That seems a bit excessive for going only 10 or so mph over the limit in a zone thats already high
how fucking hard is it to not speed, retards
if i'm 1 or 2 under the speed limit, i'm already worried
25 over the limit got you that much?! Holy shit! How much will your insurance go up by now?Edit: Keeping this car related, like a retard I parked on a 'timed' clearway (Its a clearway only a couple of hours a day). As luck would have it, a cop car was going by and so they clamped me. Paid the 80 euro (around 100$) fine on the spot. I seriously did not see the clearway sign, I would not have parked there if I did.
After sitting on the fence for months, nursing childhood wounds from TLJ, I'm going to check out Solo with friends. There is less pressure with this movie, and so there is less pressure on me to be blown away. That is almost refreshing. It's almost like chilling in the back of the Millenium Falcon on cruise control. I'll pay the price of two Little Ceasars pies for that. This is a movie you watch with sunglasses on in the theater, which is 80s-ish. This is like the 80s revival for Star Wars with a plush Disney budget.