UN Game Star Wars

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
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19,118 posts

- korrie
Transportation of Snoke to Zonama Sekot complete.

+2 Tamborvong clones

The Vong have made a deal with Snoke and Ren. Snoke and Ren may be given good living conditions on the condition that they begin training a new type of unit for the Chiss, the Dark Cyborgs. However, the Vong have required that all Dark Cyborgs be trained aboard Zonama Sekot and Snoke and Ren are forbidden to ever leave. This is because use of the Force has no effect on the Vong nor their creations, meaning rebellion by Snoke and Ren would be pointless.

Force-sensitive Chiss babies are now taken by the government and raised to be Dark Cyborgs from birth.

These Dark Cyborgs will possess a mastery of both the Dark Side of the Force and Chiss military tactics.

They will be augmented by Rakata technology to make them stronger and faster.

These Dark Spartans will wield both lightsabers and conventional blasters.

100 of these will be added to every Chiss Armada, as well as every Yuuzhan Vong Dark Infiltration Corps.

The Dark Cyborg

The batch of Dark Spartans that will take their places in their respective fleets will be complete on Page 37.

Yuuzhan Vong report
     Zonama Sekot

     Theocratic Caste-Based Media Syndicate

Head of Government:
     Supreme Overlоrd Foreman Emir Wat Tamborvong the Once God

Head of Church:
     Most High Priest Vongvong the Shamed Cripple

Leader of the Navy and Armies:
     Warmaster Boss Rugor Nass

     Gungan Skins

     The Empire
     The Sith
     Chiss Ascendancy
     Rakata Infinite Empire

     2 Gods
     1 Supreme Overlоrd
     18 Wat Tamborvong clones +2
     10,000 Deception Sect Agents (Basically a highly religious illuminati/CIA type thing)
     4,000 Subaltern Elites (Lieutenant ish)
     62,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
     89,000 Chazrach Slave Soldiers (grunts)
     4,990,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
     10,000 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
     50,000 Gungan Catapults
     1,000 Gungan Bubble Shields

     6 Meat Armadas (1 without Glassers)
     1,000,000 Organic Interplanetary Transport Vessels of the Great Journey
     1,000,000 Living Starfighters
     10,000 Living Battleships
     10 Glasser Dreadnoughts
     Flagship: Zonama Sekot

Due to the varied troop numbers of the Yuuzhan Vong, not all troops can be consolidated into Armadas. For this reason, the number of Armadas displayed in the total include troops from the individual totals, not replacing them like in the Chiss totals.

Meat Armada specifications
1 Wat Tamborvong clone
2 Glasser Dreadnoughts
1,000 Living Battleships
100,000 Living Starfighters
100 Subaltern Elites
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
15,000 Chazrach Slave Warriors
100,000 Mutated Gungan Warriors
100 Mutated Gungan War Beasts
1,000 Gungan Catapults
50 Gungan Bubble Shields
100 Troop Transports
Dark Infiltration Corps specifications
1,000 Deception Sect Agents
100 Dark Androids
5,000 Yuuzhan Warriors
2 Battleships
10,000 Living Starfighters
4 Transports
Non-Military Population:
     1,000,000,000 Shapers (scientists)
     1,000,000 Priests
     9,999,979,998 Intendants (bureaucrats)
     25,000,000,000 Chazrach Slaves
     46,000,000,000 Gungan Slaves
     2,000,000,000 Denonian Slaves

     The Star Forge
     10,000,000,000,000 Kyber crystals
     Kylo Ren

     Zonama Sekot
     Rakata Prime

Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Meat Armada - Lwhekk
     2nd Meat Armada - Ilum
     3rd Meat Armada - en route to Kalee
     4th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     5th Meat Armada - Rakata Prime
     6th Meat Armada - en route to Zonama Sekot

Current Projects:
     2 Meat Armadas: Page 37
     Dark Cyborgs for each Chiss Armada: Page 37.
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY details: Page 45.
     CODENAME PROJECT INFINITY completion: Page 50.

Chiss Ascendancy report

     Republican Oligarchy
     Confederacy with the Yuuzhan Vong

Head of Government and Commander-in-Chief:
     House Nuruodo

     Chiss Credits

     Yuuzhang Vong
     The Empire
     The Sith

Army and Navy:
     6 Chiss Standard Offensive Armadas (2 need Dreadnoughts)
     3 Chiss Standard Offensive Armadas
     Flagship: The Blue Man Group, an Eclipse-class Dreadnought
Chiss Standard Offensive Armada specifications
1 Eclipse-class Dreadnought
10 Chiss Super-class Star Destroyers
1,000 Chiss Imperator-class Star Destroyers
20,000 Clawcraft
100 Dark Cyborgs
8,000 Chiss Heavy Marines
20,000 Chiss Light Infantry
1,000 HS-8 Assault Tanks
400 Gunships
600 AT-HT "Crushers"
120 AT-CC Mobile Transport/Command Centers
50 ATOM Walkers
Chiss Standard Defensive Armada specifications
20 Chiss Super-class Star Destroyers
1,000 Imperator-class Star Destroyers
30,000 Clawcraft
100 Dark Cyborgs
2,000 Chiss Heavy Marines
50,000 Chiss Light Infantry
1,000 YR-5 Kusha Heavy Artillery Vehicles
500 HS-8 Assault Tanks
Non-Military Population:
     100,000,000,000 General Population
     1,000,000 Scientists
     5,000,000 Engineers

     Rakata Prime
Locations of Fleets/Squadrons:
     1st Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     2nd Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     3rd Standard Offensive Armada - Kalee
     4th Standard Offensive Armada - Rakata Prime
     5th Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     6th Standard Offensive Armada - Csilla
     1st Standard Defensive Armada - Csilla
     2nd Standard Defensive Armada - en route to Rakata Prime
     3rd Standard Defensive Armada - en route to Rakata Prime

Current Projects:
     2 Dreadnoughts Commisioned: Page 34
     2 Defensive Armadas to Rakata Prime: Page 34
     2 Standard Offensive Armadas: Page 37
     2 Standard Defensive Armadas: Page 37
     Project Devastation details: Page 45
     Project Devastation completion: Page 50

The Sith Empire questions why there are so many clones being made by the Vong.

"lol fam you know that EU story in which palpatine creates a clone army of himself?", said Tamborvong, "well fam that got me thinking, if palpatine felt he needed to create clones just in case HE died, then I definitely need clones cause HE was the most powerful man in the universe according to what I read on Wookiepedia"

"Plus this whole clone thing allows me to meme it up and kill myself off whenever I want lol"
Darth Revan: "Oh."

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Revolts 33%
75,000 Trainees 10%
3,200 Sith Mavericks 30%
75,000 new New Sith Troopers 95%
25,000 new Sith Warriors 95%
Tinnel annexation 45%
Bellassa & Exodeen annexation 80%
5,000 Knights 70%
2,000 Masters 70%
Project Exitium Announcement 15%

Sith Report
The Sith Empire

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Darth Revan Dark Lord of the Sith

Government: Sith Council

Organization Type: Magocratic & Theocratic Empire

Leader of Ground Forces & Apprentice: Darth Sicarius

Capital: Byss

Main Hyperroute: Byss Run

Currency: Galactic Credit Standard

Official Alliances
Galactic Empire
Yuuzhan Vong

Language: Sith

Initial Territory: Byss

All Territory: Byss
Yag 'Dhul

Population: 240 Billion

Total Annexed Slaves: 26 Billion


100,000 Sith Trooper and Warrior Trainees

110,000 Sith Troopers

55,000 SAP Units (Sith Attack Pilots)

25,000 Sith Warriors (Massassi armed with upgraded war swords)

37,000 Dark Jedi Apprentices

14,000 Dark Jedi Knights

11,500 Sith Mavericks

4,000 Dark Jedi Masters

5,000 Derriphan-class battleships

2,000 Interdictor-class cruisers

20,000 Theta-class T-2c shuttles

40,000 Mark VI Supremacy-class Starfighters

10 Excalibur Class Star Destroyers

Excalibur Class Star Destroyer Locations
1st - The Apocalypse Darth Revan's Flagship - Corellia
2nd - Empress Teta Blockade
3rd - Denon
4th - The Vindicta Darth Sicarius' Personal Ship - Korriban
5th - Tinnel
6th - Bellassa
7th - Corellian Blockade
8th  - Exodeen
9th - Yag 'Dhul
10th - Veil of Darkness - Exodeen

Sith Death Squad
10,000 Sith troopers
3,400 SAP Units
2,500 Sith Warriors
300 Dark Jedi Apprentices
600 Dark Jedi Knights
1,150 Sith Mavericks
100 Dark Jedi Masters
300 Battleships
100 Cruisers
3,000 Starfighters

Sith Honor Guard Breakdown
(Protection for the Dark Lord and his Apprentice):
6 Members of the Shadows of Revan (Elite guardsmen)
5 Dark Jedi Masters
20 Sith Troopers
10 Sith Warriors
10 Sith Mavericks
12 Supremacy Class Starfighters
3 Theta-class T-2c shuttles
15 SAP Units

Light Sith Security Squad
5 Dark Jedi Knights
20 Sith Troopers
10 Sith Warriors
5 Sith Mavericks
3 Supremacy Class Starfighters (Depending on circumstance)
1 Sith Theta-class T-2c shuttle
4 SAP Units

Veil of Darkness
5,000 Sith Troopers
2,000 SAP Units
500 Sith Warriors
200 Sith Mavericks
50 Dark Jedi Masters
25 Battleships
10 Cruisers
1,500 Starfighters
1 Excalibur Star Destroyer

Location of Sith Death Squads
1st -  Denon
2nd - Tinnel
3rd - Corellian Blockade
4th - Byss
5th - Bellassa
6th - Empress Teta Blockade
7th - Yag 'Dhul
8th - Tinnel
9th - Exodeen

Veil of Darkness Unit Location
1st - Exodeen

Denon Training Facility
1,100 Sith Mavericks
Light Security Squad
100,000 Trainees

Flagship: Excalibur Class Star Destroyer The Apocalypse

i am karjala takaisin | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Niedopalek
ID: Ember
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9,148 posts
Ember used to be cool and funny

Now he's just gay
Israel kills everyone

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
Israel kills everyone
all hail jew jew abrams

Mmmmm Napalm | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mmmmm Napalm
PSN: KeeblerElvesYaoi
Steam: KeeblerElvesYaoi
ID: Mmmmm Napalm
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6,179 posts

Faction: Galactic Empire
  • Leader: Emperor Darth Vader (Vader succeeded in overthrowing Palpatine)
  • Second in command: Luke Skywalker
  • Government type: Autocratic
  • Capital/Starting Territory: Kuat, Kuat System, Kuat Sector, Core Worlds
  • Language: Galactic Basic
  • Currency: Galactic Standard Credit

Head of Imperial Navy: Grand Admiral Thrawn
Head of Imperial Army: Grand General Cassio Tagge
 - A member of the House of Tagge, which owns the mining corporation TaggeCo. Access to TaggeCo's mining facilities and their resources allows for an increased production rate regarding starships, ground vehicles, etc.
- Flagship: The Eclipse, an Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer
 - has 600 TIE Interceptors, 150,000 Stormtroopers

- 3,350 Imperial-II class Star Destroyers (+75 every two pages)
   - each SD has a complement of 9,000 Stormtroopers, 72 TIE/LN Starfighters, 20 AT-AT's, 30 AT-ST's, 8 Lambda
- 2 Executor Class SSD's: The Executor and the Chimaera
 - 38,000 Stormtroopers and 144 TIE's each.
- 500 Immobilizer-418 Interdictors
- 2,800 Victory-II class Star Destroyers
- Total TIE/LN's: 241,488 (includes those aboard SD's)
- Total TIE Interceptors: 600

- Total Stormtroopers: 31,376,000 (includes those aboard SD's)

Sluis Van
 - The shipyards of Kuat, Sluis Van, and Fondor allow for increased production of starships right off of the bat.
Brentaal IV

The shipyards of Fondor are now under Imperial control; the Empire produces 150 Imperial Class Star Destroyers every two pages (by the way, I have been accounting for Stormtrooper conscription by simply adding 9000 stormtroopers for every new Star Destroyer).

Construction of another Executor-class Super Star Destroyer, the Annihilator, begins at the shipyards of Fondor. Upon its completion on page 36, it will be given to Grand General Cassio Tagge.

The Carida academy has been constructed. It is an advanced training facility where the Empire's infantry forces are to be trained, including special forces such as Storm Commandos, Death Troopers, and Shadow Stormtroopers.

Luke Skywalker and the Executor have been dispatched to Felucia to discuss Darktrooper Mk. III production with the CIS.

Imperial High Command laughs at the poor showing of the First Order wannabes. The Empire, as '77 OG's, is superior to all.
The Sith Empire would like to extend an offer to train Stormtroopers at the Denon Training facility giving them the ability to wield swords / Mandalorian tactics in battle.
In exchange the Sith Empire would get a battalion of 20,000 Troopers.

That's fine. No swords though. Doesn't really fit my forces.

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Project Exitium and its workers has been moved from Corellia to Kuat after given permission from the Galactic Empire.
Project Exitium's completion is expedited to Page 47.

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts

Faction: Galactic Empire
  • Leader: Emperor Darth Vader (Vader succeeded in overthrowing Palpatine)
  • Second in command: Luke Skywalker
  • Government type: Autocratic
  • Capital/Starting Territory: Kuat, Kuat System, Kuat Sector, Core Worlds
  • Language: Galactic Basic
  • Currency: Galactic Standard Credit

Head of Imperial Navy: Grand Admiral Thrawn
Head of Imperial Army: Grand General Cassio Tagge
 - A member of the House of Tagge, which owns the mining corporation TaggeCo. Access to TaggeCo's mining facilities and their resources allows for an increased production rate regarding starships, ground vehicles, etc.
- Flagship: The Eclipse, an Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer
 - has 600 TIE Interceptors, 150,000 Stormtroopers

- 3,350 Imperial-II class Star Destroyers (+75 every two pages)
   - each SD has a complement of 9,000 Stormtroopers, 72 TIE/LN Starfighters, 20 AT-AT's, 30 AT-ST's, 8 Lambda
- 2 Executor Class SSD's: The Executor and the Chimaera
 - 38,000 Stormtroopers and 144 TIE's each.
- 500 Immobilizer-418 Interdictors
- 2,800 Victory-II class Star Destroyers
- Total TIE/LN's: 241,488 (includes those aboard SD's)
- Total TIE Interceptors: 600

- Total Stormtroopers: 31,376,000 (includes those aboard SD's)

Sluis Van
 - The shipyards of Kuat, Sluis Van, and Fondor allow for increased production of starships right off of the bat.
Brentaal IV

The shipyards of Fondor are now under Imperial control; the Empire produces 150 Imperial Class Star Destroyers every two pages (by the way, I have been accounting for Stormtrooper conscription by simply adding 9000 stormtroopers for every new Star Destroyer).

Construction of another Executor-class Super Star Destroyer, the Annihilator, begins at the shipyards of Fondor. Upon its completion on page 36, it will be given to Grand General Cassio Tagge.

The Carida academy has been constructed. It is an advanced training facility where the Empire's infantry forces are to be trained, including special forces such as Storm Commandos, Death Troopers, and Shadow Stormtroopers.

Luke Skywalker and the Executor have been dispatched to Felucia to discuss Darktrooper Mk. III production with the CIS.

Imperial High Command laughs at the poor showing of the First Order wannabes. The Empire, as '77 OG's, is superior to all.
The Sith Empire would like to extend an offer to train Stormtroopers at the Denon Training facility giving them the ability to wield swords / Mandalorian tactics in battle.
In exchange the Sith Empire would get a battalion of 20,000 Troopers.

That's fine. No swords though. Doesn't really fit my forces.
Fair enough.
50,000 Stormtroopers have been sent to Denon for training. Training will be completed in 5 Pages.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
10,000 Allegiance-class battlecruisers - 91%

10 Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers - 87%


4,040 Younglings

40,000 Padawans

90,000 Jedi Knights

20,000 Jedi Masters

690 Venator-class Star Destroyers

3,000 Bakura-class Star Destroyers

6,000 Enforcer-class picket cruisers

13,000 X-Wings

100 MC80 Star Cruisers

10,000 Civilian Transport

200 LNR Series I Systemary Laser Batteries (Planetary Turbolasers) - All Over Endor

Endor System
Chalcedon System
Cerea System
Bakura System
Riffler System
Bespin System
Naboo System
Kaal System
Bomis Koort System

| Gay Tupac
more |
ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
After an extensive campaign to snort as much coke and fuck as many whores as possible, the Mandalorian Empire returns to the fold as if only a year had passed. Botajef's synthetic moon is available for purchase. Progress on other moons to follow.

Phindar: 65% ~ 6.5-billion slaves, 40%/page
Botajef: 100%
Garos: 40% ~ 4-billion slaves, 20%/page
Taris: 40% ~ 4-billion slaves, 20%/page
Celanon: 35% ~ 6-billion slaves, 35%/page
Aquaris: 35% ~ 6-billion slaves, 35%/page

Botajef's slaves are moved to the Phindar system indefinitely.

5000 Magickenyans completed. 5000 more due on each subsequent page.

The Ecumene Convergence will meet in a page.

500-million Mandalorians added to population. 500-million more to be added by page 39.

300 Sith Mavericks added the Blood Guard of the Crown. 300 more due by page 39.

Statistics Updated
-Kalusta, Planet Mandalore

     Government Type
-Theocratic Oligarchal Monarchy

     Head(s) of Government (by seniority), the "Ecumene of Kalusta"
-Isolated Holy King, Kalus Halsion
-Assumed Queen, Kalus Aa'nthya
-Damas Ad'moa, Heir of the Theoel
-Second Son Kalus Iynef, Captain of the Blood Guard of the Crown

     Leader of Ground Forces
-Damas Ad'moa, Heir of the Theoel

-Natural Resources
-Military Support
-Halmad Prime

-Mando'a (Ritual Language, Political-Class Exclusive)

     Military/Transport Resources
-Entire population (4-billion) is obligated and prepared for military service in times of conquest or defense +500-million on page 39
-1,500,000 Aka'jor-class diplomatic shuttles
-1-billion Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport carriers (civilian and militaristic applications exist)
-1.5-billion Cabur-class starfighters
-1000 Kyramud-type battleships
-3300 Mandalorian Sith Mavericks, members of the Blood Guard of the Crown, +300 on page 39
-34-billion slaves of varying ethnicity[/color]
-Virtually infinite supply of Halmad Prime
-5000 Magickenyans , +5000 every page

-Planet Mandalore
-Planet Phindar
-Planet Dothomir
—Synthetic Moon Alpha

     Official Alliances
-Confederacy of Independent Systems, brokered by Holy King Kalus Halsion
-Sith Empire, brokered by The Assumed Queen Kalus Aa'nthya
-Yuuzhan Vong Empire, brokered by Dismissed Blood Kalus Jon (DECEASED)
Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 09:02:39 PM by Paulie Chumpis

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,158 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
After an extensive campaign to snort as much coke and fuck as many whores as possible, the Mandalorian Empire returns to the fold as if only a year had passed. Botajef's synthetic moon is available for purchase. Progress on other moons to follow.

Phindar: 65% ~ 6.5-billion slaves, 40%/page
Botajef: 100%
Garos: 40% ~ 4-billion slaves, 20%/page
Taris: 40% ~ 4-billion slaves, 20%/page
Celanon: 35% ~ 6-billion slaves, 35%/page
Aquaris: 35% ~ 6-billion slaves, 35%/page

Botajef's slaves are moved to the Phindar system indefinitely.

5000 Magickenyans completed. 5000 more due on each subsequent page.

The Ecumene Convergence will meet in a page.

500-million Mandalorians added to population. 500-million more to be added by page 39.

300 Sith Mavericks added the Blood Guard of the Crown. 300 more due by page 39.

Statistics Updated
-Kalusta, Planet Mandalore

     Government Type
-Theocratic Oligarchal Monarchy

     Head(s) of Government (by seniority), the "Ecumene of Kalusta"
-Isolated Holy King, Kalus Halsion
-Assumed Queen, Kalus Aa'nthya
-Damas Ad'moa, Heir of the Theoel
-Second Son Kalus Iynef, Captain of the Blood Guard of the Crown

     Leader of Ground Forces
-Damas Ad'moa, Heir of the Theoel

-Natural Resources
-Military Support
-Halmad Prime

-Mando'a (Ritual Language, Political-Class Exclusive)

     Military/Transport Resources
-Entire population (4-billion) is obligated and prepared for military service in times of conquest or defense +500-million on page 39
-1,500,000 Aka'jor-class diplomatic shuttles
-1-billion Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport carriers (civilian and militaristic applications exist)
-1.5-billion Cabur-class starfighters
-1000 Kyramud-type battleships
-3300 Mandalorian Sith Mavericks, members of the Blood Guard of the Crown, +300 on page 39
-34-billion slaves of varying ethnicity[/color]
-Virtually infinite supply of Halmad Prime
-5000 Magickenyans , +5000 every page

-Planet Mandalore
-Planet Phindar
-Planet Dothomir
—Synthetic Moon Alpha

     Official Alliances
-Confederacy of Independent Systems, brokered by Holy King Kalus Halsion
-Sith Empire, brokered by The Assumed Queen Kalus Aa'nthya
-Yuuzhan Vong Empire, brokered by Dismissed Blood Kalus Jon (DECEASED)
damb family says eat tamborvongthat is wa wizard develope

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Holy Isolated King Kalus Halsion has developed a minor drug problem.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Revolts 66%
75,000 Trainees 20%
3,200 Sith Mavericks 40%
75,000 new New Sith Troopers 100%
25,000 new Sith Warriors 100%
Tinnel annexation 60%
Bellassa & Exodeen annexation 90%
5,000 Knights 80%
2,000 Masters 80%
Project Exitium Announcement 20%
50,000 Stormtroopers 20%

Sith Report
The Sith Empire

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Darth Revan Dark Lord of the Sith

Government: Sith Council

Organization Type: Magocratic & Theocratic Empire

Leader of Ground Forces & Apprentice: Darth Sicarius

Capital: Byss

Main Hyperroute: Byss Run

Currency: Galactic Credit Standard

Official Alliances
Galactic Empire
Yuuzhan Vong

Language: Sith

Initial Territory: Byss

All Territory: Byss
Yag 'Dhul

Population: 240 Billion

Total Annexed Slaves: 26 Billion


75,000 Trainees

185,000 Sith Troopers

55,000 SAP Units (Sith Attack Pilots)

50,000 Sith Warriors (Massassi armed with upgraded war swords)

37,000 Dark Jedi Apprentices

14,000 Dark Jedi Knights

11,500 Sith Mavericks

4,000 Dark Jedi Masters

5,000 Derriphan-class battleships

2,000 Interdictor-class cruisers

20,000 Theta-class T-2c shuttles

40,000 Mark VI Supremacy-class Starfighters

10 Excalibur Class Star Destroyers

Excalibur Class Star Destroyer Locations
1st - The Apocalypse Darth Revan's Flagship - Corellia
2nd - Empress Teta Blockade
3rd - Denon
4th - The Vindicta Darth Sicarius' Personal Ship - Korriban
5th - Tinnel
6th - Bellassa
7th - Corellian Blockade
8th  - Exodeen
9th - Yag 'Dhul
10th - Veil of Darkness - Exodeen

Sith Death Squad
19,000 Sith troopers
3,400 SAP Units
5,000 Sith Warriors
300 Dark Jedi Apprentices
600 Dark Jedi Knights
1,150 Sith Mavericks
100 Dark Jedi Masters
300 Battleships
100 Cruisers
3,000 Starfighters

Sith Honor Guard Breakdown
(Protection for the Dark Lord and his Apprentice):
6 Members of the Shadows of Revan (Elite guardsmen)
5 Dark Jedi Masters
20 Sith Troopers
10 Sith Warriors
10 Sith Mavericks
12 Supremacy Class Starfighters
3 Theta-class T-2c shuttles
15 SAP Units

Light Sith Security Squad
5 Dark Jedi Knights
20 Sith Troopers
10 Sith Warriors
5 Sith Mavericks
3 Supremacy Class Starfighters (Depending on circumstance)
1 Sith Theta-class T-2c shuttle
4 SAP Units

Veil of Darkness
5,000 Sith Troopers
2,000 SAP Units
500 Sith Warriors
200 Sith Mavericks
50 Dark Jedi Masters
25 Battleships
10 Cruisers
1,500 Starfighters
1 Excalibur Star Destroyer

Location of Sith Death Squads
1st -  Denon
2nd - Tinnel
3rd - Corellian Blockade
4th - Byss
5th - Bellassa
6th - Empress Teta Blockade
7th - Yag 'Dhul
8th - Tinnel
9th - Exodeen

Veil of Darkness Unit Location
1st - Exodeen

Denon Training Facility
1,100 Sith Mavericks
Light Security Squad
75,000 Trainees

Flagship: Excalibur Class Star Destroyer The Apocalypse
Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 11:02:56 PM by TRevan

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
The Sith Empire announces a new base being constructed on the Mandalorian synthetic moon near the Bandomeer system.
A TBD number of Troops will be moved in a few pages.
Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 11:22:17 PM by TRevan

| Gay Tupac
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ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
7.5-billion slaves moved to the Bandomeer system to begin construction of the synthetic moon commissioned by the Sith Empire.

Bandomeer: 0% ~ 45%/page

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Darth Sicarius has completed his mission to Korriban and is making his way back to Sith controlled space.

Darth Revan and his troops begin towards Denon.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
10,000 Allegiance-class battlecruisers - 100%

10 Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers - 95%

600 LNR Series I Systemary Laser Batteries (Planetary Turbolasers) - All Over Hoth - 12%


4,040 Younglings

40,000 Padawans

90,000 Jedi Knights

20,000 Jedi Masters

690 Venator-class Star Destroyers

10,000 Allegiance-class battlecruisers

3,000 Bakura-class Star Destroyers

6,000 Enforcer-class picket cruisers

13,000 X-Wings

100 MC80 Star Cruisers

10,000 Civilian Transport

200 LNR Series I Systemary Laser Batteries (Planetary Turbolasers) - All Over Endor

Endor System
Chalcedon System
Cerea System
Bakura System
Riffler System
Bespin System
Naboo System
Kaal System
Bomis Koort System

| Gay Tupac
more |
ID: Prehistoric
IP: Logged

18,968 posts
male, he/him

dracula can eat my whole ass!
Isolated King Halsion sends a large military convoy to the Yavin system for annexation. They will finish conquering by page 37.

Smaller companies are sent to the Null and Ploo systems to bring them under the rule of the Mandalorian Crown. Annexation will be achieved by page 37.

Synthetic moon progress update:

Phindar: 100% ~ 6.5-billion slaves
Garos: 60% ~ 4-billion slaves, 20%/page
Taris: 60% ~ 4-billion slaves, 20%/page
Celanon: 70% ~ 6-billion slaves, 35%/page
Aquaris: 70% ~ 6-billion slaves, 35%/page

The Phindar system's synthetic moon is completed. Purchase is available for any party that's interested. Slaves are moved to the Bandomeer system to facilitate completion.

Bandomeer: 0% ~ 14-billion slaves, 85%/page

Statistics Updated
-Kalusta, Planet Mandalore

     Government Type
-Theocratic Oligarchal Monarchy

     Head(s) of Government (by seniority), the "Ecumene of Kalusta"
-Isolated Holy King, Kalus Halsion
-Assumed Queen, Kalus Aa'nthya
-Damas Ad'moa, Heir of the Theoel
-Second Son Kalus Iynef, Captain of the Blood Guard of the Crown

     Leader of Ground Forces
-Damas Ad'moa, Heir of the Theoel

-Natural Resources
-Military Support
-Halmad Prime

-Mando'a (Ritual Language, Political-Class Exclusive)

     Military/Transport Resources
-Entire population (4-billion) is obligated and prepared for military service in times of conquest or defense +500-million on page 39
-1,500,000 Aka'jor-class diplomatic shuttles
-1-billion Amphibious Interstellar Assault Transport carriers (civilian and militaristic applications exist)
-1.5-billion Cabur-class starfighters
-1000 Kyramud-type battleships
-3300 Mandalorian Sith Mavericks, members of the Blood Guard of the Crown, +300 on page 39
-34-billion slaves of varying ethnicity[/color]
-Virtually infinite supply of Halmad Prime
-5000 Magickenyans , +5000 every page

-Planet Mandalore
-Planet Phindar
—Synthetic Moon Beta
-Planet Dothomir
—Synthetic Moon Alpha

     Official Alliances
-Confederacy of Independent Systems, brokered by Holy King Kalus Halsion
-Sith Empire, brokered by The Assumed Queen Kalus Aa'nthya
-Yuuzhan Vong Empire, brokered by Dismissed Blood Kalus Jon (DECEASED)
Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 11:33:24 PM by Paulie Chumpis

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
The 4th Death Squad has joined Sicarius and his Excalibur.

The 7th Death Squad has joined Revan and his Excalibur.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
Orbiting the planet Kaal, Jedi Master Kao Cen Darach reunited several gifted Jedi Knights for a mission. The mission was going to be dangerous, borderline suicidal, and they only had one shot.

"LIsten up, knights." Darach said. The Jedi Knights present were Bastila Shan, Serra Keto, Ky Narec, Durla Khun, and Connor Zar. "You are going in a mission authorized by the High Council. This operation has been in the works for a long time, and it might just be the only thing we can do to stop the dark side."

"What is it, master?" Narec asked.

"You are going to be sent deep into enemy territory, to capture the dark lords." Durach said.

"That's suicide!" Bastila responded with fear as the prospect of facing Revan meant that her possible death was coming.

"Its the only plan we have. Any other would mean galactic war against the Sith and more innocents will perish because of it. We do not want the Republic's citizens nor more Jedis dead. Without the Dark Lords, the Sith Empire will crumble." Durach explained.

"When are we going into the mission?" Serra asked.

"Soon. Gather your gear and be ready. We'll be departing to the Yag Dho System in one of our many cargo vessels, you will pass Sith checkpoints dressed as civilians. Do not use your abilities and keep your lightsabers hidden at all times until you face Revan. Understood?"

"Yes, master." Bastila said.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Revolts 100% The riots have been quelled. All prisoners have been sent to Denon for target practice.
75,000 Trainees 30%
3,200 Sith Mavericks 45%
Tinnel annexation 70%
Bellassa & Exodeen annexation 100% The Eastern front has been locked down. The Veil of Darkness has been sent south to meet with Revan and The Apocalypse.
5,000 Knights 88%
2,000 Masters 88%
Project Exitium Announcement 25%
50,000 Stormtroopers 30%

Sith Report
The Sith Empire

Head of State, Government, & Commander in Chief: Darth Revan Dark Lord of the Sith

Government: Sith Council

Organization Type: Magocratic & Theocratic Empire

Leader of Ground Forces & Apprentice: Darth Sicarius

Capital: Byss

Main Hyperroute: Byss Run

Currency: Galactic Credit Standard

Official Alliances
Galactic Empire
Yuuzhan Vong

Language: Sith

Initial Territory: Byss

All Territory: Byss
Yag 'Dhul

Population: 240 Billion

Total Annexed Slaves: 26 Billion


75,000 Trainees

185,000 Sith Troopers

55,000 SAP Units (Sith Attack Pilots)

50,000 Sith Warriors (Massassi armed with upgraded war swords)

37,000 Dark Jedi Apprentices

14,000 Dark Jedi Knights

11,500 Sith Mavericks

4,000 Dark Jedi Masters

5,000 Derriphan-class battleships

2,000 Interdictor-class cruisers

20,000 Theta-class T-2c shuttles

40,000 Mark VI Supremacy-class Starfighters

10 Excalibur Class Star Destroyers

Excalibur Class Star Destroyer Locations
1st - The Apocalypse Darth Revan's Flagship - Corellia
2nd - Empress Teta Blockade
3rd - Denon
4th - The Vindicta Darth Sicarius' Personal Ship - Korriban
5th - Tinnel
6th - Bellassa
7th - Corellian Blockade
8th  - Exodeen
9th - Yag 'Dhul
10th - Veil of Darkness - Exodeen

Sith Death Squad
19,000 Sith troopers
3,400 SAP Units
5,000 Sith Warriors
300 Dark Jedi Apprentices
600 Dark Jedi Knights
1,150 Sith Mavericks
100 Dark Jedi Masters
300 Battleships
100 Cruisers
3,000 Starfighters

Sith Honor Guard Breakdown
(Protection for the Dark Lord and his Apprentice):
6 Members of the Shadows of Revan (Elite guardsmen)
5 Dark Jedi Masters
20 Sith Troopers
10 Sith Warriors
10 Sith Mavericks
12 Supremacy Class Starfighters
3 Theta-class T-2c shuttles
15 SAP Units

Light Sith Security Squad
5 Dark Jedi Knights
20 Sith Troopers
10 Sith Warriors
5 Sith Mavericks
3 Supremacy Class Starfighters (Depending on circumstance)
1 Sith Theta-class T-2c shuttle
4 SAP Units

Veil of Darkness
5,000 Sith Troopers
2,000 SAP Units
500 Sith Warriors
200 Sith Mavericks
50 Dark Jedi Masters
25 Battleships
10 Cruisers
1,500 Starfighters
1 Excalibur Star Destroyer

Location of Sith Death Squads
1st -  Denon
2nd - Tinnel
3rd - Corellian Blockade
4th - Byss
5th - Bellassa
6th - Empress Teta Blockade
7th - Yag 'Dhul
8th - Tinnel
9th - Exodeen

Veil of Darkness Unit Location
1st - Exodeen

Denon Training Facility
1,100 Sith Mavericks
Light Security Squad
75,000 Trainees

Flagship: Excalibur Class Star Destroyer The Apocalypse

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
The 4th Death Squad has joined Sicarius and his Excalibur.

The 7th Death Squad has joined Revan and his Excalibur.
The Veil of Darkness, Revan, and Sicarius have joined together and are headed south.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
The 4th Death Squad has joined Sicarius and his Excalibur.

The 7th Death Squad has joined Revan and his Excalibur.
The Veil of Darkness, Revan, and Sicarius have joined together and are headed south.
The 3 Destroyers warp into Naboo space and send the Death Squad armed forces to the ground. The Sith Empire wants Naboo at all costs. Revan and Sicarius command from their Destroyers.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
The 4th Death Squad has joined Sicarius and his Excalibur.

The 7th Death Squad has joined Revan and his Excalibur.
The Veil of Darkness, Revan, and Sicarius have joined together and are headed south.
The 3 Destroyers warp into Naboo space and send the Death Squad armed forces to the ground. The Sith Empire wants Naboo at all costs. Revan and Sicarius command from their Destroyers.
Emergency signals are sent back to the Jedi fleet. This takes the Council by complete surprise, the Sith have become embolden. The Jedi Masters quickly send out 30 Bakura-class vessels and 60 Vindicator-class Star Destroyers towards the system in order to back out the Sith ships.

In an act of desperation, sensing the great darkness above Naboo, Master Duroch sends out his strike team towards the planet to confront the Dark Lords.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
The 4th Death Squad has joined Sicarius and his Excalibur.

The 7th Death Squad has joined Revan and his Excalibur.
The Veil of Darkness, Revan, and Sicarius have joined together and are headed south.
The 3 Destroyers warp into Naboo space and send the Death Squad armed forces to the ground. The Sith Empire wants Naboo at all costs. Revan and Sicarius command from their Destroyers.
Emergency signals are sent back to the Jedi fleet. This takes the Council by complete surprise, the Sith have become embolden. The Jedi Masters quickly send out 30 Bakura-class vessels and 60 Vindicator-class Star Destroyers towards the system in order to back out the Sith ships.

In an act of desperation, sensing the great darkness above Naboo, Master Duroch sends out his strike team towards the planet to confront the Dark Lords.
Ground forces rush to take important landmarks and the capital building.
The Destroyers provide orbital strikes in an effort to help. Starfighters begin to provide air support.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
The 4th Death Squad has joined Sicarius and his Excalibur.

The 7th Death Squad has joined Revan and his Excalibur.
The Veil of Darkness, Revan, and Sicarius have joined together and are headed south.
The 3 Destroyers warp into Naboo space and send the Death Squad armed forces to the ground. The Sith Empire wants Naboo at all costs. Revan and Sicarius command from their Destroyers.
Emergency signals are sent back to the Jedi fleet. This takes the Council by complete surprise, the Sith have become embolden. The Jedi Masters quickly send out 30 Bakura-class vessels and 60 Vindicator-class Star Destroyers towards the system in order to back out the Sith ships.

In an act of desperation, sensing the great darkness above Naboo, Master Duroch sends out his strike team towards the planet to confront the Dark Lords.
Ground forces rush to take important landmarks and the capital building.
The Destroyers provide orbital strikes in an effort to help. Starfighters begin to provide air support.
The defense fleet of Naboo is in complete disarray, the Vindicators are completely overwhelmed. The reinforcement fleet is incoming, exiting hyperspace and intersecting the Sith invaders. Hundreds of X-Wing fighters are sent out to attack the Sith starfighters. One small ship in particular breaks off from the rest and goes directly towards Revan's flagship.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
The 4th Death Squad has joined Sicarius and his Excalibur.

The 7th Death Squad has joined Revan and his Excalibur.
The Veil of Darkness, Revan, and Sicarius have joined together and are headed south.
The 3 Destroyers warp into Naboo space and send the Death Squad armed forces to the ground. The Sith Empire wants Naboo at all costs. Revan and Sicarius command from their Destroyers.
Emergency signals are sent back to the Jedi fleet. This takes the Council by complete surprise, the Sith have become embolden. The Jedi Masters quickly send out 30 Bakura-class vessels and 60 Vindicator-class Star Destroyers towards the system in order to back out the Sith ships.

In an act of desperation, sensing the great darkness above Naboo, Master Duroch sends out his strike team towards the planet to confront the Dark Lords.
Ground forces rush to take important landmarks and the capital building.
The Destroyers provide orbital strikes in an effort to help. Starfighters begin to provide air support.
The defense fleet of Naboo is in complete disarray, the Vindicators are completely overwhelmed. The reinforcement fleet is incoming, exiting hyperspace and intersecting the Sith invaders. Hundreds of X-Wing fighters are sent out to attack the Sith starfighters. One small ship in particular breaks off from the rest and goes directly towards Revan's flagship.
The battle rages on with the ground forces dispatching any resistance with a relative amount of ease. The Sith Starfighters begin to focus on the incoming reinforcements. The Destroyers turn their attention from the ground to the battleships incoming. Death Squad battleships engage.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
The 4th Death Squad has joined Sicarius and his Excalibur.

The 7th Death Squad has joined Revan and his Excalibur.
The Veil of Darkness, Revan, and Sicarius have joined together and are headed south.
The 3 Destroyers warp into Naboo space and send the Death Squad armed forces to the ground. The Sith Empire wants Naboo at all costs. Revan and Sicarius command from their Destroyers.
Emergency signals are sent back to the Jedi fleet. This takes the Council by complete surprise, the Sith have become embolden. The Jedi Masters quickly send out 30 Bakura-class vessels and 60 Vindicator-class Star Destroyers towards the system in order to back out the Sith ships.

In an act of desperation, sensing the great darkness above Naboo, Master Duroch sends out his strike team towards the planet to confront the Dark Lords.
Ground forces rush to take important landmarks and the capital building.
The Destroyers provide orbital strikes in an effort to help. Starfighters begin to provide air support.
The defense fleet of Naboo is in complete disarray, the Vindicators are completely overwhelmed. The reinforcement fleet is incoming, exiting hyperspace and intersecting the Sith invaders. Hundreds of X-Wing fighters are sent out to attack the Sith starfighters. One small ship in particular breaks off from the rest and goes directly towards Revan's flagship.
The battle rages on with the ground forces dispatching any resistance with a relative amount of ease. The Sith Starfighters begin to focus on the incoming reinforcements. The Destroyers turn their attention from the ground to the battleships incoming. Death Squad battleships engage.
At the midst of the battle, while all of its crew was pre-occupied with the raging naval conflict, a small ship docks inside one of the Executor's empty hangars. They had been empty once the starfighters had gone out. Out of the small ship were the Jedi strike team led by Bastila Shan. They rushed towards the bridge, allowing the Force to guide them towards the beacon of dark. Slashing their part through numerous Sith guards and officers until they made it to the bridge.

The dark figure of Darth Revan awaited them, he was overlooking at the planet below. Surrounded by his Sith honor guard...Bastila knew this was the culmination of her supposed destiny. This was it. They rushed towards the guards, yelling loudly as their sabers clashed. But instead of aiding her friends, Bastila jumped over the Jedi and Sith to stand right behind the dark lord himself. "It's over, Revan. Surrender." She said, holding on to her double-sided lightsaber, fear building up in her mind.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
The 4th Death Squad has joined Sicarius and his Excalibur.

The 7th Death Squad has joined Revan and his Excalibur.
The Veil of Darkness, Revan, and Sicarius have joined together and are headed south.
The 3 Destroyers warp into Naboo space and send the Death Squad armed forces to the ground. The Sith Empire wants Naboo at all costs. Revan and Sicarius command from their Destroyers.
Emergency signals are sent back to the Jedi fleet. This takes the Council by complete surprise, the Sith have become embolden. The Jedi Masters quickly send out 30 Bakura-class vessels and 60 Vindicator-class Star Destroyers towards the system in order to back out the Sith ships.

In an act of desperation, sensing the great darkness above Naboo, Master Duroch sends out his strike team towards the planet to confront the Dark Lords.
Ground forces rush to take important landmarks and the capital building.
The Destroyers provide orbital strikes in an effort to help. Starfighters begin to provide air support.
The defense fleet of Naboo is in complete disarray, the Vindicators are completely overwhelmed. The reinforcement fleet is incoming, exiting hyperspace and intersecting the Sith invaders. Hundreds of X-Wing fighters are sent out to attack the Sith starfighters. One small ship in particular breaks off from the rest and goes directly towards Revan's flagship.
The battle rages on with the ground forces dispatching any resistance with a relative amount of ease. The Sith Starfighters begin to focus on the incoming reinforcements. The Destroyers turn their attention from the ground to the battleships incoming. Death Squad battleships engage.
At the midst of the battle, while all of its crew was pre-occupied with the raging naval conflict, a small ship docks inside one of the Executor's empty hangars. They had been empty once the starfighters had gone out. Out of the small ship were the Jedi strike team led by Bastila Shan. They rushed towards the bridge, allowing the Force to guide them towards the beacon of dark. Slashing their part through numerous Sith guards and officers until they made it to the bridge.

The dark figure of Darth Revan awaited them, he was overlooking at the planet below. Surrounded by his Sith honor guard...Bastila knew this was the culmination of her supposed destiny. This was it. They rushed towards the guards, yelling loudly as their sabers clashed. But instead of aiding her friends, Bastila jumped over the Jedi and Sith to stand right behind the dark lord himself. "It's over, Revan. Surrender." She said, holding on to her double-sided lightsaber, fear building up in her mind.
"You finally got here! I was wondering when you would show up. Now fufill your destiny, give in to your hate. Look to Naboo and see the futile situation your friends are in. Dark will always trump light. Chaos will defeat order Jedi. You could become so powerful if you used the dark side to aid you in your fighting. Now. Come with me and destroy Sicarius to become my apprentice! Together we will rule the galaxy Bastila!"

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
The 4th Death Squad has joined Sicarius and his Excalibur.

The 7th Death Squad has joined Revan and his Excalibur.
The Veil of Darkness, Revan, and Sicarius have joined together and are headed south.
The 3 Destroyers warp into Naboo space and send the Death Squad armed forces to the ground. The Sith Empire wants Naboo at all costs. Revan and Sicarius command from their Destroyers.
Emergency signals are sent back to the Jedi fleet. This takes the Council by complete surprise, the Sith have become embolden. The Jedi Masters quickly send out 30 Bakura-class vessels and 60 Vindicator-class Star Destroyers towards the system in order to back out the Sith ships.

In an act of desperation, sensing the great darkness above Naboo, Master Duroch sends out his strike team towards the planet to confront the Dark Lords.
Ground forces rush to take important landmarks and the capital building.
The Destroyers provide orbital strikes in an effort to help. Starfighters begin to provide air support.
The defense fleet of Naboo is in complete disarray, the Vindicators are completely overwhelmed. The reinforcement fleet is incoming, exiting hyperspace and intersecting the Sith invaders. Hundreds of X-Wing fighters are sent out to attack the Sith starfighters. One small ship in particular breaks off from the rest and goes directly towards Revan's flagship.
The battle rages on with the ground forces dispatching any resistance with a relative amount of ease. The Sith Starfighters begin to focus on the incoming reinforcements. The Destroyers turn their attention from the ground to the battleships incoming. Death Squad battleships engage.
At the midst of the battle, while all of its crew was pre-occupied with the raging naval conflict, a small ship docks inside one of the Executor's empty hangars. They had been empty once the starfighters had gone out. Out of the small ship were the Jedi strike team led by Bastila Shan. They rushed towards the bridge, allowing the Force to guide them towards the beacon of dark. Slashing their part through numerous Sith guards and officers until they made it to the bridge.

The dark figure of Darth Revan awaited them, he was overlooking at the planet below. Surrounded by his Sith honor guard...Bastila knew this was the culmination of her supposed destiny. This was it. They rushed towards the guards, yelling loudly as their sabers clashed. But instead of aiding her friends, Bastila jumped over the Jedi and Sith to stand right behind the dark lord himself. "It's over, Revan. Surrender." She said, holding on to her double-sided lightsaber, fear building up in her mind.
"You finally got here! I was wondering when you would show up. Now fufill your destiny, give in to your hate. Look to Naboo and see the futile situation your friends are in. Dark will always trump light. Chaos will defeat order Jedi. You could become so powerful if you used the dark side to aid you in your fighting. Now. Come with me and destroy Sicarius to become my apprentice! Together we will rule the galaxy Bastila!"
Bastila saw the destruction happening outside and on the planet...but she focused on Revan again. "I'm not weak to fall to the dark side. The Force is my ally, and it will help me defeat you!" Bastila replied, but she didn't attack. Hesitation rose...this could mean the end for her.

| Hero of the Wild
more |
ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
The 4th Death Squad has joined Sicarius and his Excalibur.

The 7th Death Squad has joined Revan and his Excalibur.
The Veil of Darkness, Revan, and Sicarius have joined together and are headed south.
The 3 Destroyers warp into Naboo space and send the Death Squad armed forces to the ground. The Sith Empire wants Naboo at all costs. Revan and Sicarius command from their Destroyers.
Emergency signals are sent back to the Jedi fleet. This takes the Council by complete surprise, the Sith have become embolden. The Jedi Masters quickly send out 30 Bakura-class vessels and 60 Vindicator-class Star Destroyers towards the system in order to back out the Sith ships.

In an act of desperation, sensing the great darkness above Naboo, Master Duroch sends out his strike team towards the planet to confront the Dark Lords.
Ground forces rush to take important landmarks and the capital building.
The Destroyers provide orbital strikes in an effort to help. Starfighters begin to provide air support.
The defense fleet of Naboo is in complete disarray, the Vindicators are completely overwhelmed. The reinforcement fleet is incoming, exiting hyperspace and intersecting the Sith invaders. Hundreds of X-Wing fighters are sent out to attack the Sith starfighters. One small ship in particular breaks off from the rest and goes directly towards Revan's flagship.
The battle rages on with the ground forces dispatching any resistance with a relative amount of ease. The Sith Starfighters begin to focus on the incoming reinforcements. The Destroyers turn their attention from the ground to the battleships incoming. Death Squad battleships engage.
At the midst of the battle, while all of its crew was pre-occupied with the raging naval conflict, a small ship docks inside one of the Executor's empty hangars. They had been empty once the starfighters had gone out. Out of the small ship were the Jedi strike team led by Bastila Shan. They rushed towards the bridge, allowing the Force to guide them towards the beacon of dark. Slashing their part through numerous Sith guards and officers until they made it to the bridge.

The dark figure of Darth Revan awaited them, he was overlooking at the planet below. Surrounded by his Sith honor guard...Bastila knew this was the culmination of her supposed destiny. This was it. They rushed towards the guards, yelling loudly as their sabers clashed. But instead of aiding her friends, Bastila jumped over the Jedi and Sith to stand right behind the dark lord himself. "It's over, Revan. Surrender." She said, holding on to her double-sided lightsaber, fear building up in her mind.
"You finally got here! I was wondering when you would show up. Now fufill your destiny, give in to your hate. Look to Naboo and see the futile situation your friends are in. Dark will always trump light. Chaos will defeat order Jedi. You could become so powerful if you used the dark side to aid you in your fighting. Now. Come with me and destroy Sicarius to become my apprentice! Together we will rule the galaxy Bastila!"
Bastila saw the destruction happening outside and on the planet...but she focused on Revan again. "I'm not weak to fall to the dark side. The Force is my ally, and it will help me defeat you!" Bastila replied, but she didn't attack. Hesitation rose...this could mean the end for her.
Revan sensed the hesitation. Any other Jedi would have cut his head off in an instant. This was his chance. "Your fear has betrayed you. You realize the weakness of the Light. I was once a student of the Light, but once I realized the true power that came with the Dark side, once I realized what I could accomplish, the choice was simple. I preside over 250 Billion beings that stand in fear at the very mention of my name. Whole armies bear my symbol. This could be yours too!"