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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: On Sunday I will be employed again
« on: September 26, 2014, 11:15:42 AM »
Ouch... At least you get more for your money in America. >,>

Not really. Shit ain't cheap in Canada. What I'm making won't even put a fucking dent in our bills and debts. But I have to try for everything that I can.

Speaking of bills and debts, another piece of equipment broke, which will cost roughly 4000 bucks to repair. So, here's the grand total of shit that needs to be paid that we currently can't manage.

900 dollars minimum a month for the mortgage of roughly 65,000 dollars
600 bucks for water and electricity every month
150 for internet stuff
900 for supplies every month
1200 for our other branch of supplies
1300 to replace a broken compressor on our fridge
4000 for this new broken part
Another roughly 500-600 that I owe to the insurance on my truck

We need to make 200 dollars a day bare minimum to break even for a day of being open.

Our winter profits have kicked in. On average, we make 120-140 a day now.

The Flood / Re: On Sunday I will be employed again
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:41:25 AM »
Right. 15 bucks an hour, job starts at 6'o clock bright and early.

Let's hope I can make a fucking record recovery time from whatever this fucking bug is that I have.

The Flood / On Sunday I will be employed again
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:29:29 AM »
Contractor came knocking on my door this morning, asked if I wanted to sign up. Could start working today. But too sick at the moment. But I can't wait around on my ass otherwise I might lose the position. So regardless of how shitty of a condition I'm in, I'll be hauling around 32ft long trusses to build a roof on Sunday.

Discuss money coming in and money going out.

The Flood / Re: Sapient Cactus
« on: September 26, 2014, 09:11:58 AM »
It takes you a few hundred extra words just to write something not longer than a few sentences.

Descriptions descriptions. Half the fun is the idea. By all means, I could just say, hey, here's a fucking cactus. It's got legs.

But what fun would that be? Give it some form and function, something you could actually visualize. Then again, not really my fault. It's not my fault that I sat down on a fucking bench and looked over at the cactus sitting there, and suddenly this created itself.

The Flood / Re: Sapient Cactus
« on: September 26, 2014, 09:04:59 AM »

Your input is greatly valued and will be taken into consideration in the future.

The Flood / Re: tfw your hatred is so big to me
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:50:08 AM »

You are so small, is funny to me!

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:40:31 AM »
Last night I just found out that when two handing Havel's Dragon Tooth you can dead angle it and it's moveset is nearly identical to a greatsword. This now means that this is the only hammer in the game that doesn't have a pathetic moveset or shit range save for the chicken leg, which I don't have.

The slam dunks are coming.

Gaming / Re: Shadow of Mordor Reviews.
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:35:04 AM »
Unexpected, considering a lot of folks noted that it looked like Ass Creed with Middle Earth thrown in.

The Flood / Sapient Cactus
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:32:28 AM »
An idea occured for me a little while back when I was thinking about an arid location, and looking at a cactus. Everything's a little rough at the moment, and keeps changing, but I guess it leaves some room for interpretation right?

So, for starters, whatever these plant critters are, they have a basic humanoid frame, two legs, arms, ect. Their head's got stiff leaves, shaped in the manner for catching water, pooling it down at the top of their head so they can absorb it. The leaves fold up into a bundle when not in use to protect them. It'd be like a ponytail of sorts. There's no dicernable facial features on them, except for two beady black eyes. I figure if you're going to have a mobile sapient plant, you need limited vision of sorts. But I don't know what their eyes are made out of yet or what exactly they are. They're not exactly what you would call eyes.

The feet(toes) and hands are a tougher material, like roots. At the base of their hands, where your knuckles would be, are transparent sacks showing through their "skin" which is a combination of intertwined vines and a tougher outer layer that wraps around them. These sacks are filled with water, and tend to protrude from jointed areas, or in particular, where certain muscles would be on humans or other bipeds. It's not organized, and not symetrical however. These sacks, when pressed on, or expanded and contracted by the vines, act like muscles so the plant critter can move, walk, somewhat run, pick up stuff and so on. Plants by themselves are capable of moving, but not fast. With those water based sacks, movement is much faster when organised into a special system.

But because of this, physically, these plant critters aren't very strong. No muscle bound beings here.

So, I got to thinking. How would a sapient, bipedal mobile plant like this defend itself? Well, for starters, plants are naturals at regeneration. So long as enough mass remains, they can regenerate rather quickly. And second is where the cactus comes in. Underneath their tougher patches of skin that cover their vines and water-muscles, are cactus like spines. Over their arms, legs, and torso. These barbs can be shot up through the skin and stay there, or they can be shot out, like a dirty bomb using nails. When their skin is breached by the barbs, it ejects a bright purple liquid, a bright warning and toxic poison to most lifeforms. So if their attacker is wounded by their barbs and gets that stuff in their system, it's trouble.

And there you have it. A sapient cactus plant.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap's Dump Thread
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:24:36 AM »
That's really interesting, why not make a thread whenever you want to post these?
"Sandtrap's Space" and link the related threads in a spoiler at the top of each thread.

If you plan to make more threads for your ideas, sifting through a large thread to find each piece would get slightly annoying.

I'd like to see what you come up with from these ideas.

I can do that. Although, I might start clogging up the place with all my garbage. There's a lot I could start talking about. But I suppose that now that the door's open, I will. I've taken a pause in things and I'm feeling exceptionally shitty right now. I need something nice to occupy my time.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap's Dump Thread
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:22:35 AM »
It's a neat idea for a species.

I've got a pretty extensive story/universe/thing concocted in my head that's been brewing for nearly a decade but I've never really revealed much of it to anyone. I thought maybe one day, if I was to ever be as good of an artist as I'd like to be, then I'd turn it into a graphic novel of sorts but I'm not so confident of my abilities that it would ever happen. =/

At some point I'd like to draw what I spin up. But that will take time I believe. Currently, I am learning how to draw, but the two are competing for time, and because I'm more skilled in writing, most of the time I favor writing something over drawing. I am trying to merge the two, write something and then draw, but I find that after I write and finish a story, interest diminishes and I start spinning something else up instead.

The Flood / Re: Critter idea
« on: September 26, 2014, 01:56:16 AM »
I'm going to turn this into my idea dump thread. I can't keep all this shit in my head some days, and a lot of the time, I never get far enough to construct a story. So, from here on out, this is now my idea dump thread. If you folks want to take a peek or discuss whatever I dream up in here, you're welcome to.

The Flood / Re: What's with all the blacklisting and Bans lately?
« on: September 26, 2014, 01:41:47 AM »
Bending the rules farther than allowed.

I'm barely 5'4, male, and a lot of the chicks i meet are taller than me.
It sucks.

What, don't like having natural pillows in your face when you cuddle?

The Flood / Re: Rap is the lowest form of music.
« on: September 26, 2014, 12:25:05 AM »

I beg to differ.

The Flood / Re: Critter idea
« on: September 26, 2014, 12:23:32 AM »

Somewhat what I was trying to emmulate. There's no real official translation of their native name. People just go with what they feel like. But yes, again, what I was trying to emmulate. Technology that reflects their hyper adaptive nature through being a simple, basic foundation which can then be applied to whatever they wish through their own ideas.

But it is good that you say something. Feedback, of anything beyond "Cool or neat" is incredibly hard for me to find. As I said though, revisions, revisions. A species with such a far out biology would have different minds then our own.

In terms of xenophobia, I wouldn't say they're that bad. They're more like hermits.

You need to consider everything they may have went through as a species to become the way they are.

Not quite. A little mystery does some good. After all, most of what I have down here won't ever make it down into the story. Just little hints and paper trails. From the few who I've talked to, and the experiences of my own personal side of things, mystery, is always the key factor.

I can think up a good portion of things, like I have here, but to lay them down all in one shot removes the lure of what people are reading. You make a paper trail, bits and pieces that surface when characters interact, or questions are asked. But you never tell everything.

In that way, every reader has a concrete base to work off of, but their own imagination, fuels the rest. And that is the most important thing to capture, and to know. You set up the pieces, and the readers will create their own worlds.

The Flood / Re: Critter idea
« on: September 25, 2014, 10:51:53 PM »
I need to put my thoughts down somewhere tonight folks. But it seems like I have nobody to discuss things with. So I'm going to throw some shit out into the wind here just because. Don't mind me.

So, I'm working on another little project of mine. But, I've got to do some revisions. Partially because I now realize that the particular idea I have in mind requires some outside the box thinking.

So, we have this species. The galaxy at large knows not too much about them, for two reasons. The first is, they are very hard to find. And second is, they're reclusive in their records. Their name, in their own language, roughly translated into Common, the base spoken language of all in the galaxy, is Chimera.

Chimera's are biologically unique in that they are the only known organic species in the galaxy to have nearly total control over their atomic structure. Roughly speaking, they're shapeshifters. Anything they've ever touched, is remembered in a photographic memory by their body.

As such, their limitations are only based on three things. How far outside the box they can think, the particular material they phase into, and their very short lifespan. No Chimera has ever lived past 15.

Over the course of their life, Chimeras can undergo forced changes at random. The galaxy attributes this to the fact that they exist in a state of quantum uncertainty. But, what it really is, is their bodies breaking down as they age. Past 15, they become unstable, and it's only a matter of time before they break down on the atomic level, and turn to dust. Even less than dust.

Death, in their culture is the most frightful thing to them. In their natural form, which isn't seen often because they only reveal it to those that they trust absolutely, they can become sick, break bones, and take lethal damage, just as any other species. But their unique biology makes them god like, able to go anywhere, do anything. And yet, even they aren't immune to death.

I was trying to think of what a particular species of this types technology would be like, and came to the conclusion, that they build empty vessels and contraptions. And using their own natural biology, they power their devices in a highly coordinated group effort. Reclusive, cooperative, loyal, and very secretive to the outside galaxy.

They come from a pocket of space known as the warped regions. The unstable center of the galaxy. The closer you get to the center, the more volatile it becomes. Stars twist and warp around each other, feeding off each other and colliding. Black holes devour anything in reach, and gravity warps and bends like a child's plaything.

Most life forms that survive long enough in these regions are representations of hyper adaptability or intelligence, able to survive where any other species would die, or escape their chaotic region of space before they are consumed.

There you have it. I've dumped my head empty for the time being. Now lets see if I can write something constructive and un-cluttered.

Their name when translated into Common is Chimera? A fire-breathing creature out of Greek mythology with the body of a lion, a goat sticking out of it's back and a snake for a tail? I find it doubtful that a culture that evolved in isolation from us would pick a name from our mythology to describe themselves, when, as you describe them, they sound xenophobic. I would simply name them after their shape-shifting ability. Like the Shifters, the Amorphous, the Shapeless. My point is that a name can't really be translated if it doesn't have a meaning that is common between two languages. The evidence being that we don't have our own word for Fire-Breathing-Lion-Goat-Snake-Monster, because the English never came up with their own Chimera, they just took the Greek word for it when they heard about it.

I'm sorry that I went off on a rant about your nomenclature, but if you're dead-set on calling them Chimera,don't say, it was translated from their language, just say it's a name that the other cultures in your universe are giving them because the Chimera are so asocial, they haven't even bothered to them a moniker to call them by.

That said, if they are characterized by having such a high level of adaptability that changing is something they do on a whim, I would suggest you make a note of their gadgetry being viewed as more for generalized use, rather being created with a clear use in mind. hey view things based on their potential application, rather their common application.

Somewhat what I was trying to emmulate. There's no real official translation of their native name. People just go with what they feel like. But yes, again, what I was trying to emmulate. Technology that reflects their hyper adaptive nature through being a simple, basic foundation which can then be applied to whatever they wish through their own ideas.

But it is good that you say something. Feedback, of anything beyond "Cool or neat" is incredibly hard for me to find. As I said though, revisions, revisions. A species with such a far out biology would have different minds then our own.

In terms of xenophobia, I wouldn't say they're that bad. They're more like hermits.

Gaming / Re: So Far Loving the New Destiny Update
« on: September 25, 2014, 10:27:21 PM »

"If this is my, our destiny, then I want no part of it!"

The Flood / Re: Critter idea
« on: September 25, 2014, 10:21:22 PM »
Hows their social structure? Stuff like family, and the like.

Clan based. Tight nit groups that stick with each other. Politically, they have a very stable, yet loose governing body, a council of sorts, consisting of the largest and most populated clans.

Some clans often focus on specific aspects, passing on a line of work or study to their children. Scientists, medical proffessions, that sort of thing. But, for a lot of the galaxy, they make the best spies around. Any structure they touch can be replicated, including an organic being. Which makes them natural infiltrators.

But, as I said, Chimera's don't have total control. They can't combine different forms and states of matter together. If they want to turn themselves into a puddle, then their entire body will become a puddle. If they copy another species, they gain their strengths, and weaknesses, down to bodily conditions and diseases.
Interesting, but with such unstable DNA, how do they reproduce?

Chimeras, by default, have no sex. But as they age, depending on their personaility, they will eventually come to choose a sex and the gender associated with it.

Chimeras enter adulthood very quickly due to their short lifespan, and making more offspring is the most ideal when they're young. Chimera's are the most stable when they're young, which means they can go for long periods of time without undergoing forced shifts in their structure. If they wish to have offspring, they have to remain in their natural form, which makes them the most vulnerable in their entire life.

As a result, their medical facilities are advanced, heavily protected and defended, and hidden away. This is why showing their true form is an act of trust, and sexual based events only happen between those that have the strongest of bonds, hence, why there are very tightly nit families and clans.

The Flood / Re: Critter idea
« on: September 25, 2014, 10:12:18 PM »
Hows their social structure? Stuff like family, and the like.

Clan based. Tight nit groups that stick with each other. Politically, they have a very stable, yet loose governing body, a council of sorts, consisting of the largest and most populated clans.

Some clans often focus on specific aspects, passing on a line of work or study to their children. Scientists, medical proffessions, that sort of thing. But, for a lot of the galaxy, they make the best spies around. Any structure they touch can be replicated, including an organic being. Which makes them natural infiltrators.

But, as I said, Chimera's don't have total control. They can't combine different forms and states of matter together. If they want to turn themselves into a puddle, then their entire body will become a puddle. If they copy another species, they gain their strengths, and weaknesses, down to bodily conditions and diseases.

The Flood / Sandtrap's Dump Thread
« on: September 25, 2014, 09:52:03 PM »
Edit: I'm turning this into my own little space to set loose all the shit I spin up in my head concerning my supposed endless and random acts of creativity. I'll be dumping down my idea and shit in here when I have them and I need to clear my head. You can take a peek if you want, or discuss what I dream up. But for all intents and purposes, this will be me talking to myself.

Links to Other Threads

Sapient Cactus Plant

I need to put my thoughts down somewhere tonight folks. But it seems like I have nobody to discuss things with. So I'm going to throw some shit out into the wind here just because. Don't mind me.

So, I'm working on another little project of mine. But, I've got to do some revisions. Partially because I now realize that the particular idea I have in mind requires some outside the box thinking.

So, we have this species. The galaxy at large knows not too much about them, for two reasons. The first is, they are very hard to find. And second is, they're reclusive in their records. Their name, in their own language, roughly translated into Common, the base spoken language of all in the galaxy, is Chimera.

Chimera's are biologically unique in that they are the only known organic species in the galaxy to have nearly total control over their atomic structure. Roughly speaking, they're shapeshifters. Anything they've ever touched, is remembered in a photographic memory by their body.

As such, their limitations are only based on three things. How far outside the box they can think, the particular material they phase into, and their very short lifespan. No Chimera has ever lived past 15.

Over the course of their life, Chimeras can undergo forced changes at random. The galaxy attributes this to the fact that they exist in a state of quantum uncertainty. But, what it really is, is their bodies breaking down as they age. Past 15, they become unstable, and it's only a matter of time before they break down on the atomic level, and turn to dust. Even less than dust.

Death, in their culture is the most frightful thing to them. In their natural form, which isn't seen often because they only reveal it to those that they trust absolutely, they can become sick, break bones, and take lethal damage, just as any other species. But their unique biology makes them god like, able to go anywhere, do anything. And yet, even they aren't immune to death.

I was trying to think of what a particular species of this types technology would be like, and came to the conclusion, that they build empty vessels and contraptions. And using their own natural biology, they power their devices in a highly coordinated group effort. Reclusive, cooperative, loyal, and very secretive to the outside galaxy.

They come from a pocket of space known as the warped regions. The unstable center of the galaxy. The closer you get to the center, the more volatile it becomes. Stars twist and warp around each other, feeding off each other and colliding. Black holes devour anything in reach, and gravity warps and bends like a child's plaything.

Most life forms that survive long enough in these regions are representations of hyper adaptability or intelligence, able to survive where any other species would die, or escape their chaotic region of space before they are consumed.

There you have it. I've dumped my head empty for the time being. Now lets see if I can write something constructive and un-cluttered.

Gaming / Re: Destiny is Fabulous
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:55:33 PM »
Fabulous loot.

The Flood / Re: I feel sleepy-byes
« on: September 25, 2014, 02:26:56 PM »
Personally, at the moment I feel like I'm about sleep. And perhaps, not wake up. Whatever bug I've got is spreading fast. Fever, physical exhaustion, oh boy I love this shit.

So I'm going to sleep.

Goodnight Australian compatriot. Maybe I will see you at night, when it is morning for you. Or maybe not.
I think you'll wake up. Sleep hard, man. Eat and drink healthy.

Can't even breathe straight without pain. Gonna drown myself in noodles and smother myself in pillows, no light or sound to bother.

The Flood / Re: I feel sleepy-byes
« on: September 25, 2014, 02:17:05 PM »
Personally, at the moment I feel like I'm about sleep. And perhaps, not wake up. Whatever bug I've got is spreading fast. Fever, physical exhaustion, oh boy I love this shit.

So I'm going to sleep.

Goodnight Australian compatriot. Maybe I will see you at night, when it is morning for you. Or maybe not.

The Flood / Re: That feel when your soul mate is fictional.
« on: September 25, 2014, 02:06:48 PM »
lol @ the thought of a soulmate

People are a lot like puzzles. Gears maybe. They shift, turn, and wind, round and round. Always changing, always trying to put the pieces together into a whole that functions properly. And sometimes, they can't do it alone. That one last piece will always be missing, keeping them from completing the puzzle.

Soulmate? Maybe. Regardless of what you believe, out there, in the world, is another Human being that will fill in the void. That last, little piece of you that you struggle to fit into place. A person who you can share yourself completely with, your dreams and your fears. A person who will pick you up when you fall, stumble, and fail. A person that you would move mountains for to reach, to stay with.

A day will come when you may find that.

When it does, come back here, and tell us what you would call that.

The Flood / Re: You guys are bad for my mental health
« on: September 25, 2014, 01:55:39 PM »
It's like magic. You speak words, any words, and people flock towards you.

Did you ever try being a wall mart greeter? You'd be good for business.

The Flood / Re: Should I unmute True Turquoise?
« on: September 25, 2014, 12:25:45 PM »

The Flood / Re: Today in Science
« on: September 25, 2014, 12:22:44 PM »
Technically it counts as today since it happened around 1 o'clock in the morning.

Puked out my stomach along with a bunch of blood, went to the hospital, found out what the issue was, and was given some medication by the doc to help make sure that the wounds from the stomach acid passing along my throat didn't get infected and go into a respetory infection by the cold I currently have.

Now I'm just sitting here, eating fucking yogurt and half mute because it hurts to breathe or speak.

The Flood / Re: Fuck me sideways(Medical Results good/bad news)
« on: September 25, 2014, 12:19:07 PM »
You want me to fck you sideways, but you have yet to specify the particular orifice from which you would like my service

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