I don't understand why society accommodates disabled people. They are leeching off of me, I don't like parasites. All these leeches on our society, eventually they will have to learn the lesson the hard way. Trump will cut their lips off the tit. Then they'll look like zombies with their teeth all exposed lmao. What pisses me off is that the strong can't simply dominate the weak. The politically correct liberal communists think that we live in a loving, caring system. But let me tell you something, love isn't what makes America great. What makes America great is our animal spirit. I see it in Wallstreet, it brings a tear to my eye. Pure, raw Darwin in action. Charles Darwin would be proud. It makes me proud. THAT'S WHY WE'VE GOTTA CUT THOSE LEECHES OFF THE TIT *slams fist on table*