what the fuck is with this joan of boat guy lmao. post in here bro. Good thread!

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
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ID: Dr Torso
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sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
usually new bnet dudes come in here and either see activity is slow or get verbally assaulted and, in any case, leave after a day or two. but this dude just keeps posting and making threads, half of which no one replies to or posts in. not to mention everything he says is completely incoherent. its like how i kinda used to be and still do sometimes, but somehow even more incoherent

he's not a troll at least, and doesnt seem to be pissing anyone off, but come on dude. this is a backwater internet community that was created by a bunch of edgy teens in 2014 as a spinoff offsite of a single section of a video game forum. at this point it's basically a group chat for an increasingly smaller and smaller group of friends who're now adults.

im just sayin, youre not hurting anything but i doubt this schtick will remain fun for you for much longer, and I'm amazed it's been fun enough to continue this long. this post is probably the most attention you've got in a while lmao.

ive done the whole "act like an incoherent idiot" act before and i can tell you from experience it gets old.., yours is, in my opinion, even more incoherent... not to mention extremely cringey and gives off strong "rawr xD so random" vibes

my advice, if youre gonna keep going, at least stop being so cringey. it's cool to see new guys join here and stay for a while, but a gimmick aint gonna stay fun for long here. i'll still do my idiot schtick too from time to time but at least i try to hold a coherent conversation.

on that note, if you dont mind being coherent enough to put together a genuine thought, one that I don't need a Rosetta Stone for Retards to translate, i'd like to ask you some questions:

Why did you join this site?
How did you even hear about this place?

obviously youre from bnet since youve brought it up way too many times. i cant imagine the users over on bnet talk about sep7agon much.... there are so many users on there and at this point i'd be amazed if many that were active in 2014 are still active today, let alone using the site for anything but Destiny. especially since I'm pretty sure you cant even post unless you own Destiny lmao.

the users here are completely detached from bnet at this point. ive seen you make posts about shit that goes on there... save your breath dude. nobody here cares or knows what youre talking about. i havent posted on that site in i dont even know how many years.

if anyone from that long ago still posts in whatever offtopic subforum that currently exists on bnet (if one exists), i'd be very surprised. not only because of the destiny thing, but also because the average age of a regular user on that site is probably somewhere in the young teen/preteen range, especially if they're a forumgoer, double especially an offtopic forumgoer. anyone active in 2014 would now be significantly older and I doubt theyd be interested or have the time to hang out and bicker with a bunch of edgy 14-year-olds online. no offense to you. that brings me to another good question.

How old are you?
not to be nosy. most of us here know everyone else's ages at this point. you'll find that a lot of these people know a lot about each other, like real names, where they live, and other personal info, just cause its a small group and everyones known each other for years. i'm 21, and thats probably on the younger side for this site. you seem pretty young tbh. again no offense. not an issue if you are. im gonna guess 15 maybe? somewhere in that ballpark.

Do you play destiny?
it seems like youre doing the whole "fuck bungie fuck destiny" schtick. i used to do that too. truthfully, i actually played a lot of destiny. its pretty damn fun if you got a solid group for it. i've sorta outgrown hating on video games and i guess stuff in general. i just want to be entertained playing em. some people treat each game like it must be some cultural phenomenon masterpiece of modern gaming, and if it ends up being anything short of that, theyll find every single little reason to hate it. that or they compare it to some other game's ultimately unattainable nostalgia factor.

What's "The Flood" like today?
Havent used bnet in fucking ages, and have no desire to look at whatever incarnation of its forum may exist. is there even an offtopic community calling itself "the flood" anymore? im sure the membership quality hasnt improvedsince i last saw it. it was trash when sep7agon was created, it was trash when bungie migrated to bnext, and hell, it was trash well before that. it was probably always trash lol. but again, nostalgia gives people rose-colored glasses. like a first high,  nostalgia is a dragon you can chase but never capture again. and "how great" one remembers something to be might be a complete mental fabrication.

im sure bnet is an even worse cesspool than when i left, the flood being the shittiest part. i'm wondering how the flood, or whatever calls itself that, is doing now, and what its culture is like. im sure its only gotten worse. probably also an entirely different type of crowd... what used to be a forum of halo fans/ex halo fans has im sure by this point long since become dominated by destiny/ex destiny fans. im sure theyre at least equally as cancerous as the edgy old halo nerds who inhabited the flood back then.

Dude or chick... or neither?
i usually assume most people i meet on sites like this are dudes due to target demographic and whatnot, but i'll ask anyway. there are a few chicks active on this site, so it aint impossible. plus you are listed as female on your profile but thats kinda meaningless. another reason i ask though.

dont worry about the thirst committee. people here have either outgrown being horny online or are so devoted to mastering and immersing themselves in the ancient rites of incel wizardry that they've completely forgotten the existence of women a concept. das boot might be an exception. hes probably the most cursed person here. no offense, Das the Cable Guy. come fix my internet.

Are you LGBTQ+™, or do you support the LGBTQ+™ Movement™ andf Lifestlye™?
i gotta say, i rep the LGBTQ+™ Movement™. I support the LGBTQ+™ Movement™. The LGBTQ+™ Movement™ is comprised of people too just like you and me. pretty sure we've got some G™ types here, at least we have in the past, probably some B™ types too. im nearly positive we got at least one T™ type here (Class?). also i think we've had more in the past too. not sure if any of the women here are L™ types. and tbh im not even sure what Q™ means as opposed to just L™, G™, and B™. im sure theres a distinction.... im not involved in the LGBTQ+™ i just support em lmao. someone else may be more qualified to speak on this than myself. i'd say this sites pretty progressive overall but... well... no. some of us are but others are pretty fucking bigoted. some users even still think saying the n word is comedy (I'll admit, I do get a kick out of jokes that use the phrase "the n word", such as the pick CMD just posted in Rocket's thread. i dont condone the actual use of the word by non black people, though).

if you are somehow in college (again, no offense), what are you studying, and what school? if not, do you have any plans for it? if not the college type, where do you work? if youre too young for any of that, whats your favorite color? lmao

Whats with the gimmick?
And if it's not a gimmick... well then you're pretty cursed ngl lol. I mean if you're really just like that, to each their own i guess. but maybe consider like, toning it down a few notches lmao. but if thats your personality, then dont change just cause i said so. be yourself and all that jazz.


sorry if you have made coherent posts and i just didnt notice. im not the most active on here and I dont read every thread in detail unless im involved in the conversation. ditto if youve answered any of these questions at any point.

might think of more questions later if you actually try to put together some coherent answers for at least however many of these youre comfortable with

if youre not gonna seriously answer my questions, feel free to shoot me a "rawr XD" or some equivalent gimmick nonsense. i'll give your post a like and try my best to craft an equally incoherent string of content in reply.
Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 07:59:04 AM by basically GOD

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,789 posts
ayy lmao
you're supposed to swallow the adderall, not snort it

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
IP: Logged

14,567 posts
Is this a loaf post

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
you're supposed to swallow the adderall, not snort it
acshully its cocaine ty very much

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
i like big post sometimes instead of little posts all the time

Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Casper
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10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱
i like big post sometimes instead of little posts all the time
i feel this about PPs

Onion | Elite Four Invincible!
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ID: Orion
IP: Logged

3,782 posts
woah dude I read the whole thing

when will LGBT be a registered trademark

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,789 posts
ayy lmao
woah dude I read the whole thing

when will LGBT be a registered trademark
it already is, that's what the T means

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
woah dude I read the whole thing

when will LGBT be a registered trademark
long post good content

it's LGBTQ+™ the ™ is silent

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
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22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
being able to ramble on about the most monotonous topics is a feat tbh

Deleted User | Respected Posting Spree
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ID: Joan_of_Boat
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This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
welp alright then.

nice meme i like it

you can answer my questions in your memey way if ya want lol. i like conversation even if its just memey nonsense lol

i like getting to know the posters. the posters are the pillars of this community, and their posts are its foundation
Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 02:34:42 AM by basically GOD

FatherlyNick - fuck putin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: FatherlyNick
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9,111 posts
If you know, you know.
bru, this is like a "Asked everything" thread. lmao

| 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒏
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PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
—Judge Aaron Satie
I feel like this thread is very genuine, but it still somehow feels very belittling. I don't think Joan is putting on an act lol. Good questions you asked her though, and I'm glad someone is willing to ask things others aren't, because I was kinda curious about literally all of those questions too.

| 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒆𝒏
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PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
—Judge Aaron Satie
Wait - so are you going to actually respond to this? Hmm maybe you are doing a gimmick thing ugh.

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
I feel like this thread is very genuine, but it still somehow feels very belittling. I don't think Joan is putting on an act lol. Good questions you asked her though, and I'm glad someone is willing to ask things others aren't, because I was kinda curious about literally all of those questions too.
oh its genuine im just a memey cunt. also hoping they respond for real.

i dont wanna spread hate yakno but  sometimes ya gotta knock em down so they can build emselves back up u feel me

or something
Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 05:06:01 AM by basically GOD