>hanging out in the shallow water near the big rock looking for a mate
>Stacy-Kong isn't impressed by my lmao12pl8 deadlift, feeling like a sad cunt
>hear a bunch of humans screaming, nothing unusual
>look up and see them gawking at me, figure they're just mirin my juicy gorilla delts
>oh shit everyone is watching I better do something impressive to show off for the gorilla sloots
>start beating my chest and making gorilla noises, but the humans just keep screaming in their unintelligible human babble
>realize that one of their babies has fallen inside the enclosure
>it just sits there staring at me
>figure I'll take it and show it all my favorite trees and rocks while I wait for the humans to come get it and bring it back to its stupid parents
>dragging the man-baby around, having a great time
>Oh shit wait this is perfect! What better way to prove myself a good mate than to show I can be a good father?
>Decide to just stand over the man-baby and protect it until the other humans come get it.
>standing there waiting, look at man-baby, realize that it's not so different than gorilla baby, except weaker and less hairy
>make Harambe have weird feelings of maybe having his own children
>thinking of Stacy-Kong, and how impressed she'll be when she finds out I saved a hu-
>last thing I see before darkness is the laughing man-baby, and in the background I can see Chad-Kong grinning and picking bugs out of Stacy-Kong's hair