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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 334335336 337338 ... 390
Don't know why people are overhyping Vader. Everyone seems to forget that post Mustafar his powers were severely curtailed. He can't move very well. He can't react very well. He's basically a giant black asthmatic dildo target for anyone who employs stealth as a tactic. At range he'd be decent no doubt, but in close quarters he'd get absolutely rekt by Wolverine. Hell, Batman/Predator could give him a run for his money if they gave him the jump.

And no, force powers do not automatically give him clairvoyance. He can only detect other force users. So stealth is still a viable option here.

I swear to god don't make me quote the fucking wiki in this shit. Vader has this in the bag.

But is any of that actually canon though?

That's actually a good point. Since Disney gutted just about everything, essentally, Vader is a blank slate now. But you know what? Fuck it. You want a wall of China?

Hmm, no, wait. Fucking lol, the wiki broke the 25,000 character limit.

Don't know why people are overhyping Vader. Everyone seems to forget that post Mustafar his powers were severely curtailed. He can't move very well. He can't react very well. He's basically a giant black asthmatic dildo target for anyone who employs stealth as a tactic. At range he'd be decent no doubt, but in close quarters he'd get absolutely rekt by Wolverine. Hell, Batman/Predator could give him a run for his money if they gave him the jump.

And no, force powers do not automatically give him clairvoyance. He can only detect other force users. So stealth is still a viable option here.

I swear to god don't make me quote the fucking wiki in this shit. Vader has this in the bag.

Gaming / Re: Xbox One is now $350
« on: October 27, 2014, 05:11:39 PM »
*450 in Canada*

*Throw in another 60 because tax and shit*

*510 bucks*

News / Re: Banning Intensifies
« on: October 27, 2014, 05:06:25 PM »
Good. Put the boot down when it's needed.

everyone saying vader, which seems kinda crazy to me because the only vader i have seen is from the movies(like the post a few above mentions) and he walks like an old man, moves very slow ect.

Can anyone describe to me how powerful vader really is and give me some feats? so far i'm going with wolverine.

I could list you everything Vader is capable of, but the TL:DR even without using the wiki would be immense. He is, without a doubt, one of the strongest Sith lords to have ever wlaked the galaxy.

We've been down this road before. Wolverine and Vader are the only two who would succeed. The problem with Vader, is that he can grow tired. And, fighting against wolverine, a man who can regenerate, is a problem. Unless Vader can pin and disable wolverine, it's going to be a long fucking fight.

However, if you've got wolvers on your side, he could potentially kill all other 8, but you'd have to move and run in order to do so, since in the fight, he'll probably be put out of commission for brief moments.

But, overall, Vader is a complete powerhouse. Don't let the old movies fool you. He's a cyborg with the strength and speed to match general grievous, and has access to the power of the force and is a ridiculous swordsmith.

The Flood / Re: I'm finished
« on: October 27, 2014, 04:36:48 PM »
I finished shoveling some snow around a little while back.

The Flood / Re: Once more and I report this site to adsense
« on: October 27, 2014, 04:07:29 PM »
Well Charles, you'll be happy to know that Addsense canned us. So,I guess we're both stuck up the creek without a paddle. In your case, time for an identity change, no? Vanish into the crowd.

The Flood / Re: Do you think you're attractive?
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:41:34 PM »
Looks are a lot like intelligence, people think they're far more handsome/pretty than they actually are.

Or, on the flipside, they don't give themselves enough credit!

The Flood / Re: Question about your health
« on: October 27, 2014, 02:01:29 PM »
Heyo! I already exist in a relative state of B!

Pissy lungs and a strained heart! But so long as the gears turn properly in my noggin, I can make something of it all.

The Flood / Re: I'm done.
« on: October 27, 2014, 01:59:00 PM »
Vacations are a good thing. Sometimes, you just need to go for a walk in a different part of the woods, clear your noggin out, and then return back home to something fresh.

I won't stop ya. I won't say sorry, because there's nothing to be sorry for. Everybody needs a break every now and then. The internet isn't tiresome physically. But mentally.

So, I wish you a good trip and perhaps, a return to here with some new spark in hand and mind.
I wouldn't blame anybody for leaving. The topics here are about as interesting as watching paint dry and there's nothing but drama and animosity.

Let's face it, we should have all gone back to a long time ago. I personally am growing tired of forums in general. If things go according to plan these next few months, I'll most likely be leaving permanently.

That's the thing about forums. Every door is open. Every experience, or outcome is open. So, over time, as you go along the internet world, in a sense, you live a virtual life where eventually, you've seen everything. Every type of post, every type of fight. The same stupidity over and over. You've seen and done all you can.

And no matter where you go, it won't change. The community may be different. But the overall rules are the same. What really matters, is the gems you find. Small little moments, talks and events that you will remember, because they stand out in the sea of grey. People that you want to keep talking to, beyond the forum.

People haven't realized it yet, but the internet will never, ever replace true, real world social interaction. And that's the point. If you spend small portions of time on the internet, and encounter those little gems, those moments worth saving, then your experience will go well. But if you let it absorb you completely, then your experience goes dull and grey.

It all comes down to what I said. Filter through the sand and messy stuff, to find the rare gems worth saving. And when you grow tired, take a vacation. Because with the internet, you can.
That's true. I'm at the point where everything is just so god damn predictable.

But it's more than that. It's just that this whole thing has become boring and the amount of losers here who have nothing to do but pick fights is just insane. I'm on here and I'm wondering what the hell I'm doing wasting even 5 minutes of my life watching inconsequential conversations and arguments when I could be doing something fun or at least productive.

It's just a giant waste of time, and you feel your mind decaying and growing stale in an environment where you already know what's going to happen when something is said or what type of reply is going to be made.

This place just doesn't have the charm it once had, and now that we've broken off from Bungie this community has become really stale. You don't learn anything, and it's just the same rehashed bullshit over and over.

Elder stages of the internet my friend! But that's okay. Nothing ever stays the same, and nothing remains forever. When it's time, it's time. But that's what's unique about the internet. It's a timeless void. You can pick up a conversation from weeks, months ago, with the snap of a finger.

So, just leave, take some time off, and maybe you'll return. Maybe you won't. It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but what matters is the moments you've had, and the people you've shared something with. Remember the good days. Keep in touch with those you enjoy some sense of company with.

Live your life outside of the white little computer screen. And if you want to come back, it'll always be waiting, just wipe off the dust, sit in your comfy seat, and go.

No pressure. No ties to hold you down. Just, come and go where the wind takes you.

The Flood / Re: I'm done.
« on: October 27, 2014, 01:24:37 PM »
Vacations are a good thing. Sometimes, you just need to go for a walk in a different part of the woods, clear your noggin out, and then return back home to something fresh.

I won't stop ya. I won't say sorry, because there's nothing to be sorry for. Everybody needs a break every now and then. The internet isn't tiresome physically. But mentally.

So, I wish you a good trip and perhaps, a return to here with some new spark in hand and mind.
I wouldn't blame anybody for leaving. The topics here are about as interesting as watching paint dry and there's nothing but drama and animosity.

Let's face it, we should have all gone back to a long time ago. I personally am growing tired of forums in general. If things go according to plan these next few months, I'll most likely be leaving permanently.

That's the thing about forums. Every door is open. Every experience, or outcome is open. So, over time, as you go along the internet world, in a sense, you live a virtual life where eventually, you've seen everything. Every type of post, every type of fight. The same stupidity over and over. You've seen and done all you can.

And no matter where you go, it won't change. The community may be different. But the overall rules are the same. What really matters, is the gems you find. Small little moments, talks and events that you will remember, because they stand out in the sea of grey. People that you want to keep talking to, beyond the forum.

People haven't realized it yet, but the internet will never, ever replace true, real world social interaction. And that's the point. If you spend small portions of time on the internet, and encounter those little gems, those moments worth saving, then your experience will go well. But if you let it absorb you completely, then your experience goes dull and grey.

It all comes down to what I said. Filter through the sand and messy stuff, to find the rare gems worth saving. And when you grow tired, take a vacation. Because with the internet, you can.

The Flood / Re: I'm done.
« on: October 27, 2014, 01:13:03 PM »
Vacations are a good thing. Sometimes, you just need to go for a walk in a different part of the woods, clear your noggin out, and then return back home to something fresh.

I won't stop ya. I won't say sorry, because there's nothing to be sorry for. Everybody needs a break every now and then. The internet isn't tiresome physically. But mentally.

So, I wish you a good trip and perhaps, a return to here with some new spark in hand and mind.

The Flood / Re: Relationship 'must haves'
« on: October 27, 2014, 01:03:19 PM »
Must haves. Hmm. That's tricky. Physically, I don't know what I'm looking for. I don't have any preferances save for the fact that they aren't too out of shape. Not stick thin, not big enough to spread out like a pancake on a trampoline. So that leaves mainly the mind. What am I looking for in that regard?

-Intelligence: Every person who's alive, has a certain intelligence for certain things. They excel in an area where another would not. I know I'm intelligent to a degree, but I don't know where. But I'd have to look for somebody like me

-Guts: I've worked alongside women on jobs before. Construction and so on. My sister, in the summer who only has one working eye, which is half functioning, hauls firewood alongside me. A woman who isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, and has the guts to work in a job centralised around men, has my deepest respect.

-Trust: I don't open myself up to people easily. I've been stung too many times. But despite it, I'm loyal. If I were to ever have a partner, this person would have to be someone I could place my absolute trust in. Somebody I could tell what was on my mind, and share every secret with. Someone I know I could open myself completely to, and know that they'd be doing the same. Because I would never break that trust. And I'd need to know they wouldn't betray me for it.

-Attitude: Somebody like myself. I'm easy going. There's no rush. Things fall into place when they're ready. I don't care for money but I understand the neccesity of it. If I need it I will get it. Calm, shy, friendly by all appearances, but I'll push back when shoved if I have to. I avoid fighting as much as possible. I have a rather strange positive/morbid sense of humor based around things going wrong.

If I see these four things in somebody, then it's a damn good start.

The Flood / Re: Do you think you're attractive?
« on: October 27, 2014, 12:40:49 PM »
I'm... kinda half and half on it. The clothes I wear help me quite a bit. They compliment me well. But clothes don't make the man. So, what's underneath them, I don't think is the most appealing.

But it comes with this environment, this lifestyle. In the summer, I run around, I work like crazy, and I get thinner. Never super stick thin, but enough that I'm a fairly average weight for my size. But when it gets colder, I put on some extra weight. Everybody does up here for the winter. It's an involuntary reaction to the cold.

And in the winter months, I go out of shape. I don't have so much work to do, and exercise of any kind is damn hard to do in the limited space I have indoors, not to mention going outside in the winter, blows ass. So, body wise, you could say I'm stocky. I have muscles where they count and are needed. But there's always just a bit extra that never goes away because if it did, I'd fucking freeze my ass off.

Face wise, I can't really say. I've got a crooked tooth, so that probably loses me some points right there. Messy beard that gets in the way, that probably knocks some down too. But, Imma tell you about something strange. My hair. People love my heair for some reason.

No fucking joke, I woke up one morning, had a shower, and went off to a construction site, full of the people you'd expect. Hard people, grouchy, fed up people. Manly men. And I got comments about my hair. It's like my hair, when fresh and clean has the ability to turn any straight as a board man slightly feminine. And it's hilarious.

Serious / Re: Plastic-eating fungus discovered
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:31:24 AM »

The Flood / Re: I need a hug
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:25:20 AM »
Lifeth taketh.
Thou shall giveth.

Give thine brother a hug!

Gaming / Re: Halo: Broken Circle Excerpt
« on: October 27, 2014, 09:13:14 AM »

The Flood / Re: I don't feel bad about using Adblock
« on: October 27, 2014, 08:27:23 AM »
This is why I don't watch TV any more. 3 minutes of the show. 5 minutes of commercials. And then the internet became just as infested.

I can remember, only something like a short 4-5 years ago, when the internet wasn't an ad shithole. When I could open up a youtube video, and just watch the fucking video. This is the only site I stomach the ads for because it's important, and I don't get the kind you're getting.

The Flood / Re: If You Were Trapped In My Vessel...
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:54:07 PM »
Depends on the vessel.

Is it your car? Fuck you, I piss on your seats and leave you with that "piss in car" fragrance so that you have to eject me.

Spaceship? Pull on the conduits and wires.

Eaten me? I don't think you've ever seen me rip apart things before. Fuck yo stomach.

Why would you want to escape?

1. I fucking hate riding shotgun. If I'm going to die in a car crash, it's going to be from my own hands.

2. With the amount of planes being shot down lately, I don't trust a spaceship any better.

3. Fuck stomachs. They smell like shit.

The Flood / Re: If You Were Trapped In My Vessel...
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:46:23 PM »
I am already trapped and have no intentions of escaping. I am waiting for you to come eat me.

What the actual flying holy mother of jesus on a crack bird eating fuck is with that avatar?

Holy fuckery!
My boyfriend drew it for me, because he is the best person ever. =^.^=

I knew the fucking artwork looked familiar.

God Dammit Vien! Don't ruin Destiny for me. X(

Hey! Imma ruin Density for you. There's Exo 34 out there. I'll just let that sink in.

The Flood / Re: If You Were Trapped In My Vessel...
« on: October 26, 2014, 11:45:21 PM »
Depends on the vessel.

Is it your car? Fuck you, I piss on your seats and leave you with that "piss in car" fragrance so that you have to eject me.

Spaceship? Pull on the conduits and wires.

Eaten me? I don't think you've ever seen me rip apart things before. Fuck yo stomach.

Serious / Re: What does being in the military mean to you?
« on: October 26, 2014, 10:25:08 PM »
It's a very, very hard to see thread for me. I have pity, yet I don't. Because the soldiers are used as tools. Sent and shipped off to places in the world that we shouldn't be in. Some of them, want to be there. They go willingly, to kill willingly. And that in my eyes isn't right. I don't care how horrible a person is, or a group of people are.

I already made my point very clear to you. Jobs attract people based off personality. So, while I have no doubt in my mind that there are people who serve, who are genuinely nice, decent people, a lot of people around them have something, how to say it, "off," inside of them.

I am, reserved about fighting, and war. I believe that a soldier should be used to defend one's homeland, nothing more. Not used, and abused for higher purposes, shipped off to countries where in the end they just become a number, a casualty on a board game played by men and woman above them.

I do not appreciate how they are used. I do not appreciate that they have to kill, or kill willingly. But I respect that regardless of such a job, they do it anyway. Even if they're there for the wrong reasons, they're still doing a dirty job that I would not wish to ever place my boots upon.

So, I can respect the ones who do it, and return home. Even if they went for the wrong reasons, they come home changed. And I do not wish harm on anybody, to go through something like that. I can only hope one day that the definition of what a soldier is, and does, changes. And that they are used as a soldier should be.

A defender of one's home. And, if another country very, VERY specifically asks for aid, then a defender of another's home, in service to peace, to defending. Not offending.

The Flood / Re: Why do I even bother trying?
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:19:04 PM »
How about you just do your thing and give no fucks? If you get flak, well, fuck em. You do what you enjoy. Just leave it be and keep on rollin'

The Flood / Re: Somebody help :c
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:16:32 PM »
I killed everything in this thread with my bear hands. Including the bear hands.


The Flood / Re: Goodnight Flood
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:18:35 PM »
I should acquire a picture of corner spider that lives in my house. Corner spider is best spider.

The Flood / Re: A man offers you 100 dollars...
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:05:22 PM »
The fuck would I do with a hundred dollars? Jesus fuck 100 bucks would fill my gas tank in my truck full only once.

Fuck no. I'd do it for free.

The Flood / Re: Teletubbies?
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:01:21 PM »


The Flood / Re: Thoughts on Cybernetic Military Implements
« on: October 26, 2014, 02:21:48 PM »
I would gladly take the opportunity to replace every part of my body (except for the brain, obviously) with cybernetic components - no more pain, significantly decreased chance of disease and ailments, much longer lifespan, much less upkeep on the body. know...
Especially you know.
Where is the fun in that?
You don't have cyborg fantasies?

Lol. I wrote something on that very subject. I'm gonna have a lot of shit to post in Anarchy.



E W.


Jim confirmed for robophile.

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on Cybernetic Military Implements
« on: October 26, 2014, 02:04:28 PM »
I would gladly take the opportunity to replace every part of my body (except for the brain, obviously) with cybernetic components - no more pain, significantly decreased chance of disease and ailments, much longer lifespan, much less upkeep on the body. know...
Especially you know.
Where is the fun in that?
You don't have cyborg fantasies?

Lol. I wrote something on that very subject. I'm gonna have a lot of shit to post in Anarchy.

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