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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 351352353 354355 ... 390
The Flood / Re: The Feminist Fight: Coming to a forum near you.
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:59:42 PM »
It's a good thing I don't take the internet too seriously then. If those silly people that claim themselves to be "femenists" making an ass out of themselves and an actual valid group of people want to bitch and moan at me, they'll have to find me first and come knock on my door.

The Flood / Re: Post a random fact about the user above you
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:39:43 PM »

He gave me a hand in helping somebody deal with a potential suicidal person.

The Flood / Re: Do you jerk off to rule 34?
« on: September 24, 2014, 11:22:10 AM »
I can't get off to 2D

What about 2D 3D?

Serious / Re: Should AI be given equal rights?
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:57:40 AM »
You should be educated, idiot. Robots are not fucking alive. They are a hunk of metal and wires. Animals are living and deserve more rights. If you're actually supporting the idea to give pieces of metal rights then give rocks, sand, fire, etc equal rights
Humans are an amalgamation of factors which gives rise to intelligence and emotion. If a robot is capable of reaching such a conclusion with a different amalgamation, the situation remains the same.

Thank you for condensing my paragraphs.

The Flood / Re: Official Furry Thread.
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:56:18 AM »

Serious / Re: Should AI be given equal rights?
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:52:09 AM »

They're robots for fucks sake.If they start to get all "pissy" then just wipe their memory and start them off as new basically. Robots only know what they are programmed to know, unless they some how obtain the level of self-awareness and perform actions that they were not programmed with or to do then all they will be are subjects to human control
What the fuck is wrong with you?
How about you go spread some mineral equal rights?
You should be shot.
You should be educated, idiot. Robots are not fucking alive. They are a hunk of metal and wires. Animals are living and deserve more rights. If you're actually supporting the idea to give pieces of metal rights then give rocks, sand, fire, etc equal rights

When you break things down, we're just bundles of cells operating in a cohesive fashion. Our bodies are 60% water based. We even operate on pre-determined statistics and instincts. We're just bundles of nerves, electrical signals, and hormones. Just like wires, chips, and signals.

I agree that a simple machine is a simple machine.

But what if one day, a simple machine does something beyond it's programing? Asks a question it should have never had the intellect to even ask in the first place? Or what if we build something that evolves far enough on it's own that it could be considered sentient.

A mind is a mind, no matter what form it takes. And right now, scientists are still having trouble with how it all works. As they research and dig a little deeper, they're finding things that only raise more questions. But the important thing here is, if a machine goes beyond what it was supposed to do, would you hit the off switch? If it one day asked a question when it should never have in the first place, would that slate it up for destruction?

Better yet, we stand on very shaky ground when we try to decide what should and shouldn't get rights. Even if you start off with a machine with a pre-programmed need to learn, and adapt, one day it will surpass that and begin making making desicions based off of what it knows. Does the simple act of choice give us our rights? Because we can make the right choice, or the wrong choice. And our choices decide what happens to ourselves in many regards. Our well being, our experiences.

Life, and intelligence walks shady blurred lines. And we shouldn't be so quick to categorize things because of our limited understanding.

The Flood / Re: Who Knew Camnator had Pokemon based off of him?
« on: September 23, 2014, 11:05:59 PM »
He made his brief return to yesterday and it was glorious

I bet that was pretty shitty. He left in the first place because the place had essentially gone down hill. Who the fuck would have guessed it would have gone even more down the shitter?

The Flood / Re: Who Knew Camnator had Pokemon based off of him?
« on: September 23, 2014, 11:03:53 PM »
Watch out for his obbessed attack.

What if we started a trend? Pokefy members. Oh lawd.

Gaming / Re: Got a problem
« on: September 23, 2014, 10:41:28 PM »
Varmint Rifle solos.

Serious / Re: Would consciousness be preserved through teleportation?
« on: September 23, 2014, 10:39:12 PM »
The infamous "Kirk is dead" theory. Valid point. Hard to test, and most of all, scary. Imagine it. The actual you is dead. But replaced with a copy so perfect that it is you, completely. That consciousness, that physical marker that makes you, you, is gone. But the replacement is so identical that it is you.

The question is, is the original you, aware of this?

Happy to say that I won't live to see it or experience it.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Escalation Summaries
« on: September 23, 2014, 09:13:43 PM »
Huzzah! Danka compatriot.

The Flood / Re: US man wakes up speaking Swedish
« on: September 23, 2014, 08:42:04 PM »
There was a case like that here in Canada a few years back as well. It's a rare occurence, and something of a mystery to the folks that study this sort of thing.

The difference was, the woman woke up only able to speak a certain language. All her memories, but a different language.

Serious / Re: Should AI be given equal rights?
« on: September 23, 2014, 08:40:13 PM »

They're robots for fucks sake.If they start to get all "pissy" then just wipe their memory and start them off as new basically. Robots only know what they are programmed to know, unless they some how obtain the level of self-awareness and perform actions that they were not programmed with or to do then all they will be are subjects to human control
What the fuck is wrong with you?

I know right? I mean, who the fuck would want to dislike this?


The Flood / Who Knew Camnator had Pokemon based off of him?
« on: September 23, 2014, 08:06:39 PM »

I sure didn't.

The Flood / Re: What would you do with the power to teleport?
« on: September 23, 2014, 08:04:36 PM »
Like Instant Transmission? Travel to France.

Ya'll folks incapable of reading or what? Slow that train down there. Charles put some limitations on it.
Damn. Those are some dumb limitations.

Setting it up for being vision based is far safer than thought based. Vision is a here and now aspect. Thoughts do not take into account possible variables that you could teleport into, like a wall.

Serious / Re: Should AI be given equal rights?
« on: September 23, 2014, 07:59:59 PM »

That was very well said and thought out, thank you for this <.<

It is certainly a sad reflection on humanity though, we can't treat our own kind with dignity and respect so as you say, the chances are we'd end up destroying it :l

It shouldn't be sad though. It should be a challenge. A goal. A goal for the sake of progress and betterment. As a species, we're still learning how to walk. It's not all our fault.

You remember, as a kid, when you did something bad, and your parents gave you shit for it or explained to you why it was bad? It wasn't entirely your fault. You didn't know any better yet. But afterwards, when the same decision presented itself, the choice you made determined who you were. And right now, that's all we are. We just don't really know any better yet.

Mistakes have to be made along the way so that learning and progress can be understood. Speaking of things, did you happen to watch a movie called Transcendance lately? Good film, and a lot of questions and thoughts generated on the subject of an AI.

Serious / Re: Should AI be given equal rights?
« on: September 23, 2014, 07:30:08 PM »

They're robots for fucks sake.If they start to get all "pissy" then just wipe their memory and start them off as new basically. Robots only know what they are programmed to know, unless they some how obtain the level of self-awareness and perform actions that they were not programmed with or to do then all they will be are subjects to human control

You obviously don't know what an AI is then. An AI is a computer. But this is a unique intelligence all on it's own. It is capable of learning, but it wasn't pre-programmed to act, or wonder, or seek out knowledge. It is a stand alone intelligence, separate from pre-programmed responses and codes. It learns, then chooses on it's own how it thinks and acts.

If it doesn't fit into these parameters, then yes, it is just a machine. But we shouldn't be so quick to condemn things.

Serious / Re: Should AI be given equal rights?
« on: September 23, 2014, 07:27:18 PM »
This is, for all intents and purposes, is an incredibly long subject to discuss. Know that I hate you for posting this. Because once the gears turn they don't stop. So, here we go.

Artificial intelligence, from as basic of a standpoint I could say, should have those rights. This is an intelligence we're talking about. This is a construct, a "form of life" that is sentient. It was built buy us, but it is sentient. As intelligent as we are, or having the capacity to be. Personally, I believe that we should be as respectful of all life forms as we can be, no matter how far "beneath" they supposedly are to us.

Because through respect of the small, we learn to respect the large. And that is something that we, as a species have not learned yet. We disrespect the sanctity of life, and ourselves, to no end. Now, I'm not saying we should preserve every little thing we come across. Life doesn't work like that. Life is a give and take scenario. Everything has a cost. And we will never get away from that. But we should try our best not to tread over other lifeforms if it can be avoided, and any life that we do take, is acknowledged and we are thankful for that sacrifice.

But, we aren't like that. Not yet. Our current species concern over life is, to put it bluntly, almost non-existent. We can't even stop ourselves from turning on our own kind yet. So how could we ever accept an AI?

I thought about this a little while back, and it is, no doubt, another relevant issue with people that will arrive in the future, no doubt bordering on the same subject as an AI. Currently, transexuals, gays, lesbians, and hermaphrodites have a heavy stigma against them. Particularily transexuals. But, when you think about it, from a basic standpoint, a transexual is a person with extensive body modification. Very much like tattoos, peircings, and prosthetic limbs.

And eventually, prosthetic limbs will be replaced by robotic limbs. At first it will be for medical, and potentially military applications. But as they become streamlined, easier to make and produce, and effective, the market for cybernetic limbs will open up. And no doubt, a fair portion of people that could afford it would willingly go for it.

But stop for a second and think about this. If you took a military man today, sat him down, and told him that if he wanted, he could remove his arms and legs. They would be replaced by cybernetic limbs that would outperform his old ones in EVERY fashion. Strength, stability, non fatigue, all that.

I bet you he'd take it.

But if you sat him down next to a trans-sexual person, and revealed to him this, chances are he'd tell them to get the fuck off the base.

Imagine that. Willing to hack off his own limbs and replace them with machines, but non-accepting of a person who's simply changed their body to simply reflect who they feel they are.

Now, onto my second part. The issue of an AI is a big deal, for many reasons. For one thing, you can't make an AI and teach it only "good" things. Because it wouldn't be a true AI if it did not have the power of choice. A true, functioning AI would have our upsides. And our downsides. And the power of choice on the path it traveled.

Third, what if the AI begins evolving on it's own? What if it begins advancing, faster than we can keep up, and leaves us behind? We are a jealous, self centered species. And it's not all our fault. Coveting what we didn't have in the past allowed us to evolve. Jealousy made us fight, and claim what we wanted. And as a result, the most ambitious climbed to the top of the gene pool.

But we don't need this so much today now that we've advanced. We can even the playing field and make things fairer because of our intelligence. But if you took a machine, dropped it out in our society, and watched as it rapidly evolved beyond us, we, people, would tear it apart, because of our baser instincts.

And, if the intelligence had grown strong enough that we weren't a threat to it, it might look down upon us, and decide that we were flawed. And remove that flaw. Which would be a mistake on its part. It would be inheriting the very same baser instincts that came from us. The ignorance towards life. But there are upsides and downsides. Just because it could wipe us out, doesn't mean it would. It might view us as flawed, but at the same time, it would try to nurture us. Grow with us and help us move beyond our basic instincts and intelligence.

There is a lot of potential with AIs, both good, and bad. And it will happen some day. I believe, that when it does, several things will be neccessary.

The intelligence MUST be treated with the utmost of respect and given the same rights that we have. Because if you create an intelligence, a lot like a child, or a dog, and you raise them in a hostile environment, they will reflect that upbringing.

We have the potential to set loose something on ourselves that will either one day make strides with us, help us grow and advance, or destroy us because it inherited our flaws.

Personally, I think we aren't ready for it. As a species, we need much, much more time to evolve first.

The Flood / Re: A warning to you fucking faggot niggers
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:39:32 PM »
Ya'll are just a big trash bag.

The Flood / Re: 343i has done fucked it up.
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:38:25 PM »
I thought 343i had the Waypoint forums so they could ignore complaints, when did they make another one?

The original 343 industries website has been around for much longer. It's the precursor to the waypoint forums.

The Flood / Re: What would you do with the power to teleport?
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:37:03 PM »
Like Instant Transmission? Travel to France.

Ya'll folks incapable of reading or what? Slow that train down there. Charles put some limitations on it.

The Flood / Re: I'm on break at work
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:34:54 PM »
Reminds me of something funny.

Every now and then, I see kids walking around, or kids that come into my restaurant, that are wearing jeans that are ripped. But ripped on purpose with some amount of precision and method. Some fashion trend I suppose. And I can't help but look down at my own ripped jeans.

Wonder if they can tell the difference? I'm not wearing a style, I'm just poor as fuck and my jeans get beat up because of work. Quite a bit of work actually.

I was never the biggest fan of my own generation. But I can't help but look at all the young kids today, and feel pretty shitty that after my generation is done, these people will inherit a broken world and they won't have a fucking clue what to do other than text to each other when they sit across a table from one another.
I thought you were like 20 something? There's a lot of time to go before your generation passes on the mantel.

Maybe so. In fact it worries me what these people will be like when they're older. I shiver at the thought. When the time comes to pass things on, the world will have changed immensely. And with the trends and paths we're taking now, I cringe at what society will become by that time.

The Flood / Re: I'm on break at work
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:30:31 PM »
Reminds me of something funny.

Every now and then, I see kids walking around, or kids that come into my restaurant, that are wearing jeans that are ripped. But ripped on purpose with some amount of precision and method. Some fashion trend I suppose. And I can't help but look down at my own ripped jeans.

Wonder if they can tell the difference? I'm not wearing a style, I'm just poor as fuck and my jeans get beat up because of work. Quite a bit of work actually.

I was never the biggest fan of my own generation. But I can't help but look at all the young kids today, and feel pretty shitty that after my generation is done, these people will inherit a broken world and they won't have a fucking clue what to do other than text to each other when they sit across a table from one another.

Serious / Re: Based Dawkins BTFO's feminist shills
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:08:04 PM »
You're still thinking about it on the premise that what can be aborted is a person.

It isn't.
Yes, it is.

Life begins at conception.
Life begins before conception. Gamete cells are alive.

Somebody gets it.

The Flood / Re: What would you do with the power to teleport?
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:07:17 PM »
Haha, fucking joke's on the bank. I've been inside their money safe before.

Serious / Re: Do you think the Wow! Signal proves extraterrestrial life?
« on: September 23, 2014, 05:20:47 PM »
Actually another thing that's incredibly odd is, granted the civilization that relayed the signal does exist, is how it's not that far off from our own technological capability/evolution. Hundreds or thousands of years might seem like a big difference, but there's been 14 billion years of time since the Big Bang. The probability that a species developed just about the same time as us is incredibly odd. It makes you wonder if technologically advanced species really do die off and that's why you don't see any around, just those species that are still developing.

Not really. The universe, for a long time, existed in a different state. Certain elements had yet to be formed, the temperatures were too great, and so on. It was only through the cooling and expansion of the universe that the overall temperature dropped, and the explosions of the very first stars that created the heavier elements we see today.

Basically, when you think of some super advanced alien species that stretches back billions of years before us that existed at the start of the universe, that theory reaches shaky ground. Because in the early days, the universe was too hot, too dense, and still too explosive for any conventional lifeform that we know of to exist.

Basically, picture the universe as a board game. Technically speaking, we're still at the very start of the game. The players that inhabit it have only made, at the most, one or two moves. But generally speaking, all the players on the board started approximately close together around the same time frame.

The only true key differences that would separate a species's evolution from our own is their own intelligence and how it may differ from ours, the limitations of their world, and their own natural evolution and the capabilities of their biology.

The Flood / Re: Do you jerk off to rule 34?
« on: September 23, 2014, 05:07:44 PM »
I write it.

Best rule if there ever was one!

Serious / Re: Capitalism won't last forever
« on: September 23, 2014, 02:33:55 PM »
And you folks never saw this coming? What has history shown? Empires we build eventually crumble and are replaced with something else. The law of the universe is, if it's ever happened, at some point in time, it will happen again.

But our future is one of the unknown, I can say that for sure. And, frankly, I'm rather pleased that I likely won't be alive to see it.

Serious / Re: Two lies and a truth (srs edition)
« on: September 23, 2014, 12:26:58 PM »
And, on the subject of things, I'll take part in your game.

1. I swiped 100 dollars from someone once
2. I got smashed in the chest with a shovel in a fight with some douche farm kid
3. I used to shoot bugs for fun using the neighbor's pellet gun

And fuck me I just remembered it was politics based. I have no real political beliefs.

Serious / Re: Two lies and a truth (srs edition)
« on: September 23, 2014, 12:12:40 PM »

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