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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: How much do we really own?
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:39:29 PM »
I'd love to kill you right now, but unfortunately I'm a Mongol and I can't get through that Great Wall of China you put up.

Did you try walking around the wall?

The Flood / Re: How much do we really own?
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:36:10 PM »
Humans put larger meaning into things.

Quite the opposite really. We can't seem to look at the bigger picture. In fact we put so much meaning into things that are otherwise trivial and pointless, useless as a whole, that when you stand back and look at things there's a lot of stupid shit out there.

For example, let's look at a grudge. One person hates another. But they never do anything about it. They let it sit and fester, and work themselves up internally as the person they hate so very much isn't even touched by it. They might not even have any inclination whatsoever that you hate them.

That grudge, that hate, is a meaning to the one who holds it. But in reality, it is largely useless.

The Flood / How much do we really own?
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:29:39 PM »
Little dusty old thought that popped up a while back, but first, I'd like to give credit where credit is due. At some point on Bungie.blind, there was a discussion somewhere about something, and Meta Cognition brought up a very interesting point, which surfaced again in the last few days in my thoughts.

Let's say you own a truck, or a car that you're fond of. You want to keep it. You enjoy it, and take care of it, and keep it all through a major portion of your life. But, eventually, like everything, your vehicle will break, and you'll need to replace it.

So here's what I ask. What makes your vehicle, yours? At first glance it might be the vehicle as a whole in it's entirety. But something happens when you fix your vehicle up or tune it. You remove parts of it. So suddenly, as a whole, your vehicle grows a little smaller. While it is replaced with new parts that are largely identical, those parts are undeniably different from the originals.

And now we can take things a step further. What about your body? Every year or so, every last atom that makes up your body is lost, and then replaced. The only part of you that remains intact are your thoughts. Everything else phases out, and phases back in again.

So with this in mind, I ask, what does it mean to really own something? From a traditional standpoint, owning something means that it is yours, and yours alone, to do with as you please. You can fix it, break it, modify it, put love into it, whatever. But this particular thing alone is yours.

But if we look at what I said above, technically you never own anything. You don't even have control over it. Because the original no longer exists, and the present form of what you hold always changes. And if we bring entropy into things, and the fact nothing is ever truly a carbon copy of itself down at the atomic level, then what you "own" will eventually degrade until even the physical form it once held no longer exists. But, at the same time, the individual atoms that made up your special something are never lost, and repurposed into new things.

So either we own nothing, because of the fact that the original copy of what we own is always lost and dispersed forever, or we own everything, because everything has a piece of something else in it that you, at some point in your life interacted with.

From a physical standpoint, we measure what we own based off of physical things. The fact that we crafted it, or used money to buy it, or we defend it, or even take it, or a piece of paper says that something is yours. When in reality we have no true say in things other than the perspective view we exist on.

But I'm curious. If you read through all that, then keep it in your head, and try to answer this. To you, with that knowledge in hand of what I just put up above, what does it really mean to own something?

The Flood / Re: I keep stalling my fucking car
« on: August 26, 2014, 03:58:26 PM »
Looks like you need to do some fiddling!

The Flood / Re: I just gotta tell you, though, it's my thing...
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:19:44 AM »
Are you going to turn into something like a serial killer, except maybe without the killing? Abduct people and then feed them until they become fat, and then deliver them to the police on a fat scooter as your calling card?

People will know you as, The Diabetes Killer. You kill slowly by feeding your victims too much sugary things.

The Flood / Re: How would you rather die?
« on: August 26, 2014, 09:32:31 AM »
Me and anything hot don't go well. I touch pans and shit that are practically lukewarm for everybody else any my skin burns off. So fuck vegetable oil. At least with stones if I got sacked hard enough in the noggin I'd be out for the whole experience.

The Flood / Re: Do you like cold weather?
« on: August 26, 2014, 09:26:47 AM »
Considering I live in freezing weather for 7-8 months of the year, no, I'm not a fan of it. But I am quite resistant to it, it seems. It's late August and two days ago in the early morning we hit only 5 degrees above 0. So for Americans that's 37 degrees. Winter is going to show up on our doorstep with a sledgehammer in hand and a sack of frozen puppies to beat us with this year I think. Give it another week and we'll have frosts.

The Flood / Re: Elegiac's Guide to Privilige
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:37:54 PM »
Fuck you I have canadian spiderman.

The Flood / Re: It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:35:38 PM »

I dun wana talk.

We'll go out and have a drink then.

The Flood / Re: Post crush stories
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:31:42 PM »
So, there's this girl.

At band camp.

Gaming / Re: Halo 2 Anniversary Delta Halo Gameplay + 20 New Screenshots
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:31:18 PM »
>Click on video
>Close tab

He doesn't say a word.

The Flood / Re: It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:27:36 PM »
my feet hurt 'cos I went for a walk for 2 hours

You either need new shoes or a fat scooter.

Go for both to win the gold medal.

The Flood / Re: Is your online personality the same as irl?
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:23:56 PM »
The only difference between here and the physical world outside is that I'm quiet.

The Flood / Re: It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:20:30 PM »
That's not what fey means..

It was a typo. What he really meant was feg.

The Flood / Re: It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:19:57 PM »
Free hugs for anyone!

I call dibs on Mc Hugs A Lot Jr.

The Flood / Re: It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:19:25 PM »
Don't care. I need stuff to do. Stuff stuff stuff stuff ^_^

I hope you don't mind being on the eve of winter. In a week or so the frosts are going to hit us and all the rain we're getting will be snow. Pack you snowsuits amigo!

The Flood / Re: It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:14:41 PM »

You know if I take those three letters and switch them around like this
, you sound pretty cheery right about now.

The Flood / Re: It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:13:02 PM »
I've tried shaving, waxing, plucking, nair, and veet.

Nothing works.

Take chainsaw, lob off what you don't want. For just two easy steps you too can be as beautiful as the girl next door or the model superstars on TV!

The Flood / Re: It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:11:50 PM »
OP is butthurt.

My ass feels fine.

The Flood / Re: It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:09:16 PM »

The Flood / Re: It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:05:10 PM »
So I'm looking for pills that will help reduce my body hair and give me curves, but I don't want boobs.  I'm also trying to buy models, but the freaking shipping from Japan is just as much as what I wanna buy.  And I also gotta get more underwear tomorrow.  So I dunno.

Have you tried the chainsaw approach?

The Flood / Re: It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:02:43 PM »
Can we trade lives for a few days?

If you feel like pissing around inside a bus and cutting shit up as well as hauling firewood for the next week or so before the frosts come, be my guest. You get the body switcher, I'll press the button.

The Flood / It's been a long day, let's talk for a bit
« on: August 25, 2014, 11:00:26 PM »
I drove around to the far off towns for about 3 hours, ripped out and disposed of 40 bus seats, hauled 50 old iron tractor tire weights, set them up, moved them around, and dug the ground under them to make them level. I am tired.

But tonight, there is still some work to be done. So, while I have access to the internet on this shitty old computer for the few minutes the computer remains active, let's talk for a bit shall we? Talk about whatever you want. Ask away, yell and scream, whatever. But keep my mind going.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls thread.
« on: August 22, 2014, 07:05:26 PM »
Soul Memory is an awful mechanic, but by PVPing at level 280, you really are just a part of the problem. I don't have a single build over 130-150. Where's the fun in not limiting yourself?

Because I can't co-op with anybody on New Game + because they all went shooting up in levels like a bunch of big smelly willies. I pvp on the side for the most part.

The Flood / Re: hypothetical
« on: August 22, 2014, 11:58:57 AM »
Oh suck the air out of my artificial lungs baby.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Complain about your life
« on: August 22, 2014, 11:56:54 AM »

I swear you are one optimistic motherfucker after all the shit you go through.

Things can be ugly, and by all means everybody has the right to be upset. But everybody's got the power to change that. On the plus side, on the day that it happened, I was out and about working, and successfully offloaded an old school bus with my friend without using a crane or tractor that was used to lift the thing onto the trailer in the first place. We used logs, a truck, a few jacks, and some good old fashioned manpower to move it.

Now my sister has a greenhouse once we rip all the seats out and do a little work on it, and a free structural base to add additions on plus a structure that will never fall apart.

Take the bad days when they come, but learn to leave them behind and keep putting one foot in front of the other is all you got's to do. And, on the bright side, all the stuff that got fried will eventually be replaced with shiny new upgraded stuff. But I know I'm going to make damn sure that I keep an eye out on the age of surge protectors in the future.

You know, you still didn't answer your own question. I still want to know how many cancer patients it takes to change a ligjtbulb, whatever the hell that is.


The Flood / Re: ITT: Complain about your life
« on: August 22, 2014, 11:42:22 AM »
Two days ago we had a big thunderstorm roll in. The kind that brought hail and confirmed tornado touchdowns with it. I guess either the surges that hit our stuff were packing too much of a jolt or some of our supposedly surge protected bars were elderly, because we lost a lot of shit. All three computers downstairs, our debit machine, our router, our modem, a fridge, and half the lights in the building are completely shot.

The only things that were spared was the upstairs computer, the tv and my beloved xbox alongside my labtop which wasn't plugged in at the time.(Thank fucking christ)

So now I have to figure out how to fix and replace all this broken shit, move it, dismantle it, and buy the new replacements for everything and then install everything. Gonna buy some brand sparkly fucking new surge protectors too. Put surge protectors on the surge protectors.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls thread.
« on: August 22, 2014, 11:34:21 AM »
You know, I enjoy Souls II. The campaign is fun, co-op is fine, and to some extent, the pvp is okay. But the more I play pvp, the less I want to. From really needs to get their shit in gear on that and balance some shit.

They built their pvp on the basis of New Game +, which was a bad move. They hid all the good shit on higher New Games, made invasion rates higher, and made everything in New Game + more pvp friendly. But they didn't realize something which should have been so damn obvious from the start.

Because of soul memory, capping yourself is useless. So what that means is, the higher level you go, all you'll see is the same shit over and over. The gameplay style is reminiscent of what happens to play-doh when you think you're going to make rainbow play-doh by mixing all the colours together and instead you just get a big grey blob. Every player and their grandmother uses the same buffs, the same armour, the same weapons, and every fucking pvp fight turns into what inconsistency happens to who first.

And that's the other problem. PvP just isn't fucking consistent. I met a player yesterday, who threw one black firebomb at me and took out a quarter of my health. I couldn't roll them, and he just used his free win button because there was fuck all I could do. So, I was curious, because a few weeks back, when I was bored, I started chucking urns and bombs at people as a joke because at the most they did 38 damage. So I asked him what level he was to be doing so much fucking damage to me. Surely he had to be way higher than me right?

I'm currently level 280. He was level 315. I mean fucking seriously? You're telling me that a gap in levels that fucking small results in a black firebomb I threw doing 38-50 damage at most while his did fucking 500? It's this type of stupid fucking inconsistent bullshit, along with all the high level metas and the community's currently shitty fucking attitude about pvp that make me just want to drop everything and leave.

Do you really expect me to win when I'm fighting somebody who's got every buff under the sun, and crystal magic on a dagger that has the range of the demon spear from the first souls that could two shot me, when the free hitsies mechanic is active and I'm using a fucking napkin hammer that does a whopping 680 points of nothing for damage because it's not buffed or magiclly enhanced?

Do you really expect me to have any fucking fun when I'm wearing havels gear and am in mid swing and some jolly cunt with a fucking dagger breaks my swing because of how fucking random LOLpoise is? Or how about we reverse the tables and I smash a napkin character wearing nothing but underwear upside the head with a hammer but he's able to out stunlock me and his swings aren't broken?

God fucking dammit this inconsistent shit put alongside a fucking community that only plays to two shot you, alongside lame ass metas pisses me right the fuck off some days.

I'd consider turning all my profiles into sunbros for the jolly co-op but then I realized From was too fucking busy nerfing every god damn miracle under the sun into wet napkins while buffing and catering to all the magic buffing, spell flinging cunts instead.

GG no RE From.

The Flood / Re: Fingertip Knives vs Wrist Blades
« on: August 20, 2014, 01:45:15 PM »
Seeing as I'm not a crime fighting nutjub in tights, the finger blades would be more practical for typical, daily use, such as cutting food, climbing things, or easily unhooking a chick's bra.

I don't think you saw what I posted compatriot. You couldn't climb shit with finger blades. OP said nothing about what kind of metal the blades are made out of, so for all intents and purposes, we're not talking adamantium.

Cutting stuff? Finger blades work fine. But for climbing and more physical aspect they're pretty shitty. And, don't forget, you'd need to be pretty dextrous to use them. A hell of a lot more chances to stab yourself with finger blades over knuckle blades.

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