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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 383384385 386387 ... 390
The Flood / Re: How many alts do you have?
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:41:55 PM »
I guess I'm a bonified white knight then! I have no alts nor am I capable of making them! Which is why I call this place home now.

The Flood / Re: Honest opinion of Uncle Kinder?
« on: August 07, 2014, 04:26:45 PM »
You will be forever known to me as Kinder Surprise. From the bits and pieces that I've seen you can be stubborn to the point of opposing stupidity rivaling the person you're having a slap fight with.

But, at the very least, you don't go out of your way to antagonize folks or start something. You just don't drop the ball when something is started is all. Everybody's got one thing they're always hung up on, so I don't worry about it.

The Flood / Re: Protheans vs The Covenant
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:34:10 PM »
I can see your point. But the Covenant could just do a few strafing attacks with some of their stealth aircraft and wipe out the Prothean ground forces. Then deploy infantry to mop up the rest. And the ships in Halo are honestly overpowered, period. One of those Covenant Assault Carriers is 5 times the size of a Reaper dreadnought, and could probably win in a 1v1 duel against it. The Covenant is a significantly stronger force than the Reapers. All the Reapers would have against the Covenant is their indoctrination.

OP just said no orbital bombardment. Although the space tech of ME is low compared to Halo's there's no doubt that the Protheans ore tough ground fighters. They were high tier compared to the other cycles, and the Reapers were above them, and they managed to hold out for hundreds of years against indoctrination and starships that could just bomb them from orbit.

If this was a ground engagement, I think the Covenant would lose in a war of attrition. As well as the powerful tech they have which could easily contend with covenant small arms weaponry, Protheans were Biotics as well. This would be a LOOOOOOOONG fight.

The Flood / Re: Protheans vs The Covenant
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:39:30 PM »
Small arms.

Small arms which can't do shit in a space battle. The most the Protheans could do would be wage a guerilla war on the ground. In the space battles, they'd be crushed.

No no no! Just think about it. There's an army of a million Protheans on the ground with these assualt rifles. This isn't even counting their heavy weaponry and other stuff. The Reapers took hundreds of years to wipe them out, because even through they were crushed in space early on, they were adaptable. We don't really know what the Protheans had, but in the MEverse, they were leagues ahead of any current cycle for technology. Anywho, back to the point.

I want you to imagine, a million of these rifles aimed at a target. These rifles, when firing, overcharge into a stronger beam. I'd wager that if a million of these rifles were aimed at a low orbiting Covenant ship they might stand a chance at punching a hole through it's shields.

Any Covenant on the ground would get shreked by them.

The Flood / Re: Protheans vs The Covenant
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:24:19 PM »
My money goes on The Covenant. Ships in Halo could obliterate any Mass Effect ship (save for Reapers) effortlessly.

But Protheans have particle beam weaponry that recharges on it's own indefinitely.


The Flood / Re: What are you doing?
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:12:37 PM »

Multi tasking.

The Flood / Re: I'm male enough...
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:01:23 PM »

Keep it up, you'll be in charge one day.

What do you think that funny smile was?

For my size, and apparent strength, I'm very, very laid back about things. So, when he's having trouble with something, moving something or so on, and I come over and pick it up and haul it around like nothing, it's funny to him. For how laid back I am people just don't expect that from me. I'm a stocky kind of guy, and don't have any visible muscle, but it's there. And, we've got our inside jokes going too. I'm the tall guy, he's the short guy. I reach up high over the clouds, he reaches down low to the stuff I can't pick up on the floor.

The Flood / Re: I'm male enough...
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:43:33 AM »

Every now and again I catch myself challenging myself with heavy objects. Usually, I'm very sensible about taking care of myself, and I've heard one too many stories of guys screwing themselves over in the later years because they let their macho man randy savage type deal play with their heads too much. But, once in a blue moon, I take a look at something, and there's just a wee little voice. "Ah come on, give it a try."

Most of the time I'm right, but still manage to surprise myself. Couple days ago me and a friend needed to move some power poles laying on the ground, and I got that little voice in my head. I took it up on the offer, wrapped my arms around all three poles, and lifted them up while my friend backed his truck up and I set them down in the box. No hassle, and a funny smile was given to me by my pal on that day.

The Flood / Re: Join the party! :D
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:35:08 AM »
All ya'll showing up now are really fucking late. This was a party last night.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I ask you anything
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:33:17 AM »
Sandtrap- do you consider Fallout 4 will become the new Half-Life 3?

Valve has the luxury of time on their hands. They own Steam, likely a massive source of income for them. They aren't really in a rush to make much for games, as all they really need to do is pitch in with games as a publisher, do community stuff, and they can surf on money. One day they'll feel like making a game and maybe we'll see Half-Life 3, maybe we wont.

But the current holders of Fallout, Bethesda and their extensions, don't have that luxury. Eventually, they'll have to do something before their money well starts to dry. So eventually, we'll see Fallout 4. It might not be called Fallout 4, but in due time, we'll see a fallout with a new coat of paint eventually. If anything, they're probably working on it for the xbone since in a few years the 360 will be out of service.

Well, depending on your age, you might not get the noose. Just a slap on the wrist. Maybe community service or something.

The Flood / Re: Honest opinion of Noelle
« on: August 07, 2014, 08:42:20 AM »
Never really talked to ya in any regard, so I can't say much other than what I've bumped into. There's enough of things going both ways that I just leave things neutral.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I ask you anything
« on: August 07, 2014, 08:22:20 AM »

The Flood / Re: Ask Vien Anything...
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:22:03 AM »
I have been to all 50 states by the age of fourteen. If I lacked the cash, I am sure he would contribute.

Guess I'm just fucking poor then lol.

Meta is interesting in that he provides the perspective workings of a supposed sociopath, a unique window and set of experiences to remember.

Noelle is interesting because she provides a perspective and window into trans-gendered people. For the environment I live in, this is a rare thing.

Vien is Vien.

Psychologist, although I haven't talked with him in a long time, can provide insights into his particular field.

Overall, I find most people interesting, so long as they act themselves and be free with their thoughts, and don't put up a facade. Everybody has a story to tell, and for that I am happy to listen.

The Flood / Re: Ask Vien Anything...
« on: August 06, 2014, 11:59:14 PM »
If you are implying that the treatment has the possibility of killing me, I would rather spend my remaining time with my mate. My current goal involves taking him to various locations I have already visited, since he has not experienced much in life.

Two years is a short time to make the money to travel so far, even in your home country. Let's hope ya'll are good hitchhikers!

The Flood / Re: What would you do with an Orgasmatron?
« on: August 06, 2014, 11:55:26 PM »
Hone my sniping skills with it. Assassinate presidential figures and leaders's reputations with it.

But first, stealth shots on some of the stuck up people in my town.

The Flood / Re: Ask Vien Anything...
« on: August 06, 2014, 11:53:25 PM »
Let's say you go to the doc's one day, and you find out that you have an illness that will kill you. There is treatment, but what you have is strong enough that the success rate is astronomically low. You have roughly two years before you die, and in that time, your health will begin to deteriorate. What do you do?

Gaming / Re: For like the two people that play Dark Souls
« on: August 06, 2014, 11:44:06 PM »
Wait, so could the time displacement explain why some of the locations don't line up properly? Like the Iron Keep and Earthen Peak?

That could very well be. In fact, what if Iron Keep is in the same location as the Earthen Peak, but over the millenia the lava receded as the keep sunk, the land dried the Earthen peaks took it's place?

Gaming / Re: For like the two people that play Dark Souls
« on: August 06, 2014, 01:55:43 PM »
I think they are in the same location but due to the time displacement the landmass has changed. There are clues in certain areas that they are in the same location,

There's some interesting lore videos on it.

See, that's the strange thing about it. We don't really know what happens when the first flame is sparked again. Does the land and everything else magically re-form over the dead kingdom? Does life slowly return over the course of thousands of years?

The one hole in this is Heide's kingdom. Because if it was a sudden magical reset, then the old lords would vanish. And if it was a slow change and recovery, it still wouldn't fit because the remaining deity's fled Lordran entirely.

The Flood / Re: Should I do an AMA?
« on: August 06, 2014, 01:50:22 PM »

One AMA is fine. But having the front page filled with them isn't. Stop turning the mods into this.

The Flood / Re: AMA gang style
« on: August 06, 2014, 01:35:41 PM »

I don't know what to do so all I'm going to do is spin.

The Flood / Re: If you had superpowers
« on: August 06, 2014, 01:29:50 PM »
Most likely anti-hero. I try to be nice to folks as much as I can, but whatever power was dished out to me, and assuming I was suddenly dumped into the "hero role," I would end up making choices and taking actions that others likely wouldn't deem right.

The Flood / Re: I will also answer any question with TOTAL honesty
« on: August 06, 2014, 12:26:04 PM »
There's an invasion of your country. The enemy has made landfall and your state or province is about to fall under attack. What do you do? What's your big game plan?

Serious / Re: Give me one good reason not to convert to Sikhism
« on: August 06, 2014, 10:37:58 AM »
>implying religions have any worthwhile values

You take aspects and teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism, and you're pretty well off. Both teach aspects of the self, while attempting to teach harmony. Hinduism, a little bit less so, but regardless, not all religions are as blatently retarded as the practices of the west.

The Flood / Re: What would be considered your 'dream job?'
« on: August 06, 2014, 10:33:59 AM »
If I could find a job to make use of my writing, I'd be happy. But I'd do it from home. Making money, while at home is best job.

The Flood / Re: You guys are missing out on
« on: August 06, 2014, 10:31:43 AM »

The Flood / Re: Where is my respect or whatever?
« on: August 06, 2014, 10:28:45 AM »
You and your sniper...

Your thread is sniper.

The Flood / Re: Where is my respect or whatever?
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:50:03 AM »

I will find your respect!

Serious / Re: Give me one good reason not to convert to Sikhism
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:38:27 AM »
How about you just take a look at the values of the religion, take what you like from it, and go about your business instead?

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