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Messages - Sandtrap

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Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 12, 2014, 12:05:48 AM »
"Everything I have accomplished in my life will have been for naught, as well as everything else I also strive for. I have selfish desires, too. I want to have a little bit of a legacy here, as futile as that really is. I still want it, because I'm a human. Killing myself would be fruitless and it would do no good."

Very much on the contrary. Everything we do, down to the smallest action or inaction, has a consequence. And, when applied into a sequence of events and interlaced with everybody else's inactions and actions, it becomes something too large to track, untraceable and illogically massive. But if you knock one event out of place in time, everything would be different.

It might not be hugely noticeable, but there would be ripples in the fabric of everything, changing the fine details as a result. For a second, let's say you have kids, and you pass on, kick the bucket, curtains close. You say your accomplishments will mean nothing? Not so. What about the people around you? What of your kids, and what you taught them?

Your values, your triumphs and failures, everything you do will affect somebody, which will in turn influence how things turn out, which will in turn lead down a certain path of a series of events because of your interactions with others.

From the scale of the universe, as a single entity, our lifespan, our goals, and everything we are is almost non existent. But, when added up over the course of time, every last one of our actions is important.

Serious / Re: Ask an anti-natalist anything.
« on: September 11, 2014, 11:53:25 PM »
I'm a sort bit of fuck twirled in my head at the moment, but basically, taking a peek through things, an anti-nationalist is someone who's not on board the train of creating kids via reproduction. And that in essence, leads to extinction unless said race finds a way to become immortal.

So, I ask, why such a self defeating belief? Why put an end to things through the starvation of the gene pool and reduction of generations?

What purpose is there to that? You and I, and in general, the majority of everything on this planet has evolved to reproduce and continue the line of our species for as long as we are able to. We don't know the reason why, and where it will all lead, but the fact that it exists like this must mean something. So in that regard, why take up a mantle that is conflicting and self destroying in the face of what comes naturally?

The Flood / Re: If you were a shezzarine on the moon doing drugs
« on: September 11, 2014, 11:24:21 PM »

I remember missing a solid month and a half of school. Nothing interesting had transpired upon my return.

Serious / Re: Ask a psychopath anything
« on: September 11, 2014, 11:21:17 PM »
What's your view on money? I mean that as in, how much value do you place on it, and how much of your time and life would you spend trying to pursue it, if at all?

« on: September 11, 2014, 06:10:06 PM »

The Flood / Re: -waits-
« on: September 11, 2014, 02:28:10 PM »

The Flood / Re: -waits-
« on: September 11, 2014, 02:20:11 PM »
Is that a piece of bacon? Fuck that, I'm takin' bacon.

The Flood / Re: Funniest Movies
« on: September 11, 2014, 02:16:40 PM »

We can't forget the many Monty Python movies out there. Very different sense of humor those folks had.
I just realized not only do you look like The Dude you could also make a very convincing Silent Bob from Clerks.

The benefits of shaving your beard a bit. Boom, just like that, whole nother cosplay.
The real question is, who is your Jay?

You know, there's a friend of mine who's taller than I am. Blonde hair too. If he grew it out we could easily do some duo-tatic cosplay.

The Flood / Re: Does anybody else seriously respect astronauts?
« on: September 11, 2014, 02:11:52 PM »
What? You're not going to thank all the people that made it possible for them to go up there in the first place?

The Flood / Re: Funniest Movies
« on: September 11, 2014, 02:10:32 PM »

We can't forget the many Monty Python movies out there. Very different sense of humor those folks had.
I just realized not only do you look like The Dude you could also make a very convincing Silent Bob from Clerks.

The benefits of shaving your beard a bit. Boom, just like that, whole nother cosplay.

The Flood / Re: Funniest Movies
« on: September 11, 2014, 02:08:25 PM »

We can't forget the many Monty Python movies out there. Very different sense of humor those folks had.

The Flood / Re: Can I say something about 9/11?
« on: September 11, 2014, 01:56:02 PM »
You know, there's something that comes to mind here when I read this. And it's kind ofhard to put a starting point down on it. But let's see if I can. It has to do with cause and effect in a way. What I mean is, if you swapped something out of time, and event, or a specific person, something else would eventually step in to fill it's shoes.

If something exists, anything at all, then that means it will exist again. It will happen again, at some point in time. For example, let's take Hitler, since he's such a good person to hate on. Let's just say we knocked him over and out of the equation suddenly. Maybe Germany wouldn't have been all dammicky for a second world war. Maybe they would have. But in all likelyhood, another person, somewhere, at some point in time would have likely stepped in and the events that occured because of Hitler would play out, albiet in a somewhat different form.

This is why I don't ever "hate" political figures, or even events, because if that person suddenly went missing, or that event never happened, regardless, eventually something would fill it's shoes and I would hate them all the same.

So in this point, you are right. Maybe the West not being dammicky would have changed things. It might not have. But, in some form or another, this conflict would have arisen just the same, albeit with a few details in different order.

But, it also raises another point. People can blame the states for what happened. But that doesn't change the here and now. And it never will. So rather then waste time and potential efforts on energy on laying blame, it's best to just move onwards and forwards with the present.

The Flood / Re: Preferred Pizza Crust
« on: September 11, 2014, 01:17:59 PM »
I hate pizza.

But glorious pizza is mostly red, communist's favorite colour.

The Flood / Re: Eulogy for the Nameless
« on: September 11, 2014, 01:10:35 PM »
Sucks you had to watch it die, but eh what're you gonna do.

Send the SPCA off to the property that I got the cat from. Get them to spay and fix up all the sick cats. Tell them to send the owner the bill in the mail as a christmas present.

Boot his fucking ass out of my home and work place if he ever shows up.

Royally fuck up the owner's reputation around the area, which is already bad to begin with. I've seen his place and know how he lives. When there's trouble, nobody's going to give him a hand. Karma.

Gaming / Re: Is the Kinect really necessary with XB1?
« on: September 11, 2014, 12:50:34 PM »
Hmm, now I actually wonder something. Would my ancient fucking TV actually support a kinect? Would it even support the Juan? I remember with the 360, there were cables for HD and my old heaper doesn't have that, so I left them out and everything wis still okay.
All you need is an HDMI port, that is the only way you can hook up the Xbox One. The Kinect hooks into your Xbox One.

Yeppers. Fuck me sideways. Buying a Juan is going to cost me roughly a house or my truck then. I don't have that kind of money to spend.

Gaming / Re: Is the Kinect really necessary with XB1?
« on: September 11, 2014, 12:47:46 PM »
Hmm, now I actually wonder something. Would my ancient fucking TV actually support a kinect? Would it even support the Juan? I remember with the 360, there were cables for HD and my old heaper doesn't have that, so I left them out and everything wis still okay.
Nope. All of the next gen consoles require a HDMI port.

Oh joy. So my price total of 8 or 9 hundred bucks for a Juan now fucking skyrockets to several thousand. Now I definitely can't afford that shit.

The Flood / Re: Eulogy for the Nameless
« on: September 11, 2014, 10:31:19 AM »
Friends die, things go wrong. It's life.

Is it horrible? Yes. What you wrote is beautiful, but at the same time you're wallowing in self pity. The cat wasn't. The cat used its last bit of energy to explore and show appreciation for your care. Be glad. This should be something that teaches you that misery gets you nothing. Be like the cat. He taught you something not many humans can.

Oh believe me I'm well aware that letting misery get the best of you leads nowhere. The fact that I woke up this morning, the fact that I'm still here this morning, is a testament to it. But this time of year, this isn't something I can fight well. This isn't a depression that's set in because of me. I can keep that one at bay. But this one, is environmental. And I can't change that until winter rolls in.

It's been too much lately. Too many troubles to work and worry on, and never enough time to fix all of it. But just because I'm deeply depressed doesn't mean there's something in there that will keep me going. I'll do what I've always done. One foot in front of the other. If I could push through the depression I had a few years ago, bring myself back from the edge, and I did it alone, then surely, I can keep going this time around, with the company of friends at my side.

The Flood / Re: Eulogy for the Nameless
« on: September 11, 2014, 09:55:10 AM »
This is why books have teasers on the back, sometime you don't have time to read a 350 page novel.

And sometimes, it's good to just pick a random book and jump in. You might surprise yourself one day with what you find.

The Flood / Re: Venting thread
« on: September 11, 2014, 09:06:35 AM »
I wrote what I needed to. I said my goodbyes. I walked in the night to see if I could find some semblence of purpose once more. And then I came home. And, now, here I sit, in the early morning, against the grey skies and the drab world. I face a lot of problems ahead, and despite my stubborness over the years, I think, that no matter how hard I'm going to try, I won't succeed regardless. When I look at my future I see nothing. No meaning, no directive, no goal, no love of anything.

And, as always, just like I was before, I'm terrified of potentially coming to that crossroads. A life not lived well and the sudden realization of all the failures through the years. Despite this, I'm going to keep going. But as it stands right now, I see no light at the end of the tunnel.

Gaming / Re: Is the Kinect really necessary with XB1?
« on: September 11, 2014, 08:51:37 AM »
Hmm, now I actually wonder something. Would my ancient fucking TV actually support a kinect? Would it even support the Juan? I remember with the 360, there were cables for HD and my old heaper doesn't have that, so I left them out and everything wis still okay.

The Flood / Re: Never Forget
« on: September 11, 2014, 08:39:52 AM »

Thank you based Bush.

The Flood / Re: Would you ever sell out your country?
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:44:35 PM »
The land I set foot upon is a quiet corner of the world. It may be plain, and it's people can be retarded, but I wouldn't trade it for anywhere else in the world. So if there was an invasion upon the land I call home, I would fight to defend it, and keep the peace that is so hard to find in other corners of the world.
Yeah, although I think that Canada is even more retarded than the US, I would rather defend a country like Canada than the US cause Canada knows how to keep to its own business.

All of our woes stem from glorious Prime Minister, Steven Harper. Dethrone him and put somebody decent up, and perhaps, in due time, we may see good change.

The Flood / Re: Would you ever sell out your country?
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:39:10 PM »
The land I set foot upon is a quiet corner of the world. It may be plain, and it's people can be retarded, but I wouldn't trade it for anywhere else in the world. So if there was an invasion upon the land I call home, I would fight to defend it, and keep the peace that is so hard to find in other corners of the world.

The Flood / Re: How many of you can write well?
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:36:21 PM »
If I was consistent, and I could write anything not at the pace of a snail, I'd sign up. But, sadly, I make a shitty reviewer I think. I don't play enough games these days to qualify. I'd best stick to what I know, I think.

The Flood / Re: Eulogy for the Nameless
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:46:58 PM »
It... um... it's a cat.

It may have been just a cat. But to me and what I saw, it was more than that. Right now, I have more to deal with besides the passing of a cat. I've gone through many cats over the years. Some of old age, some of horrible maulings, and some just had bad luck. And it hurts when you come to know something and you lose it. But right now, there's so much weighing down on me, and I'm so far down the hole that I'm starting to find myself in dark places again, that I placed a hope in that cat. I saw the will to move, the will to live despite what the world had thrown at it.

And I hoped that it would come through. I knew it would come through. And that was a mistake.

Because that was the last straw. And now I am broken.

The Flood / Eulogy for the Nameless
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:09:18 PM »
You know what? I need to say something. I need to say it because with all the weight that's sitting on me right now, this right here, is fucking eating me from the inside out. And I know some of you, most of you, don't or won't care. "Oh well it's just a cat, life's not fair." Some of you won't even bother to read this upon realizing that I'm writing for a cat. You'll turn and look the other way, and go about your business elsewhere without a second thought. But I'm writing this now, not just for the cat. Because what happened to that cat is a representation of everything wrong with society and people today. There's a good fucking reason why I live in almost total isolation. So, from here on out, I speak in the hopes that you can see through my eyes what I saw.

Just two days ago, I went driving around with my friend. He stopped by anacquaintances place to see how things were going. I use acquaintance very loosely. And as I walked through the grass, lo and behold, on the ground beneath me was a kitten, with it's back turned to us. When I went over to him, he simply turned his head towards the sound as it approached him, and looked up as I called out at him.

And there, on seeing what was wrong with the cat, along with my friend, we asked if we could take the cat. The loose acquaintance said sure thing. My friend could not take the cat, because he himself has no more room for cats. And, admittedly neither do I. But I wouldn't stand around and wait for something to happen. So I picked up that decrepit bundle of fur, sick from his eyes with green shit that blinded his vision entirely, and snot and mucus and blood constantly running from his nose, and I brought him home.

I cleaned out his eyes, and cleaned his nose, bought some tuna, bought some wet catfood, gave him dry food  and water, and did my best to feed him and get him something to drink. None of it worked save for the water. So, I turned the heater on and left the cat in my room with the light on, in that small little cage of his. Every time without fail, when I opened up the door, the first thing the cat did, decripit and sick as he was, was to rush over and try to get out to explore. Now, I had to keep him contained, because I have my own cats too. But for this, I am sorry, and I always will be, because at the time, I didn't recognize it for what it was.

But, in the night, I did recognize one thing. When I turned out the light and tried to sleep, the kitten howled. Clawed at the door and made a fuss. So I turned the light back on. And soon, the fuss stopped. It was the darkness. The dark of the night, the pitch black void of going blind through being sick as your eyes clouded shut and encrusted with bile and toxins. It was terrifying. So I left the light on. And I decided to stay up. I stayed up all night, making noise, poking my fingers through the cage, and letting the cat know that I was there, all night. And in the morning, I stood up, against sleep, and started work in my restuarant. And when the time of day came that business was slow and I could let my mother manage, I set off.

The kitten had ceased activity and remained in the back of the carrier, still as stone. But I checked. And he was indeed alive, and responsive when I called out. But I hurried off to the vets, regardless. And when I arrived at the vets, and they pulled him out, sat him down on a hot pad and wrapped a heated blanket around him, and they cleaned out his eyes from the fresh layer of bile and toxins, something happened. The kitten was neither afraid, nor weary. It wanted to explore, to see and to look. And I stayed with it, rubbed his head and was surprised at how responsive he was. And so I looked down, bringing my eyes up to the damaged remains of his, the kitten moved forwards and climbed my arm, making one final jump onto my shoulders, where it sat there in a bundle until the vet pulled him off for me because I didn't have the heart to.

And then, that was it. It was beyond my control. And the vets took him. And, that was the last time I'd see this cat alive. On the first day, things were okay, still in bad shape, the vets had to force feed him and stick an IV to give him water. But the kitten was active. But I decided that they should keep him overnight, just in case. And, this morning, I got the call from the vet as my wake up to the morning and the day in general. The kitten didn't make it.

And then I understood. The attempts to leave the cage. The howling in the dark. The rubbing of his head on my hand and that one, final jump onto my shoulder. His time was over, and that was it. Yet to despite it's misery, it's diarrhea, its damaged and clogged eyes, its plugged nose, its underweight, starving and dehydrated body, and the ulcers that plauged his mouth and the worms that infested his insides and god only knows what other horrible plagues the cat was bestowed with, all this cat wanted to do was what every kitten at six weeks old did. Explore the  world around it, look and see all the new things to it, and most of all, it wanted someone, something, anything out there to show that it cared.

And so I buried you today. I buried you on the old farm I grew up on, along with all the other animals that have come and gone through my life, and my families life through the years. I pulled what remained of your disease ridden body from the box you were placed in, as you were stone still, curled up as if you were sleeping, and I put you into a hole into the earth, and I buried you. You were six weeks old, weighed barely a pound, and you never had a name.

And for that, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't find you in time. And I'm sorry that I will never be there to give you a life worth living, days and hours spent with affection and love and somebody who cared.

Most of all, I'm sorry that the world has gone blind, that there are people out there, who not only hold no regard for the life of human beings, but hold no regards for any life form, no matter how far it is beneath them. I'm sorry that they hold no respect, and no common sense. I'm sorry, that a meaningless, material construct that was more important and valuable to one person than your life. I offered what I could. I threw everything I had, every last scrap of money I could scrounge out to the vets who did everything they could were I couldn't. And now I'm broke. Out of money and out of time against the coming hardships of the winter. But I don't care, because money is money. If you seek it, you will find it. And if you have it, you will spend it, because that is the only reason it exists. But you should never forget or allow yourself to get caught in the trap that comes with it, blind you to the things that really matter.

If somebody came to me, and said I could bring you back if I gave them the envelope in the safe containing all the money I've been so desperately trying to save to find myself a home, I would give it, without question or pause. But life doesn't work that way. Life isn't fair. And I'm sorry that through my best efforts I couldn' make it fair.

But I will remember the hours I spent with you. That long night, as I checked on you to make sure you were still alive. The agonizing truck ride for 50 minutes as I drove to bring you somewhere you could get more help. And finally, that last will in your bones that fought against every disease ridden parasite and broken part of your body that allowed you to climb up onto my shoulder one last time.

The world at large, and the person who refused to take care of you may not have cared.

But I did. And I always will. And I'm sorry I couldn't give you a better life.

The Flood / Re: I stole a cat today gentlemen(Bad News)
« on: September 10, 2014, 11:17:43 AM »

I tried. I really fucking did.

The Flood / Re: I stole a cat today gentlemen(Bad News)
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:54:19 AM »

It died.

I'm heading out there to pick him up and bury him later on.
Nooooo! D:
What happened?!

Passed away last night. Too damaged to deal with everything.

The Flood / Re: I stole a cat today gentlemen(Bad News)
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:44:22 AM »
It died.

I'm heading out there to pick him up and bury him later on.

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