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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 341342343 344345 ... 390
Gaming / Re: Halo: MCC Bloodline Walkthrough (1080p 60fps)
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:20:50 PM »
Oh my god the guy playing is absolutely terrible at the game.

Give em a break. They're game devs, not keyboard warriors.

The Flood / Re: MMmmm. Beer...
« on: October 16, 2014, 11:06:41 PM »
They just stocked up the shelves with eggnog. I'm gonna chug that stuff tonight. Nothing better to do.

Alcoholic family on my father's side. Go figure.

The Flood / Re: Tension headaches
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:47:14 PM »
Sorry I can't help ya bud. The only thing I do is either tough them out or they're so bad that I just need sleep to avoid the pain. Chug tylenol or whatever you take for headaches, drink lots of water, and just sleep them out.
Sleep is one of the problems. I usually get 5-6 hours of sleep when I should be getting 9.

I always like to say, if it's important enough to you, then you'll make time. There are some days when you just have to say fuck you to the world and do what you need to. Take even one day, just one day for yourself, and rest. That's all there is to it.

The Flood / Re: Tension headaches
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:43:55 PM »
Sorry I can't help ya bud. The only thing I do is either tough them out or they're so bad that I just need sleep to avoid the pain. Chug tylenol or whatever you take for headaches, drink lots of water, and just sleep them out.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I Ruin Your Day :^)
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:28:46 PM »
So, is this ban worthy or not?

I bet you a can of maple beans that it is. Another can says he gets banned for 3 days.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I Ruin Your Day :^)
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:27:55 PM »
You're too slow slick. Day was already trash. Actually, its night now as well. Ya'll are slow as molasses. Didn't watch the vid either. Cheers.

Daily reminder that I play the shit I like and don't particularily care about shitty reviews.
Shit would be a fitting description of Fallout 3, yes.

It may have been shit.



Daily reminder that I play the shit I like and don't particularily care about shitty reviews.

The Flood / Re: So how have I been lately?
« on: October 16, 2014, 08:10:44 PM »
Never knew you much in the first place. I was around when you were on I believe, but that was only the last fleeting moments of my account. Seem decent enough. Especially your offer to me earlier.

The Flood / Re: This creature's existence bothers me greatly
« on: October 16, 2014, 07:49:51 PM »
Your existence bothers me greatly.


The Flood / Re: Your honest opinion of me
« on: October 16, 2014, 07:31:53 PM »
Your name has a nice ring to it. That cog is so well placed.

Gaming / Re: New 1080p MCC Screenshots
« on: October 16, 2014, 07:30:15 PM »
I think the problems I have with the H2A Elites vs the old ones are:
1. The skin. Not quite sure if it's the texture too, but the color doesn't look right, seems a bit too light.
Color is the same as Halo Reach, don't forget we're dealing with Blur who takes into account all aspects of coloration on skin, including how light reacts to different textures.

2. Their mouths, mostly the teeth. Foremost, how their teeth seem bent and uncared for bothers me, it makes them look like hill billies; is this really the extent of the Covenant's technology when it comes to the field of Dentistry?
Look at their teeth in Halo 2, they were really fugly. In regards to dentistry:

Look at humans. The majority of humans don't care for their teeth as much as some western cultures have (USA) and even in western cultures, the USA is an oddball for our emphasis on teeth care as well. The idea that cultures from an entirely different species would have the same cultural values western society on Earth has is rather ethnocentric.

While it looks like 343i improved the positioning of the upper mandibles so they aren't biting themselves in the face, it still kinda looks like Thel's chomping his own gums/grinding his teeth in that picture. Seems like an improvement, but still looks problematic from a realistic POV.
Halo 4's Elites were never biting their faces.

Evolution is a bit rudimentary when you compare it to how intelligent or logical design should be. It's just a picture. Footage from the Halo 2 Blue trailer makes it look good.

Now, here's where there really seems to be a concern regarding the mandibles actually being useful. It looks like each mandible is packed with 50-some pointed teeth, which effectively means they can't be used for chewing as a meat-eating animal. Why? Same reason why a bed of nails actually doesn't hurt to lay down on, surface area; with whatever the Elite is eating being spread out in SA along the teeth lining the mandibles, the teeth cannot really cut or slice that efficiently. They'd seem about as effective as molars, and all they could seem to be used for is pushing the food into their throat-hole.
Well, having them function in a similar function to molars would actually make sense considering they are herbivores and the Halo 4 iteration of Elites has molars.

Plus, there are teeth that stick out further than others on the mandibles.

Halo 4 Elites had two sets of teeth I might add. Meat and plant ones mixed up. Take a peek next time you kill one. You'll see that not all of them are sharpies.

Serious / Re: Is being selfish a bad thing?
« on: October 16, 2014, 04:39:00 PM »
You know you could always counter argue that maybe you believe you aren't up for it? Would it be selfish to have kids without caring for them properly and raising them to be decent functioning human beings, all for the sake of sex?

Yes, yes it would. So you do what you feel you should. One day your attitude and outlook might change. But, the point is, you aren't some half brained father in their early 20's dealing with 5+ kids that you don't give two shits about. Onto the question at hand now.

I say that yes, for the most part, being selfish is a bad thing, especially in this supposed modern age. But the fact is, being selfish in the past is what drove us along as a species. One tribe had land, but wanted more. So they took it. And as a result, the fittest survived. Selfishness and greed, as bad as it is in today's world, is what allowed us to survive as a species. The need, the want for more, gave our early ancestors and edge. More power, more resources, helped them survive.

I don't agree with it, but I understand that it was necessary at the time. But now, now that we've taken a few more steps as a species, selfishness is inherently bad for our survival and our progress. Because of our interconnected state, selfishness now affects not small plots of land and tribes, but the world itself.

Gaming / Re: I have found the edgiest game on the planet.
« on: October 16, 2014, 04:27:07 PM »
I feel like I'm the only one here who is actually disturbed by that game?



I hear ya. I sit on the fence about it. On one hand the game looks so terrible that it's got to be a parody. And on the other, I'd just like to turn away and forget what I saw.

The Flood / Re: This was pretty interesting to watch
« on: October 16, 2014, 04:12:58 PM »
Indeed it was.

The Flood / Re: Autistic paintings thread
« on: October 16, 2014, 02:41:14 PM »
Now that's what I like to call organized chaos. And it actually looks nice too.

Gaming / Re: I have found the edgiest game on the planet.
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:58:52 PM »
That voiceover was hilarious. This game is a joke, right?

It looks like a parody of hotline miami. All the bright rainbow colours got sucked away.

The Flood / Re: I've got nothing to lose
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:14:44 PM »
Eh. Whenever I hit a "lemon" while reading some fiction, it usually breaks me out of the illusion and I skim over it.

I'll make the effort to read your shit, but no promises I will make it to the end.

Lucky for you then! Usually, the end is the lemons. Complete with burned down houses. But, as I said, I'm going to start with some familiar territory that the majority of the people here have tread upon. A common origin point.

The Flood / Re: I've got nothing to lose
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:04:16 PM »
But non-consent and mind break? Off limits. I may write smut but I've got some standards.
Aww... I understand though.

I'm not the most negative person out there. So I have a damn hard time producing something inherently negative like that. Actually, I never did produce anything of the sort. I find the fact that there's a buildup and something shared between two that are so different to be more fullfiling. You let your noggin walk you down dark roads and you may one day find something ugly coming out of it. Which is why, I try to keep things semi light hearted.

The Flood / Re: I've got nothing to lose
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:47:40 PM »
So.... what kind of erotia do you write?

Outlandish. Big time fan of the mythical/supernatural. Big time Xenophile. Robophile. Bugs are fun to turn into Xenobiological based lifeforms. And lately, just a touch of fanfiction to challenge myself to another world with barriers and it's own laws.

Basically, if it's exotic, and it's rare, I'll end up writing about it.
Meh... I've never been one for scifi erotica. Always come across as outlandish and cliche...

Bugs are interesting though, especially when combined with non-consent and mind break.

So far I've never had even one comment about standard cliches. I seem to be able to keep things interesting. For example, there's a piece in development at the moment. About a Cyborg. Compartmentalized body parts for maintenance and safety features.

But has two conditions which I termed Phantom Limb Syndrome and Phantom Signal Syndrome.

PLS is related to memories, and the cyborg body parts attempt to "re-live" old memories of the user before they had the operation. Dreams and old memories and such set them off, like sleepwalking.

PSS is related to their body parts. Each one is connected to the user's brain via a remote signal, so that they can pin them down if they lose body parts or try to recover them. But with concentration, the user can actively feel what's happening to the particular body part, and to some extent even control it.

But non-consent and mind break? Off limits. I may write smut but I've got some standards.

The Flood / Re: I've got nothing to lose
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:41:10 PM »
So.... what kind of erotia do you write?

Outlandish. Big time fan of the mythical/supernatural. Big time Xenophile. Robophile. Bugs are fun to turn into Xenobiological based lifeforms. And lately, just a touch of fanfiction to challenge myself to another world with barriers and it's own laws.

Basically, if it's exotic, and it's rare, I'll end up writing about it.

The Flood / Re: Since Ebola is now in Connecticut
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:34:11 PM »

Flatland Provincer middle of nowhere master race. Like hell we'll get ebola up here. The entire province shuts down in the winter.

The Flood / Re: I've got nothing to lose
« on: October 16, 2014, 12:30:42 PM » you write epic lemons? I like lemons.

No Spoilers for you.

The Flood / Re: I've got nothing to lose
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:26:41 AM »
Is everyone's dream of a SephirothxCloud fanfic written by sandtrap finally going to come true?

1. My boat don't float that way
2. I don't bastardize established universes. I bend the rules a bit, but leave everything else untouched
3. It's not Christmas

The Flood / Re: I've got nothing to lose
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:03:28 AM »
Another wall of text from the blog master.

Oho! Come Anarchy you're going to get a lot more than a wall. Try roughly 80 pages of walls.

Anarchy is gone, no?

It comes back once every month.
It used to. Last Anarchy we had you were in your coma and shit hit the fan. It spilled over into The Flood and just created a bad atmosphere so either Anarchy isn't coming back at all of its going to be moderated or something.

What can I say. Who didn't see that coming? Too many grudges held by too many people. You never know though. The mods might have orders to put their boot down on spillage from it.
I saw it coming. Not a fan of it anyways, as far as I'm concerned good riddance.

Rest in piss?

The Flood / Re: wakin' & bakin' AMA me anything
« on: October 16, 2014, 10:00:33 AM »


The Flood / Re: I just realized it's 1/2-way through October
« on: October 16, 2014, 09:54:25 AM »
I still feel like shit as we speak! I feel like shit every fall! Like hell I'm going to let that rule over me though.

The Flood / Re: I've got nothing to lose
« on: October 16, 2014, 09:51:04 AM »
I've been doing a little bit of thinking tonight Flood. And I'd like to take a moment to talk about something of mine. It's something I've worked on for years. Learned and grown with. It's a part of me, and I can't change it. I would never trade it for anything. It's the fact that I'm a writer.

But what do I write? What have I spent three years of my life writing? What kind of short stories do I make?

It's a good question. Because honestly, I don't know what they are. It's a question I've worked on for years. And I've done my best to find other people like me. But I can't. I search everywhere. And finding anybody, any person at all who walks a blurred line like I do, has proven nigh impossible.

So you know what? I've got nothing to lose. Nothing to hide. Whenever Anarchy rolls in, I'm going to post one of my stories. Just one, for every Anarchy.

And, for the most part, I think I'm making a mistake. But I just don't give a frack anymore. I'm tired of waking up to the life that I live. So I'm going to change things. Even if that means from here on out I get the weird stares and the flak from all the sacks of old sacks that dwell here.

So I'll say it.

A simple person, would try to shunt me into the category of "A writer of erotica." And you know what? They'd be partially right. But over the years it's changed. I put something more into it than just simple, mindless sex for the sake of sex.

And that's it folks. This is my last little secret of mine. No longer a secret now. I am strange by nature, and I can't change that. Nor will I fight it. And, if there's a chance that even one person here would enjoy what I write, then why the frack not?

One life to live. One shot, one chance at everything. So, I'll be seeing you in Anarchy when it arrives folks. You ready to get a little strange?

Shove this blog up your ass maggot.

Little reading never hurt anybody. Get your gears turning once in a while right?

The Flood / Re: I've got nothing to lose
« on: October 16, 2014, 09:46:55 AM »
Another wall of text from the blog master.

Oho! Come Anarchy you're going to get a lot more than a wall. Try roughly 80 pages of walls.

Anarchy is gone, no?

It comes back once every month.
It used to. Last Anarchy we had you were in your coma and shit hit the fan. It spilled over into The Flood and just created a bad atmosphere so either Anarchy isn't coming back at all of its going to be moderated or something.

What can I say. Who didn't see that coming? Too many grudges held by too many people. You never know though. The mods might have orders to put their boot down on spillage from it.

The Flood / Re: I've got nothing to lose
« on: October 16, 2014, 09:43:47 AM »
Another wall of text from the blog master.

Oho! Come Anarchy you're going to get a lot more than a wall. Try roughly 80 pages of walls.
Anarchy isn't coming back.

That won't stop me. Rules are made to bent a little bit, no?

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