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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: You reap what you sow
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:45:39 PM »
i rape what i saw

>Sees moist, glistening concrete
>Has his way with it
>In bed having a smoke, "Was it as good for you as it was for me routine."
>Looks down
>Cock is still rock hard


The Flood / Re: How are you today?
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:04:48 PM »
Everything was going fucking smooth as could be until I got three big things dropped on my head. I've gotta get ready for work tomorrow, talk loads of shit and money, and do a whole bunch of other crap. God fucking dammit. Call some folks up in the evening, get my gear ready.

Think and muse on the possiblity of sending a lot of money down the drain. Decisions decisions. Too much weight today. All I wanted to do was sit down and write a damn story in peace.

The Flood / Re: You reap what you sow
« on: October 28, 2014, 03:40:03 PM »
Concrete work isn't too bad.

Well, fuck, maybe you should trade with me then. Tell me, have you ever had to cart a wheelbarrow up a plank walkway, balancing the fucking thing from falling, up to the second level of scaffolding?

That fucking sucks, and burns you out fast.

Most of all, because people up here are sacks of old sacks, they do it when it's cold. YOU DON'T DO CONCRETE WORK IN THE FUCKING WINTER. Everything has to be done double time. And mistakes and fuck ups are always made because it's speed over quality.

I am a a man of craftmenship. The people I've worked with, for the most part, think as I do. You take your time, go at your pace, keep it steady, and your work will be better as a result. There's no room for that in concrete  work in the winter. And I fucking detest being rushed.

The Flood / Re: You reap what you sow
« on: October 28, 2014, 02:00:59 PM »
What do needles have to do with this?

I don't know. Did I say needles somewhere? Well, by the end of the job, I'll probably have to inject needles into meself as a pain killer or god knows what.

There is no such thing as "easy going concrete work."

The Flood / You reap what you sow
« on: October 28, 2014, 01:52:10 PM »
So, yeah. That title. Relevant right now. I just got broadsided across the head by like three tall fucking orders of business. But, I'll tell you all about one.

So, I guess my name is going around a bit, for the miscellaneous work I've done in the area. And, it was passed down to some guy building a house. And they're looking for laborers. But, I'll give you the catch.

The head honcho walks into my shop, and we talk for a bit. Says I start work at 8:00 in the morning. Gives me his card and number. So apparently, whoever spoke about me assumed I wanted to sign up automatically. So here's the fucking catch.

It's concrete work.

Fuck me sideways I hate concrete work.

Let me explain why.

1. If it's a small house, it's wheel barrow work, done by hand. Tight quarters, lots of manuvering. If it's a big house, then you need a truck the relative size of a semi, with a big damn crane.

2. Concrete work is messy, hard, and fast. Because it's constantly drying. They ask for the utmost speed from you, but the damn precision of a sniper in your measurements. With speed comes the potential for fuck-ups. And there always are.

3. It's cold. -5 to be exact. That means the other two things I mentioned? You move double time.

So, I start tomorrow. And the thing is, if I refuse, then my reputation around the area is shot because technically I've already signed up. And I don't need that. I need that little piece of reputation to give me a hand in odd jobs around here. But fucking concrete work? God fucking dammit.

Gaming / Re: H2A Forge demo
« on: October 28, 2014, 01:27:42 PM »
The more glory I see in the MCC, the sadder I become. Because I won't be there to get it on launch day. I won't be there to get it for quite some time.

The Flood / Re: Are you afraid you'll be forgetten?
« on: October 28, 2014, 01:20:20 PM »
In memory and name, in all likelyhood by the end of a generation or two in my family, I'll be forgotten. And, that's okay. It's a simple inevitability that comes with life.

However, what won't be forgotten, are the actions I took in my life. Every action of mine will shape an outcome in the future for a younger family member of mine, which, in turn, will keep going forever, even beyond the death of every single family member of mine. So in that regard, no, I am not afraid of being forgotten in name and tangible memory.

What I am afraid of however, is fucking up all that's riding on me.

Gaming / Re: Xbox One is now $350
« on: October 28, 2014, 01:02:45 PM »
*450 in Canada*

*Throw in another 60 because tax and shit*

*510 bucks*
yup... fuck the Xbone, I could get a brand new PC for that.

That's not even including all the other shit I'd have to buy for the xbone. MCC so I actually had a fucking game to play. I fucking hate batteries so I'd buy a few rounds of those nice rechargable packs and a charger, since M$ decided that for the sake of convienence, rather than use the same fucking controller the 360 uses they'd just fuck around and make a new one entirely, effectively wasting all the old shit I have. And, my old hunker of a TV from the 2000's doesn't have the ports for a Juan. So I'd need a new fucking TV too.

You know what that comes to alone?

Mcc goes for 60 bucks right? In Canada, most 60 dollar games stop just short of 80 dollars.
Two rechargable battery packs? 30 bucks each makes another 60.
How about the charger? Another 60 bucks.
How about a TV? Not a fucking cheap one either, one with semi decent quality, like the one I still own which has given to me 14 years of service and never broken once? Bare minimum, 1000 dollars.
And, even better, the gas money to go to the city to go and get them? 150 bucks. If I ordered them online, they'd still fuck me over with the shipping charges. So, let's do some fucking math here.

Adding all that up, comes to a whopping 1860 dollars.

Oh, and I guess they still charge for LIVE right? So, make it 2000 dollars fair and fucking square.

You see that beasty up there? 25 feet long, weighs around 3 tons or so? I bought that for 1200 dollars.

It's un-fucking believeable all this shit is.
1- Just use a micro-USB charger for the controller that comes with the damn console
2- Buy a HDMI converter that'll let you connect your TV to an Xbone
3-A good TV absolutely does not cost $1000. Stop exaggerating
The thing is that he isn't exaggerating, that's the exact prices because of the 13% tax rate on fucking everything, and the fact that everything in canada is marked up AT LEAST 10% compared to murrica. HDMI TVs are over $1000 minimum after the taxes.
>Amazon .COM
> 22 inch
>Same TV costs twice as much on the canadian site.

are you fucking serious? that isn't the size of any living room TV, and it won't replace any TV that is in ANY living room, where most people put their home consoles.
Has he specifically stated that he's talking about the TV in his living room?

It's the only TV in the house lol.

The Flood / Re: Do you get a lot of snow during winter?
« on: October 28, 2014, 12:59:15 PM »
6 feet or more on average.

The Flood / Re: How do you look at the threads you've created on
« on: October 28, 2014, 10:56:27 AM »
As far as I know, with the clusterfuck that is, you can't. Unless you want to spend hours wading through the dropdown menu that has no end in sight to your posts which are probably in the year's worth in number.

Gaming / Re: Xbox One is now $350
« on: October 28, 2014, 10:54:00 AM »
*450 in Canada*

*Throw in another 60 because tax and shit*

*510 bucks*
yup... fuck the Xbone, I could get a brand new PC for that.

That's not even including all the other shit I'd have to buy for the xbone. MCC so I actually had a fucking game to play. I fucking hate batteries so I'd buy a few rounds of those nice rechargable packs and a charger, since M$ decided that for the sake of convienence, rather than use the same fucking controller the 360 uses they'd just fuck around and make a new one entirely, effectively wasting all the old shit I have. And, my old hunker of a TV from the 2000's doesn't have the ports for a Juan. So I'd need a new fucking TV too.

You know what that comes to alone?

Mcc goes for 60 bucks right? In Canada, most 60 dollar games stop just short of 80 dollars.
Two rechargable battery packs? 30 bucks each makes another 60.
How about the charger? Another 60 bucks.
How about a TV? Not a fucking cheap one either, one with semi decent quality, like the one I still own which has given to me 14 years of service and never broken once? Bare minimum, 1000 dollars.
And, even better, the gas money to go to the city to go and get them? 150 bucks. If I ordered them online, they'd still fuck me over with the shipping charges. So, let's do some fucking math here.

Adding all that up, comes to a whopping 1860 dollars.

Oh, and I guess they still charge for LIVE right? So, make it 2000 dollars fair and fucking square.

You see that beasty up there? 25 feet long, weighs around 3 tons or so? I bought that for 1200 dollars.

It's un-fucking believeable all this shit is.

Gaming / Re: How many years of Live have you had?
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:47:27 AM »
Considering one year I didn't have no bucks to pay it, they reset the number counter. So, 1 year.
Does it work that way? I thought it just stopped counting until you got more, then resumed where it was at last

Nope. You don't pay, you don't get to keep that sparkly little number. Good thing I have my memories.

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:43:51 AM »

And you know what? I can take that heat..

But you don't have to.
Why suffer when the avenue of escape is a free gift?

Because a real "god" wouldn't punish those who simply don't believe in him. He's got a pretty big inferiority complex. That would be like me taking offense from an ant on the ground walking across my shoe. The ant exists on a different level of perspective than me, and to it, he's not walking across a shoe belonging to something almost inconveivably massive compared to him. He's just walking, doing his business.

I wouldn't step on him for that. I wouldn't punish him for not realizing that he's walking on me. Which returns to my original point. God is a sack of old sacks.

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 28, 2014, 12:25:09 AM »
I don't know if I should call technically being born dead love.
I wouldn't call all the "nice" people I've met in my life an expression of love.
I certainly wouldn't call myself getting hit by a truck love.
I wouldn't call myself being graced with asbestos damaged lungs any sort of love.
Nor would I call a simple flu turning into an advanced respitory infection and dumping me into a coma a form of love.

However, if all of these things do count as "love," then I suppose my father punching my mother upside the head and breaking her jaw in front of me at three years old could be called love too.

Hmm, nope, not feeling the love tonight god. Definitely not feeling it. I guess god's just going to have to sleep on the couch tonight again since I don't want none of what he can give, if anything.
You do realize you pretty much ignored any good in your life and just said that because there's bad God sucks?

I had to carve out what little good my life has consisted of by myself. 19 years. For 19 years, my life was misery. Pain, suffering, and bullshit. Out of those 19 years, very, very few pictures of happiness come to mind. I can count them on one single hand.

I didn't ignore the good. I'm just pointing out the obvious here. 19 years of a bad life vs 2, coming up on 3 years of a life I fought and earned by myself, with no one to do it but me. If there is a so called "God" as the bible would define him, then he's a sack of old sacks.
Not wanting to start a debate, but do you think it possible that because of humanity's free will, PEOPLE made your circumstances the way they were? Not God?

 I mean I can blame God all day, but is it really His fault? Why do my circumstances dictate God's attitude towards me?

Sure thing boss. I was born dead on arrival with a non functioning heart. My mother just up and decided, "Hey, fuck this kid. He doesn't get a working heart."

How about that asbestos damage of mine? Somebody just up and decided to fuck me over by giving me a faulty mask. Sure thing bud.

How about that respitory infection? Obviously, somebody came into my shop one day, and decide to cough all over me because they hated me so much. And then, later on a week later, somebody decided that I deserved poison food, which ultimately led up to my respitory infection.

How about no.

God, as some little old book would have us believe, does not exist. People, as you say, exist as a product of those before them. Therefore, I hate none of them. Becuase I understand that that's who they are, and they can't change that, just like I can't change being born with a faulty heart.

No, no, if there is any sort of god, it is the universe around us. An intricate clockwork. It does not hate, pick and choose favorites, and it does not love. It simply is the sum product of everything in existence. It, to put things simply, simply is.
I had a jacked up heart during birth. I didn't mean people did every little thing to you, but some hardships in life are purely caused by people.

As for all the other stuff? Stuff you cant explain with people's decisions? Those are things God allowed to happen. Why?
Because 1 Corinthians 10:13 says God knows what we can endure. And sags He won't allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bare.

Do we encounter things that are simply too much? Yes. Because you aren't meant to do it alone. Relying on God is when you won't be crushed under the weight, because you have one who is limitless on your side.

But that is just what I get from the Bible. Its your life, I'm not here to change you. I've presented the Gospel to you, my part is done.

Then I suppose I'm going to hell because there isn't a snowballs chance I'd ever rely on such a thing. So, because of this and God's wonderful love, I'm going to hell now.

And you know what? I can take that heat. Because I could use a vacation from all the long winters up here. Satan better pack some nice sunshine and fire down there, because I'm going to have myself buried in sandals and beach shorts just for him.

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:45:50 PM »
I don't know if I should call technically being born dead love.
I wouldn't call all the "nice" people I've met in my life an expression of love.
I certainly wouldn't call myself getting hit by a truck love.
I wouldn't call myself being graced with asbestos damaged lungs any sort of love.
Nor would I call a simple flu turning into an advanced respitory infection and dumping me into a coma a form of love.

However, if all of these things do count as "love," then I suppose my father punching my mother upside the head and breaking her jaw in front of me at three years old could be called love too.

Hmm, nope, not feeling the love tonight god. Definitely not feeling it. I guess god's just going to have to sleep on the couch tonight again since I don't want none of what he can give, if anything.
You do realize you pretty much ignored any good in your life and just said that because there's bad God sucks?

I had to carve out what little good my life has consisted of by myself. 19 years. For 19 years, my life was misery. Pain, suffering, and bullshit. Out of those 19 years, very, very few pictures of happiness come to mind. I can count them on one single hand.

I didn't ignore the good. I'm just pointing out the obvious here. 19 years of a bad life vs 2, coming up on 3 years of a life I fought and earned by myself, with no one to do it but me. If there is a so called "God" as the bible would define him, then he's a sack of old sacks.
Not wanting to start a debate, but do you think it possible that because of humanity's free will, PEOPLE made your circumstances the way they were? Not God?

 I mean I can blame God all day, but is it really His fault? Why do my circumstances dictate God's attitude towards me?

Sure thing boss. I was born dead on arrival with a non functioning heart. My mother just up and decided, "Hey, fuck this kid. He doesn't get a working heart."

How about that asbestos damage of mine? Somebody just up and decided to fuck me over by giving me a faulty mask. Sure thing bud.

How about that respitory infection? Obviously, somebody came into my shop one day, and decide to cough all over me because they hated me so much. And then, later on a week later, somebody decided that I deserved poison food, which ultimately led up to my respitory infection.

How about no.

God, as some little old book would have us believe, does not exist. People, as you say, exist as a product of those before them. Therefore, I hate none of them. Becuase I understand that that's who they are, and they can't change that, just like I can't change being born with a faulty heart.

No, no, if there is any sort of god, it is the universe around us. An intricate clockwork. It does not hate, pick and choose favorites, and it does not love. It simply is the sum product of everything in existence. It, to put things simply, simply is.

The Flood / Re: Do you know much COD loves you?
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:36:40 PM »
I know that the Call of Duty World at War Beta loved me enough to grant me access to it. And that I had a fucking blast playing it with friends.

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:32:51 PM »
I don't know if I should call technically being born dead love.
I wouldn't call all the "nice" people I've met in my life an expression of love.
I certainly wouldn't call myself getting hit by a truck love.
I wouldn't call myself being graced with asbestos damaged lungs any sort of love.
Nor would I call a simple flu turning into an advanced respitory infection and dumping me into a coma a form of love.

However, if all of these things do count as "love," then I suppose my father punching my mother upside the head and breaking her jaw in front of me at three years old could be called love too.

Hmm, nope, not feeling the love tonight god. Definitely not feeling it. I guess god's just going to have to sleep on the couch tonight again since I don't want none of what he can give, if anything.
You do realize you pretty much ignored any good in your life and just said that because there's bad God sucks?

I had to carve out what little good my life has consisted of by myself. 19 years. For 19 years, my life was misery. Pain, suffering, and bullshit. Out of those 19 years, very, very few pictures of happiness come to mind. I can count them on one single hand.

I didn't ignore the good. I'm just pointing out the obvious here. 19 years of a bad life vs 2, coming up on 3 years of a life I fought and earned by myself, with no one to do it but me. If there is a so called "God" as the bible would define him, then he's a sack of old sacks.

The Flood / Re: Do you know how much GOD loves you?
« on: October 27, 2014, 11:23:34 PM »
I don't know if I should call technically being born dead love.
I wouldn't call all the "nice" people I've met in my life an expression of love.
I certainly wouldn't call myself getting hit by a truck love.
I wouldn't call myself being graced with asbestos damaged lungs any sort of love.
Nor would I call a simple flu turning into an advanced respitory infection and dumping me into a coma a form of love.

However, if all of these things do count as "love," then I suppose my father punching my mother upside the head and breaking her jaw in front of me at three years old could be called love too.

Hmm, nope, not feeling the love tonight god. Definitely not feeling it. I guess god's just going to have to sleep on the couch tonight again since I don't want none of what he can give, if anything.

The Flood / Re: Can we stop...
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:22:43 PM »
You first.avi

The Flood / Re: I found Marty O'Donnell's new job
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:10:11 PM »
Putin just puts his thumbs up. Ha.

The Flood / Re: Somebody please make an MLG montage of this forum
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:05:54 PM »
You've gotta show some raging, a peacekeeper comment trying to stop it.....THEN more freaking out XD

And me teleporting in a banshee.

The Flood / Re: How are you all doing?
« on: October 27, 2014, 10:02:24 PM »
Up and down, up and down. Depression strings and pulls me along, but there's a little bit of fight left. Crushing, consuming sadness one day, stubborn, clingy life the next.

The snow is coming. Snow, that is cold. A chill in the air, of an approaching world, an environment that I thrive in. My lungs will not burn when I breathe in the cold air, and the frozen world will consume all. And I will step outside in my snowsuit as if I were stepping out into another world. There is yet a little shard of hope for the days to come.

Dedicate it to senior Cheat. He needs more motivational fuel to keep the site running through the magic of physically merging the site into his body and becoming half man, half sep7agon.

The Flood / Re: Titanfall Lore
« on: October 27, 2014, 07:37:37 PM »
It's still about Titanfall, which is a game...

Would you say that talking about the new halo novel should be gaming because that's part of the games too should be there?

Actually, Admirals was talking about the new Halo novel in gaming.

The Flood / Re: If being a parent is the hardest job in the world
« on: October 27, 2014, 07:35:55 PM »
Because finding somebody to put up with the shit your little hellspawns do is hard work.

Gaming / Re: How many years of Live have you had?
« on: October 27, 2014, 06:56:09 PM »
Considering one year I didn't have no bucks to pay it, they reset the number counter. So, 1 year.

What I mean by Vader having his guard up, is that he can generate barriers. Physical barriers that stop anybody from passing them. Physical barriers that are immune to the force and lightsabers.
But they're not the be all and end all to every physical attack. According to the wiki it takes a relative amount of concentration to sustain for long periods of time and can also be collapsed after a multitude of physical or telekinetic barrages. It's not like it's Vader's cheat code or anything.

Besides, where was his shield when he got BTFO by Luke on the Death Star?

What I mean by killing you, is that Vader could kill you at range before Wolverine engaged him. Even if Wolverine knew he was coming, Vader has so much shit under his sleeves that he wouldn't have to physically beat wolverine in combat to win. One stray frorce push, a grapple, a thrown lightsaber, and he could kill you while dealing with Wolverine.
Ah, I forgot the objective was to kill me, not for the opponents to win. Apologies. I will concede to that point.

I guess the scenario is kind of rigged then, because Wolverine can't protect me as well as Vader can, but Vader can't really kill Wolverine once all other opponents have been eliminated. Huh. Tricky one this.

High five Mordo! There you go. Now you see. Now you see the tricky situation. Wolvers can't die, but if he goes down, you're next on the chopping block until he regenerates. Vader's got the sheer number of ways he could defend you at hand.

Does having a lightsaber and viroblade jammed into his chest on multiple occasions mean nothing? Does augmenting himself with the force to increase his own physical strength and pain resistance mean nothing? How about a lightsaber? Being thrown out a window into space?
Dude, lightsaber's aren't shit compared to Adamantium. Adamantium is essentially the plot device metal of the Marvel Universe. Unless you're Thor or some shit, you can't break it, you can't counter it, you can't survive the potency of its attacks. I assume Vader isn't invulnerable to decapitation yes? Given that Logan is adept in covertness, I can hazard a guess as to how he could take him in one swift, clandestine move.

Think about it this way. Even if Logan was playing it by stealth, Vader wouldn't have his guard own. Because he just plowed through 7 other opponents, who, I think, could have given them a run for his money in some cases if the circumstances were right.
How is he going to detect Logan? Like I said, he's just as skilled as Batman in the art of subterfuge, and he's not a force user, so I really can't see anything that attests to Vader being able to spot him if he does take the silent option. The only chance Vader has is if Logan decides to play it cocky and take him head on from a distance, but I can't really see him doing that.

And, further more, think about it this way. If wolverine was protecting you, Vader could cut you down so damn easily without even having to fight wolverine. If vader was protecting you, Almost everybody else would have to get close to you to kill you.
Superhumanly Acute Senses: Wolverine possesses superhumanly acute senses that are comparable to those of certain animals. He can see at far greater distances, with perfect clarity, than an ordinary human. He retains this same level of clarity even in near total darkness. His hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing him to detect sounds ordinary humans couldn't hear at a greater distances, enough to hear a teardrop in another room that have thick walls with enough focus. He is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. He can track a target by scent, even if the scent has been greatly eroded by time and weather factors, with an extraordinary degree of success. Wolverine can also use his keen sense of smell to detect lies due to chemical changes within a person's scent. These senses stem from, at least partially, his constant cellular regeneration, as are his enhanced physical capabilities.
He basically has a natural radar system.

What I mean by Vader having his guard up, is that he can generate barriers. Physical barriers that stop anybody from passing them. Physical barriers that are immune to the force and lightsabers.

What I mean by killing you, is that Vader could kill you at range before Wolverine engaged him. Even if Wolverine knew he was coming, Vader has so much shit under his sleeves that he wouldn't have to physically beat wolverine in combat to win. One stray frorce push, a grapple, a thrown lightsaber, and he could kill you while dealing with Wolverine.

While wolverine has the skills of stealth and just about any form of martial arts under his belt, the sheer number of ways Vader could kill you trumps wolverine. In order to kill you, wolverine would have to get to you first. Vader and you aren't just going to walk around and and wait for wolvers to jump out of a bush and cut you. He's going to take a defensive position.

Don't know why people are overhyping Vader. Everyone seems to forget that post Mustafar his powers were severely curtailed. He can't move very well. He can't react very well. He's basically a giant black asthmatic dildo target for anyone who employs stealth as a tactic. At range he'd be decent no doubt, but in close quarters he'd get absolutely rekt by Wolverine. Hell, Batman/Predator could give him a run for his money if they gave him the jump.

And no, force powers do not automatically give him clairvoyance. He can only detect other force users. So stealth is still a viable option here.

I swear to god don't make me quote the fucking wiki in this shit. Vader has this in the bag.
I've read the wiki. It already elaborates that he's half the Sith Lord that he could've been were he not immolated on Mustafar. Apparently he focused more on light saber skills rather than force skills too. It's not exactly convincing me, but sure, if all the other opponents decided to attack him from afar in one big line, he could win. But that's a relatively unrealistic scenario, not to mention that it basically disregards everyone else' character.

I can see him taking down the street level guys like Hellboy, Marv and Dredd no problem. And yeah, he could probably shit on Batman and Predator too. But Wolverine? He's basically an invulnerable Batman on roids. There's nothing that Vader has in his repertoire that could kill him. Incapacitate him maybe, but that's assuming Logan attacks him head on without any forward planning. The dude's basically a ninja, taught in multiple forms of martial and escape artistry during his escapades in Japan. If he doesn't want Vader to spot him, Vader will not spot him. And given that Vader's suit isn't exactly renown for it's durability, it's safe to assume that Logan takes this relatively easily.

Vader focused a lot on saber combat, but that doesn't mean his force abilities weren't incredibly powerful. Even when sapped of strength, his abilities aren't something you fuck around with.

Darth Vader made extensive use of both the Force Choke and Force Crush abilities, as he demonstrated numerous times throughout his life. On a similar note, he was also capable of using the Force to telekinetically destroy a target's internal organs.

The Dark Lord also possessed skill in the use of Tutaminis, such as when he absorbed several blaster bolts from Han Solo's blaster on Bespin.

He was also capable of using Force deflection to redirect blaster bolts, sometimes even at whomever fired them.

He also had proficiency in the use of Kinetite, which he used in an attempt to defeat his son on Mimban.

However, that power only demonstrated once, when he used the Force enhancing Kaiburr. Vader also used a similar power to Force Destruction when facing Galen Marek on the first Death Star. In this instance, he would surround himself with a red energy field which he would then unleash at Marek. On a similar note, the aforementioned energy field also functioned as a barrier that Marek could not penetrate with either the Force or his lightsaber. Thus it would appear that Vader retained his skill at creating Force barriers.

 In addition, he utilized either a semi-visible Force barrier or a protection bubble several times during the Gentis coup to fend off the attacks of Gentis's traitorous soldiers. Vader also knew how to utilize the Force cloak technique, having both applied it as Anakin and taught it to the Dark Apprentice.

The Dark Lord could also use telepathy, such as when he communicated with his son shortly after their duel on Bespin.

Vader demonstrated the ability to drain knowledge from his victims opponents, such as when he discovered that Luke had a twin sister. Vader was also adept at saber throw, which he would often utilize in combat to make up for his relative lack of mobility.

After Vader's injuries, his natural strength was vastly augmented by the addition of his cybernetic enhancements. In addition, Vader retained the ability to increase his strength and speed by using the Force. He showcased on multiple occasions the ability to both lift and hold a grown man off the ground at arm's length with no apparent effort. As he demonstrated on Captain Raymus Antilles and Shadday Potkin among others, he also had the ability to crush a human throat bare-handed.

 Vader also demonstrated remarkable physical durability and resistance to pain throughout his time as a Sith. On at least two occasions, he was stabbed straight through the chest with both a lightsaber and a vibroblade, and hardly reacted in either case.

 Additionally, his prosthetics and armor allowed him to survive deadly environmental hazards such as explosions, toxins, diseases, and even the vacuum of space. It also provided Vader with a constant supply of pain suppressing drugs to help him function with his wounds. However, the suit was only moderately insulated, and thus its life-support systems were relatively vulnerable to electrical discharges.

While Vader was usually dependent on the respirator systems of the suit to breath, he was capable of using the dark side to temporarily heal his lung damage during his meditations. However, the relief he experienced during these sessions was very transient, lasting only minutes at best. He speculated that the momentary happiness he experienced as a result of healing himself disrupted his concentration, and robbed him of the hate that was necessary to maintain the dark side-based healing power.

During his mission to Atoa however, his deranged state of mind and immense rage apparently allowed him to use this healing technique to a far greater degree. In this instance, he was seen to operate in standard atmospheric conditions for a considerable length of time without his helmet, even while physically exerting himself.

Besides the life support it provided his ravaged body, Vader's Sith armor also offered limited protection against the blades of lightsabers. In a climactic duel with his son in the depths of Cloud City, a quick blow from Luke's lightsaber appeared to cut the armor only shallowly, although this was enough to draw a surprised cry from the Dark Lord. However, most of the armor was purposely made out of non-lightsaber resistant material, as Vader worried that he might grow sloppy if he relied too much on his armor to protect him in duels.

It should be noted that Darth Vader, despite being a powerful Sith Lord, was rarely seen generating Force lightning. This was due to the extensive presence of cybernetic augmentations in his body as well as the presence of the electronic life-support system in his suit. Any attempt by Vader to generate Force lightning carried the great risk of causing these systems to short-circuit, possibly to deadly effect. There are however, a few circumstances where he has been recorded using it, most notably when he was in close proximity to the Force-enhancing Kaiburr crystal.

In this case, he was seen to generate "Force energized lightning" in the form of Kinetite, which he used against his son.

The crystal however, was also seen to erode Vader's self control to the point that he was actively trying to kill Luke during their duel, despite the fact that he very much wanted only to capture him. Thus, it is not known whether the crystal shielded Vader from the potentially fatal effects of generating Force lightning, or eroded his self control to the point that he simply disregarded the risks.

On one occasion, he also demonstrated the ability to re-direct already existing electricity. During his battle with Starkiller on Kamino, he was able to gather residual electricity from the lightning rods surrounding the battleground and blast it at his opponent. Vader also demonstrated the ability to both block and redirect Force lightning with the Force, as he demonstrated during his duel with Galen Marek on board the first Death Star. He could also use his lightsaber to ground extremely high-intensity blasts of Force lightning with little effort.

In combat, Vader was extremely adept at utilizing telekinetic attacks, and often made liberal use of his telekinetic abilities during duels. He was capable of performing incredibly powerful Force Pushes and Grips, and was capable of breaking through the telekinetic defenses of Force-sensitives of Galen Marek and the cloned Starkiller's caliber. He was also very proficient in the application of Force Repulse and Force Wave, and was able to generate enough power with both attacks to easily kill Force-insensitive assailants. In particular, he was capable of using Force Waves to kill dozens of opponents simultaneously.

 One of Vader's favorite tactics during duels was his use of Force Throw to pull apart objects in his environment and fling them at his opponents. This served as both an effective practical attack and a way of demoralizing his opponents. Darth Vader first utilized this technique during his duel on Mustafar with Obi-Wan Kenobi, slicing shards of metal from the walls and shooting them at his opponent. However, Kenobi's mastery of Soresu allowed him to deflect the shards.

 After gaining his armor, Darth Vader used this tactic to bring down Roan Shryne on Kashyyyk, ripping apart the wooden platforms in their battleground and flinging waves of debris at the Jedi from all sides. His most arguably famous usage of this ability was against Luke Skywalker during their duel on Bespin, when he used it to batter Skywalker with everything and anything that happened to be in the room they were in.

 His effectiveness with this technique was further bolstered by the fact that he was capable of telekinetically griping and hurling objects without the need to utilize the "throwing" motion that nearly all Force sensitives were seen to use. This was most evident during his fight with Luke on Bespin, where he was able to surprise his son by telekinetically throwing a metal box at his head while maintaining a two-handed bladelock.

 Additionally, when applying this technique against Roan Shryne, Vader simply stood in one place with his arms folded across his chest.
I'm not saying it'd be a stroll for Wolverine, but given that his regular opponents in comic continuity are various telekinetics such Magneto, Jean Grey, Apocalypse etc, it's not like he's never faced something like Vader before.

Also, like I said, Vader doesn't really have anything to kill him, or counter his stealth attacks. Unless they start on opposite sides of the arena in full view of each other, Logan could take him no hassle.

Does having a lightsaber and viroblade jammed into his chest on multiple occasions mean nothing? Does augmenting himself with the force to increase his own physical strength and pain resistance mean nothing? How about a lightsaber? Being thrown out a window into space?

Think about it this way. Even if Logan was playing it by stealth, Vader wouldn't have his guard own. Because he just plowed through 7 other opponents, who, I think, could have given him a run for his money in some cases if the circumstances were right.

And, further more, think about it this way. If wolverine was protecting you, Vader could cut you down so damn easily without even having to fight wolverine. If vader was protecting you, Almost everybody else would have to get close to you to kill you.

Don't know why people are overhyping Vader. Everyone seems to forget that post Mustafar his powers were severely curtailed. He can't move very well. He can't react very well. He's basically a giant black asthmatic dildo target for anyone who employs stealth as a tactic. At range he'd be decent no doubt, but in close quarters he'd get absolutely rekt by Wolverine. Hell, Batman/Predator could give him a run for his money if they gave him the jump.

And no, force powers do not automatically give him clairvoyance. He can only detect other force users. So stealth is still a viable option here.

I swear to god don't make me quote the fucking wiki in this shit. Vader has this in the bag.
I've read the wiki. It already elaborates that he's half the Sith Lord that he could've been were he not immolated on Mustafar. Apparently he focused more on light saber skills rather than force skills too. It's not exactly convincing me, but sure, if all the other opponents decided to attack him from afar in one big line, he could win. But that's a relatively unrealistic scenario, not to mention that it basically disregards everyone else' character.

I can see him taking down the street level guys like Hellboy, Marv and Dredd no problem. And yeah, he could probably shit on Batman and Predator too. But Wolverine? He's basically an invulnerable Batman on roids. There's nothing that Vader has in his repertoire that could kill him. Incapacitate him maybe, but that's assuming Logan attacks him head on without any forward planning. The dude's basically a ninja, taught in multiple forms of martial and escape artistry during his escapades in Japan. If he doesn't want Vader to spot him, Vader will not spot him. And given that Vader's suit isn't exactly renown for it's durability, it's safe to assume that Logan takes this relatively easily.

Vader focused a lot on saber combat, but that doesn't mean his force abilities weren't incredibly powerful. Even when sapped of strength, his abilities aren't something you fuck around with.

Darth Vader made extensive use of both the Force Choke and Force Crush abilities, as he demonstrated numerous times throughout his life. On a similar note, he was also capable of using the Force to telekinetically destroy a target's internal organs.

The Dark Lord also possessed skill in the use of Tutaminis, such as when he absorbed several blaster bolts from Han Solo's blaster on Bespin.

He was also capable of using Force deflection to redirect blaster bolts, sometimes even at whomever fired them.

He also had proficiency in the use of Kinetite, which he used in an attempt to defeat his son on Mimban.

However, that power only demonstrated once, when he used the Force enhancing Kaiburr. Vader also used a similar power to Force Destruction when facing Galen Marek on the first Death Star. In this instance, he would surround himself with a red energy field which he would then unleash at Marek. On a similar note, the aforementioned energy field also functioned as a barrier that Marek could not penetrate with either the Force or his lightsaber. Thus it would appear that Vader retained his skill at creating Force barriers.

 In addition, he utilized either a semi-visible Force barrier or a protection bubble several times during the Gentis coup to fend off the attacks of Gentis's traitorous soldiers. Vader also knew how to utilize the Force cloak technique, having both applied it as Anakin and taught it to the Dark Apprentice.

The Dark Lord could also use telepathy, such as when he communicated with his son shortly after their duel on Bespin.

Vader demonstrated the ability to drain knowledge from his victims opponents, such as when he discovered that Luke had a twin sister. Vader was also adept at saber throw, which he would often utilize in combat to make up for his relative lack of mobility.

After Vader's injuries, his natural strength was vastly augmented by the addition of his cybernetic enhancements. In addition, Vader retained the ability to increase his strength and speed by using the Force. He showcased on multiple occasions the ability to both lift and hold a grown man off the ground at arm's length with no apparent effort. As he demonstrated on Captain Raymus Antilles and Shadday Potkin among others, he also had the ability to crush a human throat bare-handed.

 Vader also demonstrated remarkable physical durability and resistance to pain throughout his time as a Sith. On at least two occasions, he was stabbed straight through the chest with both a lightsaber and a vibroblade, and hardly reacted in either case.

 Additionally, his prosthetics and armor allowed him to survive deadly environmental hazards such as explosions, toxins, diseases, and even the vacuum of space. It also provided Vader with a constant supply of pain suppressing drugs to help him function with his wounds. However, the suit was only moderately insulated, and thus its life-support systems were relatively vulnerable to electrical discharges.

While Vader was usually dependent on the respirator systems of the suit to breath, he was capable of using the dark side to temporarily heal his lung damage during his meditations. However, the relief he experienced during these sessions was very transient, lasting only minutes at best. He speculated that the momentary happiness he experienced as a result of healing himself disrupted his concentration, and robbed him of the hate that was necessary to maintain the dark side-based healing power.

During his mission to Atoa however, his deranged state of mind and immense rage apparently allowed him to use this healing technique to a far greater degree. In this instance, he was seen to operate in standard atmospheric conditions for a considerable length of time without his helmet, even while physically exerting himself.

Besides the life support it provided his ravaged body, Vader's Sith armor also offered limited protection against the blades of lightsabers. In a climactic duel with his son in the depths of Cloud City, a quick blow from Luke's lightsaber appeared to cut the armor only shallowly, although this was enough to draw a surprised cry from the Dark Lord. However, most of the armor was purposely made out of non-lightsaber resistant material, as Vader worried that he might grow sloppy if he relied too much on his armor to protect him in duels.

It should be noted that Darth Vader, despite being a powerful Sith Lord, was rarely seen generating Force lightning. This was due to the extensive presence of cybernetic augmentations in his body as well as the presence of the electronic life-support system in his suit. Any attempt by Vader to generate Force lightning carried the great risk of causing these systems to short-circuit, possibly to deadly effect. There are however, a few circumstances where he has been recorded using it, most notably when he was in close proximity to the Force-enhancing Kaiburr crystal.

In this case, he was seen to generate "Force energized lightning" in the form of Kinetite, which he used against his son.

The crystal however, was also seen to erode Vader's self control to the point that he was actively trying to kill Luke during their duel, despite the fact that he very much wanted only to capture him. Thus, it is not known whether the crystal shielded Vader from the potentially fatal effects of generating Force lightning, or eroded his self control to the point that he simply disregarded the risks.

On one occasion, he also demonstrated the ability to re-direct already existing electricity. During his battle with Starkiller on Kamino, he was able to gather residual electricity from the lightning rods surrounding the battleground and blast it at his opponent. Vader also demonstrated the ability to both block and redirect Force lightning with the Force, as he demonstrated during his duel with Galen Marek on board the first Death Star. He could also use his lightsaber to ground extremely high-intensity blasts of Force lightning with little effort.

In combat, Vader was extremely adept at utilizing telekinetic attacks, and often made liberal use of his telekinetic abilities during duels. He was capable of performing incredibly powerful Force Pushes and Grips, and was capable of breaking through the telekinetic defenses of Force-sensitives of Galen Marek and the cloned Starkiller's caliber. He was also very proficient in the application of Force Repulse and Force Wave, and was able to generate enough power with both attacks to easily kill Force-insensitive assailants. In particular, he was capable of using Force Waves to kill dozens of opponents simultaneously.

 One of Vader's favorite tactics during duels was his use of Force Throw to pull apart objects in his environment and fling them at his opponents. This served as both an effective practical attack and a way of demoralizing his opponents. Darth Vader first utilized this technique during his duel on Mustafar with Obi-Wan Kenobi, slicing shards of metal from the walls and shooting them at his opponent. However, Kenobi's mastery of Soresu allowed him to deflect the shards.

 After gaining his armor, Darth Vader used this tactic to bring down Roan Shryne on Kashyyyk, ripping apart the wooden platforms in their battleground and flinging waves of debris at the Jedi from all sides. His most arguably famous usage of this ability was against Luke Skywalker during their duel on Bespin, when he used it to batter Skywalker with everything and anything that happened to be in the room they were in.

 His effectiveness with this technique was further bolstered by the fact that he was capable of telekinetically griping and hurling objects without the need to utilize the "throwing" motion that nearly all Force sensitives were seen to use. This was most evident during his fight with Luke on Bespin, where he was able to surprise his son by telekinetically throwing a metal box at his head while maintaining a two-handed bladelock.

 Additionally, when applying this technique against Roan Shryne, Vader simply stood in one place with his arms folded across his chest.

If you made it through that wall alive, then you know, that even though Logan is nigh unstoppable, Vader has this in the fucking bag, no contest.

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