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Messages - Sandtrap

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Serious / Re: [Psykana] Hyperbole and a Half - Depression
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:27:59 AM »
Yeah I don't get it. Unless it's some sort of mental disease and changes the balance of chemicals and doesn't allow you to feel certain feelings or any at all, seems like a bunch of babies.

Because I've lived through a lot of shit, and I've never felt like that. I just don't understand it.

Then allow me to explain. I could tell you all about my first depression. But I won't. I'm going to tell you about this one, that sits with me, here and now. Some sensible part of me is still knocking around, and I'll do my best to explain things.

Fall is a bad month for me. The lighting, and the weather, the smell, and the way everything looks gets me down. Usually, I'm okay with this until winter rolls in. It's what I call an outside depression. It's environmental, not internal. But lately, I've had one bad thing after another happen. I appreciate life. And I try to remain optomistic. But sometimes, under everything, you struggle to. Challenger, I'm a few steps away from being in the financial shitter. I mean, a month or less and my house and work residence will be seized because debts are climbing faster than we can pay them, and popping up when more things go wrong.

And I'm trying my best. But it's not enough. I'm caught. But that isn't the point here. The point is, I'm going through what I went through several years ago. And despite how familiar I am with this, it's beating me.

Depression, from a logical standpoint, by all means should come from a chemical inbalance in your brain. It has to have a central, physical root. But it doesn't feel like that. It feels like, an outsider, inside of you. Always there, always watching, and always dissecting things, so that it can turn them around on you.

Did you know, that I'm aware that I'm depressed? I can see where I'm going, I can see what's coming, and despite me trying to change or prepare for things, I can't fight it. It's like beating your head against a wall. My emotions are going around me on strings, a vicious cycle now.

You say it seems like "a bunch of babies." I've gone through a horrible life. I've seen my fare share of bad things. And let me tell you, all that is irrelevent to me. You aren't sad over anything. You're sad, because you're sad. That's how it starts out. But as time goes on, you start to turn on yourself.

Right now, I'm angry. I'm angry that despite my best efforts, I can't change things. I'm angry that the only true way out will destroy me. And I'm angry at people. See, I've been through all this before. And right now, I'm trying to fight it. God am I trying. I'm actually reaching out to people, anybody that will listen. I'm so desperate, that despite my introverted nature, I'm reaching out to any that I can.

But it's a mistake. Because when they're not there, I get angry. I ask myself why even bother having all these fucking people around if none of them are even here for me? They don't talk to me, they don't reply to me. I'm just talking to a wall. So I start shutting people out instead.

And it goes around like this, with everything. Everything I do, goes out there, and comes back around at me.

I went for a walk a few nights ago. I almost climbed up the old radio tower that I used to, when I was in deepest. But I decided not to. So I sat, on the edge of my town, on the edge of the last lamp post, and looked out into the dark. I wanted to walk off into it. I just wanted to leave, and see how far I could make it. And now I realize how far I've fallen in a few short weeks.

I'd like to explain something to you, about what happens when you're in the deepest parts of depression. When you're so down, and everything is grey, lacking feeling and point, one thing exists. One last thing exists. Death.

At that point, death is a song. A call. But it's more than that. It's the only thing with colour. It's the last, great mystery. The wonder, and promise of what could potentially lie on the other side, something better, something beyond this grey world and a life of yours that's useless. And if it's not, you still win. You go to sleep, and you never wake up. It's inviting. It embraces you.

And this, left its mark on me. I'm fascinated by death. But I know I have to be extremely careful, because of how vulnerable I am right now.

My point to all this challenger, is that depression does not choose people. Anybody can fall into it. It doesn't matter your position in life, who and what you are, and who and what you've seen. When it arrives, and takes a hold of you and starts feeding off your vices and doubts and insecurities and rage, it doesn't matter if you've "seen some hard shit" or the hardest thing you did this morning was polish your nails. It doesn't matter. Becuase it will destroy you.

I want you to think about this. Right now, as I type this, there is a rational side to me. It's still here. I can smile, I can take joy from things. I even know that I'm depressed. I'm trying to fight this and I thought that I could because I've seen and been through all this before. And right now, right alongside me is that piece of darkness hovering right over my shoulder.

I want to delete this post because it sounds stupid. I'm sitting here, right now, and I know that I'm depressed. And there's nothing I can do. I can smile and laugh all I want, but by the end of the day, I'll have slipped further. Because when you're depressed, you just do. You fall despite everything. You fall, simply because.

And to be honest, I'm terrified. I can see what's coming every step of the way. And I'm fighting my hardest not to let things fall apart. But it's like trying to stand up and walk against an avalanche. I'm fighting to keep everything together and it falls apart, just because it can.

That's what depression is.

Gaming / Re: Where's the Sep7agon game nights?
« on: September 22, 2014, 08:25:42 AM »
I'm 15 why would I play with a bunch of paedophiles??

So that one of those "so called pedophiles" that you speak of could mow your ass down in a Banshee while the australians cheer on the sidelines.

Serious / Re: A poll about dumpster diving
« on: September 22, 2014, 01:38:36 AM »
You gotta do what you gotta do.

In fact I'm a dump diver. I loot all the free shit that gets dumped outside my town. A lot of good has come out of that place, despite it's horrible smell.

No joke, I salvaged an entire deck porch from the dump, cut it up, and used it all as firewood.

The Flood / Re: Is Anarchy coming back?
« on: September 21, 2014, 11:02:59 PM »
It's coming back. I had first planned on having it every 7th of the month, but it's more of a weekend thing to me, so we're sticking with that.

The next round starts October 3rd, early in the morning. I've packed a pretty substantial extra feature into that forum that should help with the chaos, so be excited.

I am preparing to open my pandora's box of horrors.

News / Re: Motivations of the Lekgolo
« on: September 21, 2014, 10:59:46 PM »
Me and a bunch of fans on Twitter actually got two Bungie employees to start posting renders of cut content.

Including those two Lekgolo colonies.

Updating this thread with those pics would be pretty spiffy. But it gives me an idea. You know how 343 tossed in the Gungoose?

What if they tossed in more than that?

*wink wink nudge nudge*

Serious / Re: Capitalism - a new perspective
« on: September 21, 2014, 07:33:58 PM »
Who's steering where the technology evolution goes?
The consumers.

And rightfully so, they're doing a piss poor job of it.

The Flood / Re: How do you want to die?
« on: September 21, 2014, 03:44:28 PM »
Just give me something quiet and I'll be fine.

But personally, I think It's going to work out differently. Probably work related. I never was one to stop and take note of how shitty of a condition I was in some days. So, maybe one day when I'm older I'll just drop on the spot as I run around despite my age/ailments.

That wouldn't be so bad either.

The Flood / Re: I need your help
« on: September 21, 2014, 03:25:56 PM »
I'll answer the third one for you.



If we can't learn to take care of things we consider beneath us, and treat them right, then how are we going to learn how treat each other right if we can't even manage the small stuff?

Serious / Re: Capitalism - a new perspective
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:53:58 PM »
Here's the only real plothole in it all.

Who's steering where the technology evolution goes? One could argue even, that technology is already going down the wrong way. Currently, technology isn't evolving for the sake of evolving. It's evolving for the sake of money.

Sell you this sell you that, six months later something else comes out with a few more features than the last, but overall it's nothing really new. Maximization of profits for as little innovation as possible.

I've never seen anybody wear a fedora.

The Flood / Re: Recommend me some feels music
« on: September 21, 2014, 09:15:29 AM »



I'll take your trade.

I don't make threads. Only once in a while. I can turn a blue moon into never.
No deal, no dice.

Ya'll are too afraid then. I make threads, generally because they aren't there, or I feel that they should be, to some extent.

I'd be losing something too.

I'll take your trade.

I don't make threads. Only once in a while. I can turn a blue moon into never.

The Flood / Re: Just be yourself!
« on: September 21, 2014, 08:44:49 AM »
I'd be myself but then I'd probably get shot by all the farmers/hunters up here.

I just want to go for a walk in the woods....

The Flood / Re: Cleansing—Killing more birds with even more stones.
« on: September 21, 2014, 08:39:08 AM »
-lel- No
-kek- No
-topkek- No
-the "lenny face"- No
-any variation of the above- No
-edgy*- No
-edge*- No
-any variation*- No
Do you find Internet memes to be a legitimate source for humor?- Once in a blue moon

The Flood / Re: Goddamn, driving is such a fucking chore
« on: September 21, 2014, 08:28:55 AM »
MFW a school bus driver goes road rage on my ass and starts playing their horn like it's an instrument.

MFW when those young kids think it's cool to make their cars/trucks sound like a chainsaw by revving up and driving by at 3 in the morning.

MFW every winter I slip at least once on the icy roads towards an oncoming semi doing 100 around a curve sheltered by trees.

MFW truck starts making or doing things that it normally doesn't and I'm a nervous wreck because I think something's going to break again.

MFW fucking tires. If I was a millionaire, the first thing I'd buy would be tires to last myself a lifetime. I fucking hate tires.

The Flood / Re: Let us amuse each other.
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:50:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: how do you handle sexual fustration?
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:29:17 PM »

The Flood / Re: Do you take milk with your coffee?
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:20:52 AM »
Orange juice.

The Flood / Goodnight folks
« on: September 20, 2014, 12:55:09 AM »
Strange night. Went for a walk. Stood at the edge of town, at the last lamp post. Looked out to the pitch black road out there. Starry night though. Wanted to to just walk out there, see how far I could go. Figured against it. Came back, don't feel any better. Bed's comfy though.

Have a good sleep, in your cozy part of the world folks. Turn the lamps on and burn away that night time darkness through those small little windows. Goodnight.

The Flood / Re: Fuckin' nightmares man
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:27:18 PM »
Nothing of note. Ya'll should go back to sleep.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agay foot thread
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:09:31 PM »

The Flood / Re: Sep7agay foot thread
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:07:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: Do you blame the blacks?
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:58:07 PM »
I blame the Germans. They were the first off-continent settlers in this province.

News / Re: Motivations of the Lekgolo
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:55:04 PM »
So the Lekgolo form into colonies to perform specific tasks?


The Flood / Re: A question for anti-natalists
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:54:27 PM »
Doesn't go out of his way to hurt folks.

Name some instances then. You got pictures? People admitting that they felt like shit after bumping into him? For all intents and purposes, Verb's just a dude on the forums here, like everybody else.
Well there was that one time he posted his nudes. And yes I did screen cap that.

And? You implying they burnt your eyes out or something? The fuck kind of evidence is that? "Haha I saw your weewee!" That's some pretty shit tier evidence again hurting somebody. Unless of course, he took pictures of himself rolling around in his personal collection of dead babies or something.

Then that's a whole other story.

The Flood / Re: A question for anti-natalists
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:49:46 PM »
Doesn't go out of his way to hurt folks.

Name some instances then. You got pictures? People admitting that they felt like shit after bumping into him? For all intents and purposes, Verb's just a dude on the forums here, like everybody else.

The Flood / Re: A question for anti-natalists
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:46:58 PM »
To like Verbatim, you have either like him ironically like I do, in the sense that he's such a bad person it's amusing. Or you have to be just as retarded as he is.

I don't really see how he's so bad. As far as we know, he hasn't killed anybody. Hasn't hurt anybody in his ideals. Doesn't go out of his way to hurt folks.

So, really, he just goes about his business as he pleases. Nothin' wrong with that.

The Flood / Re: A question for anti-natalists
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:44:49 PM »
There's only one anti-natalist here, so you obviously have some kind of agenda against me.
Dude, do you not realize that literally everyone hates you? Like, aside from maybe 1 faggot who likes you and 3 neutral people who don't care, literally NO ONE likes you.

It's so funny
>tfw jimmy calls you a fag

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