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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
You know, I could really just show you one thing to completely sum up my thoughts on Alien: Resurrection. Enjoy.

Well, guys, we have come to Alien: Resurrection, which was directed by the man who later made Amélie. Who the hell knows what happened with this movie? Probably a lot of studio interference, and a lot of people who were just really not capable of making a film, I guess, and they decided to do whatever the hell they wanted, and this is what we got.

I hate this movie. I hate Alien: Resurrection. This is an abomination. This film has barely a single redeeming quality in it. Theres isn't a—there really is nothing. There's—there's nothing, really, to talk about. You could talk about the Xenomorph. uh, "creatures," I guess?

In Alien: Resurrection, they decide to create a clone of Ripley. This isn't really the real Ripley, because if you haven't seen Alien 3 (spoilers), she dies. So we have a clone of Ripley, because I guess they want to use her as a host to create more alien creatures, because, of course, man really wants Xenomorphs, because, you know, why not?

Why do they want to clone Ripley anyway? Why is she the host? Why do they have to have this warrant officer, who was magically a lieutenant in Alien 3, despite having her license revoked in Aliens? Somehow she got to be, like, a lieutenant during the cryo-sleep period between Aliens and Alien 3, I guess, and now she's a clone.

This movie was written by Joss Whedon, by the way. I don't know what happened with this film.

And Whedon himself has expressed extreme dissatisfaction in the film. He stated his script was more fun and lighthearted, but the director made everyone be more serious, and these two tones don't match up. And that's, you know, I guess that's an okay excuse, but to me, an Alien film shouldn't be fun or lighthearted. It should be suspenseful and terrifying. And so the director had the right idea in trying to make it more serious, but the script wasn't supposed to be that serious, and so the two just never mesh as a whole. It's really two people doing everything wrong for what this film should be. Even the film's score is just so over-the-top and incredibly loud and just overbearing.

Everything about the way the film is constructed just doesn't work. The dialogue that's being spoken, if it was more of a Firefly/Serenity/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Avengers-type Whedon-esque experience, that could work, but the film itself just doesn't understand how to accomplish that tone, and the script still has quite a bit of problems. Namely, never really explaining why Ripley has to be cloned, beyond just a franchise that's being milked until it dies by a studio, which is the real answer.

Another massive mistake this movie makes is having the aliens caged from the opening scene. They're pets. They're being experimented on. How terrifying. This perfect organism that was so scary in Alien and Aliens is now just behind some glass, and they have a button that can shoot ice mist at it, and, you know, how fucking horrible is that? It takes the fear completely out of the movie.

They also show the creatures far too much. I love the look of Xenomorphs. They're my favorite alien design of all time. But the idea of showing it constantly, constantly, over and over again, is the same reason Jaws: The Revenge (among many reasons) sucked. They just showed the shark all the time. Like, you have to keep that shit hidden. You can't just always show it on frame. Ridley Scott and James Cameron understood that.

Let's talk about Sigourney Weaver in this movie, who is an actress that I really love. I think she's fantastic in just about all the Alien movies, even Alien 3. In this film, she's like this really over-sexualized person that just goes around touching everybody and staring in each other's eyes, looking like she wants to fuck literally every character in this film, including the Xenomorphs.
"So, who do I have to fuck to get off this boat?"

But really, everyone's on this level. Ron Perlman, who I usually adore—one of my favorite character actors of all time—is insanely over-the-top in this movie. Winona Ryder is awful. There's also a character in this movie named Christie, who has a hilarious scene where he bounces bullets off of a ceiling. That's where we're at here, people.

The film also takes about 50 minutes before the plot fully kicks in, and you can forget about all the dumb mad scientist experimentation bullshit, and the characters are finally running through the corridors and the aliens are, you know, taking them out one by one. It's 50 minutes into the movie before anything really happens that's worth a damn. Everything before that is very awkward sexual tension scenes between Winona Ryder and Sigourney Weaver, a hilarious basketball scene that has no purpose in the movie other than to go, "Look, Sigourney Weaver made the shot backwards!"

This entire film, like, I'm telling you, every decision they made was wrong. Every single one.

Just take the characters alone: They're expendable movie characters 101. Everything that you shouldn't do with a movie character here. It's just everyone's a quirk. It's like, oh, there's a guy in a wheelchair, he can't walk and he talks like this, and he's a guy in a wheelchair, so that's his character.
"Who were you expecting? Santa Claus?"

Ron Perlman's a really angry guy who's angry. The one guy can bounce bullets off walls. They're all just a quirk. They have nothing interesting about them. Nothing. Literally nothing.

The movie was really bad before, but the last fifteen minutes are absolute insanity. There is nothing in the entire Alien universe that holds up to the last fifteen minutes of Alien: Resurrection. When Ripley gets sucked into this—this—whatever the fuck that was, it's just, I don't know what's happening.


That entire sequence. I actually have no words. I don't know what to say, guys.

Let's just talk about the fucking newborn. Oh my god, the design for the newborn. This thing looks like a deformed penis with eyeballs. I don't—I have no idea what they were thinking. This thing is so fucking stupid-looking, I—it's so fucking dumb. I hate it. I hate the newborn. I hate it, guys. I really do. I fucking hate it. It's so stupid.

But hey, at least it has, like, an amazing death that's really gross and over-the-top like pretty much everything in this movie. I mean, for fuck's sake, every decision—I keep saying this, but it's true—every decision in Alien: Resurrection was wrong. This movie is an abomination. I hate it. It is definitely the worst in the official Alien four films, without a doubt. Oh my god. Ugh.

But hey, at least next, I get to watch and review Alien vs. Predator. My future's looking up. Oh, fuck.

Guys, thank you so much as always for watching this review. I appreciate it. And if you like this, you can click right here, and get Stuckmannized.
Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 01:49:36 AM by Verbatim

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"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
—Judge Aaron Satie
why do you like youtube

i spend 20% of my time on tvtropes 40% on discord 20% on reddit and 20% on sep7

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
why do you like youtube

i spend 20% of my time on tvtropes 40% on discord 20% on reddit and 20% on sep7

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XBL: Vien Quitonm
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Just message me.
vienquitonm is my discord
Why is he yelling?

Ásgeirr | Mythic Inconceivable!
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The angel agreed to trade a set of white wings for the head of another demon. Overjoyed, the demon killed one of his own and plucked the head right off its still-warm body.

The angel then led the demon to heaven, where he underwent centuries of the cruelest tortures imaginable. Finally, the pain was so great that he lost consciousness - at which point his dark wings turned the promised shade of white.

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XBL: HundredJono
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18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
I grew up with Alien: Resurrection

Super Irish | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Superirish19
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If I'm not here, I'm doing photography. Or I'm asleep. Or in lockdown. One of those three, anyway.

The current titlebar/avatar setup is just normal.
Alien Res. is shit.

I have a boxset of all the series and that one dvd case has remained unopened, and it will stay that way.

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
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13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
Jokes aside, I do enjoy watching Stuckmann and Jahns reviews. Jeremy does seem heavily biased towards Star Wars and superhero movies though.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Jokes aside, I do enjoy watching Stuckmann and Jahns reviews. Jeremy does seem heavily biased towards Star Wars and superhero movies though.
chris can be okay and i appreciate how he gives attention to some lesser-known movies

but god, i can't stand jeremy

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
Jokes aside, I do enjoy watching Stuckmann and Jahns reviews. Jeremy does seem heavily biased towards Star Wars and superhero movies though.
chris can be okay and i appreciate how he gives attention to some lesser-known movies

but god, i can't stand jeremy

I mean most Youtube videos are things I just have on while I'm doing something else, so they both do their job alright. Like I'll watch them while eating food or something.

But he gave Rogue One an awesometacular.

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Viva Redemption
PSN: HurtfulTurkey
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ID: HurtfulTurkey
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8,077 posts
but god, i can't stand jeremy

I used to really like him, and I still tend to watch because we disagree on a lot (Rogue One, Suicide Squad, etc), but he definitely doesn't go into much artistic detail, which Chris does. Anyways, if you've seen his channel, what did you think of it -- do you like him, or think he's shit? Whatever you think, comment below and let me know, and as always if you like what you see here and wanna see more, click right here to see more.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
YourMovieSucks would be top tier if only he could maintain consistency with the amount of content he posts (that and he's a degenerate fur faggot). I disagree with a lot of his reviews and he has a really weird tendency of nitpicking the most asinine shit, but he has provided insight into looking at films from various different perspectives for me.

If only he could post more regularly, because a two month gap between video content is just ridiculous considering the stuff he provides in them.