I tried joining Flood v2. They didn't accept me into their site.
Quote from: Sandtrap on October 17, 2014, 08:27:14 PMIt's been a good 11 years with the community. Funny. Turning 22 soon. I've known, or at the very least, watched this community for roughly half of my lifespan.Oh yeah. I recall you were in the old Flood as well.
It's been a good 11 years with the community. Funny. Turning 22 soon. I've known, or at the very least, watched this community for roughly half of my lifespan.
Quote from: DemonicChronic on October 17, 2014, 09:07:00 PMQuote from: Nuka on October 17, 2014, 09:03:35 PM"Harlows Royal Guard'wut You must have no idea of what shenanigans took place on B.net before the conception of Sapphire.The only difference was that there was more drama and a more structured hierarchy of drama queens.
Quote from: Nuka on October 17, 2014, 09:03:35 PM"Harlows Royal Guard'wut You must have no idea of what shenanigans took place on B.net before the conception of Sapphire.
"Harlows Royal Guard'wut
Quote from: Decimator Omega on October 17, 2014, 09:06:19 PMI tried joining Flood v2. They didn't accept me into their site.One didn't really get 'accepted' into V2 or Noof for that matter. You more so just had to stick around until everyone was used to you.
If you look back at years ago, did you ever see yourself leaving?
Quote from: challengerX on October 17, 2014, 07:20:57 PM If you look back at years ago, did you ever see yourself leaving? Nope. As a joke I thought I would be able to tell some user in the future that my account is older than what he is. Now there's no reason for me to go back to that site and do that. A lot of the users either left or went over to this site. When we still had Halo stats from time to time I looked up people that looked new to me and I went through their old post history. Or I simply looked at threads on the old layout. What I noticed is that a decent amount of people were active on that layout and when the new one came they either posted a few times or they simply left. Now when it comes to users for Bnet they are nothing more than childish kids. The threads are similar. Just like the site loosing interesting people the threads that make it up now are just bad. There's hardly any threads that are interesting or have quality in them. From time to time I go onto that Bungie wiki to read about random things. For a forum site it looked like Bnet had some pretty damn interesting times and users. The site back then seemed like it was a thriving community with a bunch of personality. To me it's like a bar with a group of people with different backgrounds having a whole group discussion with each other. Every now an thing there's a fight which gets broken up. Now the site doesn't have that feeling to it. With the current users there's no way in hell the site is going to get any type of history near the same quality it once did. It's sad that I see the Bnet community now as a group of autistic children in the special room at school.