What is considered the apex of technological advancements

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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
I'd wager it would be cybernetics. And I'm not talking just prosthetics. I mean the whole full blown deal. Every part in your body being substituted with something mechanical.
that sounds like hell to me

i mean, being a sack of meat is no picnic, but i'll never understand this forum's fascination with transhumanistic endeavors

you'd have to make the perfect machine

That's also why I tossed in organic modification too, like genes and such. We could still be sacks of meat.

But genetically enchanced sacks of meat. Honestly, to me, I think the organic route comes first. If you can understand the base first, then you can do the heavy modifications.

Think about it Verb. Say you genetically modify somebody up a bit. Turn off their pain receptors. Fiddle around with stuff that makes people feel like shit. Rewire all the stuff that can make a person feel like shit, make a person act like shit, and reverse it.

I don't see why there isn't any feasible reason because there's critters and lifeforms out there that don't feel pain. I figure, the more we understand about ourselves, and other biology, the more chance we have of making ourselves better than we are now.

Pain is kind of important, though, it is a warning from our body that something is banjaxed.

Not if you rewired your biology in another manner. Plants, at the moment, don't feel pain as far as we know, and yet they actively know and act when something is wrong with them.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
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48,055 posts
Pain is kind of important, though, it is a warning from our body that something is banjaxed.
Well, I think we should be able to stop it after awhile. Like, if my leg is fractured, the only thing preventing me from taking myself to the hospital is, well, my fractured leg. It hurts when I use it. I should be able to say, "Okay, yeah, I get it, my leg is fractured. You don't have to keep 'warning' me." Instead of swimming in excruciating pain for however long.

Maybe being a robot would solve that problem, but being a robot introduces an entire laundry list of its own problems.

It's just a stupid idea.
Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 12:27:26 PM by Verbatim

JOHN CENA | Member
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ID: lugelessonsinrangoon
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81 posts
Pain is kind of important, though, it is a warning from our body that something is banjaxed.
Well, I think we should be able to stop it after awhile. Like, if my leg is fractured, the only thing preventing me from taking myself to the hospital is, well, my fractured leg. It hurts when I use it. I should be able to say, "Okay, yeah, I get it, my leg is fractured. You don't have to keep 'warning' me."

Maybe being a robot would solve that problem, but being a robot introduces an entire laundry list of its own problems.

It's just a stupid idea.

Even if you knew your leg was broken, not feeling the pain can still cause more issues and make the problem itself worse.


Pain sucks, but feeling pain is actually better than not feeling pain in some circumstances.
Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 12:30:30 PM by Actual Cannibal John Cena

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
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14,567 posts
I'm still waiting on sex robots

JOHN CENA | Member
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ID: lugelessonsinrangoon
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81 posts
I'd wager it would be cybernetics. And I'm not talking just prosthetics. I mean the whole full blown deal. Every part in your body being substituted with something mechanical.
that sounds like hell to me

i mean, being a sack of meat is no picnic, but i'll never understand this forum's fascination with transhumanistic endeavors

you'd have to make the perfect machine

That's also why I tossed in organic modification too, like genes and such. We could still be sacks of meat.

But genetically enchanced sacks of meat. Honestly, to me, I think the organic route comes first. If you can understand the base first, then you can do the heavy modifications.

Think about it Verb. Say you genetically modify somebody up a bit. Turn off their pain receptors. Fiddle around with stuff that makes people feel like shit. Rewire all the stuff that can make a person feel like shit, make a person act like shit, and reverse it.

I don't see why there isn't any feasible reason because there's critters and lifeforms out there that don't feel pain. I figure, the more we understand about ourselves, and other biology, the more chance we have of making ourselves better than we are now.

Pain is kind of important, though, it is a warning from our body that something is banjaxed.

Not if you rewired your biology in another manner. Plants, at the moment, don't feel pain as far as we know, and yet they actively know and act when something is wrong with them.

It is still pain in a sense though. Just not in the way we perceive it.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
I'd wager it would be cybernetics. And I'm not talking just prosthetics. I mean the whole full blown deal. Every part in your body being substituted with something mechanical.

Alongside cybernetics in parralell, is genes and natural physiology.

Basically, what I'm saying here, is that if we find a way to manipulate our bodies completely, whether it be organically, or inorganically, then we become the masters of ourselves. We understand how we function in every aspect right down to how all of our brains work.

If we can do that, then nothing is off limits to us.

Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
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2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
I have no idea. Colonizing countless planets would be pretty damn cool though. Someone needs to hurry up and invent some sort of FTL drive. If we did, it would easily be considered one of the most important inventions of all time.

Erives | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: erives
ID: Erives
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1,856 posts
I cant argue with progress, just you.
Maybe nano technology a second to space travel. I mean look at the sky at night and tell me there isnt something out there to explore or see.