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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: You Have a Choice
« on: September 16, 2014, 02:15:58 PM »
How serious is your family's dependance on your physical presence?

My mother's physical health is breaking down. She's a smoker, has back problems and foot problems. One her own, she won't last long here. Certainly not another fucking 15 years.

My sister's husband is 70. He's strong for his age, and works as hard as I do. But he can't do it alone. It's too much. Every year he needs 12 cords of firewood cut, split, hauled, and stacked. Alone, that goes incredibly slow. When I'm there with him, what he does alone over the course of a few weeks can be done in days by the two of us.

Not to mention, I've been there for troubles as well. Hospital trips and medical attention, a guardian of their property when they aren't there, and helping them when they were caught in snowstorms.

The Flood / Re: You Have a Choice
« on: September 16, 2014, 02:11:50 PM »
Why do you want to pay off the debt so much?

For one thing, if money starts to fail, and we can't make our payments, the bank will seize the restaurant. We'll be homeless and jobless in one shot.

Second, 15 years is a long time. On top of all the other things I'll be spending money on, the sooner we get rid of this debt the better.

You know how much money I make a day for the majority of the year when winter rolls in? 12 bucks a day. The sooner we get rid of the debt, the more room we have to work with financially. This place, at the moment, just barely funds itself. And things have been breaking down. Things that cost thousands of dollars worth of money that we don't have.

Gaming / Re: Mfw Frozen will be in KH3
« on: September 16, 2014, 02:00:01 PM »

The Flood / Re: Trussing Door logic
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:56:38 PM »



More like cussing door amiright?


The Flood / Re: I'm sick right now, try and make me feel better
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:52:22 PM »
Look on the bright side!

If you're literal shit that means you're going down the shitter to join all the other shit in a big buddy-buddy pile of shit.

You won't be alone in your shittiness.

The Flood / Re: You Have a Choice
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:48:04 PM »
shit, man
im not sure

I could put my back into it. I could make those 15 years 5, if my resolve was strong enough. I could even go for the shittiest of the shit jobs, oil rigs and tar sands. Those jobs destroy most people physically in around three to seven years. But they pay high, very high.

But the cost is me not being here. Both my mother and sister's husband are stubborn. If I'm not here, they will work alone regardless. But the strain on them. If something broke down, I wouldn't be there for them.

The Flood / Re: I challenge you all
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:41:12 PM »
There's a difference between speed, and understanding. You might be able to read quickly, and cover ground faster than others, but would you be able to process and understand it all?

I have my doubts.

The Flood / You Have a Choice
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:31:15 PM »
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately folks. Things are falling apart on my end, and now's the time I believe I'll have to make a decision. And there's no easy way out. Whatever one I'm going to pick won't be easy. I'm going to give you the scenario, and you, from your standpoint, will pick what you think you would do in my shoes.

Scenario 1: Stay.

My family has worked their dues. But if only it were so easy to just put things to rest and have an easy going life. My mother owns a restaurant. I am the partial owner beside her, and for cooking in the mornings, and being there and present at all times, 7 days a week roughly 12-16 hours a day, and being the guy who fixes what breaks because it's an old building, room and board is free for me. But we've done the math. In order to to pay off our 60,000 dollar debt to the bank and officially make this place ours, we'll have to work 15 years. Assuming this place can operate for that long, by then my mother will be 70 years old. I'll be 36. Personally, I don't think she could manage that. So one day, I will have to step in and do what she can't.

Because this debt is so enormous, I have taken it on my shoulders to find my mother a home or property, as well as finding myself my own place to call home. Even the smallest amount of land that you can sell or buy, 10 acres, can go for up to 150 thousand dollars minimum.

And then there's my sister. Her husband is older, and has a long history of work related injuries. But he's stubborn, and works regardless. But in his age, it's only a matter of time before things break down. And they have even more to worry about than my mother does. He can't do all that he has to alone, and so I am there to step in when one person isn't enough.

If I choose to stay, I will be able to help them physically when they can go no longer.

Scenario 2: Leave.

Money is hard to make up here. And right now, things are starting to fall apart for both my mother, and my sister and her husband. I am the second youngest in my family, in front of my little niece. The only option I have would be to leave, and travel far, out to one of the bigger cities. I only have my grade 10 to work with, so that leaves the shit jobs. I know my way around words, and no doubt I could find work as a construction laborer in the city easily. But that's all I have.

If I did travel to the city, I would have a chance to make money. I have a motor home that I could live in, so rent would be cheap for me. Any money I made would be split into helping my mother and my sister, and the rest would be for using myself to survive with the bare minimum. But I know the construction jobs around here. I would forfeit years of my life to make enough to pay for everything that needs to be paid. But if I could have that chance to make that much of a dent in our money problems, I would take it. But the cost would be my life, my personal time, and the few meager dreams I've only started to scratch, as well as my absence from my family that so very much needs my help.

So, I ask you all, what would you choose? Because right now I'm considering things. And no road I travel is going to be fun, or easy.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 11:04:28 AM »
Because with smoking, you're paying to kill yourself. Wittling your life down inch by inch and damaging your body. Exactly the same with alchohol as well. Skydiving, on the other hand, is a risk. Whereas, Smoking, drinking, and drugs are an absolute. You are damaging your body, and most of the time, you're paying actual money to do it. And the truly funny thing is, drugs are simply chemicals, "helpers" if you will, that induce reactions in our brains that can be achieved without using them in the first place.

But it doesn't matter. It's your body, and your decision. Everybody has the power of choice. And sooner or later, everbody out there will face a risk or take a risk. Everybody, at some point, will face an absolute. What you do when they come is up to you. Personally, I don't, and wouldn't call you out on it.

Nobody's perfect, and I'm sure I have my fare share of undesireable traits and stupid moments when other people look at me.

The Flood / Re: Member rating thread
« on: September 16, 2014, 10:48:55 AM »
You must have a decent amount of time on your hands to organize things so nicely.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We post what triggers us
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:57:51 AM »
Triggers trigger muh triggers so if any evil hateful insensitive bigot on tumblr starts talking about triggers that triggers me into thinking about how excessively annoying I find triggers.

Wordplay aside, I'm actually serious on that one.

All these fucking morons whining about their 'triggers' really hacks me off, mostly because it's a gigantic slap in the face to anyone who has PTSD and does get fucking triggered by stuff. Hyperventilating because you broke a nail =/= waking up every night screaming because of reliving the memory, seeing the faces of people who have died everywhere and flinching like it's an artillery barrage when someone slams a car door.

Some of the tumblr dwellers probably do have mental illness related triggers and setting them off for amusement is as disgusting as it is to misappropriate the term for their SJW crusades.
You didn't fight in nam? Get the fuck off my forum, britcunt

You wouldn't know, you weren't there.

The Flood / Re: Leaked footage of robot
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:54:05 AM »

The future already came and left you behind.

Serious / Re: Atheists...
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:01:35 AM »
I don't really find the concept of eternal nothingness scary, really, just the unpleasant acts associated with dying.

All things considered, a normal age related death isn't so bad. Like going to sleep really. Of course, all the other shit that is an outside influence and can happen to you is what sucks.

Drowning or burning would be fucking horrible.

Gaming / Re: Hey guys, want a Ghost?
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:48:28 AM »
If you want a ghost that bad, I could just haunt you after I die.

You could always just build one as well. A nice little custom hovercraft, and some purple paint, and you'd be good to go.

The Flood / Re: Favorite villain of all time?
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:46:09 AM »

Good old Bejamin Linus. Manipulative, cruel, cunning, the man with a plan, and inherently always self centered and interested. Even when he walked along the lines of what you could call "good," he always strayed along the lines. And most of all, not afraid to get his hands dirty.

Gaming / Re: MCC Custom Games?
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:25:50 AM »
I have my old record to beat now. 10,000 customs played on Halo 3.

« on: September 16, 2014, 02:01:52 AM »
The only fudge I've ever had came from quebec. Pure maple syrup and boiled sugar. Mother of fuck I could feel my teeth rotting away by the decades when I ate that stuff.

Serious / Re: Atheists...
« on: September 16, 2014, 12:51:14 AM »
Highest case scenario: Consciousness is retained, but the physical form is lost. In essence, you're part of something greater, the mesh of the universe, another level of consciousness.

Lowest case scenario: Consciousness is lost, physical form is lost, but your atoms are still scattered to the winds and what you were blends into the grand clockwork of things.

Either way, it's best if we do our best while we're here. Make damn sure your loved ones know they're loved.

Serious / Re: Do you tip servers?
« on: September 16, 2014, 12:38:02 AM »
This whole tipping business works differently over here. Usually, it seems like you get tips based off the quality of service. But, for the most part, people don't get out their pitchforks if you don't tip.

So, I tip just like everybody else around here. Good food, and good service, you get extra. Simple and easy.

The Flood / Re: Burgerclaps confused over Peter Capaldi's Doctor
« on: September 16, 2014, 12:24:20 AM »
Guess it's a good thing there's a scottsman in my town.

gasai and i are the kings of the niggermen

McJammies, Master of all Niggers

The Flood / Re: Do you ever want to get married?
« on: September 16, 2014, 12:18:08 AM »
Yeah I'd love to get married. It looks so special and romantic. There's just something about coming out and making those promises infront of all those people you care about. It just looks like it would bring a sense of closure to a relationship and make it a marriage. So yeah I'd love one.
Also I feel kinda bad for all the people who see it as stupid and how they don't need papers as proof they love someone. I literally have never met someone who got married for that. :/
Maybe for the benefits but not for "proof of love".
Anyway maybe some of you are looking at it the wrong way?
I simply don't want some bitch to own half my shit.

That's a retarded factor of marriage.

And there's a way around it. I've discussed this before with a friend of mine, and then I had a wonderful idea. Now, I don't know what the future holds. Maybe I'll find somebody, and things won't work out. If I had land, I could lose it in a divorce. And that would be horrible, because land is hard to get here, and if I did things with it, who's to say that when they took over they wouldn't just destroy it all? Now, I don't think when and if I bump into somebody I can get close to, that something like that will ever happen. But you never know.

So I found the loophole. In my life, there is one person I can trust, utterly and completely. And that's my better half. My sister. When I buy land, it's going to be signed in her name. But I'll live on it, shape it and work on it as if it were my own. And when the bills come in, I'd pay for them just as I would as if it were my own.

And, if by chance, I die first, she'll already own it. If I get divorced, my partner would get nothing. And if my sister died first before me, the house would be signed over in my name in her will.

So here's what I say.

Fuck the system.

Dude, I deal with children who call ravens and crows "nigger-birds."

You haven't even rocked the boat.

The Flood / Re: Give me something to fap to.
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:49:38 PM »
Here ^x^

Ya'll wanna see a magic trick?

I'm gonna take that creepy crawly spider of yours.

And POOF, just like that, your spida is now irrElephant.

The Flood / Re: Code of Hammurabi>Sharia Law
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:32:39 PM »
that man is just like cold hands man

i wonder if cold hands man every found himself some nice gloves
I didn't know who cold hands man is so I did a google image search and came up with this

this image looks like door's avatar

therefore cold hands man = trussingdoor

cold hands man is three words

a triangle has 3 sides

illuminerty confurmed

door is illuminerty

The Flood / Re: Praise the Sun
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:21:10 PM »
>not praising skeleton man


fucking heretics


The Flood / Re: Praise the Sun
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:16:26 PM »

Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 15, 2014, 11:07:27 PM »
Nobody should ever tolerate religion. saying that for real?

I'm sorry there, but it sounds like you are supporting intolerance.
Nope. Religion supports intolerance and religion makes society backwards. Religion should be abolished so that people can be more open minded and humanity can actually advance.

I wouldn't say abolished. After all, people can and will believe what they believe in. But where religion strays and wavers is when it gains power and control.

If like minded people have a similar religion, then by all means, they should be allowed to gather together if they so wish. But they should build their own shit, buy their own land, and most of all, hold no sway or political power whatsoever.

Where most religion strays today on a second point, is that they don't respect people. They get up into your fucking face trying to convert you. Keep your personal shit to yourselves, and if others so happen to believe in the same as you, good for you, but don't go trying to gain more followers and all that shit.

If our religions operated in this sense, they'd be fine.

« on: September 15, 2014, 10:59:07 PM »
Elite Porn Artist Who Is Actually A Nigger Because Elites Are Niggers And Niggers Are Faggots And You're A Nigger Faggot.


Comms Officer is neither a nigger nor a faggot.

Ya'll can still be a feg though. Get dunked scrubby.

The Flood / Re: The most epic/Japanese thing i have ever seen.
« on: September 15, 2014, 10:50:30 PM »

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