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Messages - Tsirist

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Serious / Re: Marine murdered transgender woman
« on: December 01, 2015, 10:11:30 AM »
Definitely not an excuse to kill someone.

idk, from what I've read it seems like transgendered people can have a hard time hooking up with others because of their condition. To require disclosure before anything is initiated seems unreasonable to me as I figure that there are a number of people who, upon being committed to getting intimate, will no longer care if they are transgendered or not where they might have avoided the situation entirely to begin with.

Once you know that they have genitals other than the ones you thought they had, you can back out or keep going. That's when they tell you or when they show you. I don't really understand how this could be considered rape. . . .

The Flood / Re: Which gender has it worse?
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:43:30 PM »
I didn't mean it as bait.
my bad, sorry, it's a question that seems to come up relatively often everywhere and it's just one that annoys me because of how people approach it

i believe you when you say that, didn't mean to be accusatory. my problem with the question doesn't lie with you :)

The Flood / Re: Which gender has it worse?
« on: November 30, 2015, 10:38:17 PM »
This question is such a bait. I'm not convinced there's a right answer. If anyone can produce a study indicating that women on average are more likely to legitimately wish they had been born men than men are to wish they had been born women (I don't mean either in the transgender person's sense, of course), then I'll reconsider. As it is if I were given the chance to be born as one or the other I'm not sure which I would choose, honestly. Both have ups and downs today.

The Flood / Re: How do you pronounce Jaguar?
« on: November 30, 2015, 12:00:03 PM »

The Flood / Re: how do you feel about tattoos
« on: November 29, 2015, 03:05:20 PM »
And any image that is that significant is trivialized when you wear it like that.
it feels like the equivalent of toddlers drawing on themselves with markers to me
as someone who often reminds himself to learn by writing equations, facts, etc. on himself

i take offense to this

also would it be trivializing for me to emblazon my avatar somewhere on myself? as far as i know it hasn't been used by anyone other than me, and has been my avatar for years. in some ways it represents these times. it is unnecessary, of course, to have some sort of physical emblem associated with these memories, but does making this figure physical really reduce its value?

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:16:15 PM »
tbh that's a lot worse because it's longetive, which has a large effect on aggregate
giving your dog a slap a handful of times in its training years wont traumatize it
I'm inclined to agree.

Don't buy pets if you're not gonna make them family ;_;

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:08:44 PM »
Or wait
Do you mean to say Jaz treats everyone like that?
No, I'm saying that I'm not surprised you're in this thread. I'm not dismissing you calling it a bandwagon, I'm also not saying they can just go 'you're wrong because you said this in XX thread' I'm simply saying I'm not surprised you're in a thread about a dog, after most interactions I've had with you are when topics about dogs or animals appear.

 I'm also not surprised its you two arguing. I admit.

I'm not even arguing about the topic at hand, since I can see both sides of this, that said, I'm not exactly fond of you, doesn't mean i'm going to try and ram my fist into you because of your opinions.

haha I didn't think you were fond of me considering. But to be fair making offhand comments without actually arguing is about as close as you can get to punching someone's opinions in the gut online

I'm surprised you think most of my posts are about animals though. I guess those just garner the most attention


The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:03:13 PM »
So like, I'm missing stuff here and I'm not going to read this hailstorm, somebody, in here, thinks what this girl did is 'Okay'?

I mean, we don't have people with heads up their buttholes that far already, do we?
I'm 99% sure nobody said it was ok.

Someone said it wasn't criminal and ignited a firestorm though
That's not the impression I'm getting from what Egg's saying though

Of course it's not criminal, at worst you'd teach her how to properly train and look after your pet
I think the problem is that people take "this isn't wrong relative to other things we consider acceptable/tolerate" to mean "this is perfectly ok and I would do it myself"

I don't agree with what egg has been saying entirely but I'm pretty sure she isn't encouraging this
I think the problem here is that Egg started comparing it to other ways of teaching your pet to stop certain behaviours, which if you're doing it properly, you're using things designed specifically for training your pet. A muzzle is designed for keeping a dog's mouth closed, duct tape isn't, for example. It's not well thought out to just duct tape a dog's mouth closed and the woman should be taught proper ways of teaching her dog.
my father (who I do not live with) keeps one of his dogs in a small laundry room almost all the time afaik. This is not how you should keep a pet. But it isn't considered animal cruelty and is done far too often for my liking regardless of the better alternatives

I think in that sense these things CAN be compared. It's dumb to do something in a worse manner than you otherwise could, for sure. I don't disagree with you there. I'm saying this isn't criminal but it's not ideal or ok either. I didn't get the impression egg felt too differently from that but maybe I need to reread now because I did disagree with some points/approaches

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:57:17 PM »
Or wait
Do you mean to say Jaz treats everyone like that?

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:56:13 PM »
So like, I'm missing stuff here and I'm not going to read this hailstorm, somebody, in here, thinks what this girl did is 'Okay'?

I mean, we don't have people with heads up their buttholes that far already, do we?
I'm 99% sure nobody said it was ok.

Someone said it wasn't criminal and ignited a firestorm though
I'm somehow not surprised you of all people are in here.

People like their dogs here.
another one aboard that bandwagon eh
All I said is I'm not surprised, put your fangs away. Sorry that stuff didn't surprise me when certain people are in certain threads. My bad, dear.
yet no statement of lack of surprise at Jaz and others doing their own usual thing as well. Sorry, just seems too convenient that the people willing to entertain controversial opinions are always the ones being called it for it, dear
Well you see, I don't come in here and go 'Oh, look he's in here, I'm not surprised'

But for you? Its different. Since the only interactions I've had with you are in this thread, the mess of the last dog related one and 'insert number of how many times the argument comes up in bungle'

how is it different? The event and bandwagon I mentioned occur conditionally: only when egg or I end up against the majority again can the bandwagon be recognized or can Jaz dismiss arguments on the basis of who they come from. And did we even interact during any of these past ones? I mean the first one moved hella fast but I still don't remember talking with you specificity during any if them :S


The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:43:14 PM »
So like, I'm missing stuff here and I'm not going to read this hailstorm, somebody, in here, thinks what this girl did is 'Okay'?

I mean, we don't have people with heads up their buttholes that far already, do we?
I'm 99% sure nobody said it was ok.

Someone said it wasn't criminal and ignited a firestorm though
I'm somehow not surprised you of all people are in here.

People like their dogs here.
another one aboard that bandwagon eh
All I said is I'm not surprised, put your fangs away. Sorry that stuff didn't surprise me when certain people are in certain threads. My bad, dear.
yet no statement of lack of surprise at Jaz and others doing their own usual thing as well. Sorry, just seems too convenient that the people willing to entertain controversial opinions are always the ones being called it for it, dear

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:37:59 PM »
So like, I'm missing stuff here and I'm not going to read this hailstorm, somebody, in here, thinks what this girl did is 'Okay'?

I mean, we don't have people with heads up their buttholes that far already, do we?
I'm 99% sure nobody said it was ok.

Someone said it wasn't criminal and ignited a firestorm though
I'm somehow not surprised you of all people are in here.

People like their dogs here.
another one aboard that bandwagon eh

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:35:33 PM »
So like, I'm missing stuff here and I'm not going to read this hailstorm, somebody, in here, thinks what this girl did is 'Okay'?

I mean, we don't have people with heads up their buttholes that far already, do we?
I'm 99% sure nobody said it was ok.

Someone said it wasn't criminal and ignited a firestorm though
That's not the impression I'm getting from what Egg's saying though

Of course it's not criminal, at worst you'd teach her how to properly train and look after your pet
I think the problem is that people take "this isn't wrong relative to other things we consider acceptable/tolerate" to mean "this is perfectly ok and I would do it myself"

I don't agree with what egg has been saying entirely but I'm pretty sure she isn't encouraging this

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:27:55 PM »
So like, I'm missing stuff here and I'm not going to read this hailstorm, somebody, in here, thinks what this girl did is 'Okay'?

I mean, we don't have people with heads up their buttholes that far already, do we?
I'm 99% sure nobody said it was ok.

Someone said it wasn't criminal and ignited a firestorm though

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:19:32 PM »
removing tape from a dogs face is trivial
It's the fact she put it there in the first place you idiot.

Now go back to fetishing over your limb porn and trying to advocate fucking dogs. I don't think anything with regards to animals needs to be taken seriously from you.

Like verb said, it's ad hominem but i'll go there.
What is so awful about restricting it so it can't bark?
A muzzle does the same fucking thing yet you consider that humane.

also fucking lmao it's hilarious that you imitate verb immediately after my last post
Because a muzzle can be put on and taken off without causing physical pain to the dog?
The pain of removing tape is trivial.
you should really probably qualify this with recognition of the picture above

i know you already have technically but these guys don't understand that sort of thing
they can't think for themselves and they aren't going to let me think for them so why bother
you two are cute

many people disagree and thus, you two are the only enlightened ones.
i actually disagree with egg

i usually go for the weaker targets first though

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:17:32 PM »
removing tape from a dogs face is trivial
It's the fact she put it there in the first place you idiot.

Now go back to fetishing over your limb porn and trying to advocate fucking dogs. I don't think anything with regards to animals needs to be taken seriously from you.

Like verb said, it's ad hominem but i'll go there.
What is so awful about restricting it so it can't bark?
A muzzle does the same fucking thing yet you consider that humane.

also fucking lmao it's hilarious that you imitate verb immediately after my last post
Because a muzzle can be put on and taken off without causing physical pain to the dog?
The pain of removing tape is trivial.
And I'm sure the pain of having a dick shoved up its ass is also trivial.
I think that'd cause psychological effects that make it non-trivial.
Wait are you actually justifying bestiality here?
did you even read egg's post? rofl what is reading comprehension

"I think that'd cause psychological effects that make it NON-TRIVIAL."

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:06:48 PM »
removing tape from a dogs face is trivial
It's the fact she put it there in the first place you idiot.

Now go back to fetishing over your limb porn and trying to advocate fucking dogs. I don't think anything with regards to animals needs to be taken seriously from you.

Like verb said, it's ad hominem but i'll go there.
What is so awful about restricting it so it can't bark?
A muzzle does the same fucking thing yet you consider that humane.

also fucking lmao it's hilarious that you imitate verb immediately after my last post
Because a muzzle can be put on and taken off without causing physical pain to the dog?
The pain of removing tape is trivial.
you should really probably qualify this with recognition of the picture above

i know you already have technically but these guys don't understand that sort of thing

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:04:41 PM »
It's wrong of her to do tape his mouth shut, even for a minute to post a stupid photo to FB as she has done, but the fact that this has gone viral is a bit of a joke and just proves how desperate people on the internet are to protest some great injustice imo. Something like this warrants a slap on the wrist from Animal Services and maybe a removal of the Dogs from her care whilst she undergoes some education program on ethical treatment of animals, not a fucking crucifixion by Social Media.

My Brother adopted a Dog that was used exclusively for breeding. She was kept in a small concrete pen for nearly her entire life, and dumped the moment she stopped being able to have Litters. Dogs get far worse treatment the world over every single day, and almost everybody over 14 knows it, but I'm not seeing a whole load of fucks being given on the daily.

This just seems like bandwagon mentality to me tbh
fucking this

i have some relatives that treat their dogs like shit in this way. it's awful. and it's completely acceptable for some reason.

Accept, accept, accept without question is all that our society preaches. How much accepting is too much? Where do we draw the line?
When what you're doing physically affects nonconsenting others.

Islam has been affecting me and yet I am told to accept. Jews have been affecting me yet I am told to accept. The list goes on and on.
Your problem is that you're generalizing, an act that can lead to physical ramifications for nonconsenting others who have not necessarily done anything that would lead to physical harm to you. How about the Jews that don't affect you? What about the atheists that would harm you? Religion is not an adequate indicator of another person's respect for others, physically, economically, socially, etc.

Choice is an illusion, there is no evil.
choice being an illusion does not nullify the existence of evil
I didn't mean to imply that it did.

Choice is an illusion, there is no evil.

i always imagine this only even REMOTELY working if the selectors have to die as well.
If the selectors have to die too then it's counter productive, because the goal is to have less unintelligent people in the world.
If they only represent, say 0.01% of the intelligent population that is chosen to remain, wouldn't it be a worthwhile tradeoff?

i always imagine this only even REMOTELY working if the selectors have to die as well.

Completely Newtonian physics.

I wonder what a game implementing Einsteinian physics would be like.
Actually I do wonder how they deal/will deal with constant acceleration outside of warp. Actually just checked: largest velocity i've seen someone using is 59789 km/s, which is only ~20% of it, but it was also not max velocity according to the indicator. You can drop out of warp at any speed and continue in a Newtonian trajectory, so I'm not sure how they'll deal with that at superluminal or near-luminal speeds.

They intend to have us travel between planets in reasonable time, and possibly stellar systems in the future, so . . . yeah I guess we'll see how they handle relativistic stuff.

[edit:] Also off topic but if anyone here ever read The Risen Empire trilogy (I think it was a trilogy) . . . that had a fucking awesome rendition of combat at high subluminal speeds.

Looks interesting. But depends. This has two option, either go thr arcade route and become an arena shooter, or go down the mmo route and likely end up similar to eve.
It was originally an MMO project called Infinity: The Quest for Earth but in order to sort of "get there" and work towards it gameplay-wise they're doing Infinity: Battlescape.

If you can't watch anything else, watch this:


Seamless transitions from space to surface. Six degrees of freedom. No artificial speed limits. Completely Newtonian physics. Procedural planetary bodies and solar systems. Light fighter craft and large capital ships. Orbital bombardment. 100% true-to-scale. Hundreds of players.

More than ten years in the making, Infinity began as a hobby project of a single man. Since then the team has grown to nine people, all working part-time on the project with absolutely no outside funding up until now. With resumes including projects like Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Unreal Tournament 3, Microsoft Flight Simulator 10, and Forza Motorsports 2, they're the real deal.


The hard part is done. They have an engine that does what very few others can. Now they need your help to turn it into a game. The current barebones prototype features only one ship, but even without optimized netcode it can support more than 100 players in a single dogfight.


Fly-through of a station 30km long:


Their kickstarter is at the home stretch. This guy sums up my thoughts exactly:

Check out their kickstarter for more here: Their website:

The Flood / Re: Is Islam a violent religion?
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:27:31 PM »
someone posted this in bungle, thought it might be good info for here:

my response to it:

"added it up

3240 deaths since and including 9/11

that's about 231 deaths per year on average, with obviously most of them coming from 9/11. that's about 0.00879% of the current rate of death per year.

is that worth what we're doing in the middle east?"

The Flood / Re: Is Islam a violent religion?
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:14:50 PM »
like, i get it. people are scary. i'm afraid of getting eaten by a shark at the beach, but i'm more likely to be struck by lightning than have that happen to me, and i NEVER worry about lightning. i think my chances of dying in a terror attack are even smaller than that.
Until it happens.

You keep making excuses as of because they aren't slaughtering us wholesale that we shouldn't think of them as a threat.

Your retardation is legendary.
you know what else kills us in this way? drug wars, exploitative economic practices, and the like. poverty, the lack of education at home, the lack of health and mental care . . . these kill SO much more of our people than these terrorists do

but i doubt you are very afraid at the thought of these issues

The Flood / Re: Is Islam a violent religion?
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:58:19 PM »
like, i get it. people are scary. i'm afraid of getting eaten by a shark at the beach, but i'm more likely to be struck by lightning than have that happen to me, and i NEVER worry about lightning. i think my chances of dying in a terror attack are even smaller than that.

The Flood / Re: Is Islam a violent religion?
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:55:02 PM »
>be unafraid of a distant enemy that RARELY hurts a FRACTION of the western population
>get called a pussy
Distant? Do you have any idea how many attacks the CIA and NSA have stopped?

A fraction? Good to see this is all just a bunch of numbers to you and you don't give a shit about lost lives.

You're garbage.
i'm ecstatic that the cia and nsa are protecting us. again, how many of these plots have succeeded? and to what extent were they deterred at all by aggression in the middle east? this is what matters.

i care about lost lives. i couldn't imagine losing someone i love in a situation so unfair. but my loved ones could die under a semi because of a drunk driver, and that's much more likely than a terror scenario.

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