Bethesda Should stick with the ES than Fallout

Mattie G Indahouse | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BerzerkCommando
PSN: BerzerkCommando
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ID: BerzerkCommando
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9,047 posts
Did he say glass of juice or gas the Jews?

๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฝ:honey, he's gonna say his first words



๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿฝ:here come dat boi ๐Ÿธ!

๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฝ:o shit waddup ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’ฏ

There doing fine with the Elder Scrolls story (Unlike Fallout)
I wouldn't use the word "fine" to describe how bad they are handling the story in those game.  One single quest line in the Wither 3 has more content to it than at least half of stock(No DLC.) Oblivion or Skyrim.
The Witcher 3 best game all year every year
I think it's safe to say that game set a new standard for RPG's and action adventures that are the same setup. What I love is how they handled that cross dressing Elf. Instead of forcing him right away like that transgender character in Dragonage. You instead find out he dresses that way in a quest and his reasoning why was done good. He does it because he feels he can be anybody he wants to be when he wears those clothes.

I want to play Witcher but it just seems like another fantasy RPG (I only got into elder scrolls because it was by the same guys as Fallout 3) Same for dragon age. And also the fact I feel obliged to play the first two games in each series to understand what's going on. It wouldn't feel right, jumping in on the third installment.
You don't actually need to play the first two to get the story of the third, they do a fantastic job of telling you the events of the previous games, plus the story of the third isn't directly connected to the first two. The Witcher is actually a book series that was turned into a game, it's a fantastic universe and I love it. I guess it is kind of generic fantasy, but it's just so well done oh my gosh.

Honestly, I count most western fantasy as generic fantasy because it all feels like a rip off of Tolkein. Not a bad thing, but it all feels very samey after a while.

The only fantasy stuff I'd consider to be not generic (that I know of) is Souls (as much as I dislike the series, I admire how it makes an effort to not be medieval england) and to an extent, ASOIAF. Though the latter is more because there's not really much in the way of magic in it (as opposed to LOTR) and it's a lot grittier than most fantasy.

That said, I do intend to play TW3 someday. But when someday is, I have no fucking clue.
I believe The Witcher is based off of Polish folklore, it's actually really cool

Have you got the chance to read The Witcher Books?
Naw, I'd be down for giving them a try at some point though, they seem really interesting
Not all of them have an English translation yet
Yeah, was wondering about that

Oh well
The 3rd book for the English translation comes out in 2016 and the 4th comes out in 2017. Also how important is the first game? I ended up ordering the 2nd game for the 360 and since the first game didn't come out for it I didn't get it.
Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 07:26:49 PM by BerzerkCommando

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
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ID: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts



Fallout 3 story: cliche

Fallout New Vegas: Much Better

Fallout 4: Meh story

quit being a fanboy, while I do like Bethesda, you can't deny that there stories in Fallout are stupid, and those god awful endings, the lack of choices in Fallout 4, and 0 skills. Also the horrific AI's, buggy mess, and many more, if your ok with this bullshit then by all means take off that Fallout profile pic. Also Obsidian is now filled with the people who worked on the original Fallouts, so why not let then make Fallout.

Because a bad story invalidates an entire game, obviously.

Also, nice assumption presuming I thought Fallout 3 or 4's stories were good :^)

Notice in my comment that i did not just talked about the stories in Bethesda's Fallout.

>Lack of choices
>Lack of Being Evil/ Always being Good
>Lack luster ending (New Vegas, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Hell even Fallout Tactics had better endings then Fallout 3/4)
>Horrendous AI
>Shit UI (PC)
>Bethesda Bugs
>Lack of story
>NPCs sometimes repeating the same line (For example, If you say Yes the NPC will say "Wow, didn't see you here" if you say No the same  NPC will say "Wow, didn't see you here" doesn't change there dialogue, doesn't change your character, doesn't change you to be evil.)
>Lack of tutorial in the Village Creation
>R.I.P Dumb Character choice (Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas)
>Question, Yes, No, Sarcastic (really?)
>Lack of Skills
>Casual Perk System
>Lack of Character Model
>Casual game

Your telling me that your ok with this bullshit. Also Fallout 3s story was stupid, compare it with Fallout 2. Fallout 3s story is shit, and Fallout 4s story is meh.

Yep, your pic spells "fanboy"

I wouldn't disagree with any of those. I still consider NV to be a superior game in everything but gunplay and map design. I have no idea where you get this ridiculous notion I have blind praise for the stories of either of the Bethesda games. I mean, Fallout 4 wasn't terrible. It wasn't great, but it wasn't awful. It was just predictable and lacking in choices. And the intention to let players play past the end was sort of responsible for the lackluster ending. Same for Skyrim. Even so, has Bethesda ever been renowned for quality stories? Worldbuilding, sure, but not story.

I have no qualms with the perk system. It's not worse than the other games' system but it's not better.

I have such high praise for Fallout 4 because I consider it to be one of the best games I've played in years. Maybe since Reach came out (Excluding other Fallout games). I rank it a good 9/10 alongside New Vegas, but for different reasons. It's a fun game. Far from perfect, but when compared to other disappointments like Halo 5 or Destiny, it's a goddamn masterpiece.

Plus, I rarely say anything about the original games. I have them, but I can rarely play them for more than 15 minutes without just turning it off because I just can't enjoy the old games. Sue me if you want, or bring out the no true scotsman, but I find 2d isometric turn based gameplay to be just awful. I'm sorry you're so buttmad I'm enjoying a game you didn't, but I got into the series with 3 and all three 'current', as it were, Fallout games are some of my favourites in... well, ever.

I won't lie, Fallout 4 kinda disappointed me (in terms of story, endings etc.) however I won't lie and say that Bethesda makes great map and great gameplay, however this trend of Bethesda logic (bugs, shit story etc.) has gone too far and I won't be praising there games until they get their shit together, this is probably my last straw with BGS. (For me anyways)
I have no idea where you get this ridiculous notion I have blind praise for the stories of either of the Bethesda games

Also, nice assumption presuming I thought Fallout 3 or 4's stories were good :^)
- Bacon

I'm confused what that was supposd to prove. If you've ever read my posts in the Fallout thread, you'd have seen me criticising Fallout 3 story to kingdom fucking come. The only reason I don't do that with 4 is because I've only played through it once and I've only experienced the Brotherhood of Steel's thing. Even so, it's hardly a masterpiece. Anyone who's seen any kind of scifi with time travel would have been able to guess what happened to Shaun, and I was  genuinely confused for the entirety of the first two acts as to why the PC doesn't even question that the time gap between going in, X happening and coming out coukd have been a long time. And the entire premise of the Cabot House quest is fucking stupid, as in, MShip Zeta levels of dumb.

If you haven't done the quest
The cabots have been alive since the 1800's because the old man found ancient alien stuff in the ME so they've been alive for four centuries. Complete horseshit.

Most of my main criticisms of Fallout 4 have been the simplification of dialogue, the abundance of radiant quests and the removal of things like ammo crafting. I mean, I've been fairly lucky with glitches (Only got one, not counting silly stuff like floating npcs or the ammo exploit), so maybe I'm slightly biased in that regard.

The crafting is kind of like minecraft. It seems weird and awful until you just get it, like that. Just suddenly randomly makes sense. Doesn't help that the tutorial is hidden in the Minutemen questline, which some people might not even do if they don't want to jeapordize the Brotherhood or Railroad or Institute. Could've certainly used a simple tutorial.

Honestly, the problem you're having is going into bethesda games to have great stories. I guess I went in expecting a meh/10 main quest with 10/10 exploration gameplay, and that's what I got. Knowing what a developer is good and isn't good at certainly helps in your expectations. Getting hyped for a feature a dev has shown ineptness in time and time again isn't a great idea. Then again, Halo 5 sort of proved that sone devs can break cycle with what they were strong at (Referring to H5 story compared to the fantastic H4 story and the expanded universe content 343 have done, of course.)

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
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4,765 posts
There doing fine with the Elder Scrolls story (Unlike Fallout)
I wouldn't use the word "fine" to describe how bad they are handling the story in those game.  One single quest line in the Wither 3 has more content to it than at least half of stock(No DLC.) Oblivion or Skyrim.
The Witcher 3 best game all year every year
I think it's safe to say that game set a new standard for RPG's and action adventures that are the same setup. What I love is how they handled that cross dressing Elf. Instead of forcing him right away like that transgender character in Dragonage. You instead find out he dresses that way in a quest and his reasoning why was done good. He does it because he feels he can be anybody he wants to be when he wears those clothes.

I want to play Witcher but it just seems like another fantasy RPG (I only got into elder scrolls because it was by the same guys as Fallout 3) Same for dragon age. And also the fact I feel obliged to play the first two games in each series to understand what's going on. It wouldn't feel right, jumping in on the third installment.
You don't actually need to play the first two to get the story of the third, they do a fantastic job of telling you the events of the previous games, plus the story of the third isn't directly connected to the first two. The Witcher is actually a book series that was turned into a game, it's a fantastic universe and I love it. I guess it is kind of generic fantasy, but it's just so well done oh my gosh.

Honestly, I count most western fantasy as generic fantasy because it all feels like a rip off of Tolkein. Not a bad thing, but it all feels very samey after a while.

The only fantasy stuff I'd consider to be not generic (that I know of) is Souls (as much as I dislike the series, I admire how it makes an effort to not be medieval england) and to an extent, ASOIAF. Though the latter is more because there's not really much in the way of magic in it (as opposed to LOTR) and it's a lot grittier than most fantasy.

That said, I do intend to play TW3 someday. But when someday is, I have no fucking clue.
I believe The Witcher is based off of Polish folklore, it's actually really cool

Have you got the chance to read The Witcher Books?
Naw, I'd be down for giving them a try at some point though, they seem really interesting
Not all of them have an English translation yet
Yeah, was wondering about that

Oh well
The 3rd book for the English translation comes out in 2016 and the 4th comes out in 2017. Also how important is the first game? I ended up ordering the 2nd game for the 360 and since the first game didn't come out for it I didn't get it.
I never actually played the first, I started on the second one (Even though I have it)

I don't think it's too important in the scheme of things

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,350 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
There doing fine with the Elder Scrolls story (Unlike Fallout)
I wouldn't use the word "fine" to describe how bad they are handling the story in those game.  One single quest line in the Wither 3 has more content to it than at least half of stock(No DLC.) Oblivion or Skyrim.
The Witcher 3 best game all year every year
I think it's safe to say that game set a new standard for RPG's and action adventures that are the same setup. What I love is how they handled that cross dressing Elf. Instead of forcing him right away like that transgender character in Dragonage. You instead find out he dresses that way in a quest and his reasoning why was done good. He does it because he feels he can be anybody he wants to be when he wears those clothes.

I want to play Witcher but it just seems like another fantasy RPG (I only got into elder scrolls because it was by the same guys as Fallout 3) Same for dragon age. And also the fact I feel obliged to play the first two games in each series to understand what's going on. It wouldn't feel right, jumping in on the third installment.
You don't actually need to play the first two to get the story of the third, they do a fantastic job of telling you the events of the previous games, plus the story of the third isn't directly connected to the first two. The Witcher is actually a book series that was turned into a game, it's a fantastic universe and I love it. I guess it is kind of generic fantasy, but it's just so well done oh my gosh.

Honestly, I count most western fantasy as generic fantasy because it all feels like a rip off of Tolkein. Not a bad thing, but it all feels very samey after a while.

The only fantasy stuff I'd consider to be not generic (that I know of) is Souls (as much as I dislike the series, I admire how it makes an effort to not be medieval england) and to an extent, ASOIAF. Though the latter is more because there's not really much in the way of magic in it (as opposed to LOTR) and it's a lot grittier than most fantasy.

That said, I do intend to play TW3 someday. But when someday is, I have no fucking clue.
I believe The Witcher is based off of Polish folklore, it's actually really cool

Have you got the chance to read The Witcher Books?
Naw, I'd be down for giving them a try at some point though, they seem really interesting
Not all of them have an English translation yet
Yeah, was wondering about that

Oh well
Sword of Destiny has an English translation
The Last Wish has an English translation
Blood of Elves has an English translation
Time of Contempt has an English translation
Baptism of Fire has an English translation
The Swallow's Tower doesn't have an English translation. English translation releases next year.
The Lady of the Lake doesn't have an English translation. English translation releases in 2017.
Season of Storms doesn't have an English translation. No date is set for the English translation.

Also, Anderzej Sapkowski doesn't consider the games as canon.

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
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ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts
FO4 is falsely advertised as an RPG. It's an FPS adventure game.

I swear, we need an Obsidian game using FO4s updated engine or Beth should hire more competent writers and stop casualizing their games to COD-tier. Of course, they won't because they want to appeal to the masses and MONEY IS ALL THAT MATTERS so they'll rape this awesome series.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,350 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
There doing fine with the Elder Scrolls story (Unlike Fallout)
I wouldn't use the word "fine" to describe how bad they are handling the story in those game.  One single quest line in the Wither 3 has more content to it than at least half of stock(No DLC.) Oblivion or Skyrim.
The Witcher 3 best game all year every year
I think it's safe to say that game set a new standard for RPG's and action adventures that are the same setup. What I love is how they handled that cross dressing Elf. Instead of forcing him right away like that transgender character in Dragonage. You instead find out he dresses that way in a quest and his reasoning why was done good. He does it because he feels he can be anybody he wants to be when he wears those clothes.

I want to play Witcher but it just seems like another fantasy RPG (I only got into elder scrolls because it was by the same guys as Fallout 3) Same for dragon age. And also the fact I feel obliged to play the first two games in each series to understand what's going on. It wouldn't feel right, jumping in on the third installment.
You don't actually need to play the first two to get the story of the third, they do a fantastic job of telling you the events of the previous games, plus the story of the third isn't directly connected to the first two. The Witcher is actually a book series that was turned into a game, it's a fantastic universe and I love it. I guess it is kind of generic fantasy, but it's just so well done oh my gosh.

Honestly, I count most western fantasy as generic fantasy because it all feels like a rip off of Tolkein. Not a bad thing, but it all feels very samey after a while.

The only fantasy stuff I'd consider to be not generic (that I know of) is Souls (as much as I dislike the series, I admire how it makes an effort to not be medieval england) and to an extent, ASOIAF. Though the latter is more because there's not really much in the way of magic in it (as opposed to LOTR) and it's a lot grittier than most fantasy.

That said, I do intend to play TW3 someday. But when someday is, I have no fucking clue.
I believe The Witcher is based off of Polish folklore, it's actually really cool

Have you got the chance to read The Witcher Books?
Naw, I'd be down for giving them a try at some point though, they seem really interesting
Not all of them have an English translation yet
Yeah, was wondering about that

Oh well
The 3rd book for the English translation comes out in 2016 and the 4th comes out in 2017. Also how important is the first game? I ended up ordering the 2nd game for the 360 and since the first game didn't come out for it I didn't get it.
The first game isn't that important.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts
There doing fine with the Elder Scrolls story (Unlike Fallout)
I wouldn't use the word "fine" to describe how bad they are handling the story in those game.  One single quest line in the Wither 3 has more content to it than at least half of stock(No DLC.) Oblivion or Skyrim.
The Witcher 3 best game all year every year
I think it's safe to say that game set a new standard for RPG's and action adventures that are the same setup. What I love is how they handled that cross dressing Elf. Instead of forcing him right away like that transgender character in Dragonage. You instead find out he dresses that way in a quest and his reasoning why was done good. He does it because he feels he can be anybody he wants to be when he wears those clothes.

I want to play Witcher but it just seems like another fantasy RPG (I only got into elder scrolls because it was by the same guys as Fallout 3) Same for dragon age. And also the fact I feel obliged to play the first two games in each series to understand what's going on. It wouldn't feel right, jumping in on the third installment.
You don't actually need to play the first two to get the story of the third, they do a fantastic job of telling you the events of the previous games, plus the story of the third isn't directly connected to the first two. The Witcher is actually a book series that was turned into a game, it's a fantastic universe and I love it. I guess it is kind of generic fantasy, but it's just so well done oh my gosh.

Honestly, I count most western fantasy as generic fantasy because it all feels like a rip off of Tolkein. Not a bad thing, but it all feels very samey after a while.

The only fantasy stuff I'd consider to be not generic (that I know of) is Souls (as much as I dislike the series, I admire how it makes an effort to not be medieval england) and to an extent, ASOIAF. Though the latter is more because there's not really much in the way of magic in it (as opposed to LOTR) and it's a lot grittier than most fantasy.

That said, I do intend to play TW3 someday. But when someday is, I have no fucking clue.
The Witcher is basically the Polish ASOIAF.
Dark, super gritty. Unlike other franchises, such as Dragon Age, which is more... lighthearted (? I can't think of the word).

It's also heavily based on and around Polish folklore and myths (obviously).

It's a pretty fantastic universe.

Oh, well that's interesting. Nice to get away from the typical archetypes of English mythology. I knew CDPR were polish before, too.

I might pick up the first book once I'm done with A Dance With Dragons. I'm halfway through the first half of the book. Kind of gutted to be catching up to/ getting past the show now. Being able to binge read all 7 books has been great, and having to join the wait for Winds of Winter is not going to be fun.

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
IP: Logged

4,765 posts
Sword of Destiny has an English translation
The Last Wish has an English translation
Blood of Elves has an English translation
Time of Contempt has an English translation
Baptism of Fire has an English translation
The Swallow's Tower doesn't have an English translation. English translation releases next year.
The Lady of the Lake doesn't have an English translation. English translation releases in 2017.
Season of Storms doesn't have an English translation. No date is set for the English translation.

Also, Anderzej Sapkowski doesn't consider the games as canon.
Time to see if I can find the books somewhere that's not online then (I have no way of being able to buy stuff online >.>)

And I knew he doesn't consider the games canon, probably makes sense too

CyberGama | Legendary Invincible!
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4,892 posts
"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force." โ€• The Je'daii Code
FO4 is falsely advertised as an RPG. It's an FPS adventure game.

I swear, we need an Obsidian game using FO4s updated engine or Beth should hire more competent writers and stop casualizing their games to COD-tier. Of course, they won't because they want to appeal to the masses and MONEY IS ALL THAT MATTERS so they'll rape this awesome series.

Also blind bethesda fanboys will fall for this bait over and over again.

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
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4,765 posts
Fallout 4 is a lot of fun, but it's not a very good RPG


clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts
FO4 is falsely advertised as an RPG. It's an FPS adventure game.

I swear, we need an Obsidian game using FO4s updated engine or Beth should hire more competent writers and stop casualizing their games to COD-tier. Of course, they won't because they want to appeal to the masses and MONEY IS ALL THAT MATTERS so they'll rape this awesome series.

Also blind bethesda fanboys will fall for this bait over and over again.

It's not bait, though, lad. It's the truth.

I do enjoy FO4s updated mechanics/visuals, gunplay (about time that they let us bash with the gun, I knew something was missing in NV/FO3) and THE POWER ARMOUR OH GOD THAT IS BEYOND AWESOME JUST CHANGE THE FUSION CORE IDEA A BIT AND YOU GOT A GOOD CONCEPT.

But the RPG elements that defined Fallout are basically gone in favour of appeasing the casual COD kid crowd.

Also, WHY THE FUCK is there no player model in first person? This is 2015. Jesus christ, modders implemented that in FO3

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts
FO4 is falsely advertised as an RPG. It's an FPS adventure game.

I swear, we need an Obsidian game using FO4s updated engine or Beth should hire more competent writers and stop casualizing their games to COD-tier. Of course, they won't because they want to appeal to the masses and MONEY IS ALL THAT MATTERS so they'll rape this awesome series.

Also blind bethesda fanboys will fall for this bait over and over again.

It's a shame JESawyer (IIRC) left obsidian. I doubt we're ever going to get another game in the west again.

At least Bethesda isn't touching the NCR stuff. I like that they left the West Coast stuff for the original writers.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts
FO4 is falsely advertised as an RPG. It's an FPS adventure game.

I swear, we need an Obsidian game using FO4s updated engine or Beth should hire more competent writers and stop casualizing their games to COD-tier. Of course, they won't because they want to appeal to the masses and MONEY IS ALL THAT MATTERS so they'll rape this awesome series.

Also blind bethesda fanboys will fall for this bait over and over again.

It's not bait, though, lad. It's the truth.

I do enjoy FO4s updated mechanics/visuals, gunplay (about time that they let us bash with the gun, I knew something was missing in NV/FO3) and THE POWER ARMOUR OH GOD THAT IS BEYOND AWESOME JUST CHANGE THE FUSION CORE IDEA A BIT AND YOU GOT A GOOD CONCEPT.

But the RPG elements that defined Fallout are basically gone in favour of appeasing the casual COD kid crowd.

Also, WHY THE FUCK is there no player model in first person? This is 2015. Jesus christ, modders implemented that in FO3

I love games where you don't have legs. It makes it even easier to imagine I'm actually an eyebot programmed to think it's a human.

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
IP: Logged

11,461 posts
FO4 is falsely advertised as an RPG. It's an FPS adventure game.

I swear, we need an Obsidian game using FO4s updated engine or Beth should hire more competent writers and stop casualizing their games to COD-tier. Of course, they won't because they want to appeal to the masses and MONEY IS ALL THAT MATTERS so they'll rape this awesome series.

Also blind bethesda fanboys will fall for this bait over and over again.

I doubt we're ever going to get another game in the west again.

I hope to god that's not true. West coast best coast (well, in the Fallout series, anyway).

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
IP: Logged

10,737 posts
FO4 is falsely advertised as an RPG. It's an FPS adventure game.

I swear, we need an Obsidian game using FO4s updated engine or Beth should hire more competent writers and stop casualizing their games to COD-tier. Of course, they won't because they want to appeal to the masses and MONEY IS ALL THAT MATTERS so they'll rape this awesome series.

Also blind bethesda fanboys will fall for this bait over and over again.

I doubt we're ever going to get another game in the west again.

I hope to god that's not true. West coast best coast (well, in the Fallout series, anyway).

Well, with Obsidian's main writer left and how things between Bethesda and Obsidian worked out (Stuff like the bonus, bethesda pretty much not even acknowledging the NV stuff like Riot Gear, the existence of New Vegas and such), it doesn't seem likeky we'll get another Obsidian game, sadly.

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
PSN: Wenggh
Steam: Wenggh
ID: Fruit
IP: Logged

4,765 posts
FO4 is falsely advertised as an RPG. It's an FPS adventure game.

I swear, we need an Obsidian game using FO4s updated engine or Beth should hire more competent writers and stop casualizing their games to COD-tier. Of course, they won't because they want to appeal to the masses and MONEY IS ALL THAT MATTERS so they'll rape this awesome series.

Also blind bethesda fanboys will fall for this bait over and over again.

I doubt we're ever going to get another game in the west again.

I hope to god that's not true. West coast best coast (well, in the Fallout series, anyway).

Well, with Obsidian's main writer left and how things between Bethesda and Obsidian worked out (Stuff like the bonus, bethesda pretty much not even acknowledging the NV stuff like Riot Gear, the existence of New Vegas and such), it doesn't seem likeky we'll get another Obsidian game, sadly.
Another New Vegas with the gameplay of FO4 would be the most perfect thing ever

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
IP: Logged

11,461 posts
FO4 is falsely advertised as an RPG. It's an FPS adventure game.

I swear, we need an Obsidian game using FO4s updated engine or Beth should hire more competent writers and stop casualizing their games to COD-tier. Of course, they won't because they want to appeal to the masses and MONEY IS ALL THAT MATTERS so they'll rape this awesome series.

Also blind bethesda fanboys will fall for this bait over and over again.

I doubt we're ever going to get another game in the west again.

I hope to god that's not true. West coast best coast (well, in the Fallout series, anyway).

Well, with Obsidian's main writer left and how things between Bethesda and Obsidian worked out (Stuff like the bonus, bethesda pretty much not even acknowledging the NV stuff like Riot Gear, the existence of New Vegas and such), it doesn't seem likeky we'll get another Obsidian game, sadly.

Shame, I love the unique style of the original makers of Fallout. So wacky and zany and awesome and depressing and scary and bleak.

The people down in Beth are dickheads and they have been since they finished Morrowind.

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
Steam: PM me
ID: Numb Digger
IP: Logged

11,461 posts
Also, fuck this midget twerp piece of shit;

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: BaconShelf
Steam: BaconShelf
ID: BaconShelf
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10,737 posts
FO4 is falsely advertised as an RPG. It's an FPS adventure game.

I swear, we need an Obsidian game using FO4s updated engine or Beth should hire more competent writers and stop casualizing their games to COD-tier. Of course, they won't because they want to appeal to the masses and MONEY IS ALL THAT MATTERS so they'll rape this awesome series.

Also blind bethesda fanboys will fall for this bait over and over again.

I doubt we're ever going to get another game in the west again.

I hope to god that's not true. West coast best coast (well, in the Fallout series, anyway).

Well, with Obsidian's main writer left and how things between Bethesda and Obsidian worked out (Stuff like the bonus, bethesda pretty much not even acknowledging the NV stuff like Riot Gear, the existence of New Vegas and such), it doesn't seem likeky we'll get another Obsidian game, sadly.
Another New Vegas with the gameplay of FO4 would be the most perfect thing ever

Yeah. Bethesda  makes good foundations for gameplay, but it feels like they almost spend too much time making things look pretty and not enough time really going over their writing. Like me with school work.

I mean, I remember in the Fallout 3 collector's guide there's a dev interview and they talk about how they place skeletons and debris and stuff purposefully. Like, to tell a small story just from arranging game props and shit. I can believe that, you can get a sense of what happened to someone just by looking at the small things around them. Bethesda excel at small details, but the big picture is where it begins to fall apart.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,737 posts
FO4 is falsely advertised as an RPG. It's an FPS adventure game.

I swear, we need an Obsidian game using FO4s updated engine or Beth should hire more competent writers and stop casualizing their games to COD-tier. Of course, they won't because they want to appeal to the masses and MONEY IS ALL THAT MATTERS so they'll rape this awesome series.

Also blind bethesda fanboys will fall for this bait over and over again.

I doubt we're ever going to get another game in the west again.

I hope to god that's not true. West coast best coast (well, in the Fallout series, anyway).

Well, with Obsidian's main writer left and how things between Bethesda and Obsidian worked out (Stuff like the bonus, bethesda pretty much not even acknowledging the NV stuff like Riot Gear, the existence of New Vegas and such), it doesn't seem likeky we'll get another Obsidian game, sadly.

Shame, I love the unique style of the original makers of Fallout. So wacky and zany and awesome and depressing and scary and bleak.

The people down in Beth are dickheads and they have been since they finished Morrowind.

I was quite disappointed there was no Wild Wasteland-esque thing in Fallout 4. Only trait worth using in Vegas

Kiwicake | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Wenggh
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4,765 posts
Bethesda seems to be really good at improving in some aspects, and then getting worse in others

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts
Bethesda seems to be really good at improving in some aspects, and then getting worse in others

It was revealed that they were trying to do what GTA V did with FO4.

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CyberGama | Legendary Invincible!
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"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force." โ€• The Je'daii Code
Angry Joes review on Fallout 4 was pretty spot on (Although I disagree about giving it a 8/10 though)
Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 07:59:38 PM by Gamma Ray

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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PSN: PM me
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ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts
Angry Joes review on Fallout 4 was pretty spot on (Although I disagree about giving it a 8/10 though)

He admitted himself that it was because he was biased. Personally I think it deserves a 6.5 or a 7. The gameplay is there, but that's pretty much it I'm afraid.

CyberGama | Legendary Invincible!
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4,892 posts
"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force." โ€• The Je'daii Code
Angry Joes review on Fallout 4 was pretty spot on (Although I disagree about giving it a 8/10 though)

He admitted himself that it was because he was biased. Personally I think it deserves a 6.5 or a 7. The gameplay is there, but that's pretty much it I'm afraid.

He was sort bias in this video, I mean why shit on this game (Not saying its a shit game, just disappointed in Fallout 4) if your going to give it an 8/10.

BaconShelf | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,737 posts
There doing fine with the Elder Scrolls story (Unlike Fallout)
I wouldn't use the word "fine" to describe how bad they are handling the story in those game.  One single quest line in the Wither 3 has more content to it than at least half of stock(No DLC.) Oblivion or Skyrim.
The Witcher 3 best game all year every year
I think it's safe to say that game set a new standard for RPG's and action adventures that are the same setup. What I love is how they handled that cross dressing Elf. Instead of forcing him right away like that transgender character in Dragonage. You instead find out he dresses that way in a quest and his reasoning why was done good. He does it because he feels he can be anybody he wants to be when he wears those clothes.

I want to play Witcher but it just seems like another fantasy RPG (I only got into elder scrolls because it was by the same guys as Fallout 3) Same for dragon age. And also the fact I feel obliged to play the first two games in each series to understand what's going on. It wouldn't feel right, jumping in on the third installment.
You don't actually need to play the first two to get the story of the third, they do a fantastic job of telling you the events of the previous games, plus the story of the third isn't directly connected to the first two. The Witcher is actually a book series that was turned into a game, it's a fantastic universe and I love it. I guess it is kind of generic fantasy, but it's just so well done oh my gosh.

Honestly, I count most western fantasy as generic fantasy because it all feels like a rip off of Tolkein. Not a bad thing, but it all feels very samey after a while.

The only fantasy stuff I'd consider to be not generic (that I know of) is Souls (as much as I dislike the series, I admire how it makes an effort to not be medieval england) and to an extent, ASOIAF. Though the latter is more because there's not really much in the way of magic in it (as opposed to LOTR) and it's a lot grittier than most fantasy.

That said, I do intend to play TW3 someday. But when someday is, I have no fucking clue.
The Souls games are Japanese.

Well. Shit.

The lack of half naked girls and swords three times as big as-

Well. The lack of the former fooled me, anyway.

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ID: Luciana
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13,232 posts
Bethesda's problem with writing Fallout is that they try for small scale narratives in a big world. It doesn't work.

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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รsgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.
Id take Fallout over ES any day. Fallout at least has a more interesting world and better gameplay.