UN Game: Fallout Edition

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
All of the outcast navy has returned to the Caribbean. The outcasts have run into a tribe that live in the Caribbean. Assimilation of the tribe into the outcasts. 10%
Annexation of the Caribbean.60%
The Enclave begin annexing Tennessee.
Due Page 55. (Small military at the moment.)

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
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ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
Elder Neo sends a traceless transmission to the citizens of the enclave.* you have forced my hand, president TBlocks. And now your citizens will pay the price as mine did, a bomb has been planted underneath your city, the same bomb I used to ensure the destruction of your armies. Citizens of the enclave, do you really think the outcast initiated such and assault on our own capital?! Your leader is lying to you! He is the one that tried to wipe us out. And now, my vengeance shall be returned in full! Citizens of the enclave, if you have any sense within you you will rebel, REBEL! Or you will burn alongside the very soldiers that betrayed my people! You have ten minutes to make your choice. Leave or die. It's up to you"
*transmission ends*, nationwide panic is caused in the enclave cities.
The Enclave government run propaganda ads telling people to use logic. The Capital (Bismark) is the most protected city in the world!
 The government track Neo's IP and last known location.
Drones and 2 Verti Assault Teams scan the area looking for Neo.
The Enclave begin production of more Drones. 30 more Due Page 55.
Research on "Project Ditto" begins. Due Page 62.

The enclave soldiers find the transmitter. Left in the middle of the wasteland. Elder Neo is long gone.
The Enclave soldiers destroy the transmitter by throwing it off a cliff.
Plumes of smoke can be seen above some of Enclavia's cities.

One of the enclave soldiers is sniped with the gauss rifle. A plasma grenade is thrown at one of the teams. Killing about four more enclave.
Drones quickly find the cause of the shots. They bomb the location.

Elder Neo jumps off of the cliff just as the bomb hits. He disappears into the darkness.
Man,you really want me dead dont you?  ;D
You just killed 5 soldiers!!

You killed thousands of men,women,and children.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Elder Neo sends a traceless transmission to the citizens of the enclave.* you have forced my hand, president TBlocks. And now your citizens will pay the price as mine did, a bomb has been planted underneath your city, the same bomb I used to ensure the destruction of your armies. Citizens of the enclave, do you really think the outcast initiated such and assault on our own capital?! Your leader is lying to you! He is the one that tried to wipe us out. And now, my vengeance shall be returned in full! Citizens of the enclave, if you have any sense within you you will rebel, REBEL! Or you will burn alongside the very soldiers that betrayed my people! You have ten minutes to make your choice. Leave or die. It's up to you"
*transmission ends*, nationwide panic is caused in the enclave cities.
The Enclave government run propaganda ads telling people to use logic. The Capital (Bismark) is the most protected city in the world!
 The government track Neo's IP and last known location.
Drones and 2 Verti Assault Teams scan the area looking for Neo.
The Enclave begin production of more Drones. 30 more Due Page 55.
Research on "Project Ditto" begins. Due Page 62.

The enclave soldiers find the transmitter. Left in the middle of the wasteland. Elder Neo is long gone.
The Enclave soldiers destroy the transmitter by throwing it off a cliff.
Plumes of smoke can be seen above some of Enclavia's cities.

One of the enclave soldiers is sniped with the gauss rifle. A plasma grenade is thrown at one of the teams. Killing about four more enclave.
Drones quickly find the cause of the shots. They bomb the location.

Elder Neo jumps off of the cliff just as the bomb hits. He disappears into the darkness.
Man,you really want me dead dont you?  ;D
You just killed 5 soldiers!!

You killed thousands of men,women,and children.
You killed 50,000 of my soldiers!

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
more |
ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
Elder Neo sends a traceless transmission to the citizens of the enclave.* you have forced my hand, president TBlocks. And now your citizens will pay the price as mine did, a bomb has been planted underneath your city, the same bomb I used to ensure the destruction of your armies. Citizens of the enclave, do you really think the outcast initiated such and assault on our own capital?! Your leader is lying to you! He is the one that tried to wipe us out. And now, my vengeance shall be returned in full! Citizens of the enclave, if you have any sense within you you will rebel, REBEL! Or you will burn alongside the very soldiers that betrayed my people! You have ten minutes to make your choice. Leave or die. It's up to you"
*transmission ends*, nationwide panic is caused in the enclave cities.
The Enclave government run propaganda ads telling people to use logic. The Capital (Bismark) is the most protected city in the world!
 The government track Neo's IP and last known location.
Drones and 2 Verti Assault Teams scan the area looking for Neo.
The Enclave begin production of more Drones. 30 more Due Page 55.
Research on "Project Ditto" begins. Due Page 62.

The enclave soldiers find the transmitter. Left in the middle of the wasteland. Elder Neo is long gone.
The Enclave soldiers destroy the transmitter by throwing it off a cliff.
Plumes of smoke can be seen above some of Enclavia's cities.

One of the enclave soldiers is sniped with the gauss rifle. A plasma grenade is thrown at one of the teams. Killing about four more enclave.
Drones quickly find the cause of the shots. They bomb the location.

Elder Neo jumps off of the cliff just as the bomb hits. He disappears into the darkness.
Man,you really want me dead dont you?  ;D
You just killed 5 soldiers!!

You killed thousands of men,women,and children.
You killed 50,000 of my soldiers!

You attacked me for no reason whatsoever. And you lost your chance of ever obtaining t51-b. since me and The BoS are the only two that have it. And The BoS are AFK. I will be enjoying the day that you and the talons destroy each other.

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie

Talon Company announces the successful launch of the Owari Shuttle. In construction for the last year, the Owari Shuttle is a relatively simple space vessel. However, the main feature of the shuttle, and what the bulk of Project Owari has been focused on, is the atmosphere synthesizer, which has been in research for the past five years. Currently limited in scope, this synthesizer allows a small radius of habitable atmosphere to be created in nearly any environment. The current range of the atmosphere synthesizer is 2 million square miles.
Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 08:06:52 PM by SecondClass

dfhjdf | Respected Posting Spree
more |
XBL: Fletch 628
ID: FletchTheSniper
IP: Logged

108 posts
Greetings... People? Yea, I'll go with people.
That's pretty long
Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 08:04:41 PM by FletchTheSniper

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
more |
ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
5 outcast navy ships and elder Neo sail for Japan.
Due page 59.

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie
The Owari Shuttle, equipped with a detachable atmosphere synthesizer, is en route to the moon. Estimated time of arrival: page 54. It is being manned by 20 men, and has 150 men in stow.
Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 08:10:55 PM by SecondClass

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
more |
ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
The outcasts begin to create more suits of winterized t51-b again. As well as gauss rifles.

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
more |
ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
I'm going AFK.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts

Talon Company announces the successful launch of the Owari Shuttle. In construction for the last year, the Owari Shuttle is a relatively simple space vessel. However, the main feature of the shuttle, and what the bulk of Project Owari has been focused on, is the atmosphere synthesizer, which has been in research for the past five years. Currently limited in scope, this synthesizer allows a small radius of habitable atmosphere to be created in nearly any environment. The current range of the atmosphere synthesizer is 2 million square miles.
The Enclave congratulate Talon on their accomplishment and announce that Project JumpStart is basically a start in space travel.
A group of Enclavian soldiers begin training for a  new division of the army.
Project JS: 40% Due Page 58.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,117 posts

- korrie
You guys sound like true politicians.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
You guys sound like true politicians.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
The Enclave begin researching for Project Herba. Due Page 70.

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie
40,000 android soldiers finished. (760,000 total). Talon Company stops producing android soldiers, putting all of its resources into space travel.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
100,000 Soldiers have been put on extended leave.
The active army now stands at a modest 150,000.
Soldiers coming off of leave are sent to schools all across Enclavia.
All research resources are being put into Project JS. Now due Page 55.
Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 09:10:09 PM by TBlocks

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
more |
ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
The ships heading to Japan move at full speed. The expected arrival has been set to page 56.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Enclave fighter jets  travel westward.
Drones accompany them.

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie
β€”Talon Company Updateβ€”

Military: 140,000 elite soldiers equipped with combat armor and helmets, wielding 5.56 assault rifles. 760,000 android soldiers equipped with metal armor, wielding 5.56 assault rifles. 1,000 soldiers stationed on top of southern border wall, equipped with combat armor and wielding anti-material rifles. Sixteen vertibirds. (901,000 soldiers total)

Auto-doc, hydroponics, Great Khan chem recipes, wind energy, solar energy, android manufacturing, space shuttle tech, atmosphere synthesizer.

Fort Bannister (DC), Underworld (DC), Hubris Comics (DC), The Institute (MA), Bitter Springs (NV), Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Ohio, Indiana, southern Florida, Quebec, eastern Ontario.

Energy sources:
Maple Ridge Wind Farm (NY), Marble River Wind Farm (NY), Locust Ridge Wind Farm (PA), Blue Creek Wind Farm (OH), Long Island Solar Farm (NY), Fowler Ridge Wind Farm (IN), Meadow Lake Wind Farm (IN), oil extraction (Canada).

Economy/Internal affairs:
Controlled Capitalism, with higher pay for government jobs, especially the military. Due to the vast amount of land and work that needs doing, unemployment is low. Territory is extremely safe and controlled, due to idle military forces being assigned to constantly patrol the streets, shooting ghouls, mutants, and raiders on sight. Quality of life is extremely high, with all residents having access to basic luxuries such as hot showers, electricity, and clean water. Because of this, taxes are able to be moderately high with little complaint. Official currency is the Talon Company Dollar (TCD) which has a value of 1:1 to caps.

Other assets: The espionage agency Talon Intelligence Sect (TIS); 50-foot tall steel wall along Talon's southern border; water purification plant in New Jersey; hydroponically grown marijuana which is sold to the general populace; production of chems which are sold to non-Talon wastelanders; swath of steel factories across Pennsylvania that produce weaponry, ammunition, armor, vertibirds, and various other products.

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
more |
ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
Assimilation of Caribbean tribals.30%
Annexation of the Carribean.60%.

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
more |
ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
The outcasts begin project scarlet moon. Due by page 62
Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 09:20:55 PM by Neo

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Assimilation of Caribbean tribals.30%
Annexation of the Carribean.60%.
Enclavian fighters close in on the ship travelling to Japan.

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
more |
ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
Assimilation of Caribbean tribals.30%
Annexation of the Carribean.60%.
Enclavian fighters close in on the ship travelling to Japan.
First off. Japan is east. Not west. Second,why can't you screw off already? My god, I literally have nothing.

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie
The outcasts begin project scarlet moon. Due by page 62
Jesus, that's a cool name for a project, I admit. Sucks that it will never come to fruition.

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
more |
ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
Ships ready anti air defenses.

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
more |
ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
The outcasts begin project scarlet moon. Due by page 62
Jesus, that's a cool name for a project, I admit. Sucks that it will never come to fruition.

It's not an offensive project. I'm not looking for war anymore.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Assimilation of Caribbean tribals.30%
Annexation of the Carribean.60%.
Enclavian fighters close in on the ship travelling to Japan.
First off. Japan is east. Not west. Second,why can't you screw off already? My god, I literally have nothing.
I assumed you were using the Panama Canal. My bad. The Jets close in on the Cruiser.

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
more |
ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,498 posts
Assimilation of Caribbean tribals.30%
Annexation of the Carribean.60%.
Enclavian fighters close in on the ship travelling to Japan.
First off. Japan is east. Not west. Second,why can't you screw off already? My god, I literally have nothing.
I assumed you were using the Panama Canal. My bad. The Jets close in on the Cruiser.


PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie
Moon expedition β€” 50%

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Assimilation of Caribbean tribals.30%
Annexation of the Carribean.60%.
Enclavian fighters close in on the ship travelling to Japan.
First off. Japan is east. Not west. Second,why can't you screw off already? My god, I literally have nothing.
I assumed you were using the Panama Canal. My bad. The Jets close in on the Cruiser.

The Enclavian fighters ready their guns and split off from each other.