Top of the morning to you all

Mat Cauthon
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No one says that.

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
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10,577 posts
That's for both of you.
Alright, so I leave, but then what? What would that really accomplish? A nicer board - yeah fucking great - but what will you do with this nicer board? What can you do there that you can't do here?
Well it would get rid of your garbage tier threads from the front page and I really just dislike you in general.
God damn you, you motherfucker. I just wrote that, so don't repeat me. Answer the question.

What will you do with a nicer board, that you can't do with this one?

"I dislike you"
What are you 12?
What, I can't have opinions now?
Answer the question, asshat.

What would you do with a nicer board that you can't do now?

Additional question: Are you trying to bully me into leaving?
Protip: It won't work; it has the opposite effect. You're the reason why I'm here today. You kicked me out of because your primitive brain doesn't accept new people back in 2013 or w/e, and so I came here to get "revenge", and you know what? If it makes you say "go away" like a child, I'd say I've succeeded.

You're a pathetic person, and you've always been one. The dislike is mutual.
Well nothing except it would be a nicer place.

and looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool you're still hung up about that?!
My god that's hilarious.
How funny, you think that by displaying this level of density in your post you've won.

Didn't you want to be a psychologist because your dad was one, and you have no personality? Well, you won't get there by ignoring what people say, that's for sure.
You called me primitive because I jokingly kicked you out of an internet chat room. Where then your next course of action was to go to some site that I go on and get "revenge" by staying active on the site for x amount of months and generally being a terrible poster. (which I realize isn't under your control, whether you're a "good" poster or not)

And you call me primitive? lol
No, I called you primitive because you are primitive. That example was just an example to back it up. I could attack your persona, but I don't want to do that.

The "revenge" was what made me sign up. I never did anything beyond that, but I stayed on this site because there was less retardation. Throughout the years my actions have made your browsing less enjoyable, and that pleases me, because after all these years you haven't redeemed yourself. You are still a shitty person.
You condescending fuck.

If you weren't condescending, you'd take offense at me calling you primitive, and you'd ask why I view you that way, but instead all you muster up is an "Ok?". You don't care about this discussion, you just want to look cool infront of users, and you just want a quick solution to making me "go away".
It's more like I don't care what a random internet user (who can barely muster coherent sentences) thinks.
You don't care what another person says - You don't consider their voice important enough - You are above them - You are condescending.

See how I can read your mind and reach the conclusion before you respond but then have to spell it out for you after you respond because you're completely oblivious to your own stupidity?

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
IP: Logged

10,577 posts