he has a weapon. Tell her to keep by the front door. Stay close by and grab a weapon, while waiting for any sign of trouble.

No matter the face, people can and will be assholes. How do I know she's not trying to get into my house with a simple ploy? The best thing to do would be to wait and see with my own eyes the person that's after her, and then make the call. Of course, for all I know, the damn thing could be a setup anyway with a designated actor in a part to play. Guess at that point there'd be nothing you could do though but roll with things.

The Flood / Re: Ask me anything, and I HAVE to answer truthfully
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:05:22 PM »
What happened to the good old days where kids like you would get the shit beaten out of them?

Ironically, it has to do with what he said. People being too sensitive.

The Flood / Re: Would you give "Self-Driving" cars a chance?
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:52:16 PM »
I feel like all this self driving car tech is going to be met with some heavy resistance, and instead will be incorporated into drones and other military equipment if it already hasn't. While you can train a machine to do things perfectly, there's always the problem of "What if?" What if, and ultimately, when will it fail? And the factor that if the technology gained popularity, it would give another means of control that could be abused, and in over a generation or two, people that actually knew how to drive would disappear.

I'm all for making people's lives easier, but when the easy going starts subtracting from what a person can do on their own, then it's a problem. The only thing I'd ever really like to see an autonamous vehicle for is safety reasons. If you were losing control of your car or were drunk, something along those lines, then the vehicle would take control. But never, never in daily usage.

Not to mention the place moves slower than a conga line of fat people at the store while there's only one register open. You go on, see shit from the start of the day, leave, come back a day later and it's still just sitting there.

I think that there's a chance that we'll discover life on a few of the other planetary bodies in our solar system. But in our generation, in terms of intelligent, space faring life? No. For starters, the distance is painfully far, and while there are likely thousands of worlds that can support life, the thing is, our universe is still young. We're in a stage were life can finally develop because of the temperature and the way things function. If any form of life existed in the early stages of the universe, it would be beyond our understanding, and maybe even beyond the physical limits of what we can see and what level of perspective we exist on.

Second, life has shown that in general, it is chaotic. It is violent, and can be aggressive. And, as a species, we are still very much primitive. If there was any space faring species out there that made it beyond their simple roots successfully, and they found us first, there are only two outcomes. The first, and I consider it the least likely, is attack. They walk all over us, take our world as theirs and regard us nothing more than simple animals, in which case, there would be nothing we could do to fight them.

The second, which makes more sense, is that if this species has come so far that they can travel the void of space, those enormous distances, then they likely have thousands, if not tens of thousands of years worth of evolution going for them. For any species to make it that far, they MUST  have evolved beyond their simple, bestial natures and primal instincts, overcame them, and set the shackles free for themselves to the stars beyond. And therefore, that means they would have understanding. They would look at as, and simply see that we haven't yet evolved far enough to overcome what chains us, and therfore, we wouldn't be ready for the responsability of what lays beyond. So their best course of action would simply be to leave us alone.

Might we discover life on other worlds? Yes. Will we contact them in our lifetime? Not a fucking snowballs chance, unless said intelligent life is extremely kind, and tinkers with evolution. And again, looking at the size of the universe around us, snowballs fucking chance.

The Flood / Re: Why can't we just spell phonetically?
« on: August 05, 2014, 12:22:00 PM »
Blame the French for fucking up the English language.

Sure thing pal.

The Flood / Re: Why can't we just spell phonetically?
« on: August 05, 2014, 12:14:19 PM »
letters and words have been divorced from spoken sounds since middle English (thank you Normans) if we decided to fix our language we'd have to create an entirely new alphabet and spelling/grammar rules. Essentially we'd have to build a new language from the ground up.

If J.R. Tolkien could make up the entire elven language for his books, I'm sure a bunch of labcoats could as well. However, the real problem would be teaching everybody.

The Flood / Re: What should the caption be for this picture?
« on: August 05, 2014, 10:26:53 AM »
"We've updated our policies. Your contract is terminated."

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