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Messages - Tsirist

Pages: 1 23 ... 17
The Flood / Re: Thank you, my research is complete.
« on: August 13, 2017, 11:03:17 PM »
not my place bud, and i'm not gonna suck any admin dick just to make that happen

i will say i've been looking forward to you being unbanned again. a nice treat now that exams are done

The Flood / Re: Thank you, my research is complete.
« on: August 13, 2017, 11:01:22 PM »
Who's going to punish me.

don't worry guys, i got this

Killing a fetus cannot deny a valid person their rights because they never become a valid person.
I dunno if it would help others to liken this statement to this concept but it personally reminds me of it:

This is pretty fucked up. Clearly the difference between this and abortion is the assertion by pro-choice types that human life has not begun when the child is aborted, so no harm is ever enacted upon the person since they never had a chance to exist. In this case though, the person is clearly harmed because of the mother's decision to drink. The difference is that between a life with and without fetal alcohol syndrome.

The Flood / Re: MBTI
« on: May 15, 2016, 07:26:45 PM »

I thought it was when this fucker joined.

idk if you noticed but he does talk about punching her in the video. The sounds might make it hard to tell whether he did, but still. Idk if you threaten your wife with physical violence or enact it on her but

Clearly I'm not a lawyer and I'll leave it to a court to figure this out but it's a pretty shitty joke to stream if that's what it was. Otherwise it wasn't a joke and he's actually shitty. Either way I probably wouldn't associate with this guy.

It appears Wikipedia, at least, also qualifies verbal and emotional abuse as types of domestic abuse, in which case the only way this wouldn't be domestic abuse is if they were putting on a show for twitch together or practicing BDSM or something. . . .

Why? Because its an obviously biased article?

I heard an argument, nothing more. Could other stuff have happened? Possibly. But to put it in the title as 100% happened, is irresponsible journalism.
did you listen to the audio? if 5:10 is what arguments sound like in your relationships i think you need some help. . . .


>RPG Games. No wonder you're a fucking friendless virgin.

See I can do it too.
egg is definitely not a virgin :^)

The Flood / Re: WHO motivates you to change?
« on: May 03, 2016, 03:06:04 AM »
this one chick
lately i've been in a rut but she really motivated me in the past and she's still the main driving force

The Flood / Re: Tblocks gone wild
« on: April 29, 2016, 01:41:03 AM »

The Flood / Re: Tblocks gone wild
« on: April 29, 2016, 01:37:58 AM »
thought this was about transwomen based on the title

The Flood / Re: ITT: trap/trans/mental illness thread
« on: April 28, 2016, 04:42:45 PM »
Oh, people are always going to scrounge up new shitty arguments and workarounds. People are so desperate to protect their childish, outdated notions of reality. It's a comfort thing.

This is literally the argument used for when trans people feel triggered because someone isn't politically correct
It certainly shouldn't be used as an argument and while I don't think it's right to generalize there might be some truth to his statement. In any case, there are very few instances (I can only think of one off the top of my head, which would be any discussion about passing and the social/legal implications of passing or not passing) in which political correctness factors into the transgender discussion, and even them I'm not sure because political correctness is just such a catch-all useless term for anything that doesn't conform with traditional views. (If you want to enlighten me on the topic of political correctness I might could use it.)

In any case, clearly both sides should use facts. I'm convinced the more modern perspective is reconcilable with more facts, as well as with widely-held moral principles, than traditional ones.

The Flood / Re: ITT: trap/trans/mental illness thread
« on: April 28, 2016, 02:36:08 PM »
so when genetic therapy is a thing can men become women or will there be a new argument saying you have to had gone through puberty as the sex you want to be

Damn, I blocked /r/The_Donald and ended up forgetting I guess but with the recent turn of events I was actually thinking about who I'd vote for between him and Clinton. It's a shame she'd be the first woman President (as opposed to someone better) but with supporters like his Cindy's posts have once again convinced me that the social narrative riding Trump is just too disturbing.

Of course, as I write that it occurs to me that these retards are just the analogs to SJWs, so really I shouldn't assume they represent the majority of his base . . . I should hope the number like that would be few.

The Flood / Re: is cheating on tests really that bad?
« on: April 25, 2016, 09:02:20 PM »
if you're relying on memorization instead of derivation and still can't do it:
-your memory is not good enough for the task at hand
-your critical thinking skills aren't being developed very well

Serious / Re: Praise Britannica - circumcision ruling
« on: April 21, 2016, 05:11:23 PM »
To add to other comments, I think it's clear enough that people want to be able to be uncircumcised, and the fact that some people aren't given that opportunity because of a choice made for them by others causes suffering after-the-fact.

Well considering they can cause problems (even at a very low rate) and the people in question were already prescient enough to address the issue at hand by getting an abortion, I definitely think it shouldn't be forced on them. Never hurts to inform people though in case it might save some effort the next time around.
I was thinking more along the lines of a free opt-in to have the IUD put in after the abortion. While it's heavily idealistic, there is a higher birth rate among people of a lower socioeconomic bracket and these people tend to have children younger as well, leading to children born into an environment where they won't thrive. Adding in the option for getting an IUD placed in after an abortion makes sure that people who don't understand proper contraceptive protection or don't have the proper financial stability won't have the same action occurring.
There's probably a small rate exceptional to this, but wouldn't the fact that the people in question are getting abortions suggest that they aren't the ones to have children too early? Again, I don't disagree that giving them the option would be taking anything away from them at least!

Well considering they can cause problems (even at a very low rate) and the people in question were already prescient enough to address the issue at hand by getting an abortion, I definitely think it shouldn't be forced on them. Never hurts to inform people though in case it might save some effort the next time around.

Serious / Re: Peeple app launched, and it's disgusting.
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:14:02 PM »
5 years from now: "How to improve your Peeple rating: 5 secrets for getting 5 stars!"

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 19, 2016, 12:09:59 AM »
it's not just about my pain nerd
it's about others' as well
their suffering makes me feel good
so is their pain and their suffering good?
Its subjective to which person you ask, of course to yourself its 'good' but suffering in general is not good, it is the opposite.
this is my perspective as well, for the most part

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 19, 2016, 12:07:52 AM »
^ nice!
it's not just about my pain nerd
it's about others' as well
their suffering makes me feel good
so is their pain and their suffering good?
People not being in pain and suffering has a greater social utility than you having a jolly.
but i'm roleplaying as someone who sees no value in social utility
the greatest utility i can achieve is in seeing people hurt

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 19, 2016, 12:05:31 AM »
what if i'm someone who thinks consent is bad because it feels better to get or take my way in whatever i want

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 19, 2016, 12:01:39 AM »
it's not just about my pain nerd
it's about others' as well
their suffering makes me feel good
so is their pain and their suffering good?

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 11:53:58 PM »
oh my bad. i thought you were being serious.

also what if i'm a sadist-masochist who has an innate desire to see people (and by extension, society) suffer? is pain good then

The Flood / Re: If you thought this* was the moral option
« on: April 18, 2016, 11:43:16 PM »
As much as I hate nihilism, I think your logic is a bit flawed here Verb. I think it's weird that you think feelings/experiences like pain are equivalent to qualities like goodness and badness. Moreover, isn't it questionable that most things are objectively knowable? It seems to me that if there are any pieces of knowledge for which the objective truth can be known, they must be very few in number.

This discussion reminds me of this guy:

With whom I couldn't disagree more, btw

The Flood / Re: Erdogan is cucking Germany
« on: April 15, 2016, 01:08:37 PM »
"The chancellor added that her government would move to repeal the controversial and little-used Article 103 of the penal code, which concerns insults against foreign heads of state, by 2018."

Sounds like it's just a matter of following the law and nobody is happy about it. Problem on the way to being fixed?

« on: April 12, 2016, 05:34:15 PM »
If a submissive sexual fetish is counter to military efficacy, I wonder how he got to the position that he did. ???

Or maybe he watched that niche because he imagined himself as the dominant one.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever met a Sep7agon member IRL
« on: April 11, 2016, 12:54:34 PM »
i met this eggsalad kid once

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