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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: The meaning of life -- ANSWERED
« on: August 14, 2014, 03:08:07 AM »
This isn't about money. It's about the fact that your only measure of worth to society is what you bring to it. You could be the richest fucker on the planet, but if you're not bringing anything to the table, you're worth nothing to society.

And here's the cherry on top. Society means nothing. What am I bringing to society? Nothing. Because society doesn't care. Society is simply the product of numbers. Society was Humans banding together to do what they couldn't do alone. Essentially, the weak using their numbers to become strong. And it shows. Scientifically proven that the larger our numbers become in an area, the lower the intelligence of the entire group becomes.

And this is why we have wars, and religion, and a capitalistic society. Because at the top of the board, are people pulling the strings. And they can lead everybody around as they please. They could run everyone to their deaths and the crowd wouldn't even see it.

You know who really got things done? The thinkers. The outcasts. The people alone in their intelligence who were shunned in their age,  scoffed at and mocked. And, years later, long after they were gone, suddenly, they were right. The crowds finally caught up, like that one fat kid in gym class.

Society does not care about what you can bring to the table, and it never did, and it never will. Society, as a whole, will never return what you give. All it ever accomplished was two things.

1. It allowed those who couldn't do things on their own to flourish, contributing to the great effect that we know as mob mentality, dulling and diluting the intelligence of people so much that today, there's almost a line, a barrier, a class. Those at the bottom who turn the gears williingly, and those at the top who give the orders and control everything.

2. Make a bigger target for trouble. The bigger the footprint, the easier you are to spot. Every great empire we've ever made fell for one sole reason. It was too big in someone's eyes. What's the first thing any of our nukes target if they're launched? Population centers.

Society has little to give in return but in favor asks for your life and more. No sir, you've always been worth little to society, because society was founded off the numbers of people who couldn't do anything.

The Flood / Re: The meaning of life -- ANSWERED
« on: August 14, 2014, 02:47:43 AM »
Na. While money can bring you a lot of material things, there's a cost. There's always a cost. In order to climb so far up the ladder, your life has to be devoted to it. Your time, your mind, everything, must live and breath money. How much are you making? How much will you lose to gain more? How much will you gamble on things?

And when you're a crumbling old man, your life will suddenly revisit you. The years spent as your kids slipped by. Divorces with people who never really loved you. The strain of all those years, fighting day in and day out to stay at the top. And then, you realize it. You're going to die. You're going to die, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. No money in the world will allow you to cheat fate.

And suddenly, you begin to wonder, what if? What if you had gone out and done that one thing you always wanted to learn? What if you paid attention to your kids so they weren't spoiled brats that couldn't give a fuck about you because you were never there? What if, you had taken a simpler way instead?

I've seen it happen. I see it on their faces, on their bodies. They grow old, and miserable. They twist themselves out of shape and let their bodies go to ruin. Their family is practically non existent. But hey, at least they have money right?


From the day we created it, money has been a cancer. The lives wasted in pursuit of a meaningless number, something that never did, and never will hold any true value. Give me a hundred thousand dollars and drop me off in the middle of the woods, in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't even start a fire with it because it's not even fucking paper anymore.

Take the land I grew up on. It's still in my family. But I, nor would anybody else ever sell it, for any price. The memories made there, are priceless, both good and bad. We buried our dead there. The work, the achievements, the simple act of shaping the land to be what we wanted it to be outweighs anything any of the billionaires ever made for themselves.

Money, is a necessity in today's world. But it's not the answer. Nor is it a solution to all your problems, only those that require money. And even then, what you can achieve with money, you can achieve with your own two hands by yourself.

Money, while it can be fun to spend, the sole purpose it was made for, comes with a cost. And the cost is your life. Your time and effort, the years spent in the state required to spend, grow, and consume, more and more until you reach the top.

To me, that's worthless. I would rather spend 10 years crafting a boat by hand, by myself, then working 10 years in that trap, and buying a multi million dollar boat with the snap of a finger. Because what I would gain and experience in those 10 years of working and shaping my own boat, my own dream, will always be infinitely better than what that money could ever provide.

The Flood / Re: WHY?!
« on: August 14, 2014, 01:19:51 AM »

Serious / Re: What do you predict to happen to Africa in the future?
« on: August 14, 2014, 12:56:29 AM »
China is still going to keep pushing for farmland that the government sells out from under the feet of it's citizens. Citizens revolt, take over, China gets pissed, rolls on in, nobody says a fucking word because it's China.

The Flood / Re: Okay here's one for you
« on: August 13, 2014, 08:12:44 PM »
I've got no upper body strength whatsoever, but I can run pretty fast so I think I'll be OK.

You gobba go fast.

The Flood / Re: Okay here's one for you
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:33:07 PM »

The Flood / Re: Okay here's one for you
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:31:41 PM »
Oh, if it's 50-60 pounds each, then I could do it definitely. May as well drag myself across a block.


50-60 sounds too light for a utility pole. You sure you got your conversions right?

I am unaware of the type of pole so I can't accurately gauge their weight, so all I can really do is compare them to other stuff I've moved before. Those pole ends were easily in the 40-50 pound range. Even the shortest utility pole comes in at 30 feet long, the smallest weighing somewhere around 700 pounds and the largest being up to a ton. You take a 30 foot pole and cut it in half, leaving the heavy end which has more weight than the front, and I could easily see them being weighing what I totaled up. By all means my guesstimates probably aren't on the spot, but close.

The Flood / Re: Okay here's one for you
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:25:33 PM »
You cannot pick three of those up. Bullshit. I am sure you can pick up three of these power pole things you are talking about, but they are nothing like a wooden telephone pole, I can assure you.

Depends on which end I have. They weren't the full length either. Trimmed down to about 12-13 feet long. The heavy ends were disposed of because they were the parts most affected by rot, so we moved only the top parts of the poles. I can't pick up three in the middle and go waltzing down the street, but I can lift three, or drag them standing at the end of them.

I did the math, and those poles would be roughly 40-50 pounds each. I'm sitting somewhere at 180 pounds, and I can almost, just barely lift my own body weight. Putting those utility poles at 40 each would total to 120, which is quite acceptable for the things I've hauled before.

The Flood / Re: Okay here's one for you
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:21:02 PM »
...any idea on about how much each one would weigh?

The average utility pole weighs close to a ton, but if cut down to about 12-13 feet, and depending on whether or not you have the top end or the bottom(which is thicker and heavier) each pole comes to about 40-50 pounds each.

The Flood / Re: Okay here's one for you
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:09:42 PM »
Ah, so just the wooden log part?

Yes sir. Shaved down to about 12 feet long. If you can stand at the end of a pile of these things laying on the ground, pick three of them up in your arms and lift them above your head or pull all three, for about a block or so, then you're probably as strong as I am physically.

The Flood / Re: Okay here's one for you
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:08:01 PM »

The Flood / Re: Okay here's one for you
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:06:07 PM »
Power pole?


You know the wooden telephone line poles?

The Flood / Re: Okay here's one for you
« on: August 13, 2014, 07:01:54 PM »
If I was going to be in a fight to the death, I'd want the situation to be real, as in, a person who was equal or greater than me in strength. I'm already a pacifist for the most as is, and fighting somebody who wasn't on par with me just wouldn't be doable for me. I'd be incapable of striking out at them unless it was self defense.

But somebody who was matched would be better for the adrenaline rush and the need to not only defend, but fight. And, since I don't know anybody here personally, I'm afraid I don't have anybody I can really choose. So I'll just ask a question instead.

Is there anybody else here, who can stand at the end of a pile of power poles, wrap three of them in their arms, and lift them up above their head? Because I think that's the heaviest thing I've ever lifted, and the heaviest thing I've pulled by myself.

Serious / Re: What would you kill for? Die for?
« on: August 13, 2014, 06:41:41 PM »
If friends and family were murdered, I would kill. If they were going to be murdered, but weren't I'd do my best to beat the ever living shit out of their attacker until all they could do was eat from a straw the rest of their life.

I'd die for friends and family if need be, and any and all random passerby if they needed help.

The Flood / Re: Chaos or Order
« on: August 13, 2014, 06:31:07 PM »
Organized chaos.

The Flood / Re: Guys why is the forum so slow?
« on: August 13, 2014, 06:07:26 PM »
What's your story?

That's a good question. I haven't even vaguely felt any inclination of hate towards anybody in a long damn time. Even dislike is a bit of a stretch. In fact it's been so long I don't even remember how far down the road it was that there was one person I really hated. I'd need to do some thinking on that one.

The Flood / Re: Guys why is the forum so slow?
« on: August 13, 2014, 05:55:38 PM »
It's just that there are 24 people online, so I'd expect a lot of activity.

Most folks aren't chatty unless they have something to talk about. My own rule of thumb is, usually not to bother making any threads, and instead just comment when something interesting comes up. There's a few folks around here with the reserved mindset.

The Flood / Re: Guys why is the forum so slow?
« on: August 13, 2014, 05:51:06 PM »
Okay. Lemme think here. You know what gets people talking? Complaining. So, why don't you turn this into a discussion about hands down, the worst person you've ever met.

Who is, without any doubt in your mind, the worst human being you've met in person, and why? We'll swap stories of em.

The Flood / Re: Things that hit you in the feels.
« on: August 13, 2014, 05:42:44 PM »
That one got me good.....

It seems like every single movie he's ever done is now a great irony. A very sad irony. Hell, anything even related to him as a tribute seems like a sad, great irony.


The Flood / Re: Things that hit you in the feels.
« on: August 13, 2014, 05:34:44 PM »

The Flood / Re: Things that hit you in the feels.
« on: August 13, 2014, 05:28:23 PM »

The Flood / Re: Things that hit you in the feels.
« on: August 13, 2014, 05:23:40 PM »



Guess what? I'm didn't put any brakes on this fucking feel train.

This was the last known photo taken of Robin Williams.

The Flood / Re: Things that hit you in the feels.
« on: August 13, 2014, 05:18:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: Two random horses are in my backyard, AMA
« on: August 13, 2014, 01:25:43 PM »
Where the fuck are all the dandelions?

The Flood / Re: Fuck kids
« on: August 13, 2014, 01:24:34 PM »
This is true for many cases. If you're going to have a child; be prepared.

I still can't stand children, though.

Aha, you missed the keyword.

You cant stand other people's children. When you see your own, things change.

The Flood / Re: Fuck kids
« on: August 13, 2014, 01:03:30 PM »

I can't really say I can blame them. I mean look at this smug bastard. He's having fun with things. So while some parent might be blowing a gasket over the fact that little chairman mao up there just splattered the food neccessary to keep his little fat ass alive for the day all over the place, and will probably vomit up what you give him later, and make a big, messy unsanitary mess, at least he's having fun.

With what he'll grow up to be and experience, I'd say the fun he's getting at the expense of a sane parent is deserved. Because when he grows up, part of that element of fun will get destroyed, crushed and snuffed out, forever.

I wouldn't be surprised if little chairman mao the 2nd up there grew up to be a little pudgy, and, naturally, that means every asshole kid on the block will give him shit for it. Or who knows, he might grow up to be an asshole fat kid, or a dictator, or a janitor, who knows.

But you know what I can say for sure? People are assholes, and life can hand you some mean down low blows. But the fun he's having there is something he will only ever experience once, before it's taken away from him. It was something both you and I did once, but not anymore. And it's not a level of simple satisfaction and happiness we can ever achieve again because of the weight of the world on our shoulders and what we've seen and experienced of all the ugliness out there.

So, maybe you're right. Maybe you wouldn't make a good parent. Maybe you'd be the very catalyst, the beginning of that trend in asshole people who will snuff this little fat bastards fun away until there's nothing left and he grows up to be as soulless and empty as the people around him. But hey, you're sensible enough not to go ahead and make one of these little fat bastards right? You spare yourself the trouble that comes with raising one, and in so doing, spare an innocent child a life of mediocrity and unhappiness that you may potentially bring him.

So to that I say,

Rock on little fatty Chairman Mao the 2nd. Keep throwing your fucking food around if it makes you happy. Because one day you won't ever achieve that level of happiness again.

The Flood / Re: Is something wrong with me?
« on: August 13, 2014, 12:42:26 PM »
The brain is an incredibly complex thing, and one little loose connection or setup in a different area can produce all sorts of different results, combined with our own experiences and you get a formula for what makes what that rivals pi in length.

Is it bad? No. Can it be off putting? Sure. But I make a note not to call folks out on things in any regard. Every single person has that one thing. An oddity, a kink, a certain way of going about things that is unique to them. Why would I call one person bad when I myself have traits that others feel are weird, or wrong?

For example, I'm an isolationist. I am perfectly fine in complete isolation, away from contact with anything. And this translates into how I am with people. I am friendly with them in nature, and I have a few close friends, but overall, I still keep my distance. I've never had a partner, nor have I ever sought one. I've had people try to get close to me before, more than just a friend, and I shut them all out. Personally, I don't think I'll ever have kids. I don't think I'll even be married or have any meaningful relationship of that kind, because something just doesn't click for me on that level.

Ironically, even though we all harbour an oddity that others would find strange or wrong, there is no such thing as "normal." Normal is something perceived as a common thing shared between people, but when you look at our staggering numbers, and history itself, my oddity, your oddity, and everyone else's in here, what we have is not entirely unique to us. If something was ever thought of, ever dreamed of, ever made, ever done, that means someone before you already did it. And that means there are other people out there, both in the past, long dead, and now, that have thought of, created, or done something that you have.

Out of 7 billion people spread across the planet, I am not the only one who likes what I like and prefers what I like. The same goes for you, and everybody else in here. In the end, you could say every last one of us is a big, perfectly normal bunch of abnormal humans.

So no, nothing is wrong with ye.

The Flood / Re: Do you have a pipe of wisdom
« on: August 13, 2014, 12:22:52 PM »
It's not a pipe. But to some degree it can facilitate one.

You put glorious food in it, and cook it to perfection, basking in the smell of your glorious creation. I am at peace when I can smell the bread dough cooking, soft and fluffy, laced with dill.

The Flood / Re: The 'moved' threads are really annoying to look at.
« on: August 13, 2014, 12:18:01 PM »

But how will the threads ever succeed if they aren't moved to their right home? You gotta move those gears up!

The Flood / Re: Samus Sketch(New Shading Style)
« on: August 13, 2014, 12:15:33 PM »
I mean, I've been using photoshop and the likes for a little bit, but I can't seem to get it the best I can do is basically my avatar or the banner I made for the first offsite.

Like painting, or drawing, or writing, or anything that you do really, these programs in themselves take time to learn. They are a different field entirely, a whole other subject to work on, study, and learn. You were, or you would be kidding yourself if you think you can just pick these up with no experience and just go, and hope to come out with a masterpiece.

There are so many little tricks to them that can completely change what your composition is or what it looks like. This stuff takes just as much time to learn as any other field, because in itself it is an entire field. Layers, brush types, brush settings, colour modes, flow, opacity, all these things and many more contribute to what your product will be. And if you don't know all those little tricks and shortcuts, then most of the time, what you make will have a very flat look to it.

It can be discouraging, but keep it up. Look at how other people work, watch and study them, and when you're ready to try, off you go.

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