Try this

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Numb Digger
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11,461 posts
Try this. Turn off music. Turn off TV. If you are greedy capitalist and have machine, turn off computer. Go to next room, and sit, do not dance, do not drink, be as quiet as Jew during pogrom. Does Comrade Russian hear sound? Itsy bitsy ringing? Glorious People say it is brain making up a sound to explain reason why Russian is not drinking or dancing.

People lied.

Silly Americans can not tell you what making sound, Smart Russians can because are not silly bourgeoise with book and film.

It is wail of gypsy. If gypsy is planning to steal item in house, evil gypsy wail alerts holy Russian Orthodox Church. Find gypsy, hit gypsy with hand, then drink Vodka until sound go away. Then hit gypsy child until child is no longer gypsy.

Such is life for gypsy in Russia.

And no amount of running will save you.

Jocephalopod | Mythic Inconceivable!
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kunt resist

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| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
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23,675 posts
It's called Tinnitus, and if you listen hard enough to it you'll see my face and cum in your pants.

Mat Cauthon
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The ringing is my tech calling to ask me to come back.