Today, I fulfilled a dream, while fulfilling a dream.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

You can't really blame Casper. What he's saying is true. At first I always came across the wrong way, and I understand why he thinks and feels as he does. He's not being unreasonable. But I still try and mend things with him.

Casper isn't inconsiderate or anything like that, he's actually fairly reasonable.

And so am I. But the point is, when your emotional state is out of balance, it ovverrides your reason and logical thought processes. And, as Noelle said, as of late, this place is somewhat of a downer. Multiple people, negative people, are sapping things. Even them, it's not their fault. Because that's what emotions do by nature.

I try to remain as calm and clear headed as I can. But, if and when I'm angry, all of that goes out the window. So, the point is, to try and not let your emotions dictate who you are, and let your head dictate the emotions that make sense.

Like I said, Casp is stuck in the trap. She, he, or they, know that you don't mean to sound smug. And yet they started something anyway. They let that emotion, that need to attack drive them forwards even though they knew you didn't mean anything bad by it.

It all comes down to the simple fact, that this place could use a little more sunshine.

Have you ever considered being a councilor?

I'd make a terrible councilor. I have empathy because of the pain and trauma in my life. I do my best to understand because through another pair of eyes you can spot things that you would normally miss by yourself.

But I am not a person to ask for advice of help.

Right now? I'm ripping myself apart. And, the part of me that still makes a little sense knows it. But I can't seem to stop it. I attack myself. Turn and deflect things around on myself, and I wake up to days where I am completely crushed by despair and sadness.

But, there's a little spark left. It endures, and flickers, and reminds me of why I am here. Reminds me that not all is lost and hopeless. The point is, I am not fit for advice because my life is not whole, and it will be a long time before I can fit the pieces of the puzzle together, and truly make any sense.

From my perspective, your a tough son of a bitch. And your logical. I have full faith you can pull through of any situation, and I feel the sense of confidence but your real. I like you, I really do. Your humble.

I know life has been exceptionally tough, and I'm not going to give you any cliches. But think of this. For everything you have gone through, all the hardship. When you step outside, and you see your home, your area. It is your home. And your happy to see it, and you can legitimately say at the second that you conquered it all, and live to stand proud in the place you truly love.

It does not matter what your life is, a suicidal man can have an impact on another human being. That's the basic human connection. Everyone can benefit, no matter how broken you are. You seem to have the capacity, and I see that. And you saying your not whole, but yet you still show the same potential, speaks loudly for who you are.

Never degrade yourself, you truly are a gift to the world. If even people you do not know, or will ever meet believe that, then imagine all the possibilities.

I understand the concept of "it all leads to something." If I hadn't gone through every bad day I have to reach this point, then I wouldn't be the person I am now. Remove those days, those experiences, and you get a different person. But I can only say these things. Going through some of the bad days, is easier said than done.

And it's hard, not to lose hope that through the bad you might find something worthwhile. Most of all, I know it's not my fault. Part of it is the Fall weather. With it comes a weight. A constant heaviness. And I know what it is. It's the light. The sunlight changes up here int he fall and winter. Folks don't get enough. And people are susceptible to the environment, to varying degrees.

I am suceptable to this change. I can tell, the immidiate day that it is officially fall because of the at weight that arrives. And, that weight, that outside depression, feeds the inside one. I can't fight both off at once. But, once the winter comes, I'll be feeling a little less blue. I can smell it in the air already. That pure cold.

BC | Legendary Inconceivable!
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ID: BC1096
IP: Logged

7,836 posts
Oh, hey.
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

You can't really blame Casper. What he's saying is true. At first I always came across the wrong way, and I understand why he thinks and feels as he does. He's not being unreasonable. But I still try and mend things with him.

Casper isn't inconsiderate or anything like that, he's actually fairly reasonable.

And so am I. But the point is, when your emotional state is out of balance, it ovverrides your reason and logical thought processes. And, as Noelle said, as of late, this place is somewhat of a downer. Multiple people, negative people, are sapping things. Even them, it's not their fault. Because that's what emotions do by nature.

I try to remain as calm and clear headed as I can. But, if and when I'm angry, all of that goes out the window. So, the point is, to try and not let your emotions dictate who you are, and let your head dictate the emotions that make sense.

Like I said, Casp is stuck in the trap. She, he, or they, know that you don't mean to sound smug. And yet they started something anyway. They let that emotion, that need to attack drive them forwards even though they knew you didn't mean anything bad by it.

It all comes down to the simple fact, that this place could use a little more sunshine.

Have you ever considered being a councilor?

I'd make a terrible councilor. I have empathy because of the pain and trauma in my life. I do my best to understand because through another pair of eyes you can spot things that you would normally miss by yourself.

But I am not a person to ask for advice of help.

Right now? I'm ripping myself apart. And, the part of me that still makes a little sense knows it. But I can't seem to stop it. I attack myself. Turn and deflect things around on myself, and I wake up to days where I am completely crushed by despair and sadness.

But, there's a little spark left. It endures, and flickers, and reminds me of why I am here. Reminds me that not all is lost and hopeless. The point is, I am not fit for advice because my life is not whole, and it will be a long time before I can fit the pieces of the puzzle together, and truly make any sense.

From my perspective, your a tough son of a bitch. And your logical. I have full faith you can pull through of any situation, and I feel the sense of confidence but your real. I like you, I really do. Your humble.

I know life has been exceptionally tough, and I'm not going to give you any cliches. But think of this. For everything you have gone through, all the hardship. When you step outside, and you see your home, your area. It is your home. And your happy to see it, and you can legitimately say at the second that you conquered it all, and live to stand proud in the place you truly love.

It does not matter what your life is, a suicidal man can have an impact on another human being. That's the basic human connection. Everyone can benefit, no matter how broken you are. You seem to have the capacity, and I see that. And you saying your not whole, but yet you still show the same potential, speaks loudly for who you are.

Never degrade yourself, you truly are a gift to the world. If even people you do not know, or will ever meet believe that, then imagine all the possibilities.

I understand the concept of "it all leads to something." If I hadn't gone through every bad day I have to reach this point, then I wouldn't be the person I am now. Remove those days, those experiences, and you get a different person. But I can only say these things. Going through some of the bad days, is easier said than done.

And it's hard, not to lose hope that through the bad you might find something worthwhile. Most of all, I know it's not my fault. Part of it is the Fall weather. With it comes a weight. A constant heaviness. And I know what it is. It's the light. The sunlight changes up here int he fall and winter. Folks don't get enough. And people are susceptible to the environment, to varying degrees.

I am suceptable to this change. I can tell, the immidiate day that it is officially fall because of the at weight that arrives. And, that weight, that outside depression, feeds the inside one. I can't fight both off at once. But, once the winter comes, I'll be feeling a little less blue. I can smell it in the air already. That pure cold.

Then find warmth and light in the people you love and call family. Friends and families come together during the winter, because of all those reasons.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

You can't really blame Casper. What he's saying is true. At first I always came across the wrong way, and I understand why he thinks and feels as he does. He's not being unreasonable. But I still try and mend things with him.

Casper isn't inconsiderate or anything like that, he's actually fairly reasonable.

And so am I. But the point is, when your emotional state is out of balance, it ovverrides your reason and logical thought processes. And, as Noelle said, as of late, this place is somewhat of a downer. Multiple people, negative people, are sapping things. Even them, it's not their fault. Because that's what emotions do by nature.

I try to remain as calm and clear headed as I can. But, if and when I'm angry, all of that goes out the window. So, the point is, to try and not let your emotions dictate who you are, and let your head dictate the emotions that make sense.

Like I said, Casp is stuck in the trap. She, he, or they, know that you don't mean to sound smug. And yet they started something anyway. They let that emotion, that need to attack drive them forwards even though they knew you didn't mean anything bad by it.

It all comes down to the simple fact, that this place could use a little more sunshine.

Have you ever considered being a councilor?

I'd make a terrible councilor. I have empathy because of the pain and trauma in my life. I do my best to understand because through another pair of eyes you can spot things that you would normally miss by yourself.

But I am not a person to ask for advice of help.

Right now? I'm ripping myself apart. And, the part of me that still makes a little sense knows it. But I can't seem to stop it. I attack myself. Turn and deflect things around on myself, and I wake up to days where I am completely crushed by despair and sadness.

But, there's a little spark left. It endures, and flickers, and reminds me of why I am here. Reminds me that not all is lost and hopeless. The point is, I am not fit for advice because my life is not whole, and it will be a long time before I can fit the pieces of the puzzle together, and truly make any sense.

From my perspective, your a tough son of a bitch. And your logical. I have full faith you can pull through of any situation, and I feel the sense of confidence but your real. I like you, I really do. Your humble.

I know life has been exceptionally tough, and I'm not going to give you any cliches. But think of this. For everything you have gone through, all the hardship. When you step outside, and you see your home, your area. It is your home. And your happy to see it, and you can legitimately say at the second that you conquered it all, and live to stand proud in the place you truly love.

It does not matter what your life is, a suicidal man can have an impact on another human being. That's the basic human connection. Everyone can benefit, no matter how broken you are. You seem to have the capacity, and I see that. And you saying your not whole, but yet you still show the same potential, speaks loudly for who you are.

Never degrade yourself, you truly are a gift to the world. If even people you do not know, or will ever meet believe that, then imagine all the possibilities.

I understand the concept of "it all leads to something." If I hadn't gone through every bad day I have to reach this point, then I wouldn't be the person I am now. Remove those days, those experiences, and you get a different person. But I can only say these things. Going through some of the bad days, is easier said than done.

And it's hard, not to lose hope that through the bad you might find something worthwhile. Most of all, I know it's not my fault. Part of it is the Fall weather. With it comes a weight. A constant heaviness. And I know what it is. It's the light. The sunlight changes up here int he fall and winter. Folks don't get enough. And people are susceptible to the environment, to varying degrees.

I am suceptable to this change. I can tell, the immidiate day that it is officially fall because of the at weight that arrives. And, that weight, that outside depression, feeds the inside one. I can't fight both off at once. But, once the winter comes, I'll be feeling a little less blue. I can smell it in the air already. That pure cold.

Then find warmth and light in the people you love and call family. Friends and families come together during the winter, because of all those reasons.

Oho, oh no my friend. I find my peace in winter in the solitary manner. When I work outside, alone, it's another world. It's just me and the cold. Big snowsuit. Like stepping foot on another world in a spacesuit. I'll take some pictures when and if the snow arrives. You will see.

BasedLove | Ascended Posting Rampage
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XBL: Dildact
ID: BreedLove
IP: Logged

1,315 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,117 posts

- korrie
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What's the point of being in a community where everything you share has you branded has someone who is conceited.

Somehow, everything I say gets completely turned around.

Maybe you are just an asshole?

Still confused.

Have I done something to you in the past? Or something?

You exist.

Seriously though, like did we ever get in an argument or something. Or do you genuinely dislike me simply because I am here

You post blog types threads about your emotions and shit.

And you spam pictures of a 12 year old boy telling us how much you want to fuck him.
I just imagined Bale's Batman saying that...

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Lord Ruler
IP: Logged

9,804 posts
Max characters: 420; characters remaining: 374
Images in your signature must be no greater than 500x100 pixels
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What's the point of being in a community where everything you share has you branded has someone who is conceited.

Somehow, everything I say gets completely turned around.

Maybe you are just an asshole?

Still confused.

Have I done something to you in the past? Or something?

You exist.

Seriously though, like did we ever get in an argument or something. Or do you genuinely dislike me simply because I am here

You post blog types threads about your emotions and shit.

And you spam pictures of a 12 year old boy telling us how much you want to fuck him.
I just imagined Bale's Batman saying that...


| Mythic Sage
more |
ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

You can't really blame Casper. What he's saying is true. At first I always came across the wrong way, and I understand why he thinks and feels as he does. He's not being unreasonable. But I still try and mend things with him.

Casper isn't inconsiderate or anything like that, he's actually fairly reasonable.

And so am I. But the point is, when your emotional state is out of balance, it ovverrides your reason and logical thought processes. And, as Noelle said, as of late, this place is somewhat of a downer. Multiple people, negative people, are sapping things. Even them, it's not their fault. Because that's what emotions do by nature.

I try to remain as calm and clear headed as I can. But, if and when I'm angry, all of that goes out the window. So, the point is, to try and not let your emotions dictate who you are, and let your head dictate the emotions that make sense.

Like I said, Casp is stuck in the trap. She, he, or they, know that you don't mean to sound smug. And yet they started something anyway. They let that emotion, that need to attack drive them forwards even though they knew you didn't mean anything bad by it.

It all comes down to the simple fact, that this place could use a little more sunshine.

Have you ever considered being a councilor?

I'd make a terrible councilor. I have empathy because of the pain and trauma in my life. I do my best to understand because through another pair of eyes you can spot things that you would normally miss by yourself.

But I am not a person to ask for advice of help.

Right now? I'm ripping myself apart. And, the part of me that still makes a little sense knows it. But I can't seem to stop it. I attack myself. Turn and deflect things around on myself, and I wake up to days where I am completely crushed by despair and sadness.

But, there's a little spark left. It endures, and flickers, and reminds me of why I am here. Reminds me that not all is lost and hopeless. The point is, I am not fit for advice because my life is not whole, and it will be a long time before I can fit the pieces of the puzzle together, and truly make any sense.

From my perspective, your a tough son of a bitch. And your logical. I have full faith you can pull through of any situation, and I feel the sense of confidence but your real. I like you, I really do. Your humble.

I know life has been exceptionally tough, and I'm not going to give you any cliches. But think of this. For everything you have gone through, all the hardship. When you step outside, and you see your home, your area. It is your home. And your happy to see it, and you can legitimately say at the second that you conquered it all, and live to stand proud in the place you truly love.

It does not matter what your life is, a suicidal man can have an impact on another human being. That's the basic human connection. Everyone can benefit, no matter how broken you are. You seem to have the capacity, and I see that. And you saying your not whole, but yet you still show the same potential, speaks loudly for who you are.

Never degrade yourself, you truly are a gift to the world. If even people you do not know, or will ever meet believe that, then imagine all the possibilities.

I understand the concept of "it all leads to something." If I hadn't gone through every bad day I have to reach this point, then I wouldn't be the person I am now. Remove those days, those experiences, and you get a different person. But I can only say these things. Going through some of the bad days, is easier said than done.

And it's hard, not to lose hope that through the bad you might find something worthwhile. Most of all, I know it's not my fault. Part of it is the Fall weather. With it comes a weight. A constant heaviness. And I know what it is. It's the light. The sunlight changes up here int he fall and winter. Folks don't get enough. And people are susceptible to the environment, to varying degrees.

I am suceptable to this change. I can tell, the immidiate day that it is officially fall because of the at weight that arrives. And, that weight, that outside depression, feeds the inside one. I can't fight both off at once. But, once the winter comes, I'll be feeling a little less blue. I can smell it in the air already. That pure cold.

Then find warmth and light in the people you love and call family. Friends and families come together during the winter, because of all those reasons.

It's gonna be like 60-70℉ for most of the winter where I live.

Acquire fat for winter.
Acquire survival snowsuit and gear for extreme temperatures.
Have fun.
Also, hot coffee or tea.

BC | Legendary Inconceivable!
more |
ID: BC1096
IP: Logged

7,836 posts
Oh, hey.
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

You can't really blame Casper. What he's saying is true. At first I always came across the wrong way, and I understand why he thinks and feels as he does. He's not being unreasonable. But I still try and mend things with him.

Casper isn't inconsiderate or anything like that, he's actually fairly reasonable.

And so am I. But the point is, when your emotional state is out of balance, it ovverrides your reason and logical thought processes. And, as Noelle said, as of late, this place is somewhat of a downer. Multiple people, negative people, are sapping things. Even them, it's not their fault. Because that's what emotions do by nature.

I try to remain as calm and clear headed as I can. But, if and when I'm angry, all of that goes out the window. So, the point is, to try and not let your emotions dictate who you are, and let your head dictate the emotions that make sense.

Like I said, Casp is stuck in the trap. She, he, or they, know that you don't mean to sound smug. And yet they started something anyway. They let that emotion, that need to attack drive them forwards even though they knew you didn't mean anything bad by it.

It all comes down to the simple fact, that this place could use a little more sunshine.

Have you ever considered being a councilor?

I'd make a terrible councilor. I have empathy because of the pain and trauma in my life. I do my best to understand because through another pair of eyes you can spot things that you would normally miss by yourself.

But I am not a person to ask for advice of help.

Right now? I'm ripping myself apart. And, the part of me that still makes a little sense knows it. But I can't seem to stop it. I attack myself. Turn and deflect things around on myself, and I wake up to days where I am completely crushed by despair and sadness.

But, there's a little spark left. It endures, and flickers, and reminds me of why I am here. Reminds me that not all is lost and hopeless. The point is, I am not fit for advice because my life is not whole, and it will be a long time before I can fit the pieces of the puzzle together, and truly make any sense.

From my perspective, your a tough son of a bitch. And your logical. I have full faith you can pull through of any situation, and I feel the sense of confidence but your real. I like you, I really do. Your humble.

I know life has been exceptionally tough, and I'm not going to give you any cliches. But think of this. For everything you have gone through, all the hardship. When you step outside, and you see your home, your area. It is your home. And your happy to see it, and you can legitimately say at the second that you conquered it all, and live to stand proud in the place you truly love.

It does not matter what your life is, a suicidal man can have an impact on another human being. That's the basic human connection. Everyone can benefit, no matter how broken you are. You seem to have the capacity, and I see that. And you saying your not whole, but yet you still show the same potential, speaks loudly for who you are.

Never degrade yourself, you truly are a gift to the world. If even people you do not know, or will ever meet believe that, then imagine all the possibilities.

I understand the concept of "it all leads to something." If I hadn't gone through every bad day I have to reach this point, then I wouldn't be the person I am now. Remove those days, those experiences, and you get a different person. But I can only say these things. Going through some of the bad days, is easier said than done.

And it's hard, not to lose hope that through the bad you might find something worthwhile. Most of all, I know it's not my fault. Part of it is the Fall weather. With it comes a weight. A constant heaviness. And I know what it is. It's the light. The sunlight changes up here int he fall and winter. Folks don't get enough. And people are susceptible to the environment, to varying degrees.

I am suceptable to this change. I can tell, the immidiate day that it is officially fall because of the at weight that arrives. And, that weight, that outside depression, feeds the inside one. I can't fight both off at once. But, once the winter comes, I'll be feeling a little less blue. I can smell it in the air already. That pure cold.

Then find warmth and light in the people you love and call family. Friends and families come together during the winter, because of all those reasons.

It's gonna be like 60-70℉ for most of the winter where I live.


BC | Legendary Inconceivable!
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ID: BC1096
IP: Logged

7,836 posts
Oh, hey.
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done. I'm being an asshole?
Not at all. You are sharing a touching story. Spreading positivity is a good thing, even if I can be a negative person at times.

Am I in the wrong for sharing this though? Your usually very blunt, honest and to the point so I know you'll be frank with me.

It's a pre-concieved view of things. Ever look at somebody's writing, and just get a really strong feeling that you think you know what the other person was feeling when they wrote it. An air of smugness or the like?

Maybe when other folks read what you right, that's what they get. A pre-concieved air of smugness. It might not actually be true, but sometimes, words from certain people have that air to them, and you just get the wrong vibes is all.

Your probably right in all honesty. :/

It's not a fault of yours however. It's just a tricky state to balance is all. Our pre-concieved views can be damn hard to break. Even if you changed your writing, the people who don't enjoy your company here, would still have that air of smuggness bleed through in their eyes.

As I said to casper, emotions, positive and negative feed each other. And, it seems that at the moment, folk's emotions have the upper hand over logic, and so they act and attack that pre-concieved smugness. Not your fault. We just need a little more sunshine in the place is all.

You can't really blame Casper. What he's saying is true. At first I always came across the wrong way, and I understand why he thinks and feels as he does. He's not being unreasonable. But I still try and mend things with him.

Casper isn't inconsiderate or anything like that, he's actually fairly reasonable.

And so am I. But the point is, when your emotional state is out of balance, it ovverrides your reason and logical thought processes. And, as Noelle said, as of late, this place is somewhat of a downer. Multiple people, negative people, are sapping things. Even them, it's not their fault. Because that's what emotions do by nature.

I try to remain as calm and clear headed as I can. But, if and when I'm angry, all of that goes out the window. So, the point is, to try and not let your emotions dictate who you are, and let your head dictate the emotions that make sense.

Like I said, Casp is stuck in the trap. She, he, or they, know that you don't mean to sound smug. And yet they started something anyway. They let that emotion, that need to attack drive them forwards even though they knew you didn't mean anything bad by it.

It all comes down to the simple fact, that this place could use a little more sunshine.

Have you ever considered being a councilor?

I'd make a terrible councilor. I have empathy because of the pain and trauma in my life. I do my best to understand because through another pair of eyes you can spot things that you would normally miss by yourself.

But I am not a person to ask for advice of help.

Right now? I'm ripping myself apart. And, the part of me that still makes a little sense knows it. But I can't seem to stop it. I attack myself. Turn and deflect things around on myself, and I wake up to days where I am completely crushed by despair and sadness.

But, there's a little spark left. It endures, and flickers, and reminds me of why I am here. Reminds me that not all is lost and hopeless. The point is, I am not fit for advice because my life is not whole, and it will be a long time before I can fit the pieces of the puzzle together, and truly make any sense.

From my perspective, your a tough son of a bitch. And your logical. I have full faith you can pull through of any situation, and I feel the sense of confidence but your real. I like you, I really do. Your humble.

I know life has been exceptionally tough, and I'm not going to give you any cliches. But think of this. For everything you have gone through, all the hardship. When you step outside, and you see your home, your area. It is your home. And your happy to see it, and you can legitimately say at the second that you conquered it all, and live to stand proud in the place you truly love.

It does not matter what your life is, a suicidal man can have an impact on another human being. That's the basic human connection. Everyone can benefit, no matter how broken you are. You seem to have the capacity, and I see that. And you saying your not whole, but yet you still show the same potential, speaks loudly for who you are.

Never degrade yourself, you truly are a gift to the world. If even people you do not know, or will ever meet believe that, then imagine all the possibilities.

I understand the concept of "it all leads to something." If I hadn't gone through every bad day I have to reach this point, then I wouldn't be the person I am now. Remove those days, those experiences, and you get a different person. But I can only say these things. Going through some of the bad days, is easier said than done.

And it's hard, not to lose hope that through the bad you might find something worthwhile. Most of all, I know it's not my fault. Part of it is the Fall weather. With it comes a weight. A constant heaviness. And I know what it is. It's the light. The sunlight changes up here int he fall and winter. Folks don't get enough. And people are susceptible to the environment, to varying degrees.

I am suceptable to this change. I can tell, the immidiate day that it is officially fall because of the at weight that arrives. And, that weight, that outside depression, feeds the inside one. I can't fight both off at once. But, once the winter comes, I'll be feeling a little less blue. I can smell it in the air already. That pure cold.

Then find warmth and light in the people you love and call family. Friends and families come together during the winter, because of all those reasons.

Oho, oh no my friend. I find my peace in winter in the solitary manner. When I work outside, alone, it's another world. It's just me and the cold. Big snowsuit. Like stepping foot on another world in a spacesuit. I'll take some pictures when and if the snow arrives. You will see.

I look forward to it

BasedLove | Ascended Posting Rampage
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XBL: Dildact
ID: BreedLove
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1,315 posts
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Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
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19,117 posts

- korrie
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What's the point of being in a community where everything you share has you branded has someone who is conceited.

Somehow, everything I say gets completely turned around.

Maybe you are just an asshole?

Still confused.

Have I done something to you in the past? Or something?

You exist.

Seriously though, like did we ever get in an argument or something. Or do you genuinely dislike me simply because I am here

You post blog types threads about your emotions and shit.

And you spam pictures of a 12 year old boy telling us how much you want to fuck him.
I just imagined Bale's Batman saying that...


Stop insulting Ellen faggots.

Why is Justin Bieber wearing a wig?

The Lord Porch | Posting Frenzy
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ID: Porch Lord
IP: Logged

449 posts
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What's the point of being in a community where everything you share has you branded has someone who is conceited.

Somehow, everything I say gets completely turned around.

Maybe you are just an asshole?

Still confused.

Have I done something to you in the past? Or something?

You exist.

Seriously though, like did we ever get in an argument or something. Or do you genuinely dislike me simply because I am here

You post blog types threads about your emotions and shit.

And you spam pictures of a 12 year old boy telling us how much you want to fuck him.
I just imagined Bale's Batman saying that...


Stop insulting Ellen faggots.

wtf is this ugly shit

BasedLove | Ascended Posting Rampage
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XBL: Dildact
ID: BreedLove
IP: Logged

1,315 posts
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BasedLove | Ascended Posting Rampage
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XBL: Dildact
ID: BreedLove
IP: Logged

1,315 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

BC | Legendary Inconceivable!
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ID: BC1096
IP: Logged

7,836 posts
Oh, hey.
Y'know, I never heard a saint talking about all the good they've done.

There are no saints. Everybody has baggage. Everybody has a bad side. The reason you've never heard them speak about it, is because they're a myth. A saint is not some holier than thou person. We are all flawed. But that doesn't change the fact people have the capability in them to do something special for others, even if it's small.
I'm not saying what he did wasn't good.  It's always nice to do something for other people.  But just like people don't like hearing about all the bad things in someone's life, doesn't mean people want to hear about all the good either.  You did something good?  Hey great! It feels nice to do something for others out of kindness, but don't go around looking for recognition and acceptance of what you did.  That's  petty.  Just know that what you did made someone happy and that should be good enough.

What's the point of being in a community where everything you share has you branded has someone who is conceited.

Somehow, everything I say gets completely turned around.

Maybe you are just an asshole?

Still confused.

Have I done something to you in the past? Or something?

You exist.

Seriously though, like did we ever get in an argument or something. Or do you genuinely dislike me simply because I am here

You post blog types threads about your emotions and shit.

And you spam pictures of a 12 year old boy telling us how much you want to fuck him.
I just imagined Bale's Batman saying that...


Stop insulting Ellen faggots.

wtf is this ugly shit

You know I love her right?
That's pretty sad and obsessive.

Let him be

Jive Turkey | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Jive Turkey
IP: Logged

6,991 posts
legit teared up reading this man wow :')

Jive Turkey | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Jive Turkey
IP: Logged

6,991 posts
OP this is the greatest thread to ever have been made on this site

Death | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: giant nubbz
ID: Death
IP: Logged

2,701 posts
I am always around, but never seen. I am often avoided, but you can't out run me. for I will come when you're old and grey, or maybe even the very next day. I will come with cold embrace, and give you rest with a chilled kiss on your face. I come in many forms of emotional state, whether it's irony, love, laughter, or hate. I am everyone's final fate.
What the hell happened in here.

BC | Legendary Inconceivable!
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ID: BC1096
IP: Logged

7,836 posts
Oh, hey.
OP this is the greatest thread to ever have been made on this site

No, Gatsby's caption thread is easily the best.

BC | Legendary Inconceivable!
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ID: BC1096
IP: Logged

7,836 posts
Oh, hey.
OP this is the greatest thread to ever have been made on this site

No, Gatsby's caption thread is easily the best.
Can't really argue that.

It's entirely true

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
What the hell happened in here.

I appear to have done something vaguely constructive in here be replying to anything that moved before I went to sleep last night. Hmm. Neat.

BC | Legendary Inconceivable!
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ID: BC1096
IP: Logged

7,836 posts
Oh, hey.
What the hell happened in here.

I appear to have done something vaguely constructive in here be replying to anything that moved before I went to sleep last night. Hmm. Neat.

That's exactly what happened. We had a good conversation and I'm glad we had it. You wise fool.

By the way, I would have never in a thousand years guessed your were 22. You look like a Nordic warlord