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Messages - Desty

Pages: 1 ... 678 910 ... 353
Gaming / Re: Who wants free games?
« on: November 30, 2019, 04:02:27 AM »
How about a "can I have" or "Can I please have X, sir?"

Gaming / Re: Who wants free games?
« on: November 30, 2019, 03:58:50 AM »
Who died and made you guys boss?

Gaming / Re: New Half-Life game revealed tomorrow (Not click-bait)
« on: November 29, 2019, 01:11:28 PM »
VR is good and the future

but it's not really what i want from half-life
Oh come on, like it wasn't already obvious the next Half Life was gonna be in VR as soon as Valve announced they had their own VR system. The only reason it took so long for Half Life 3 was because they didn't want to make just a game, they wanted to make the game in the next step of gaming. Half life 1 was whatever for its time, half life 2 had the best physics, and Half life alyx or whatever is in VR

Gaming / Re: Outer Worlds question?
« on: November 29, 2019, 01:09:47 PM »
but who would you wanna marry anyway? I can't look at the characters and see anything but friends. I think the characters can find romance with npcs tho. I know the mechanic chick can hook up with the boss mechanic, and the wild guy has good chemistry with a chick at a sport's bar, but I kinda sped-run the game so I dunno.

Gaming / Re: Outer Worlds question?
« on: November 29, 2019, 01:07:49 PM »
no. I don't think there's a single romance option

Gaming / Re: Who wants free games?
« on: November 29, 2019, 12:30:46 PM »
Fucking piece of shit humble bundle, I had no idea I was subscribing. Now I have all these games I didn't ask for

Gaming / Re: Who wants free games?
« on: November 29, 2019, 12:30:19 PM »
I also got:
Lost Castle
Last Day of June
Holy Potatoes! We're in Space?! - holy shit what a soyboy game name bro wtf
Slay the Spire

Disclaimer: I will not give away games I think I might play some time. As for Kiwami, I have it, but I'll save it for a friend.

Gaming / Who wants free games?
« on: November 29, 2019, 12:26:27 PM »

The Flood / Re: The Mandalorian
« on: November 23, 2019, 08:08:48 AM »
Damn ian, that's kinda fucked up, no?

The Flood / Re: This girl at work
« on: October 30, 2019, 04:09:50 PM »
fuck I wanted to be first to reply

Gaming / Re: FalloutFirst
« on: October 28, 2019, 05:18:50 PM »
I'm so buying this lol. Only $13 and you get so much
You're not serious right

I'm deadly serious. Maybe it's just because I like standing out, but I've always supported Bethesda and Papa Todd
So you're just admitting that you're not rational and that's it?

Gaming / Re: FalloutFirst
« on: October 27, 2019, 04:22:46 PM »
I'm so buying this lol. Only $13 and you get so much
You're not serious right

The Flood / Re: How the fuck do you get a girlfriend?
« on: October 24, 2019, 04:09:02 PM »
you get over the fuckboy phase
Nah, the "fuckboy" phase is the ego phase. Losing your identity as you become this stale figure that's supposed to be "mature" isn't adulthood, it's giving up and becoming an empty husk.

The Flood / Re: How the fuck do you get a girlfriend?
« on: October 24, 2019, 03:46:24 PM »
The copypasta is lost on me. Who wrote it, Deci? I vaguely remember Deci giving relationship advice

The Flood / How the fuck do you get a girlfriend?
« on: October 24, 2019, 03:39:38 PM »
No, I'm not asking how to make a girl accept you as a boyfriend, I'm asking how you can willingly enter a relationship with a woman. How do you bring yourself to go through with that shit? Never mind getting married, how do you take the first step? Do you just ignore all rationality and all your knowledge and just go head first into it and ignore the flaws while lowering your expectations slowly everytime she lets you down until you realize she's the only one that has ever loved you and you can't leave her now? Because that sounds gay.

When I was a kid I believed the perfect woman was someone who'd accept you in every situation, but as an adult I realize there's no such thing as a perfect marriage. You gotta keep secrets from each other and show only certain sides for it to function. Marriage is not something that helps you be yourself, it's compromise after compromise

december edit: The reason why you can get into it is because you want to fuck her, and you got enough emotional maturity at the time that you're willing to put up with her shortcomings.

The Flood / Re: Official powerlist
« on: October 13, 2019, 10:48:27 PM »
i'm at least above solonoid
I feel like he has the edge 'cause the guy's almost a psychopath
sure but I'm pretty happy these days
Yeah I know, but people change in fights y'know?

The Flood / Re: Official powerlist
« on: October 07, 2019, 06:39:04 PM »
i'm at least above solonoid
I feel like he has the edge 'cause the guy's almost a psychopath

The Flood / Re: Official powerlist
« on: October 07, 2019, 06:38:11 PM »
the fact that secondclass isn't below cheat proves how little thought was put into this
Secondclass is like 7 feet whereas cheat is a fat bitch boi

The Flood / Official powerlist
« on: October 07, 2019, 01:56:17 PM »
top strongest, bottom weakest
Joceph/Jive Turkey
Space boy/Flee/Ian

The Flood / Re: I did sparring today for the first time in like a year
« on: September 26, 2019, 07:08:32 AM »
It's the will and need to get better to the point where I'm the best at fighting. I wanna be the best because I never wanna lose.
You've just become an anime protagonist.
Nah you don't get it, I'm a pacifist. I don't want to actually beat people, I just want to be able to beat anyone and everyone.

The Flood / Re: I did sparring today for the first time in like a year
« on: September 25, 2019, 05:14:52 PM »
but this was just normal light sparring with some slightly hard hits, and afterwards I felt like my pfp. It's like your brain's about to fall asleep but you're awake. You feel like rubber or something. Slow but you won't break easily

The Flood / I did sparring today for the first time in like a year
« on: September 25, 2019, 05:10:23 PM »
It fucking activated something in me. I've had this before when I was active. It's the will and need to get better to the point where I'm the best at fighting. I wanna be the best because I never wanna lose. It's like when you play a game and you wanna polish up your character so you wanna get xp and grind up to the perfect build. I wanna achieve that build. I wanna hit my limitations

The Flood / Re: Post a good song about smoking that dank herb
« on: September 23, 2019, 12:55:02 PM »

Dude weed lmao
You realize that song is about you right?

The Flood / Post a good song about smoking that dank herb
« on: September 22, 2019, 07:05:39 PM »

The Flood / Re: So I'm watching my first Bollywood movie
« on: September 22, 2019, 06:32:14 AM »
that was a fun movie tbh, a little exhausting at times, and not the most engrossing story or anything (basic revenge stuff), but it seemed like everyone involved had a lot of fun making it, and i appreciate the spirit behind it

i don't know what to rate it though, because it kind of breaks my scale a little bit

these movies seem to be made with a completely different philosophy that i don't know how to compute logically

like, it's not every day in america that you see a 3 hour action musical, but i guess this sort of thing is the norm in india

also, hinduism seems like the funnest religion in the world


Omg this takes me back. One thing you need to know about bollywood movies is: They're all emotional. You're not gonna find a single thought provoking movie out there from bollywood. If it's an action flick it's always gonna be about how the main guy can beat up several thugs without breaking a sweat, and usually it's about revenge.

Anyway, I don't remember these movies, but I remember them being good. Here are my recommendations:
Om Shanti Om -
iirc it's about an Aladin type of dude who falls in love with this rich girl and they both love each other? Anyway shit happens and I think they both die. The guy reincarnates as some rich kid (movie star?) who regains his memories or something because the ghost of the girl haunts him and so he knows who's responsible for killing him and the girl
3 idiots This is the only intelligent movie out there lmao, it's a comedy and it's decent from what I remember. Definitely watch this, it's about 3 dudes in an elitist engineer school.
Dhoom 1 - I remember this being the coolest movie ever as a kid

Krrish - Basically Tarzan if he became Zorro the masked thief
Golmaal 1+2- comedy movie with a lot of A-list actors. Funny thing is you can find most of these movies on youtube.
Munna Bhai MBBS - about a thug boss becoming a fake doctor

The Om Shanti Om song is basically the main guy singing about the events that happened in front of the guy responsible

The Flood / Re: Daddy D's guide to Manga
« on: September 07, 2019, 07:06:11 AM »
Have ya read Berserk? If you like Vinland saga you'll probably like it.
I picked up after the animes, and it was just alright at that point. Berserk is good in the start.

The Flood / Re: Daddy D's guide to Manga
« on: September 06, 2019, 04:54:20 PM »
SnK- also known as Attack on Titan, is a great manga to read. The anime is also great, so it doesn't matter if you wanna read or watch it.
Baki- The art and core fundamentals of momentum and movement is captured and illustrated so beautifully in this manga.

HxH- It's a world where the "ki" power thing called nen is the best power system that's really individual-focused. This Nen aura allows one to do anything. You can make it into bombs, turn it into electricity, become really sharp, turn your regular punch into a stronger punch, steal other peoples' abilities, make copies of items, stick a thing in someone or fulfill another condition to take control of people.

The Flood / Daddy D's guide to Manga
« on: September 06, 2019, 04:47:42 PM »
Vinland Saga- A great viking/christian/philosophy story with lots of really well-done characters and even the background characters look 100% different from each other, so it feels really weird looking at the panels because it's so good. We follow Thorfinn who goes from a naive kid to hate incarnate and then a souless husk and then finally nice guy pacifist.

Vagabond- What is there to say about this? I can't explain the appeal of this one tbh. It's just good samurai stories
Ajin- It's about people who respawn and have ghost demons that aren't super reliable but really handy for shit other than fighting. They don't respawn, they can just never die. If they break their leg for instance, they will live with a broken leg, but if they die, they come back with a healed leg. Everything just resets. I love this manga because its strong points aren't compelling character drama, or philosophy, but rather about the main guy who's a genius and almost emotionless and his friend vs these few Ajins led by Satou. Who's Satou? He's a guy who made special ops back in the day. He and like 3 other went into an enemy stronghold place in Vietnam during the war, and rescued a prisoner without anyone noticing. Satou thought that was boring however, so he shot his gun and alerted all the vietnamese in the area. Satou's an unpredictible genius that just raises the stakes all the time. He's a force of nature. I want to say some of the crazy shit he's doing in the series but I don't wanna steal that from you. It's Japan vs Satou, and Satou essentially wins but the manga isn't over yet.
Firepunch- story about a guy that can heal all wounds really fast, but unfortunately for him he also kinda got burned by a fire that can never be put out until it has exhausted the thing it burns, so he burns for like a few years or something and can't do anything about it, but slowly he's able to do things like walk and deal with the pain. He goes on to walk the earth, a human torch. The fire that's burning him never gets put out, so if the fire touches another person that person will burn until they're dead etc. He lives in a world of eternal winter.

The Flood / Re: My anime guide:
« on: September 06, 2019, 04:23:30 PM »
already a better guide than flee's

manga fucking sucks though
wtf do you have against manga? A lot of reaaally detailed work can't be adapted 'cause nobody wants to animate it all. When they do animate it, they downscale the quality by a lot. You literally can't experience what the artist wanted you to experience without reading the manga.

The Flood / My anime guide:
« on: September 03, 2019, 03:19:53 AM »
-Only watch respectable shit. If you watch a little girl scream cute stuff all the time, you'll feel like a degenerate and you will be. Only watch good shit.
-Fuck anime, read the manga instead.

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