you arrive at midnight, and you connect with everyone- you know one guy. After two hours two guys leave. Your friend and the girl are left, and you are about to leave with them, but the girl says no to you privately. Everyone's drunk, he has feelings, love triangle bullshit with one, but they leave she stays to mend feelings it would seem. Fucking vultures, but whatever, so already what would you do`?
leavbe so your friend can have some alone time, or stay for her comfort? I went to take a piss when they were talkking in the balcony but before that my friend directly indireclty lowkey told me I should head home, so I took a piss later and honestly I wanted to go home, so I told them I'm going home after the piss. She didn't seem super thrilled but what can I do? It's my friend and I know him. He's a nice guy