Grievous could still do all those things, we just never saw him face those Jedi Masters in the Clone Wars. In their first encounter, he got the jump and them and pulled out all of his stunts he could. The Jedi weren't prepared. He was a constant challenge for Obi-Wan, one of the most powerful Jedi aside from Mace and Yoda. Kit Fisto had to retreat from his battle with Grievous, and the only real times Grevious was defeated was through sheer arrogance and luck, which fits his character. Hell, he killed Mother Talzin.
They didn't? Karen Travis stopped writing because she got butthurt over what a small section of Mandalore looked like. They even acknowledge the existence of Delta Squad in TCW. The Republic Commando game is canon to an extent.
Which Kit Fisto episode? There's a couple spread throughout the series. As well, they never tried to replicate the '03 series, so I don't know where you're getting that idea from.
The Clone Wars takes place after Anakin gets his scar on his right eye. The event above was way before that. If you want to see that, it's perfectly available to watch in the '03 series.
Durge died in the '03 series. He was alive in the comics, which were said to be non canon by Lucas before The Clone Wars came out.
How is portraying a group of old fashion Mandalorians as terrorists who attack innocent citizens make them look "good". Just because you yourself might be rooting for them doesn't make them the story's protagonist.
The fans have been wanting that since TPM. It added a giant story element and character for Obi-wan as well. You've complained in other posts they don't service the fans, then when they do you complain? It sounds like you're butthurt over them not bending over backwards to service what you want. Guess what? You're not a special snowflake.
Quote from: Tackelberry on November 30, 2014, 12:27:18 PMQuote from: The First Noelle on November 30, 2014, 12:25:48 PMQuote from: aMetroid on November 30, 2014, 12:17:44 PMIt's not up to the audience to decide what is canon and what isn't. If that were the case I'd consider the Metroid Prime series canon.Of course it is not, but Disney cannot erase thirty years of established canon.They didn't, it's still there and put into a "Legends" category. They can use anything from it any time they want.TCW, Rebels, and future movies go into that "Legends" category, because it is an alternate timeline, because it would contradict the EU stuff. Just like how the new Star Trek movies are on a separate timeline.
Quote from: The First Noelle on November 30, 2014, 12:25:48 PMQuote from: aMetroid on November 30, 2014, 12:17:44 PMIt's not up to the audience to decide what is canon and what isn't. If that were the case I'd consider the Metroid Prime series canon.Of course it is not, but Disney cannot erase thirty years of established canon.They didn't, it's still there and put into a "Legends" category. They can use anything from it any time they want.
Quote from: aMetroid on November 30, 2014, 12:17:44 PMIt's not up to the audience to decide what is canon and what isn't. If that were the case I'd consider the Metroid Prime series canon.Of course it is not, but Disney cannot erase thirty years of established canon.
It's not up to the audience to decide what is canon and what isn't. If that were the case I'd consider the Metroid Prime series canon.
They actually were planning on bringing Durge back for Season 7/8, and have him be involved on the attack on Courasant. The reason they couldn't bring him in earlier was due to the fact of limited animation, not that he would scare children. They beheaded people on screen, so that's not an issue.
Sure, they could have had him in the suit for a few seasons, but that isn't what a majority of fans would want. We only got to see moving hair at the start of season 4. There was no what they could have him be a reoccurring character and be able to animate his tentacles on their budget. They could have done it by season 7 though, but it got canceled.
Cultures change, and that was the main plot of the Mandalorian Arcs. The Mandalorians took over again at the end of season 5, but then were mostly wiped out by Sidious when they continued to help Darth Maul.
I agree, if anything they should have just stuck with Savage Oppress. But it's not like the story they told with Maul was bad. It was really good. There was no harm to it and it only enriched the story.
Nope, those things are not part of the EU.
and other games like TFU are non-canon.
Fan-fictions are obviously not canon.
Star Wars EU isn't canon. This is a fact.